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    Sin Magic, Enhancement

    Amose Veil
    Amose Veil

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    Completed Sin Magic, Enhancement

    Post by Amose Veil 13th March 2018, 1:16 am

    Primary Magic: Sin, Enhancement
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder:

    Description: As one could suspect, there are various forms of Blood Magic but is otherwise known as Sin for its dark properties, whether its infusing with one another, shapeshifting, rapid regeneration, forming weapons from your body, or even absorbing someone for their strength and speed, the list can go on.

    Sin allows one to manipulate the body of one's self, or another's body for that matter. This is a lost art due to its effects on its bearers and is viewed as more a curse, but still exists as very few are born with it. Those who frequently use it have no remorse nor are they considerate of life, this made them perfect as warmongers, soldiers and assassins.

    However Sin is activated via emotions, let it be extreme happiness, sadness or anger, the fact that the bearers of Sin act through their emotions made them dangerous foes on the battlefield. They are taught to control their emotions, and to activate the magic within them they allow a short burst of emotion to awaken it. Its quite odd to say the least. Another oddity are the hand signs one must make.

    Emotion is the first part of activation, adoption from Bhudism, these different hand signs can actually allow for one to tap into their inner energy. The same for Sin, albeit weaponized, once the bearer completes the three hand signs (for whichever spell) they can press it against their body if its for defense and enhancement.

    But Sin has its limits, as the more it is used the more it causes lethargy and can cause extreme stress and pain to its bearers, causing them to use weaker forms of the magic as to last longer in combat. The same with healing, the magic can be activated to regenerate the body from deep wounds to shallow cuts and can even regenerate cells and multiply them. The problem is that to heal wounds it takes a lot of blood so its only used at times of rest. So typically, it takes away blood but slowly replaces, not enough to instantly heal.  

    Amose Veil is a subject of Sin as he uses this magic sparingly, but unfortunately he used it constantly in the past and knows of the repricautions. Wounds and such heal over time, in other words, he does not know how to use this magic to heal. However he can enhance his body, more specifically his bodies durability, speed, and so on. It is practiced on occasion as to not stress his body, Amose uses it when he fights, allowing short bursts a strength and speed here and there but not constantly. He utilizes hand to hand to combat mainly for the enhancements but for tougher foes he will use it for a longer period and even don a weapon for heavier damage, even if that means the weapon breaks.

    + Overall, he can enhance his strength, speed, durability and reaction time for now. If Amose practiced this more often and gets the magic stronger he could use it longer and could do more than enhance his body.

    + Granted it is limited, this allows for Amose to gain an advantage in combat, he can combine enhancements to further his experience

    + With the enhancements as a stepping stone for his Sin usage, Amose can build up the power and its effectiveness, however when frenzied he becomes more dangerous. The more he looses control of his emotions the more powerful the Sin becomes but at a cost that it can quickly fatigue him.

    - While the enhancements are great and all, the more he uses them the more fatigued he can become to the point where he has major lethargy.

    - While the enhancements are a stepping stone for other unique capabilities of Sin, it isn't used often and the unfamiliar stress can cause certain muscles to spasm, causing the man to stop certain attack or even stop a rush.

    - Sin is again emotion activated, and as Amose uses it he becomes more and more enotional causing this power to slowly grow but drain him rather quickly.

    Lineage: N/A

    Unique Abilities:
    × Ignoring Tiredness: Amose, through years of training and hard work, has used these enhancements enough that petty and lesser fatigue and lethargy doesn't really affect him, rather its just shrugged off. Even if its a greater or grand fatigue/lethargy he still pushes through. Furthermore, he has gone through much pain that he has grown a tolerance for it, to a certain degree a course, he has grown to where he does not flinch at a punch or even a blade jab. Still, he could take the damage for it.

    × Superhuman Condition: granted it sounds a bit much, this is low-balling Amose. He has gone through years of combat and pain, however used the enhancements so much that his body adapted to the strength, durability, speed and reaction time making him stronger, more durable, faster and capable of dodging arrows head on (to a certain degree). Going through life in war and constantly on the move, Amose even has better stamina, granted its recently lacking due to survival in the wild.

    × Mind Set: Amose can get into a serious mindset where his training kicks in. Being an assassin in the past, he was taught multiple martial arts from self defense, to striking vital points, to rendering a civilian harmless with a hold or a punch. He strikes fast a rather quickly, disarming a foe of their weapon with a counter, and so on. This mindset he uses all means of combat and utilizes all of his senses to further his prowess. Combining this with any enhancement can be dangerous for mere thugs and bandits, however is only used against more worthy foes.

    × Whilst Amose gets fatigued and lethargic after each use of these spells there is a upside to it. After these spells are used and the enhancements wear off he still feels the effects of the enhancements. Amose's body gets used to the enhancements the longer they are used, so if he used Gust three times he is still slightly faster (10% buff to whichever he used three times) or if he used Time he can react better than normal.

    Forewarning, the 3 spells will have the same weaknesses, however one will be just slightly different. This is not because of laziness, its because its what I could come up with, and since they are bodily enhancements they do almost the same thing, just different results

    Name: Hammer
    Rank: D
    Type: Enhancement, Strength
    Duration: 3 Turns
    Cooldown: 4 Turns
    Description: The user can perform three hand signs and allow a small surge of any emotion to flow through, the energy of the spell is then pressed into the arms giving the user inhuman strength. Punches become deadly to a mere man and jumps can go higher.
    + Enhances the users overall strength through the entire body. This gives the user 60% added strength in the duration of use.
    - Can cause minor fatigue that can be ignored, further fatigue of the body if used more than once (along with other spells). This can also cause the muscles to be more sensitive and hurt.

    Name: Gust
    Rank: D
    Type: Enhancement, Speed
    Duration: 3 Turns
    Cooldown: 4 Turns
    Description: The user can perform three hand signs and allow a small surge of any emotion to flow through, the energy of the spell is then pressed into the legs, giving the user inhuman speed through the body, movements and attacks are faster as is running.
    + Enhances the users overall speed, making movements and running faster than normal. This gives the user 60% added speed during its use.
    -  Can cause minor fatigue that can be ignored, further fatigue of the body if used more than once (along with other spells). This can also cause lethargy/lack of stamina.

    Name: Time
    Rank: D
    Type: Enhancement, Reaction
    Duration: 3 Turns
    Cooldown: 4 Turns
    Description: The user can perform three hand signs and allow a small surge of any emotion to flow through, the energy of the spell is then pressed into the cheeks. The enhancement flows to the brain and eyes, allowing the user to react to a lot of attacks that could be faster than normal.
    + This allows the user to react to everything coming their way, while it does not enhance speed it enhances reaction timing to attacks and objects heading the users way.
    + This also enables the user to see through certain low powered illusions, like a weak illusion clone or a camouflage.
    - This can cause the eyes to be strained and cause temporary stigmatism, this can also give the user a hell of a migraine and their senses become a little obscured.

    Name: Shield
    Rank: D
    Type: Enhancement, Durability
    Duration: 3 Turns
    Cooldown: 4 Turns
    Description: The user can perform three hand signs and allow a small surge of any emotion to flow through, the energy of the spell is then pressed into the chest and stomach, giving the user a stone-like defense. Granted a bit exaggerated, this does indeed allow the user to handle attacks more easily and worry about the damage later.
    + This enhances the users durability throughout the body and allows them to tank through damaging attacks, although more powerful attacks could put the user down, they can handle lesser attacks from warhammers and such with no problem. This enhancement can take 3 ranks of D Rank damage/60dmg before shattering whilst in use.
    - After wearing off, the user is left with a sensitive body that hurts from simple pats. While using it once only stiffened the muscles, using more can damage it further and eventually they are left at a hospital of sorts.

    List of Spell Fusions: N/A

    Fused Spells:

    Last edited by Amose Veil on 27th March 2018, 4:31 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Amose Veil
    Amose Veil

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    Completed Re: Sin Magic, Enhancement

    Post by Amose Veil 20th March 2018, 12:18 am

    Bump, I think posted this in the right spot. I'm not sure if these spells are a bit high balled as D ranks, let me know if there is anything I need to fix please.


    "We Are Not Your Kind!"

    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

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    Completed Re: Sin Magic, Enhancement

    Post by Lester Drynedi 25th March 2018, 6:55 pm

    Hey Lester here, I'll be your grader for this round, feel free to message me any questions either on site or via discord
    ❀Comments will be in this colour

    After you've made the edits please give the thread a bump



    Amose Veil
    Amose Veil

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    Completed Re: Sin Magic, Enhancement

    Post by Amose Veil 30th March 2018, 10:50 pm



    "We Are Not Your Kind!"

    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

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    Completed Re: Sin Magic, Enhancement

    Post by Lester Drynedi 2nd April 2018, 7:15 pm


    Sin Magic, Enhancement 4hAgpZB


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