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    Hiroki Katsu |Complete|

    Hiroki Katsu
    Hiroki Katsu

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 11
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Auctoria Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Hiroki Katsu |Complete|

    Post by Hiroki Katsu 9th July 2017, 7:38 pm

    (If Asked to change, I will)
    Name: Hiroki Katsu
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Birthday: August 7th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Hiroki has a Large Scar on his back from when he was fighting an Axeman

    Personality: Outside of battle, Hiroki is Quite easygoing. He will crack jokes at many times. He acts more foolish then he is outside of battle.  He usually ends up doing something that messes things up for people around him, And himself. He tries not to but it's a second nature for him now. People sometimes try to avoid him due to him being this destructive unintentionally. Hiroki is a very determined Person, Once he gets to the point where he really wants something, He will try very hard to get it. Arrogance is a thing hated by Hiroki, To an arrogant person Hiroki will say "Get off of your High horse, Or i'll knock you off myself". As a child he had to deal with arrogant people who often thought they were better then him, The Wealthy, The middle class.  He has a large enjoyment for Junk food. He very much enjoys the people who respect him. As for Hiroki's thoughts on his family, He dosen't have any. As far as he knows his reletives are all dead. He dosen't know for sure, And he's determined to find out if there is any of his reletives left.

    Inside of battle Hiroki seems like a different person. He makes sure he doesn't underestimate his enemies. As arrogance is the thing that he dislikes the most. A weakness of him is he often tries to end a battle quickly, And will end up rushing in a battle.  When Hiroki gets too absorbed into a battle, He will become Defunct Of thought, And focus on Beating his opponent. Sometimes this will result in Hiroki Killing his opponent if he is not stopped. So to keep  from killing people, He attempts to keep from getting too uncontrollable  in a battle. But can't Contain himself that well, Due to his impatience. Which makes him more likely to get more hotheaded. So he makes sure when he fights, He has somebody to keep him from killing his opponent if he is not supposed to. He has a strong sense of responsibility when it comes to his accidental Killings. He will take full responsibility if it does happen.  
    >Training- Hiroki's Goal is to Keep Becoming Stronger then he Already is, Without relying on Souls.
    >Junk food- Food he wasn't able to Afford when he was younger, He will eat it alot
    >Making jokes- Hes quite foolish outside of battle.
    >Arrogance- Hiroki Hates When people place themselves on a high horse, Thinking that They're better then everybody else
    >People who try to keep him from his goals- Hiroki is very Determined. He will get you out of his way,  No matter who you are, Unless he is convinced differently
    > People who kill for no reason- He feels that if you kill innocents who've done nothing to you, Or anybody else in there lives. You deserve to die as well
    >Becoming One of the Ten Wizard saints
    >Becoming strong enough to swipe away those who get in his way
    >Protecting the world
    >Dying Before he can achieve his goals- Him being very determined, He wants to achieve the goals he has set out from himself before he passes on.
    >Loosing his ability to Move- Without the ability to move, He will not be able to absorb souls anymore. And in a desperate move, He will loose control of its magic, And it will begin to consume his own soul

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 200
    Hair: Black Hair, Temp Fade with Dreadlocks
    Eyes: Dark Brown
    Skin Tone: Dark
    Appearance: Hiroki usually can be seen Wearing A Black leather  Jacket with White stripes, Underneath he wears a Red shirt, And a bandage Covering The scar on his back. He has a Small Mustache on his face.


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: None
    Rank:  D- Rank
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Hiroki Katsu |Complete|

    Post by Julius Seas 11th July 2017, 12:36 pm

    Hi Hiroki, Julius here and I will be the one to grade your character!

    My requests will be in this lovely colour!

    If you have any questions feel free to PM me!

    With that said... Let's dance boy!

    Hiroki Katsu wrote:(If Asked to change, I will)
    Name: Hiroki Katsu
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Birthday: August 7th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Hiroki has a Large Scar on his back from when he was fighting an Axeman

    Personality: Outside of battle, Hiroki is Quite easygoing. He will crack jokes at many times. He acts more foolish then he is outside of battle.  He usually ends up doing something that messes things up for people around him, And himself. He tries not to but it's a second nature for him now. People sometimes try to avoid him due to him being this destructive unintentionally. Hiroki is a very determined Person, Once he gets to the point where he really wants something, He will try very hard to get it. Arrogance is a thing hated by Hiroki, To an arrogant person Hiroki will say "Get off of your High horse, Or i'll knock you off myself". As a child he had to deal with arrogant people who often thought they were better then him, The Wealthy, The middle class.  He has a large enjoyment for Junk food. He very much enjoys the people who respect him. As for Hiroki's thoughts on his family, He dosen't have any. As far as he knows his reletives are all dead. He dosen't know for sure, And he's determined to find out if there is any of his reletives left.

    Inside of battle Hiroki seems like a different person. He makes sure he doesn't underestimate his enemies. As arrogance is the thing that he dislikes the most. A weakness of him is he often tries to end a battle quickly, And will end up rushing in a battle.  When Hiroki gets too absorbed into a battle, He will become Defunct Of thought, And focus on Beating his opponent. Sometimes this will result in Hiroki Killing his opponent if he is not stopped. So to keep  from killing people, He attempts to keep from getting too uncontrollable  in a battle. But can't Contain himself that well, Due to his impatience. Which makes him more likely to get more hotheaded. So he makes sure when he fights, He has somebody to keep him from killing his opponent if he is not supposed to. He has a strong sense of responsibility when it comes to his accidental Killings. He will take full responsibility if it does happen.

    Personality needs to be at least 500 words x3
    >Training- Hiroki's Goal is to Keep Becoming Stronger then he Already is, Without relying on Souls.
    >Junk food- Food he wasn't able to Afford when he was younger, He will eat it alot
    >Making jokes- Hes quite foolish outside of battle.
    >Arrogance- Hiroki Hates When people place themselves on a high horse, Thinking that They're better then everybody else
    >People who try to keep him from his goals- Hiroki is very Determined. He will get you out of his way,  No matter who you are, Unless he is convinced differently
    > People who kill for no reason- He feels that if you kill innocents who've done nothing to you, Or anybody else in there lives. You deserve to die as well
    >Becoming One of the Ten Wizard saints
    >Becoming strong enough to swipe away those who get in his way
    >Protecting the world
    >Dying Before he can achieve his goals- Him being very determined, He wants to achieve the goals he has set out from himself before he passes on.
    >Loosing his ability to Move- Without the ability to move, He will not be able to absorb souls anymore. And in a desperate move, He will loose control of its magic, And it will begin to consume his own soul

    Please add 1 more fear!

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 200
    Hair: Black Hair, Temp Fade with Dreadlocks
    Eyes: Dark Brown
    Skin Tone: Dark
    Appearance: Hiroki usually can be seen Wearing A Black leather  Jacket with White stripes, Underneath he wears a Red shirt, And a bandage Covering The scar on his back. He has a Small Mustache on his face.


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: None Even though you're going guildless you still have to state where the tattoo is being located and what colour it would have!
    Rank:  D- Rank

    That was all! When adaptions have being made, please bump this thread with making a post!



    Hiroki Katsu |Complete| X9tEBuc

    Completed Re: Hiroki Katsu |Complete|

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 9:33 pm

    Hiroki Katsu |Complete| XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 7:55 pm