Fairy Tail RP

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    The Holy Grail!


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    The Holy Grail! Empty The Holy Grail!

    Post by Admin 27th February 2013, 3:37 am

    Job: The Holy Grail!
    Rank: S
    Player Requirements: 3 S-Ranked Wizards, Maximum of 6 S-Ranked Wizards. 50 posts minimum. 500 words each post. Must fulfill all of the Job Requirements!
    Job Requirements: Defeat the opposing team of Wizards, survive the onslaught waves of Homunculi, Defeat your former Teammates!

    Job Location: Forgotten Desert

    Job Description:
    A select few individuals are given the chance to fight for the Holy Grail! First the wizards are divided into two teams chosen at random by the Gods themselves and those on one unlucky team switch bodies with their team mate. These two teams fight until one team goes down.

    After the elimination the remaining wizards must survive wave after wave of Homunculi (3 waves spread over 12 posts).

    The first wave consists of Homunculi with mindboggling speed; their movements nearly unmatchable and they do decent damage.

    The second wave consists of Homunculi with great stamina and durability. These are 8 foot giants with skin tough as diamond and strength enough to bring down a castle in one hit. They are VERY slow.

    The third wave only has one homunculus. It appears as a normal human, but in fact is one of the most formidable creatures one may ever face. Speed, agility, power… It has it all.

    Once the waves are cleared and the Boss is defeated; you must fight against your former teammates! The last one standing is victorious!

    The victor is granted a certain fortune and an Artifact that best suits them.

    Other Wizards

    Speed Homunculus (A-ranked): Other than immense speed they possess sharp claws for fingers that can tear through any armour (Completely ignores any physical defences one might have. Deals A-rank damage per hit). Count: 30

    Bulwark Homunculus (S-ranked): One hit from these guys and you can be sure to have broken something. Their skin is as tough as diamond and status spells do not work on them. They can take immense damage and explode after they die (Takes 1 S-ranked damage to take them down and they reduce incoming damage by 50% due to their amazing durability, though since it comes entirely from their skin, perhaps damaging a specific part of it might eventually bypass their resistance... On a side note, each of their hits deal S-rank damage). Count: 15

    The Grand Homunculus (H-ranked): The final Boss. As fast as the Speed Homunculus and as tough as the Bulwark Homunculus. In addition they can use illusion magic and possess a very high intellect. Takes 10 S-ranked damages to take them down and have the same strengths of the Speed and Bulwark types. Deals S-rank damage per hit.

    Grand Homunculus' Spells:

    Reward: 70,000 Jewels and an Artifact Weapon or Artifact Armor

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:29 am