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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 2
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Anjin. Empty Anjin.

    Post by Anjin 20th July 2017, 10:00 am

    Name: Anjin
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Birthday: 09/21
    Sexuality: straight
    Special Characteristics: None

    Personality Plenty of people will dislike Anjin when they first meet him. You could say that he is full of himself and and it is fairly common for him to gloat about his accomplishments. He himself doesn’t realize that he acts this way however and instead thinks of himself as quite humble. But his heart of gold and his kindly nature usually wins people over. He tends to not think things through and instead just does what comes into his mind. This together with the fact that he’s quite impulsively tends to get him into various problems. However, due to this he has become quite skillful in talking himself out of trouble.Anjins parents believed that loyalty and honesty was the best traits one could have and therefore made sure to teach their son these traits. Because of this he is a man of his word and will not back down from a promise no matter the consequences.

    You could say that Anjin has a soft side to him. This soft side is the result of the trouble he has had in his life. He will try to solve the trouble of people in need even if it causes problem for himself later. However instead of simply solving the problem for them, he will listen to what they have to say and try to fix it with them. He believes it's better that way because then they will learn how to solve their trouble in the future.

    While Anjin certainly is capable of acting polite, He is more often than not extremely blunt and straight to the point.

    Anjin doesn’t have a grasp of strategy, and has a tendency to just recklessly charge in. His movements in combat is more based off his feelings instead off his logic. He tends to go completely overboard when he fights, not realizing the damage that occurs around him. No matter what his opponent tries to do, Anjin always tries to find a way to outdo them and overpower them. This is why, he can still be quite a dangerous enemy to have even if he isn't the most powerful mage ever.

    When he is in a team Anjin prefer to be a follower over being a leader. This is mostly because his lack of knowledge about strategy but another factor is that he simply isn't feeling that comfortable while in the position of a leader.

    As a follower he will follow the orders he is given. Though he might mutter a sarcastic remark if he believed that an order is partially stupid, but he will follow that order no matter how stupid. The only time he doesn't follow orders is if he views them as morally wrong.

    As a leader Anjin can't handle the weight of the responsibilities. Because of this he will more often than not break down. Especially if it is in a combat situation. When he breaks down he will start to scream out random orders without thinking them through. Many of these orders contradicts each others.

    Likes: Sailing: It brings back memories of his childhood.
    Reading: He finds it relaxing.
    Puns: Anjin, unlike most people, view puns as the highest form of comedy.
    Dislikes: Cold weather: He can’t handle it very well due to growing up in a varm climate.
    Herring: Growing up this was pretty much the only thing Anjin ate. Because of this he has grown to hate it.
    People who to act “edgy”: There’s nothing more annoying than someone who spends all day talking about how cruel and dark they are. Plus there has to be something wrong with that kind of people.
    Motivations: Fame: His highest wish is to be so famous that almost everybody knows who he is.
    Respect: There’s nothing that’s worth more than the respect of others according to Anjin.
    Having a good time: If you’re not having a good time then what’s the point?
    Fears: Small dogs: He was bitten by his neighbor's dog when he was young. Plus small dogs are always so aggressive. Big dogs are alright though.
    Being a nobody: He doesn’t want to be another face in the crowd.

    Being buried alive: He assumes that it's a very painful way to die.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5 feet and 9 inches
    Weight: 153 ibs
    Hair: Anjin has wavy and spiked dark-blond hair which is of medium length.
    Eyes: Green
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Anjin appearance is that of a tall, young man with thick eyebrows and very prominent eyelashes. He also has a very pointy chin. When it comes to attire, he wears a black turtleneck, simple pants with frayed hems and plain black shoes. He also wears a leather jacket with a folded, fur-trimmed collar and breast pockets on either side.


    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Tattoo: It’s royal blue in colour and on the back of his right hand.
    Rank: D

    Anjin. Empty Re: Anjin.

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 9:34 pm

    Anjin. XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:17 am