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    Atlas Vega


    Imagination Sovereign

    Imagination Sovereign

    Posts : 113
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ╳ Imaginary Element ╳
    Second Skill: ╳ Mystic Eyes ╳
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    Atlas Vega Empty Atlas Vega

    Post by Evan 15th November 2017, 5:44 pm

    Atlas Vega 52F0I7Y

    Astraios, the Deity of the Stars

    Atlas Vega


    Physically: Twenty One
    Spiritually: Soul was formed eons ago.

    January 2


    Personality: If there was one word that this god would use to describe himself, it would probably be: apathetic. Due to Atlas having a simple life growing up, basically being pampered and treated like royalty, he grew up somewhat lazy and doesn’t really care what happens around him. He is an expert at hiding his negative emotions so when people are watching he usually has a mischievous smile on his face as if he’s plotting something. Which to be fair, he usually is. He puts the most effort into bugging other people. Even then, he doesn’t like overdoing it to a point where it becomes boring to him. He strongly dislikes spending too much time trying to interact with people as the more you get attached to people, the more you put in an effort to see them. Atlas doesn’t want to spend time around the same people for too long so he generally enjoys trying to influence people in the short time they will meet. Due to the collective knowledge of all the inheritors of Astraios’ soul, Atlas can easily demonstrate the knowledge that he has been blessed to learn about. So, at times, he can come off as very narcissistic just because when he uses the knowledge given to him, he often speaks of it with condescending tones. However, once someone can get past his tough words and tendency to leave, he will treat them as an equal, considering they have put in the effort to stay near him.

    Atlas is usually alone which he enjoys because it means he can take a break from the stress of all his duties and feel like a normal person for once. Usually, he is generally secluded from people in order to get the most of his relaxation time. Atlas is somewhat social awkward in that, he doesn’t know what social customs are for Fiore. He grew up somewhere completely different so where he’s from, he might have been treated like royalty but in some parts of Fiore, some people immediately wanted to kill him. It doesn’t really matter since Atlas will usually treat people like playthings until he finds someone who can be on equal ground with him. So, while being alone is nice, he doesn’t mind spending the occasional night or two on the town, drinking the night away. Being antisocial is pretty fun but sometimes you need company around you.

    Atlas enjoys making people smile as it’s usually the easiest way as people to remember him by. He’s someone that brought out the best in a person, no matter how much he may have teased them before. It’s much easier to have people remember them through happy moments as opposed to torturing or murdering people close to them. It’s a lot more interesting but it’s not a positive memory. Atlas’ life was always full of happy moments so he wants to bless people with experiences similar to ones that he had growing up. Be careful about teasing him though. He has a razor sharp wit and will always have something to say back. Who you are won’t stop him from saying what’s on his mind and this won’t stop him from talking back to even those who are legitimately superior to him.

    In battle, Atlas prefers staying back and doing behind the scenes stuff such as surveillance, reconnaissance and assassinations. If you are in the front, that requires a lot more effort than needed to make sure your spells are flashy enough so that everyone can see how powerful you are. Simply having a god soul should prove that enough should it not? Either way, he’s able to support himself in hand to hand combat as well as with his own magic. He tries not to charge head into battle but sometimes, the rush of adrenaline from the heat of the moment motivated him to fight harder and shut down everything in his path.

    As a leader, Atlas is near hopeless if you are one of the ones that he is leading. He doesn’t enjoy leading others as he finds it fun to see what they can achieve on their own. It is unfair to add him to the side of the battle but making him leader just makes it boring as well. They could be having a monumental war and the fact that he can end when he wants makes the ‘human’ victory feel a lot more shallow in the end. If he is forced to be leader, then he will do it but most of the time, he will just fade into the background, letting someone else lead the group or seeing if they can march without a leader to follow, and watch them rally together and either conquer together or fall divided.


    • Doing Nothing • After seeing how much inheriting the God’s Soul, physically and mentally tore down his mother, he’s motivated to do his job with as little work as possible. So, basically, if he has nothing do to, he is doing a good job since he shouldn’t be stressed.

    • Humor • While his body may be of a young adult’s, he basically has the comical sense of a five year old. A lot of things will make him laugh and he enjoys making other people laugh. It allows him to get closer to other people a lot easier.

    • Teasing • Going back to before, his five year old sense of humor will cause him to find getting reaction out of people quite hilarious. So much so, that he works really hard in order to get a reaction out of people and the more explosive, the better.


    • Putting In Effort • Being a naturally lazy person, putting in effort, in his opinion, is just a huge waste of time. He isn’t even supposed to be acting on Earthland, so there isn’t a point into putting 100% into people who will not remember you.

    • Serious Moods • Everything being serious is a big buzzkill and when everything where you came from was already serious, it’s nice to be on Earthland with a change of pace. It’s also hard for Atlas to remain in a serious mood without getting mildly annoyed.

    • Optimism • It’s generally irritating to deal with optimism and blind optimism as when people open their eyes they can realize that there is a lot of shit to deal with in life and being peppy about everything isn’t going to make it better.


    • Being Remembered • People of Earthland tend to easily forget their interactions with those with the souls of gods but Atlas is motivated to touch someone’s life so sincerely that it becomes nearly impossible to forget him, as a person and as a god.

    • Discovering Traditions • Being from an entirely different realm, Atlas doesn’t know what the customs and traditions of Earthland are. So, in terms of a lot of social customs, Atlas isn’t aware of what to do and each day it’s more exciting.

    • Become the Face of Astraios • It’s easy to be forgotten within all the incarnations of a god but Atlas is determined to become the incarnation that becomes remembered eternally throughout time for his actions, whether good or bad. It’s depending on how he feels.


    • Failing to Live Up to His Name • There is a lot of burdens when one becomes the inheritor of a god soul and the biggest concern is becoming a failure in the line of those who have had Astraios’ soul is not living up to all the standards previously set. Atlas is horrified of what might happen should he screw up what everyone’s expectations of Astraios are.

    • Death • The minute he inherited the soul, was when he lost his individuality. He wasn’t quite Atlas anymore but became one of the personalities of Astraios. When he dies, he becomes just another part of the soul. He is never at rest and he is always assisting the next in line. Considering he already doesn’t want to do anything while alive, this just sounds like a never ending hell for him.

    • Corruption • Should the inheritor of the soul fall into a deep enough state of despair and depravity, the soul of the deity will become corrupted and will be beyond purification. The inheritor will forget who they were and the god that they once were until someone who knows them says their name, only then can the soul and body be saved.

    General Appearance


    162 lbs

    Black with white highlights

    Sky Blue

    Skin Tone:

    Atlas has a very well toned body type as well as having a rather formal looking set of armor. However, most of the time, his hair is a mix of bed head and him spiking it up where he thinks it looks good.



    On his shoulder blade in blue



    Atlas Vega T0bRXJv

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Atlas Vega Empty Re: Atlas Vega

    Post by kittykool75 15th November 2017, 6:40 pm


    Atlas Vega SESFcGa


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Atlas Vega 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

      Current date/time is 14th June 2024, 4:18 am