Fairy Tail RP

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    Yugiri Ryuchi


    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 13
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Yugiri Ryuchi

    Post by Yugiri 1st February 2018, 7:13 pm

    Yugiri Ryuchi IN8cskF

    Name: Yugiri Ryuchi
    Gender: Female
    Age: 398 years
    Birthday: 1/28
    Sexuality: Lesbian
    Special Characteristics: Very discreet draconic scales for skin.


    • Outside battle- Outside of battle, Yugiri is a mixture of many things. Curious but quiet. She can be very reserved and often has conflicting emotions and thoughts about the world above the waves. On one hand, she loves the new experiences and knowledge, but she is deeply in turmoil about her past and the deep divide that separates her from humans. To most, she treats with indifference or dis-contempt if they are disagreeable to her eyes or actions. She is quick to judge people and does not easily forgive, as is the way of her kind. Long-lived, she understands time differently than those around her. Minutes, days and hours are a new concept to her and she is often late due to forgetting or getting lost in time and thought. Despite her differences to human culture, she loves the culture of the human: especially their fashion. Unlike below the waves where she wore nothing- she has found that in the land above the waves, there is a thing called fashion where humans wear cloth to mix and match styles and colors. In a very girly manner, she had sound this to her fascination. Along with fashion, she had become a glutton for the foods of the land above the waves. Though there are so many good dishes and flavors, she still prefers seafood. Due to its familiarity. Also, as a daughter of the sea, she loves to sing. She possesses an amazing voice, but she doesn't deem humans fit to hear the songs of the sea.
    • Inside battle- Inside battle, others might say that she is a very different person. Truth be told, if you knew her well enough or paid enough attention- you would see that she is more true to her nature when in combat than not. She has an insatiable lust for battle, due to various reasons- though the biggest that as member of the dragon family, she prides herself to be the top of the food chain. For the most part she remains calm still and refined, yet she is more lively, talkative and aggressive. Battle for her is a struggle for life and death, often than not- her fights are mortal combative in nature, though she understands the importance of sparring to sharpen each other's fangs and claws. Ruthless would be a good way to describe her battle nature, efficient and cares very little for indirect or vicarious methods to victory. To her, victory through underhanded means or roundabout fighting is not her style and very distasteful. As a prideful dragon-kind, she does not take orders. Rather, she finds reasons to align herself with the orders of her "superiors" yet she would never think a human to be her superior. The same can be said about leading others. She cares little indeed for leading the lesser races, as they are considered food to her kind: albeit there is wisdom from her elders to not underestimate humans. As such, she treats them as near-worthy adversaries in both combat and intellect. All in all, she trusts them very little and is quick to judge them by their deeds and words- skeptical and paranoid, especially during battle. She is always contemplating the motives behind humans based on their words and actions.


    • -Seafood: Seafood is Yugiri's favorite foot, especially roasted fish.
    • -Dango: Yugiri's second favorite food and far more convenient to carry around.
    • -Fashion: Yugiri loves fashion, especially beach fashion.


    • -Sour food: Yugiri's sharp tastebuds don't agree with sour foods.
    • -Color orange: Probably the ugliest color ever, she refuses to wear it despite its close similarity to gold.
    • -Rude people: Rude people are the easiest turnoff for Yugiri. She'd turn down a job even if the customer was desperate, if they were rude to her.


    • -Administering judgement to humans: Whether redeemed or doomed, Yugiri has made it her personal mission to judge all of human kind.
    • -Seeking revenge on the guild Black Sails: Due to a long history with the pirates of Fiore, Yugiri and her kin have taken a great disliking to the Black Sails guild.
    • -Hunting monsters: As the top of the food chain, Yugiri has made it  hobby to hunt down the most fearsome land and sea creatures.


    • -Dishonoring her kind: As one who is draconic yet resembles human, she teeters on a fence while trying to uphold the teachings of her kind and yet fit in to human society without being influenced by them.
    • -Failing to uphold revenge: Her enemies are many in number and there are several powerful ones. If she were to act rashly, she would not succeed in her revenge.
    • -Dying: As she knows she is not th eost powerful being, yet even with her lofty goals- she understands that she treads a dangerous path.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 130lbs
    Hair: Platinum blonde, typiclaly straightened and very long- down passed her hips. Also has a braided strand on the left side.
    Eyes: Blue
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Yugiri is a woman of average height and an imposing aura. The way she holds her posture and demeanor gives her a sense of elegance and royalty, classy and quite refined. Due to her long platinum blonde hair and fair complexion, she is considered a real beauty by both man and woman alike. Even among her own kind, she was considered beautiful, though in part that was due to the blood of her mother. Truth be told, if any had seen the humanoid form of her mother, they couldn't tell Yugiri apart from her mother. Yugiri stands at five foot six inches, just average or maybe a little taller than other women. Her long platinum hair extends straight down her waist and holds an unnatural vibrancy and silkiness, akin to the silky smoothness of her skin despite the near-untraceable scales of her skin. On the left side of her hair, she has a single long braid. Her eyes are a deep blue akin to the sea, though her eyes resemble that of a serpent, dagger-like and not oval. Her bust is a bit above average with a 40D. Her figure is sim but curvy with her blessed body and yet she holds a slight muscular tone. 

    Her clothing usually consists of a set of armor, specifically for battle and unknown circumstances. The armor itself is an ivory color with ash color pieces here and there to accentuate the engravings of the armor. When wearing the armor, her figure seems more imposing, taller and more muscular than she really is. She wears other clothing too however, a myriad of shapes colors and sizes, though she likes to wear popular styles and seasonal clothing to imitate humans. Her favorite normal attire however is a pair of black skin tight capris, a white loosely fitted blouse and a short sports shirt to cover her bosom. A gold belt adorns her waist and compliments the handful of thin golden bracelets on her left arm. A short red tie keeps her blouse tied together and matches her red heelless shoes.


    Guild: Black Rose
    Tattoo: Left hip, black in color
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Yugiri on 1st February 2018, 9:07 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Yugiri Ryuchi

    Post by kittykool75 1st February 2018, 8:53 pm

    Hello Yugiri, I'm the moderator looking over your character application, and there is one thing you need to do before I approve this. You need to add at least one sentence to explain each one of their likes, dislikes, motivations and fears. Once you've made this edit, you can go ahead and bump this thread.


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Yugiri Ryuchi 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 13
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Re: Yugiri Ryuchi

    Post by Yugiri 1st February 2018, 9:08 pm




    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Yugiri Ryuchi

    Post by kittykool75 1st February 2018, 9:48 pm


    Yugiri Ryuchi SESFcGa


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Yugiri Ryuchi 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:18 pm