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    [Basilisk Fang] Asserting Dominance


    [Basilisk Fang] Asserting Dominance Empty [Basilisk Fang] Asserting Dominance

    Post by Guest 9th December 2017, 10:38 am

    Job Title: 
    Asserting Dominance


    Player Requirements: 
    -Thread word count 25k
    - Drank: 2'000 words
    - C Rank: 4'000 words
    - B Rank: 8'000 words
    - A Rank: 12'000 words
    - S Rank: 16'000 words
    - At least 5 Basilisk Fang guild members
    - Fulfill all goals

    Job Requirements:

    - Take down the stronghold
    - Take out the Rune Knight threat
    - Obtain the high profile target to torture for information later

    Job Location: 

    Job Description: 
    The serpents that call the treacherous and dangerous peek of Mount Hakobe have been quiet for far too long, to the point that no one seems to remember them or just how dangerous they truly are. What no one outside the guild seems to realize is that this was part of their plan the whole time, after all, what kind of predator attacks with the prey expecting it? The prey fights, resists or tries to flee regardless of their inevitable fate leading to the predator becoming tired, injured or both even on occasion luring them into a less than desirable situation where the predator can quickly become the pray. Waiting silently within the shadows they have been biding their time for something, for what no one but the cunning guild masters know and they've deemed that now is the time to strike terror back into Fiore reminding them that nothing and no one is safe from them or their terrifying and deadly reach.

    During their apparent 'dormant' stage they had gained much information from the battle plans of the rune knight to the blueprints to one of the magic councils most fortified strongholds that a senior member of the magic council will be visiting in the near future. It is now the serpents see their target and wait quietly for the day that quickly approaches to bare their fangs once more showing that Basilisk Fang is still a force to be feared throughout Earthland as you never know where they will strike or when, but that when they do it will be silent and deadly as no one is spared their wrath regardless of gender, profession or age.


    x4 Trainees Rune Knights - These are the initiates hoping to eventually become fully fledged Rune Knights. Even though initiates they still use basic elemental magic that does C rank damage and can hit up to three people at once. Their sword strikes deal D rank damage. They require 5 hits each to take down.

    x4 Junior Rune Knights – These are the day to day Rune Knights you would see sent out for scouting and investigating rumors of dark guilds and legal guilds doing things they shouldn't be. Just because they do the grunt work doesn't mean that they shouldn't be serious, these Rune knights can use basic and advanced elemental magic and are often re-quip mages. Their magic does B rank damage where their weapons will do C rank damage. They require 7 hits each to take down.

    x2 Elite Rune Knights – These are the cream of the crop they are only sent out when no others will do. They have mastered elemental magic and re-quip magic, they also are able to heal and shield as B rank mages. Their magic Deals 1.5x B rank damage and their weapons will deal 1.5x C rank damage. They require 12 hits each to take down.

    Maakal Veiss – This is the commander of this stronghold, they have gained the trust of the magic council and act as the personal guard of the visiting magic council member. They are well versed in elemental magic but specialize in gravity magic and traps, they are able to heal and shield as a B rank mage and are prone to immobilization and knockbacks. The can once per turn null a single spell of a random enemy. Their magic deals A rank damage while their weapon deals B rank damage.

    Double exp, 200'000 Jewel for the guild + 10'000 for each person who took part

    -- Credit to Tamashi

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 11:08 am