Fairy Tail RP

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    • White Dragon Slayer •


    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Guest 20th August 2016, 9:57 pm

    • White Dragon Slayer •  ZvPGXDQ
    White Dragon Slayer

    ** Because Ami is lazy, if speed or range isn't specified it should be automatically assumed it's max speed/range of it's respected rank and spell type. Also everything is made up to H-rank and should be graded as such.

    Primary Magic: White Dragon Slayer (1st Gen)
    Secondary Magic: Soul Slayer
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    It was once said in the Foss family that the goddess of light herself, Minako, blessed a violin that has been passed down the line for generations. Though the story has been long faded into nothing but a fairytale, few still believe it.
    Once, a long time ago a demon was at large. He wanted nothing more than power, and he would do anything to gain it. As time went on he slaughtered people and even whole towns, eating their souls and became nothing more than a mindless monster who had forgotten his reasoning to do so in the first place. Year after year he slaughtered more and more, getting stronger and stronger. Until one day the monstrous demon came to the little town of Petit. Overcome by his obsession for power he slaughtered many like every other town he had come across. However in this particular town, lived Audrey Foss, a kind hearted violinist. After witnessing her father’s death at the hands of the demon Audrey stood atop of the nearby hill, a safe distance away from the town. Saddened and unable to help as she watched the destruction of her home the woman picked up the violin her father had carved for her and began to play, using her emotions to ease the minds of those who were dying in the town below her, letting them know they were not alone in the dying moments. Though the strangest thing happened when she played her song. The demon who was in the middle of destroying her town, began to roar in pain, shaking his head and hissing. Seeing his discomfort Audrey played louder, putting her whole heart into the song. Eventually, unable to take anymore, the demon collapsed and died, leaving the town half in ruin, but saved. A short while after the demon’s death Minako appeared in front of the human, thanking her for killing the beast and saving the world from his wrath. To thank her further, the goddess blessed Audrey's violin to be able to manipulate light and heal all who needed it by placing a single larcima into the wooden instrument. After that Audrey traveled all over, helping those who couldn’t help themselves, and went down in history as the Charmer of Light.

    After many years of being handed down throughout the generations the violin’s current wielder, Astrid Foss, traveled to the planet of stars in order to meet the dragon that gave his power to her violin in the first place in order to learn from him and grow stronger, the elder white dragon Sirius. After a brutal fight with him Astrid turned out victorious, and in exchange Sirius agreed to help her in her training.

    As the name implies Tuteur De Lumière, or Guardian of Light, manipulates light and uses it to fight, like any other Dragon Slayer. From manipulating the light for performance use, to using it in battle, Tuteur De Lumière is a magic meant only for those with a pure heart and good intentions.

    • Can consume light to regain MP.
    • Deals double damage to Lizard, Wyvern, and Dragon non-human type opponents.
    • Strong against shadow mages.

    • Weak against shadow magic.
    • User cannot consume God or Demon slayer elements.
    • A lot of spells can be blinding or hurt the eyes.
    • Effected by motion sickness.

    A Soul's Wrath

    Slayer Buffs:
    Slayer Buffs:

    Unique Abilities:
    Dragon Speed: Astrid gains a 65% increase in speed and reaction time from her training.

    Essence Transferal: Placing her hands on someone Astrid is able to transfer her own buffs to someone else in the form of a silver light pulsating from their figure. This takes away whichever buffs she chooses, so the person will have them but she will not. If the buffs are active they will only cost Astrid the amount of MP rather than the person, but they will still go by their set duration and cooldown. If the buff type has a cap this cannot push someone over the cap. She will regain her buffs either at the end of their cooldown, or once again placing her hands on the person.
    She can do this to multiple people at a time, but if someone has one of her buffs another person cannot gain the same buff.

    As an alternative, Astrid is able to also transfer her own HP and MP to someone else as well. Every post she can transfer 10% of her MP, HP, or both to another person or group of people. This will drain her own supplies, and transfer them over to whomever she wishes.

    Holy Immune System: With Astrid’s holy power running through her body and protecting her any sort of status effect or debuff's duration is now cut in half. (exp. A spell has a poison effect to it that lasts for 4 posts. With this ability, it is now only 2)
    If the effect or debuff's duration is one post, this ability instead makes the effect or debuff 50% less effective.

    Light Speed: Once per post, in a flash of light Astrid can travel up to 300 meters in a blink of an eye. This is no teleportation, however. But rather, just a very fast burst of speed. Though with how the user seems to vanish and reappear so quickly, it might as well be.

    Dragon Power: Because a part of the white dragon's power is now within her Astrid gains a 65% increase in magic damage.

    Rainbow Boost: With this ability Astrid is able to consume the colors around her, allowing her to regain 5% MP once a post.
    On top of this, if Astrid uses a rainbow-based attack within 2 posts of consuming the colors around her they gain a 65% increase in magic power. Once the colors are consumed the area around her will turn grayish for 3 posts until they slowly regain their color over time.
    If she accidentally consumes a black color, instead of all these benefits Astrid grows sick for 3 posts.

    Heaven's Tears: Within a 300 meter radius Astrid can cause small balls of light to pour down around the area. The balls of light may come off as nothing but effect at first, admitting a warm and harmless glow. But if one were to hit you, it would deal melee damage upon contact. Every single one of these balls deal 50% user rank melee damage.

    D-Rank ( 10/10 ):

    C-rank ( 8/8 ):

    B-rank ( 7/7 ):

    A-rank ( 6/6 ):

    S-rank ( 4/4 ):

    H-rank ( 1/1 ):

    Advanced Spells:


    Last edited by Madame Astrid on 23rd July 2018, 2:18 pm; edited 53 times in total

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Guest 22nd August 2016, 10:20 am



    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Guest 29th September 2016, 7:38 am

    Unlocked, you butt~


    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Guest 1st October 2016, 9:52 pm


    Consider it graded! x3 Please make the edits and bump. You know the drill~

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Guest 2nd October 2016, 6:39 am


    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Guest 2nd October 2016, 11:57 am



    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Guest 25th December 2016, 5:41 pm

    Unlocked at the user's request.


    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Guest 25th December 2016, 7:54 pm



    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Guest 13th March 2017, 1:53 am

    Unlocked upon users request ^^

    Astrid Foss wrote:
    Tuteur De Lumière
    White Dragon Slayer

    Primary Magic: Tuteur De Lumière: White Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Secondary Magic: n/a
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    It was once said in the Foss family that the goddess of light herself, Minako, blessed a violin that has been passed down the line for generations. Though the story has been long faded into nothing but a fairytale, few still believe it.
    Once, a long time ago a demon was at large. He wanted nothing more than power, and he would do anything to gain it. As time went on he slaughtered people and even whole towns, eating their souls and became nothing more than a mindless monster who had forgotten his reasoning to do so in the first place. Year after year he slaughtered more and more, getting stronger and stronger. Until one day the monstrous demon came to the little town of Petit. Overcome by his obsession for power he slaughtered many like every other town he had come across. However in this particular town, lived Audrey Foss, a kind hearted violinist. After witnessing her father’s death at the hands of the demon Audrey stood atop of the nearby hill, a safe distance away from the town. Saddened and unable to help as she watched the destruction of her home the woman picked up the violin her father had carved for her and began to play, using her emotions to ease the minds of those who were dying in the town below her, letting them know they were not alone in the dying moments. Though the strangest thing happened when she played her song. The demon who was in the middle of destroying her town, began to roar in pain, shaking his head and hissing. Seeing his discomfort Audrey played louder, putting her whole heart into the song. Eventually, unable to take anymore, the demon collapsed and died, leaving the town half in ruin, but saved. A short while after the demon’s death Minako appeared in front of the human, thanking her for killing the beast and saving the world from his wrath. To thank her further, the goddess blessed Audrey's violin to be able to manipulate light and heal all who needed it by placing a single larcima into the wooden instrument. After that Audrey traveled all over, helping those who couldn’t help themselves, and went down in history as the Charmer of Light.

    After many years of being handed down throughout the generations, the violin’s current wielder, Astrid Foss, accessed some of the larcima’s power in a dire need to survive. Turning out to be a White Dragon Slayer larcima she now has all the properties to that of a normal Dragon Slayer.

    As the name implies Tuteur De Lumière, or Guardian of Light, manipulates light and uses it to fight, like any other Dragon Slayer. From manipulating the light for performance use, to using it in battle, Tuteur De Lumière is a magic meant only for those with a pure heart and good intentions.

    • Can consume light to regain MP.
    • Deals double damage to Lizard, Wyvern, and Dragon non-human type opponents.
    • Strong against shadow mages.

    • Weak against shadow magic.
    • User cannot consume God or Demon slayer elements.
    • A lot of spells can be blinding or hurt the eyes.
    • Effected by motion sickness.

    Fury of the Unborn

    Slayer Buffs:
    Slayer Buffs:

    Unique Abilities:
    Dragon Speed: Astrid gains a 60% increase in speed and reaction time.

    Dragon Reign: Absolute light manipulation. From creating objects made of light to causing ocular illusions with it Astrid can bend light however she wants till her heart’s content.

    Dragon Voice: With Astrid’s God-like singing voice, she can cause npcs or player characters with permission to become allured to her and follow her every command as long as they are within hearing range until they are either out of range or are snapped out from the state.

    Dragon Dash: Once per post, in a flash of light Astrid can travel up to 50 meters in a blink of an eye. This is no teleportation, however. But rather, just a very fast burst of speed. Though with how the user seems to vanish and reappear so quickly, it might as well be.

    Dragon Power: Because a part of the white dragon's power is now within her Astrid gains a 60% increase in magic damage.

    D-Rank ( 7/10 ):

    C-rank ( 7/8 ):

    B-rank ( 6/7 ):


    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Guest 15th March 2017, 4:49 pm


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Julius Seas 2nd April 2017, 8:53 am

    Astrid Foss wrote:
    Tuteur De Lumière
    White Dragon Slayer

    Primary Magic: White Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Secondary Magic: Glacial God Slayer
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    It was once said in the Foss family that the goddess of light herself, Minako, blessed a violin that has been passed down the line for generations. Though the story has been long faded into nothing but a fairytale, few still believe it.
    Once, a long time ago a demon was at large. He wanted nothing more than power, and he would do anything to gain it. As time went on he slaughtered people and even whole towns, eating their souls and became nothing more than a mindless monster who had forgotten his reasoning to do so in the first place. Year after year he slaughtered more and more, getting stronger and stronger. Until one day the monstrous demon came to the little town of Petit. Overcome by his obsession for power he slaughtered many like every other town he had come across. However in this particular town, lived Audrey Foss, a kind hearted violinist. After witnessing her father’s death at the hands of the demon Audrey stood atop of the nearby hill, a safe distance away from the town. Saddened and unable to help as she watched the destruction of her home the woman picked up the violin her father had carved for her and began to play, using her emotions to ease the minds of those who were dying in the town below her, letting them know they were not alone in the dying moments. Though the strangest thing happened when she played her song. The demon who was in the middle of destroying her town, began to roar in pain, shaking his head and hissing. Seeing his discomfort Audrey played louder, putting her whole heart into the song. Eventually, unable to take anymore, the demon collapsed and died, leaving the town half in ruin, but saved. A short while after the demon’s death Minako appeared in front of the human, thanking her for killing the beast and saving the world from his wrath. To thank her further, the goddess blessed Audrey's violin to be able to manipulate light and heal all who needed it by placing a single larcima into the wooden instrument. After that Audrey traveled all over, helping those who couldn’t help themselves, and went down in history as the Charmer of Light.

    After many years of being handed down throughout the generations, the violin’s current wielder, Astrid Foss, accessed some of the larcima’s power in a dire need to survive. Turning out to be a White Dragon Slayer larcima she now has all the properties to that of a normal Dragon Slayer.

    As the name implies Tuteur De Lumière, or Guardian of Light, manipulates light and uses it to fight, like any other Dragon Slayer. From manipulating the light for performance use, to using it in battle, Tuteur De Lumière is a magic meant only for those with a pure heart and good intentions.

    • Can consume light to regain MP.
    • Deals double damage to Lizard, Wyvern, and Dragon non-human type opponents.
    • Strong against shadow mages.

    • Weak against shadow magic.
    • User cannot consume God or Demon slayer elements.
    • A lot of spells can be blinding or hurt the eyes.
    • Effected by motion sickness.

    Fury of the Unborn

    Slayer Buffs:
    Slayer Buffs:

    Unique Abilities:
    Dragon Speed: Astrid gains a 60% increase in speed and reaction time from the power of her lacrima.

    Seeing Double: Shifting the light around the area in a 75 meter radius Astrid can cause a certain type of ocular illusion. She can make things appear in one place when they are actually in another. By doing this enemies will assume and attack in one area where they think she or an ally is, but when in reality they won't get affected by the attack because they are somewhere else, may it be just a few inches or even a few feet away. This ability is less effective in areas with dim lighting, and will not work at all with no lighting or with people who are higher ranks.
    This can only be used once per post.

    Holy Immune System: With Astrid’s holy power running through her body and protecting her any sort of status effect or debuff's duration is now cut in half. (exp. A spell has a poison effect to it that lasts for 2 posts. With this ability, it is now only 1, only dealing half the damage it was supposed to)
    This only works on effects equal or lower to her rank, however.

    Light Speed: Once per post, in a flash of light Astrid can travel up to 75 meters in a blink of an eye. This is no teleportation, however. But rather, just a very fast burst of speed. Though with how the user seems to vanish and reappear so quickly, it might as well be.

    Dragon Power: Because a part of the white dragon's power is now within her Astrid gains a 60% increase in magic damage.

    D-Rank ( 7/10 ):

    C-rank ( 7/8 ):

    B-rank ( 6/7 ):

    A-rank ( 5/6 ):


    Moved upon user's request.



    • White Dragon Slayer •  X9tEBuc

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Guest 2nd April 2017, 9:43 pm


    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Julius Seas 4th July 2017, 12:49 pm

    Astrid Foss wrote:
    • White Dragon Slayer •  CFTUoqF
    Tuteur De Lumière
    White Dragon Slayer

    Primary Magic: White Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Secondary Magic: Glacial God Slayer
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    It was once said in the Foss family that the goddess of light herself, Minako, blessed a violin that has been passed down the line for generations. Though the story has been long faded into nothing but a fairytale, few still believe it.
    Once, a long time ago a demon was at large. He wanted nothing more than power, and he would do anything to gain it. As time went on he slaughtered people and even whole towns, eating their souls and became nothing more than a mindless monster who had forgotten his reasoning to do so in the first place. Year after year he slaughtered more and more, getting stronger and stronger. Until one day the monstrous demon came to the little town of Petit. Overcome by his obsession for power he slaughtered many like every other town he had come across. However in this particular town, lived Audrey Foss, a kind hearted violinist. After witnessing her father’s death at the hands of the demon Audrey stood atop of the nearby hill, a safe distance away from the town. Saddened and unable to help as she watched the destruction of her home the woman picked up the violin her father had carved for her and began to play, using her emotions to ease the minds of those who were dying in the town below her, letting them know they were not alone in the dying moments. Though the strangest thing happened when she played her song. The demon who was in the middle of destroying her town, began to roar in pain, shaking his head and hissing. Seeing his discomfort Audrey played louder, putting her whole heart into the song. Eventually, unable to take anymore, the demon collapsed and died, leaving the town half in ruin, but saved. A short while after the demon’s death Minako appeared in front of the human, thanking her for killing the beast and saving the world from his wrath. To thank her further, the goddess blessed Audrey's violin to be able to manipulate light and heal all who needed it by placing a single larcima into the wooden instrument. After that Audrey traveled all over, helping those who couldn’t help themselves, and went down in history as the Charmer of Light.

    After many years of being handed down throughout the generations, the violin’s current wielder, Astrid Foss, accessed some of the larcima’s power in a dire need to survive. Turning out to be a White Dragon Slayer larcima she now has all the properties to that of a normal Dragon Slayer.

    As the name implies Tuteur De Lumière, or Guardian of Light, manipulates light and uses it to fight, like any other Dragon Slayer. From manipulating the light for performance use, to using it in battle, Tuteur De Lumière is a magic meant only for those with a pure heart and good intentions.

    • Can consume light to regain MP.
    • Deals double damage to Lizard, Wyvern, and Dragon non-human type opponents.
    • Strong against shadow mages.

    • Weak against shadow magic.
    • User cannot consume God or Demon slayer elements.
    • A lot of spells can be blinding or hurt the eyes.
    • Effected by motion sickness.

    Fury of the Unborn

    Slayer Buffs:
    Slayer Buffs:

    Unique Abilities:
    Dragon Speed: Astrid gains a 60% increase in speed and reaction time from the power of her lacrima.

    Seeing Double: Shifting the light around the area in a 75 meter radius Astrid can cause a certain type of ocular illusion. She can make things appear in one place when they are actually in another. By doing this enemies will assume and attack in one area where they think she or an ally is, but when in reality they won't get affected by the attack because they are somewhere else, may it be just a few inches or even a few feet away. This ability is less effective in areas with dim lighting, and will not work at all with no lighting or with people who are higher ranks.
    This can only be used once per post.

    Holy Immune System: With Astrid’s holy power running through her body and protecting her any sort of status effect or debuff's duration is now cut in half. (exp. A spell has a poison effect to it that lasts for 4 posts. With this ability, it is now only 2)
    If the effect or debuff's duration is one post, this ability instead makes the effect or debuff 50% less effective.
    This only works on effects equal or lower to her rank, however.

    Light Speed: Once per post, in a flash of light Astrid can travel up to 75 meters in a blink of an eye. This is no teleportation, however. But rather, just a very fast burst of speed. Though with how the user seems to vanish and reappear so quickly, it might as well be.

    Dragon Power: Because a part of the white dragon's power is now within her Astrid gains a 60% increase in magic damage.

    D-Rank ( 8/10 ):

    C-rank ( 8/8 ):

    B-rank ( 7/7 ):

    A-rank ( 5/6 ):


    • White Dragon Slayer •  IMS4epX

    Unlocked upon user's request



    • White Dragon Slayer •  X9tEBuc
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 25th August 2017, 3:21 pm

    Good day. My name is Kite Wilhelm and I shall be the one who is grading your magic for the duration of this application. "Any corrections will be in this color."

    Madame Astrid wrote:
    • White Dragon Slayer •  ZvPGXDQ
    White Dragon Slayer

    Primary Magic: White Dragon Slayer (1st Gen)
    Secondary Magic: Soul Dragon Slayer
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    It was once said in the Foss family that the goddess of light herself, Minako, blessed a violin that has been passed down the line for generations. Though the story has been long faded into nothing but a fairytale, few still believe it.
    Once, a long time ago a demon was at large. He wanted nothing more than power, and he would do anything to gain it. As time went on he slaughtered people and even whole towns, eating their souls and became nothing more than a mindless monster who had forgotten his reasoning to do so in the first place. Year after year he slaughtered more and more, getting stronger and stronger. Until one day the monstrous demon came to the little town of Petit. Overcome by his obsession for power he slaughtered many like every other town he had come across. However in this particular town, lived Audrey Foss, a kind hearted violinist. After witnessing her father’s death at the hands of the demon Audrey stood atop of the nearby hill, a safe distance away from the town. Saddened and unable to help as she watched the destruction of her home the woman picked up the violin her father had carved for her and began to play, using her emotions to ease the minds of those who were dying in the town below her, letting them know they were not alone in the dying moments. Though the strangest thing happened when she played her song. The demon who was in the middle of destroying her town, began to roar in pain, shaking his head and hissing. Seeing his discomfort Audrey played louder, putting her whole heart into the song. Eventually, unable to take anymore, the demon collapsed and died, leaving the town half in ruin, but saved. A short while after the demon’s death Minako appeared in front of the human, thanking her for killing the beast and saving the world from his wrath. To thank her further, the goddess blessed Audrey's violin to be able to manipulate light and heal all who needed it by placing a single larcima into the wooden instrument. After that Audrey traveled all over, helping those who couldn’t help themselves, and went down in history as the Charmer of Light.

    After many years of being handed down throughout the generations the violin’s current wielder, Astrid Foss, traveled to the planet of stars in order to meet the dragon that gave his power to her violin in the first place in order to learn from him and grow stronger, the elder white dragon Sirius. After a brutal fight with him Astrid turned out victorious, and in exchange Sirius agreed to help her in her training.

    As the name implies Tuteur De Lumière, or Guardian of Light, manipulates light and uses it to fight, like any other Dragon Slayer. From manipulating the light for performance use, to using it in battle, Tuteur De Lumière is a magic meant only for those with a pure heart and good intentions.

    • Can consume light to regain MP.
    • Deals double damage to Lizard, Wyvern, and Dragon non-human type opponents.
    • Strong against shadow mages.

    • Weak against shadow magic.
    • User cannot consume God or Demon slayer elements.
    • A lot of spells can be blinding or hurt the eyes.
    • Effected by motion sickness.

    Fury of the Unborn

    Slayer Buffs:
    Slayer Buffs:

    Unique Abilities:
    Dragon Speed: Astrid gains a 60% increase in speed and reaction time from the power of her lacrima.

    Seeing Double: Shifting the light around the area in a 100 meter radius Astrid can cause a certain type of ocular illusion. She can make things appear in one place when they are actually in another. By doing this enemies will assume and attack in one area where they think she or an ally is, but when in reality they won't get affected by the attack because they are somewhere else, may it be just a few inches or even a few feet away. This ability is less effective in areas with dim lighting, and will not work at all with no lighting or with people who are higher ranks.
    This can only be used once per post.

    Holy Immune System: With Astrid’s holy power running through her body and protecting her any sort of status effect or debuff's duration is now cut in half. (exp. A spell has a poison effect to it that lasts for 4 posts. With this ability, it is now only 2)
    If the effect or debuff's duration is one post, this ability instead makes the effect or debuff 50% less effective.
    This only works on effects equal or lower to her rank, however.

    Light Speed: Once per post, in a flash of light Astrid can travel up to 100 meters in a blink of an eye. This is no teleportation, however. But rather, just a very fast burst of speed. Though with how the user seems to vanish and reappear so quickly, it might as well be.

    Dragon Power: Because a part of the white dragon's power is now within her Astrid gains a 60% increase in magic damage.

    Rainbow Boost: With this ability Astrid is able to consume the colors around her, allowing her to regain 4%MP OR 5%HP once a post. It has to be either or, never both at the same time.
    On top of this, if Astrid uses a rainbow-based attack within 2 posts of consuming the colors around her they gain a 25% in magic power. Once the colors are consumed the area around her will turn grayish for 3 posts until they slowly regain their color over time.
    If she accidentally consumes a black color, instead of all these benefits Astrid grows sick for 3 posts.

    D-Rank ( 8/10 ):

    C-rank ( 8/8 ):

    B-rank ( 7/7 ):

    A-rank ( 5/6 ):

    S-rank ( 2/4 ):


    "For your White Dragon's Bulk ups are any of them stack able with one another?”

    "For Rainbow Roar you have the spell name Rainbow Road inside of the spoilers.”


    • White Dragon Slayer •  Gvf4gD8
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 26th August 2017, 5:32 pm

    Madame Astrid wrote:
    • White Dragon Slayer •  ZvPGXDQ
    White Dragon Slayer

    Primary Magic: White Dragon Slayer (1st Gen)
    Secondary Magic: Soul Dragon Slayer
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    It was once said in the Foss family that the goddess of light herself, Minako, blessed a violin that has been passed down the line for generations. Though the story has been long faded into nothing but a fairytale, few still believe it.
    Once, a long time ago a demon was at large. He wanted nothing more than power, and he would do anything to gain it. As time went on he slaughtered people and even whole towns, eating their souls and became nothing more than a mindless monster who had forgotten his reasoning to do so in the first place. Year after year he slaughtered more and more, getting stronger and stronger. Until one day the monstrous demon came to the little town of Petit. Overcome by his obsession for power he slaughtered many like every other town he had come across. However in this particular town, lived Audrey Foss, a kind hearted violinist. After witnessing her father’s death at the hands of the demon Audrey stood atop of the nearby hill, a safe distance away from the town. Saddened and unable to help as she watched the destruction of her home the woman picked up the violin her father had carved for her and began to play, using her emotions to ease the minds of those who were dying in the town below her, letting them know they were not alone in the dying moments. Though the strangest thing happened when she played her song. The demon who was in the middle of destroying her town, began to roar in pain, shaking his head and hissing. Seeing his discomfort Audrey played louder, putting her whole heart into the song. Eventually, unable to take anymore, the demon collapsed and died, leaving the town half in ruin, but saved. A short while after the demon’s death Minako appeared in front of the human, thanking her for killing the beast and saving the world from his wrath. To thank her further, the goddess blessed Audrey's violin to be able to manipulate light and heal all who needed it by placing a single larcima into the wooden instrument. After that Audrey traveled all over, helping those who couldn’t help themselves, and went down in history as the Charmer of Light.

    After many years of being handed down throughout the generations the violin’s current wielder, Astrid Foss, traveled to the planet of stars in order to meet the dragon that gave his power to her violin in the first place in order to learn from him and grow stronger, the elder white dragon Sirius. After a brutal fight with him Astrid turned out victorious, and in exchange Sirius agreed to help her in her training.

    As the name implies Tuteur De Lumière, or Guardian of Light, manipulates light and uses it to fight, like any other Dragon Slayer. From manipulating the light for performance use, to using it in battle, Tuteur De Lumière is a magic meant only for those with a pure heart and good intentions.

    • Can consume light to regain MP.
    • Deals double damage to Lizard, Wyvern, and Dragon non-human type opponents.
    • Strong against shadow mages.

    • Weak against shadow magic.
    • User cannot consume God or Demon slayer elements.
    • A lot of spells can be blinding or hurt the eyes.
    • Effected by motion sickness.

    Fury of the Unborn

    Slayer Buffs:
    Slayer Buffs:

    Unique Abilities:
    Dragon Speed: Astrid gains a 60% increase in speed and reaction time from the power of her lacrima.

    Seeing Double: Shifting the light around the area in a 100 meter radius Astrid can cause a certain type of ocular illusion. She can make things appear in one place when they are actually in another. By doing this enemies will assume and attack in one area where they think she or an ally is, but when in reality they won't get affected by the attack because they are somewhere else, may it be just a few inches or even a few feet away. This ability is less effective in areas with dim lighting, and will not work at all with no lighting or with people who are higher ranks.
    This can only be used once per post.

    Holy Immune System: With Astrid’s holy power running through her body and protecting her any sort of status effect or debuff's duration is now cut in half. (exp. A spell has a poison effect to it that lasts for 4 posts. With this ability, it is now only 2)
    If the effect or debuff's duration is one post, this ability instead makes the effect or debuff 50% less effective.
    This only works on effects equal or lower to her rank, however.

    Light Speed: Once per post, in a flash of light Astrid can travel up to 100 meters in a blink of an eye. This is no teleportation, however. But rather, just a very fast burst of speed. Though with how the user seems to vanish and reappear so quickly, it might as well be.

    Dragon Power: Because a part of the white dragon's power is now within her Astrid gains a 60% increase in magic damage.

    Rainbow Boost: With this ability Astrid is able to consume the colors around her, allowing her to regain 4%MP OR 5%HP once a post. It has to be either or, never both at the same time.
    On top of this, if Astrid uses a rainbow-based attack within 2 posts of consuming the colors around her they gain a 25% in magic power. Once the colors are consumed the area around her will turn grayish for 3 posts until they slowly regain their color over time.
    If she accidentally consumes a black color, instead of all these benefits Astrid grows sick for 3 posts.

    D-Rank ( 8/10 ):

    C-rank ( 8/8 ):

    B-rank ( 7/7 ):

    A-rank ( 5/6 ):

    S-rank ( 2/4 ):

    • White Dragon Slayer •  V8lcok11


    • White Dragon Slayer •  Gvf4gD8

    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Lilium 4th November 2017, 7:30 pm


    Moved upon user's request


    • White Dragon Slayer •  QOmg1XE


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Lilium 4th November 2017, 8:51 pm


    • White Dragon Slayer •  3gvMyfo


    • White Dragon Slayer •  QOmg1XE


    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by kittykool75 4th December 2017, 8:51 am


    Unlocked upon user's request


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    • White Dragon Slayer •  1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by kittykool75 4th December 2017, 10:00 am


    • White Dragon Slayer •  SESFcGa


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    • White Dragon Slayer •  1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 21st December 2017, 5:33 pm

    Unlocked and Moved at User's request.



    • White Dragon Slayer •  Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    • White Dragon Slayer •  H6NcPbM • White Dragon Slayer •  H6NcPbM • White Dragon Slayer •  H6NcPbM • White Dragon Slayer •  H6NcPbM




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by desirée 21st December 2017, 6:39 pm


    • White Dragon Slayer •  8SFaQD4


    • White Dragon Slayer •  IY2eFxu




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by desirée 16th April 2018, 10:33 pm


    Moved and unlocked under request of the user.


    • White Dragon Slayer •  IY2eFxu

    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

    Posts : 1584
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 1
    Age : 22

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Empty Re: • White Dragon Slayer •

    Post by Lester Drynedi 5th May 2018, 4:58 am

    • White Dragon Slayer •  Mq4HN1z



      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:18 pm