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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]


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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 24th April 2017, 12:04 pm


    Poom was looking at the job board in Infinity Hydra guild hall.
    It wasn't a long time since he was on the job but he is always looking for more.
    And the money wasn't flowing much so he was looking for some cool well paying job, and those were really rare.
    There were many jobs on the board some asking for swimming lessons, some for
    In the middle of the board buried underneath many jobs Poom saw a piece of paper that read:


    Please help us. Beanstalk village is responsible for a good bit of Fiore's farm and produce production. However, our crops have withered and grown thorns. They also glow with a strange light, as if some kind of bad magics are at work, holding the crops in this foul state.
    Please get rid of this strange magic and help our crops grow good again.

    Reward: 10,000 Jewels

    This was the perfect job for Poom, the pay was good and he gets to save people.
    This job is like a dream come true. I get to save a whole village. Father would be proud. Poom said as he was stuffing the job poster in his pocket.




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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 24th April 2017, 1:39 pm

    Poom started his journey, he had a long way in front of him to come to Beanstalk village.
    He walked to the Hargeon through Neutral Grounds which didn't sit right with Poom, so he was trying to hide as much as possible.
    From Hargeon, Poom took the train to Clover Town. Not having time to lose Poom continued his journey on foot. It took Poom days, but he was finally near the big beanstalk, at the edge of the Beanstalk village.

    Not even being at the village Poom could see their fields from far. The fields looked really weird.
    From his years at the farm, Poom knew much about crops, and the crops in Beanstalk village really did not look healthy. It was not a simple problem as Poom thought, the crops looked more like thorny shrubs than real farm crops, all glowing, weathered and of course full of thorns.

    As he was getting near the first field, he couldn't guess the plant in the field as it was all gray and thorny. He wanted to go closer to see what the problem could be but was sure that going to the village first and speaking to the people would be much better for the job as he could find out more.




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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by NPC 24th April 2017, 1:39 pm

    The member 'cimbaman' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] WeakMonster

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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 24th April 2017, 4:21 pm

    As Poom was walking he heard a strange sound coming from the field. It sounded like earth moving and suddenly 10 huge sentient tomatoes were surrounding Poom.
    The tomato enemies looked very menacing, they had unproportioned arms and legs, considering their body was just a big tomato, and because of it were more rolling than walking when they were surrounding Poom.
    Poom was very surprised by it, so he instinctively opened his arms.
    A small tetrahedron started forming next to every tomato monster. Some of them wanted to retreat the moment the creation started, but it was already too late, as the tetrahedrons fully formed they all exploded, causing tomatoes damage.
    The explosion of every tetrahedron pushed the tomato monsters. As the tomatoes were damaged they started making a loud high pitched noise.
    The villagers must hear this. I hope they don't come here and think that I did something to their crops. Poom said still looking at the group of 10 tomatoes.
    The tomatoes started getting quieter, and all of them went to attack Poom.
    Get him! He can't defeat us. We are stronger there is more of us! one of the tomatoes shouted.
    One of the tomatoes looked he had something in his mouth and suddenly a red sauce left his mouth and was going to hit Poom.
    Poom knew he was in deep trouble so he started his counter attack.
    Poom teleported behind the spitting tomato causing his spit to hit one of the other tomatoes on the other side.

    POLYGON MINEFEILD: 2 posts cooldown

    T1:25HP T2:15HP
    T3:25HP T4:25HP
    T5:25HP T6:25HP
    T7:25HP T8:25HP
    T9:25HP T10:25HP




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 24th April 2017, 4:58 pm

    As he formed behind the creature, Poom punched the tomato as hard as he could.
    His hand sank deep into the squishy creature's body, making him scream even more.
    He quickly pulled his hand back, using his other hand as leverage, and ripped the tomato creature in half.
    Knowing that killing only one won't stop the others, Poom raised his hand and a sword formed in it.
    Poom grabbed its handle in both his hands and jumped.
    Slashing the tomato closest to him in two.
    Without stopping, Poom turned and used the rest of the hits with his weapon on the next tomato.
    Three were down, seven were left.

    After lending all this Poom felt a splash on his back and a great amount of heat.  He was hit with the tomato spit sauces.
    The heat the sauce made was big and Poom could feel it over his cape and coat, but it soon stopped.
    Poom turned with a stern look on his face, he raised both his hands and a bird formed in front of them and started flying towards the tomatoes.

    The bird flew towards tomatoes, and with its speed, it buried itself in one of their bodies, causing it to again make the high pitched sound, and fall to the ground.

    At this point, Poom was very angry. There really was too many of them, so he was sure that he will need to fight them more and that he will need to take them more quickly.

    Poom again had the focused look on his face and his forearms started to grow and to become more blocky.
    I will kill you all! shouted Poom as he took two of six remaining creatures and tossed them towards the other four.
    While they were still in flight, Pook teleported behind the four tomatoes.
    With his two gigantic hands, Poom pushed two of the closer tomatoes, making them collide with the two that he threw. The impact caused all four of the tomatoes to burst and splatter their insides on Poom and the two remaining tomatoes.

    POLYGON MINEFEILD: 1 posts cooldown
    POLYGON WEAPON: 2 post cooldown
    POLYGON ANIMAL: 2 post cooldown
    POLYGON GAUNTLETS: 3 post cooldown

    T1:0HP T2:0HP
    T3:0HP T4:0HP
    T5:0HP T6:0HP
    T7:0HP T8:0HP
    T9:25HP T10:25HP




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 24th April 2017, 5:30 pm

    The final two tomatoes looked surprised. Their strength was in their number and know they do not have it.
    Wow you are a very violent guy, do you think maybe that you need therapy? said one of the tomatoes after seeing what Poom did to 4 others with only one combo move.

    Poom was not gonna listen to these guys speaking, so he run fists first into the tomato talking and started punching him, as hard as he could. Only a few hits were needed and there was only one tomato left.

    The only creature left was visible scared.
    Don't kill me, please. I will tell you everything you want to know. he bagged Poom, while wobbling in his small legs.

    Poom was not sure if it can know anything, being that it was only a summoning by someone else, but he asked what he wanted to know.

    Who created you?
    The tomato looked surprised, like it didn't understand the question or that the question gave it some new knowledge.
    Ah... ah... Created?... I don't know... Are we created? tomato knew nothing as Poom expected so he again used his fists to fix the problem, and punched the final tomato to death.

    This is more serious than I thought. I need to find the villagers, so they could explain to me all this. said Poom still covered in tomato sauce.

    POLYGON MINEFEILD: 0 posts cooldown
    POLYGON WEAPON: 1 post cooldown
    POLYGON ANIMAL: 1 post cooldown
    POLYGON GAUNTLETS: 2 post cooldown




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 26th April 2017, 8:30 am

    The fight that just happened lasted ages in Poom's mind, and it scared Poom.
    These guys were very strong I have no idea what to do, what if I am no able to defeat them all, and only make things worse here? I need to speak with some villagers before I continue.
    Poom was very scared. The sounds the creatures made, the fact that he had no idea what caused this were the things that made Poom scared.
    He rushed to the village trying to ignore the voices and sounds that came from the fields. Poom knew that the only thing waiting for him there was more fighting.

    In the village, Poom encountered a group of villagers with pitchforks and scythes arguing.
    We need to help them. Do we really need one more dead mage? shouted one of the villagers with pitchforks.
    It is you that put that stupid job, now we have mages every week, and none of them able to help us. gray haired villager shouted back.
    None of us are rich like you, so sorry we want to live.  replied the first one.

    Poom was startled by this exchange but he needed to intervene.
    Sorry I am here for the job.
    Poom was holding the job poster trying to get villagers attention.

    POLYGON WEAPON: 0 post cooldown
    POLYGON ANIMAL: 0 post cooldown
    POLYGON GAUNTLETS: 1 post cooldown




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 26th April 2017, 8:32 am

    See one more came. the gray haired villager said.
    Yes but this one is alive, even after... Did they attack you? villager with a pitchfork asked turning to Poom.

    I defeated them. Can you please tell me what are they and how can I help you as those things don't look natural Poom said still not sure what to think finding out that there were more mages before him and that some of them died.

    All the villagers put down their tool and explained to Poom.
    It began a couple of months ago, the crops became gray and thorny only after the first mage came did we find out that there were those screaming creatures. we don't know that happened or why do they only come out when mages come but we don't know what to do. the gray-haired man said.
    We could fight with the mages, which is what we will do now. We will go with you in the fields and kill those creatures maybe they are they are the reason for our crops dieing said the pitchfork villager gesturing to other villagers with tools to come and help Poom.

    Poom and villagers, armed with pitchforks, scythes and some dirty old weapons, went out to find and kill the creatures, hoping that that would fix the village's problem.

    POLYGON GAUNTLETS: 0 post cooldown


    Last edited by cimbaman on 26th April 2017, 11:12 am; edited 1 time in total



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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 26th April 2017, 8:54 am

    Forgot to do the dice roll.



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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by NPC 26th April 2017, 8:54 am

    The member 'cimbaman' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] StrongMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 26th April 2017, 12:48 pm

    I am Burt, by the way. Thank you for coming to help us. said the man with the pitchfork from before
    Poom took a good look at the man that came with him. All of them were big, and armed they all looked much stronger than Poom.
    Most of them looked more like soldiers than simple farmers. And Burt was full of scars that could not be attributed to anything else besides fighting.
    I am Poom, it is my job to do so, but you all look like fighter why don't you beat them yourself, you all look very capable? replied Poom, trying to not be surprised by those creatures while passing the fields.
    The creatures only appear if there is a mage present. I think it is because of our lack of magic, but we are not sure. And to answer you, most of us are or more precisely were soldiers of Fiore, this is our retirement. Burt said.
    Oh what a great retirement it is. said a man with a sword on his back ironically.

    Sudenlly Poom heared earth moving and he knew that the cretures were coming.
    Look out, they are comming
    Instinctivly Poom quickly teleported towards the sound, trying to get as much distance between him and the rest of the group to fire of his minefield spell.

    POLYGON MINEFEILD: 2 posts cooldown

    B1:85HP B2:85HP
    B3:85HP B4:85HP
    B5:85HP B6:85HP
    B7:85HP B8:85HP
    B9:85HP B10:85HP




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 29th April 2017, 8:31 am

    Casting his spell Poom flinched trying to escape whatever creatures came out of the ground. Turning Poom saw 10 big green broccoli-like creatures.  
    The creatures had intensely glowing red eyes, and unlike tomatoes looked organized and strong.  
    Get the mage, he will pay for attacking us. This one looks promising, the master will like him.  
    Poom was not sure what to do, as in those few seconds that passed all of the broccoli have swarmed him and were moving their bodies back and forth winding up for a hit, like a giant fly swatter.  
    Poom saw no escape, it would be inevitable for him to get hit. Seeing it at as such, Poom opened his arms and small polygons started forming over his body.  
    Polygon-make armor the polygons connected to each other.
    Poom now stood in full polygon armor surrounded with broccoli-like demon creatures, with no clear way to victory. The broccoli on Poom's left buried its feet in the ground, stopped the body waving and started to slam his head to the ground. Thanks to his eagle vision, Poom was able to see the twitches and managed to teleport in the nick of time.
    Appearing behind the broccoli that now lied on the ground, Poom cast yet another spell and a polygon sword formed in his hand.
    Without waiting a moment Poom slashed the two broccoli that were closest to him.

    POLYGON MINEFEILD: 1 posts cooldown
    POLYGON ARMOR: 2 post duration
    POLYGON WEAPON: 2 post cooldown

    B1:65HP B2:65HP
    B3:85HP B4:85HP
    B5:85HP B6:85HP
    B7:85HP B8:85HP
    B9:85HP B10:85HP


    Dice Roll to see how villagers do in the fight.

    Last edited by cimbaman on 29th April 2017, 12:19 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by NPC 29th April 2017, 8:31 am

    The member 'cimbaman' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 29th April 2017, 12:50 pm

    As soon as Poom started slashing his targets, one more broccoli creature swatted down hitting the broccoli that was already on the ground. The ground shook with the impact.
    All this happened in almost an instant, even though Poom could not react, his eyes were able to see it all.

    Tip of a sword came out of the chest area of one of the creatures.  
    Die you poisonous scum. said the villager with the swords, now holding both of them in his hands.  
    With his other sword, he slashed the creature, cleaving it in half. The sword went through the creature like a knife through butter, Poom felt the intensity of the slash.  
    You are not that strong when we can see you. continued the old man.  
    The rest of the villagers also joined in slashing the broccoli creatures, causing two more to fall to the ground dead.
    Curse you, humans! screamed one of the broccoli while falling to the ground.

    Not wanting to be the only one not fighting Poom joined in.
    Polygon-make Gauntlets
    Pooms forearms grew and with his armor looked uniform.
    Without him expecting it, Poom felt a hit on his back, causing his armor to disperse, and bounced whatever hit him.
    Poom turned, using his gauntlet arm, backhanded one of the broccoli that just tried to swat him. The strength of the hit caused it fall and Poom jumped on it and punched him one more time with his other gauntlet hand. Both of his gauntlet hand disappeared and with one more punch, the broccoli monster stopped moving.
    Poom stood on top of the fainted broccoli monster, his white cloak fluttered in the wind.
    There were more monsters to defeat.

    POLYGON MINEFIELD: 0 posts cooldown
    POLYGON ARMOR: 5 post cooldown
    POLYGON WEAPON: 1 post cooldown
    POLYGON GAUNTLETS: 3 post cooldown

    B1:65HP B2:65HP
    B3:85HP B4:85HP
    B5:85HP B6:0HP
    B7:0HP B8:0HP
    B9:45HP B10:0HP




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 30th April 2017, 5:56 am

    The villagers were still fighting the broccoli, who's number was reduced by 4. The slashes and bashes did much damage, but the broccoli still stood. The broccoli were fighting fiercely, and the men were having a tough time.
    Ponk we are losing, get them. Burt said to the villager with two swords.
    I am trying, but they are stronger than I thought Ponk answered, still slashing the broccoli.

    The tomato creatures were easy in comparison to broccoli, and Poom's punches and magic did little to no damage to them, but Poom still continued.
    Poom raised his left hand pointing at one of the cretures.
    Polygon make Hydra head
    Serpent-like creature started forming from Poom's hand, swarming towards the broccoli, and just as it wrapped around it, the hydra self-destructed. Following the hydra, Poom jumped and started punching the broccoli leaving it no time to react.
    Poom punched it left and right until the creature stopped moving.
    Poom tried to find the next broccoli to fight but all were already beaten. Two men were lying on the ground as Ponk was taking their weapons.

    Suddenly Poom could hear the earth moving again, and he knew that new creatures are coming.
    I can hear them coming again get prepared. shouted Poom giving the rest a warning.
    We are always ready, it's you who needs to get prepared, with your reckless fighting.  Here take this sword it may be useful to you responded Ponk while throwing Poom one of his swords.
    They were all ready for the next attack.

    POLYGON ARMOR: 4 post cooldown
    POLYGON WEAPON: 0 post cooldown
    POLYGON GAUNTLETS: 2 post cooldown
    POLYGON ANIMAL: 2 post cooldown




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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by NPC 30th April 2017, 5:56 am

    The member 'cimbaman' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] NormalMonster


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack

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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 30th April 2017, 4:15 pm

    Poom stood in the cornfield, not really sure what he should expect, as he was attacked by giant tomatoes and broccoli.
    The sword Ponk gave Poom now stood in Poom's hand. Poom was able to create a sword with his magic, but he was never really skilled with it, and mostly just attacked trying to as much damage as possible. Now having a real sword made Poom feel more heroic, but also made him realize that he need to learn to fight properly.

    Five big corn creatures came running toward the men.
    Get them! The mage can serve the master. But don't mess up my hair, I am fabulous. said the first of the corns.
    The men could not believe their ears, the corns were more concerned by their look than by the fight. Even with the astonishment, they all attacked the corn creatures. Poom was not the first one to strike the creatures, but he did join the fight with the rest of the villagers.

    Feeling the cold steel in his hand, the mushy ground underneath his feet and the adrenaline rushing through his veins, Poom was ready to fight the corn creatures.
    He was determined to achieve victory, and by lifting his arm started casting a spell.
    Polygon-make: Sword

    Poom stood with a steel sword in one hand and a polygon one in the other, with swift slashes of both swords Poom hit the first corn creature and sliced it into many small pieces.

    POLYGON ARMOR: 3 post cooldown
    POLYGON GAUNTLETS: 1 post cooldown
    POLYGON ANIMAL: 1 post cooldown
    POLYGON WEAPON: 2 post cooldown

    C1: 60HP C2: 60HP
    C3: 60HP C4: 60HP
    C5: 0HP




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 2nd May 2017, 7:35 am

    One down. thought Poom with yellow bits of corn all over him, and sliced corn creature body lying next to him.

    A bunch of corn hit Poom, it felt like bullets and were moving too fast for Poom to do anything. Poom staggered and fell to the ground. It hurt like hell. He was never hurt like this before.

    Poom stood up and saw two corn creatures, laughing at him.
    Ahahahahahaha. He is so clumsy, and we ripped his ugly cloak. said one of the corn creatures that attacked Poom.
    Their laughter caused self doubt in Poom, but if he was to fight for justice he would need to stand up to all kinds of danger. So he stood up slowly.
    So that is how we are gonna play. Let me show you how I roll. Poom said with his eyes on the two laughing corns.
    Poom casted a spell Polygon make guns
    A set of two 24 inch polygon guns, in users both hands.
    Poom lifted his arms, pointing the guns at the two corns' faces.
    In that moment Poom could see the terror on corns faces, as he pulled the triggers.
    The light bullets hit the corns int the heads, causing them to start falling to the ground.
    Poom teleport behind the two creatures and while they were still in the air he slashed them.

    POLYGON ARMOR: 2 post cooldown
    POLYGON GAUNTLETS: 0 post cooldown
    POLYGON ANIMAL: 0 post cooldown
    POLYGON WEAPON: 1 post cooldown
    POLYGON GUNS: 2 post cooldown

    C1: 60HP C2: 60HP
    C3: 28HP C4: 28HP
    C5: 0HP




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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 3rd May 2017, 7:25 am

    Poom's maneuver surprised even Poom, the two corn creatures fell, surprised by what happened to them.
    Above their heads, stood Poom with a sword and creatures realized that their life was in Poom's hands.
    Don't kill us please we are just doing what we are ordered. said one of the corns.
    And our faces are so nice it would be bad to destroy them. added the other one.
    Poom surprise deepened after hearing what they said.
    Do they really care so much about their look? This is the second time they mention it. Poom thought looking at two corns lying in front of him, begging for their lives.

    Grasping the sword with both hands, Poom lifted it over his head. Feeling the scattered ground under his feet Poom twisted them left and right, trying to bury them and get a better foothold. A smirk started forming on Poom's mouth. Justice must be served.
    With a strong sweep downwards Poom slashed one of the corns in half, causing the ground under it to shake. The sword covered in dirt stood in the ground with two big corn pieces next to it.
    Poom turned now looking at the second corn. Now it is your turn to die.  Poom raised his sword again and slashed the second corn.I am sorry, but justice must be served.

    After executing two of the corns Poom looked for the others, but all other corns were already down. And the village men were cheering.

    POLYGON ARMOR: 1 post cooldown
    POLYGON WEAPON: 0 post cooldown
    POLYGON GUNS: 1 post cooldown




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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by NPC 3rd May 2017, 7:25 am

    The member 'cimbaman' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] NormalMonster


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack

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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 3rd May 2017, 12:00 pm

    The happiness was cut short as five more corn creatures appeared, marching through the corn fields.
    You have killed our brothers. Why? Why? They were so fabulous. You monsters.
    We will kill you.
    first of the corns said, clearly being the leader. The other four followed his lead and started cheering Kill! Kill! Kill!

    All men stood confused, but with their weapons raised and ready to fight.
    You, kill us? We will destroy you all. Burt shouted.
    Die you poisonous scum. You have eaten the last of our crops. Ponk added.

    Poom and village men rushed over and attacked the new corn creatures.
    The creatures were faster than the last group and were evading attacks with ease. What surprised Poom and Ponk was the fact that they were not attacking, just evading the attacks.
    Still, they continued their attack.

    At first, Poom and Ponk slashed but their attacks clashed with each other and it made corns more confident.
    How did you manage to defeat our brothers when you suck so much?
    The clashing attacks lasted for few minutes, but finally, Ponk and Poom became coordinated. Ponk and Poom slashed like they were dancing, when one slashed at the top the other slashed at the bottom when one attacked left the other right. Poom never had such synergy with anyone else in his whole life. Finally, Poom and Ponk slashed all of the corn creatures.
    Again they heard the sound of earth and knew that one more wave of creatures is coming.

    POLYGON ARMOR: 0 post cooldown
    POLYGON GUNS: 0 post cooldown




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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by NPC 3rd May 2017, 12:00 pm

    The member 'cimbaman' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] NormalMonster


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Miss Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Attack

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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 3rd May 2017, 1:36 pm

    To their surprise, it was not creatures that appeared, but a man.
    He was middle aged with an impressive black and gray beard. He moved slowly as his dark robes waved in the wind. He held a staff with a skull on the top, touching the ground with it with every step.
    So you are the ones that are destroying my creatures. I can't let you continue.
    If I don't stop you I will not get paid.
    the man spoke with a slow and soothing voice. He talked like he had no worries.
    Now I need to kill you.

    The villagers were furious and charged the dark robed man, but a misfortune struck as the man just lifted his arm and all of the men fell.
    What just happened. What is wrong with our legs, they feel like jelly. Di he curse us? He must be the dark wizard that caused our fields to die. Burt screamed as he realised that the jelly feeling was moving up his legs and to his head.
    Right now, all of the men except Poom were cursed.

    Just let me kill you. It will be easier for all of us. said the dark wizard still acting like he was not in any danger.


    DW: 300HP




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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by NPC 3rd May 2017, 1:36 pm

    The member 'cimbaman' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Block

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    Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Saving the Beanstalk Village[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 3rd May 2017, 2:44 pm

    Poom just stood there frozen, he had never before seen a real dark mage, and now he needed to fight him, not even knowing what magic the mage had. All other men were lying on the ground not being abler to move.

    So you are the legal mage they hired to stop me. And as I am here on the job also let us see who is stronger. You a legal mage or me a dark mage. the dark mage said smirking at Poom.
    Poom was scared, but repeating his mantra in his head helped him so he dashed sword in his hand and attacked the middle aged wizard. Dark mage just side stepped and Poom's first slash missed him completely. Poom tried again but the same thing happened.

    Not so tough are we. Ahahaha. laughed the dark mage I thought this would be a challenge, but you are only strong when you have help and the enemy is a weakling. the mage continued.

    Poom was ashamed by his fighting but still continued saying his mantra in his head.
    I will not lose. Justice must prevail. Polygon make sword shouted Poom.
    Poom teleported behind the dark wizard, with a sword in both his hands.
    Just as he finished teleporting Poom started slashing. First, he slashed with a steel sword, then with polygon sword he continued slashing with one than with the other until the polygon sword disappeared and he finished his attack with a steel sword. Poom slashed the dark wizard 11 times (6 with the steel sword, 5 with polygon one), and as the dark wizard didn't expect this all of Poom slashes did hit.

    POLYGON WEAPON: 2 post cooldown

    DW: 188HP




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