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    Celestial Spirit Magic

    Peter Pan
    Peter Pan

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 8
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Celestial Spirit Magic Empty Celestial Spirit Magic

    Post by Peter Pan 2nd October 2017, 1:17 pm


    Primary Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Secondary Magic: --
    Caster or Holder: Holder
    Description: Celestial Spirit Magic is a holder type magic with a long tradition of contractual arrangements between the holder of a Spirit Gate Key, and the Celestial Spirit it is linked to. As many constellations are in the sky is as many keys that exist, so it's no surprise that they are a recognizable type of magic, and keys are often owned by wealthy civilians as expensive, exotic pets. The usual Celestial Gate Key is silver, though there exists still 12 Golden Keys, each one belonging to a Zodiac Spirit with unique and powerful magic.

    All things considered, Killian is a very typical Celestial Spirit Mage. They use their Spirits as their preliminary line of attack and defense. Since thry aren't innately strong they try not to get involved in the conflict unless their Spirit is in real danger, or is about to be dealt an exceedingly painful blow. Killian understands Celestial Spirits are individuals with feelings, even immortals feel pain and thusly he won't push a Spirit to continue if they get hurt. He's the sort of guy to treat his Spirits as friends, though he can only support then so much.

    • Allows him to summon powerful allies to fight for him.
    • Long combat sustainability, each Spirit can hold their own.
    • Telepathic uplink between himself and the spirit's he's contracted allows for tactical advice where needed, and the issuing of silent orders.


    • Provides very little aside the Spirits themselves with which to defend the Holder.
    • If Holder is KO'd the Spirits are dismissed, except in special circumstances.
    • Without the keys, Killian is worthless.
    • Aforementioned Telepathic link can be hacked by Telepaths, and is otherwise liable to distract him if too many people are talking at once.

    Aspect of Pluto:
    Unique Abilities:

    • Spirit Friend: Once per thread, a Spirit he owns the key to can summon itself from the Celestial Spirit world to tank a single attack he would otherwise be unable to avoid without his prompting, even if he lacks the key to do it. This can be done for free, in which case it is immediately dismissed and put on cooldown. Otherwise, he can pay it's cost and have it continue the battle as normal, subtracting the appropriate sum of damage.
    • Spirit Clothes: He wears exclusively fabric from the Celestial Spirit world, which allows him to take 10% (+5% per rank above D capping at 25% at A) reduced damage from attacks aimed at him. This damage reduction does not pass along to his spirits, and doesn't apply to attacks from those native to the Celestial Spirit World. This doesn't stack with Armor Equipment, but does with spells.
    • Slightly Corrupt: All spells cast by his Celestial Spirits, if elemental, can only be eaten by God Slayers. They also have 30% additional resistance to Dark Elemental damage, and Dark Elemental Spells cost 5% more to target them. This effectively passes Killian's Lineage benefits to those who benefit more. This doesn't affect Golden Keys.


    Name: Lepus, Gate of the Hare
    Rank: D
    Type: Summon - Silver Key
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Description: Lepus is an upbeat hyperactive, edgy coolkid who likes obscure, outdated Celestial Spirit things. His specialization is agility and offense, using high mobility as a Hare Anthro to avoid his foes' line of attacks and sometimes line of vision, and deliver devastating kicks from strange angles.

    • Highly Mobile Attack Spirit.
    • Exceptional Leg Strength.


    • Is relatively annoying, and prone to disobeying orders in order to do 'something cooler'.
    • Pretty Weak and Frail upper body.
    • Relies solely on Melee attacks.

    Key Appearance:

    Name: Leo Minor, Gate of the Lesser Lion
    Rank: D
    Type: Summon - Silver Key
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Description: Kind of a bratty Celestial Spirit from a noble family in the Celestial Spirit world. He is Zodiac Spirit Leo's younger brother and thusly commands an amount of respect and authority over other silver keys. His attitude needs adjustment, but his combat skills make it worth tolerating him, at least for now.

    • Can draw strength from the Regulus just like his big bro, though not as well.


    • Grating superiority complex and a tendency to call his own shots, if not Killian's as well.
    • Attacks are bright, and may attract unwanted attention, or blind allies.

    Key Appearance:

    Name: Saggita, Gate of the Arrow
    Rank: D
    Type: Summon - Silver Key
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Description: Saggita is a Celestial Spirit that is effectively an 'arrow' which acts very similarly to a non-sentient weapon, though is in fact a sentient being with thoughts and feelings. Despite this fact, it takes the form and function of a magical spear, with a cluster of feathers hanging off one end. It grants it's wielder proficiency, mostly by re-aiming their strikes.

    • Makes up for the wielder's lack of skill by doing the fighting for them.
    • Can be wielded by anyone Killian wishes, not just Killian. It also picks and chooses who can wield it by making attacks miss.


    • Lacks majority of combat power without a wielder.
    • Still counts toward total summons, despite being equipment.
    • Sometimes disagrees with Killian on who should wield it.


    Name: Canes Venatici, Gate of the Hunting Dogs
    Rank: D
    Type: Summon - Silver Key
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Description: Canes Venatici is a multiplicity of summons in a single summon, calling forth 6 attack dogs which fight for the summoner. Each one only has a sixth of the HP of a full summon of the same rank (each having about 8 HP), but their power is none the worse for wear. The lot of them are varied in personality and looks, but they are all hound-like in appearance. It is to be noted that there are an incredibly large number of Hunting Dogs in the Celestial Spirit World, and this summons six of them in a seemingly random combination. Sometimes it doesn't go so well, other times it goes almost too well.

    • Grants immediate numbers advantage to the Summoner.
    • Only counts as one summon.
    • Swarm Tactics make them a menace to enemies in any scenario.


    • Individuals are very frail.
    • Many personalities means some personalities clash as well. It's only natural.
    • They are easily tricked by dog things like fetch and belly rubs, if one thinks to play that way.
    • Area of Effect Spells can thin their numbers very quickly. Even if you can't get them all with one spell, their swarm tactics will falter if they can't swarm.

    General Appearance:
    Key Appearance:

    Name: Andromeda, Gate of the Chained Lady
    Rank: Scales with User up to S (Signature)
    Type: Summon - Black Key (Unknown)
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: None (Signature)
    Description: Andromeda was once known as the Spirit King's Daughter, The Princess. Her power was great, it was said that anyone contracted to her was destined for victory. However, she was haughty: Her confidence in her power made her overconfident. She staged a coup against the current Celestial Spirit King, her father, in an attempt to usurp his throne early, and yet with no backing from her peers, she was cast out from the Celestial Spirit World for her treachery.

    Andromeda was left to eventually perish in the human world, her vast power was enough to sustain her for many years. During this time, she could only feel regret for her actions. All the while she discovered life as a mortal being, the bonds of friendship the humans developed with one another. She made her way in the world by joining a Mage Guild, and became a member of a human family. Over the years, her power grew weaker and weaker and yet all she wanted to do was keep helping her friends at the guild, most importantly, one who she considered her lover. In her desperation to keep on living, she saught a means to regain her status as a Celestial Spirit.

    And she discovered one, but it was an elementally dark ritual which entailed forging a contract with the night sky. She looked past the dangers of the ritual for the sake of her lover, and followed through. This ritual would bind her to the sky in shackles of darkness, turning her into a constellation, one which did not reside in the Spirit World, yet fed on Celestial Energy. The only way she could be released from these shackles was if her lover unlocked them with the Black Key that became her medium. All of this was acceptable to her. What she didn't anticipate was the ritual transforming her into something otherworldly, something which was awe-inspiring, yet terrified her lover.

    Try as she might to explain how little it changed her, her lover could not overcome his fear and pity, and so he refused to summon her, tossing her key in a lake. This left her alone for decades, even centuries, until this black key was found by a young boy who was drowning in the lake. Ever since Andromeda saved his life, Killian has considered her his best friend, or maybe closer to a soul mate. He looks past her visage to see who she really is, and encourages others to do so.

    • While the Night Sky periodically pulls her back, she can be called back almost instantly and keep fighting, good as new.
    • No Celestial Spirits will recognise her, so anyone can only guess her power set.


    • Less effective against light element users.
    • If KO'd, needs 5 posts of cooldown to regain her full strength.
    • Easily misunderstood by people, on account of looking like a glowing shadow monster

    Key Appearance:

    List of Spell Fusions:(Locked until B rank)

    Name (Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? H, S, A, B, C, or D)
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Fused Spells(What Spells Went into the Fusion and their Ranks?)

    Last edited by Peter Pan on 2nd October 2017, 9:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Celestial Spirit Magic Empty Re: Celestial Spirit Magic

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 2nd October 2017, 9:16 pm

    Hey Jiyu Kazehime/Kitty here, my grading is done in this color, its lovely to see A Celestial mage, hopefully we can get through these edits quick and you can thus summon all the lovely summons here~
    Peter Pan wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Secondary Magic: --
    Caster or Holder: Holder
    Description: Celestial Spirit Magic is a holder type magic with a long tradition of contractual arrangements between the holder of a Spirit Gate Key, and the Celestial Spirit it is linked to. As many constellations are in the sky is as many keys that exist, so it's no surprise that they are a recognizable type of magic, and keys are often owned by wealthy civilians as expensive, exotic pets. The usual Celestial Gate Key is silver, though there exists still 12 Golden Keys, each one belonging to a Zodiac Spirit with unique and powerful magic.

    All things considered, Killian is a very typical Celestial Spirit Mage. They use their Spirits as their preliminary line of attack and defense. Since thry aren't innately strong they try not to get involved in the conflict unless their Spirit is in real danger, or is about to be dealt an exceedingly painful blow. Killian understands Celestial Spirits are individuals with feelings, even immortals feel pain and thusly he won't push a Spirit to continue if they get hurt. He's the sort of guy to treat his Spirits as friends, though he can only support then so much.

    • Allows him to summon powerful allies to fight for him.
    • Long combat sustainability, each Spirit can hold their own.
    • Telepathic uplink between himself and the spirit's he's contracted allows for tactical advice where needed, and the issuing of silent orders.


    • Provides very little aside the Spirits themselves with which to defend the Holder.
    • If Holder is KO'd the Spirits are dismissed, except in special circumstances.
    • Without the keys, Killian is worthless.
    • Aforementioned Telepathic link can be hacked by Telepaths, and is otherwise liable to distract him if too many people are talking at once.

    Aspect of Pluto:
    Unique Abilities:

    • Spirit Friend: Once per thread, a Spirit can summon itself from the Celestial Spirit world to tank a single attack he would otherwise be unable to avoid without his prompting, even if he lacks the key to do it. This can be done for free, in which case it is immediately dismissed and put on cooldown. Otherwise, he can pay it's cost and have it continue the battle as normal, subtracting the appropriate sum of damage. Please state you can only summon a spirit for this if you own its key, just as a simple formality
    • Spirit Clothes: He wears exclusively fabric from the Celestial Spirit world, which allows him to take 10% (+5% per rank above D capping at 30 at S) reduced damage from attacks aimed at him. This damage reduction does not pass along to his spirits, and doesn't apply to attacks from those native to the Celestial Spirit World. This doesn't stack with Armor Equipment, but does with spells. Please lower the damage reduction to 25%
    • Slightly Corrupt: All spells cast by his Celestial Spirits, if elemental, can only be eaten by God Slayers. They also have 30% additional resistance to Dark Elemental damage, and Dark Elemental Spells cost 5% more to target them. This effectively passes Killian's Lineage benefits to those who benefit more. Please state that this doesn't affect golden keys.


    Name: Lepus, Gate of the Hare
    Rank: D
    Type: Summon - Silver Key
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Description: Lepus is an upbeat hyperactive, edgy coolkid who likes obscure, outdated Celestial Spirit things. His specialization is agility and offense, using high mobility as a Hare Anthro to avoid his foes' line of attacks and sometimes line of vision, and deliver devastating kicks from strange angles.

    • Highly Mobile Attack Spirit.
    • Exceptional Leg Strength.


    • Is relatively annoying, and prone to disobeying orders in order to do 'something cooler'.
    • Pretty Weak and Frail upper body.
    • Relies solely on Melee attacks.

    Key Appearance:

    Name: Leo Minor, Gate of the Lesser Lion
    Rank: D
    Type: Summon - Silver Key
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Description: Kind of a bratty Celestial Spirit from a noble family in the Celestial Spirit world. He is Zodiac Spirit Leo's younger brother and thusly commands an amount of respect and authority over other silver keys. His attitude needs adjustment, but his combat skills make it worth tolerating him, at least for now.

    • Can draw strength from the Regulus just like his big bro, though not as well.


    • Grating superiority complex and a tendency to call his own shots, if not Killian's as well.
    • Attacks are bright, and may attract unwanted attention, or blind allies.

    Key Appearance:

    Name: Saggita, Gate of the Arrow
    Rank: D
    Type: Summon - Silver Key
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Description: Saggita is a Celestial Spirit that is effectively an 'arrow' which acts very similarly to a non-sentient weapon, though is in fact a sentient being with thoughts and feelings. Despite this fact, it takes the form and function of a magical spear, with a cluster of feathers hanging off one end. It grants it's wielder proficiency, mostly by re-aiming their strikes.

    • Makes up for the wielder's lack of skill by doing the fighting for them.
    • Can be wielded by anyone Killian wishes, not just Killian. It also picks and chooses who can wield it by making attacks miss.


    • Lacks majority of combat power without a wielder.
    • Still counts toward total summons, despite being equipment.
    • Sometimes disagrees with Killian on who should wield it.


    Name: Canes Venatici, Gate of the Hunting Dogs
    Rank: D
    Type: Summon - Silver Key
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Description: Canes Venatici is a multiplicity of summons in a single summon, calling forth 6 attack dogs which fight for the summoner. Each one only has a sixth of the HP of a full summon of the same rank (each having about 8 HP), but their power is none the worse for wear. The lot of them are varied in personality and looks, but they are all hound-like in appearance. It is to be noted that there are an incredibly large number of Hunting Dogs in the Celestial Spirit World, and this summons six of them in a seemingly random combination. Sometimes it doesn't go so well, other times it goes almost too well.

    • Grants immediate numbers advantage to the Summoner.
    • Only counts as one summon.
    • Swarm Tactics make them a menace to enemies in any scenario.


    • Individuals are very frail.
    • Many personalities means some personalities clash as well. It's only natural.
    • They are easily tricked by dog things like fetch and belly rubs, if one thinks to play that way.
    • Area of Effect Spells can thin their numbers very quickly. Even if you can't get them all with one spell, their swarm tactics will falter if they can't swarm.

    General Appearance:
    Key Appearance:

    Name: Andromeda, Gate of the Chained Lady
    Rank: Scales with User up to S (Signature)
    Type: Summon - Black Key (Unknown)
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Cooldown: None (Signature)
    Description: Andromeda was once known as the Spirit King's Daughter, The Princess. Her power was great, it was said that anyone contracted to her was destined for victory. However, she was haughty: Her confidence in her power made her overconfident. She staged a coup against the current Celestial Spirit King, her father, in an attempt to usurp his throne early, and yet with no backing from her peers, she was cast out from the Celestial Spirit World for her treachery.

    Andromeda was left to eventually perish in the human world, her vast power was enough to sustain her for many years. During this time, she could only feel regret for her actions. All the while she discovered life as a mortal being, the bonds of friendship the humans developed with one another. She made her way in the world by joining a Mage Guild, and became a member of a human family. Over the years, her power grew weaker and weaker and yet all she wanted to do was keep helping her friends at the guild, most importantly, one who she considered her lover. In her desperation to keep on living, she saught a means to regain her status as a Celestial Spirit.

    And she discovered one, but it was an elementally dark ritual which entailed forging a contract with the night sky. She looked past the dangers of the ritual for the sake of her lover, and followed through. This ritual would bind her to the sky in shackles of darkness, turning her into a constellation, one which did not reside in the Spirit World, yet fed on Celestial Energy. The only way she could be released from these shackles was if her lover unlocked them with the Black Key that became her medium. All of this was acceptable to her. What she didn't anticipate was the ritual transforming her into something otherworldly, something which was awe-inspiring, yet terrified her lover.

    Try as she might to explain how little it changed her, her lover could not overcome his fear and pity, and so he refused to summon her, tossing her key in a lake. This left her alone for decades, even centuries, until this black key was found by a young boy who was drowning in the lake. Ever since Andromeda saved his life, Killian has considered her his best friend, or maybe closer to a soul mate. He looks past her visage to see who she really is, and encourages others to do so.

    • While the Night Sky periodically pulls her back, she can be called back almost instantly and keep fighting, good as new.
    • No Celestial Spirits will recognise her, so anyone can only guess her power set.


    • Less effective against light element users.
    • If KO'd, needs 5 posts of cooldown to regain her full strength.
    • Easily misunderstood by people, on account of looking like a glowing shadow monster

    Key Appearance:

    List of Spell Fusions:(Locked until B rank)

    Name (Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? H, S, A, B, C, or D)
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Fused Spells(What Spells Went into the Fusion and their Ranks?)


    Celestial Spirit Magic Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Celestial Spirit Magic H6NcPbM Celestial Spirit Magic H6NcPbM Celestial Spirit Magic H6NcPbM Celestial Spirit Magic H6NcPbM

    Peter Pan
    Peter Pan

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 8
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Celestial Spirit Magic Empty Re: Celestial Spirit Magic

    Post by Peter Pan 2nd October 2017, 9:52 pm

    Edits made.


    Killian Skyport - Celestial Spirit Mage
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Celestial Spirit Magic Empty Re: Celestial Spirit Magic

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 4th October 2017, 4:06 pm




    Celestial Spirit Magic Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Celestial Spirit Magic H6NcPbM Celestial Spirit Magic H6NcPbM Celestial Spirit Magic H6NcPbM Celestial Spirit Magic H6NcPbM

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:11 pm