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    Next top model[Job/Solo]


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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Next top model[Job/Solo] Empty Next top model[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 15th April 2017, 2:23 pm


    Poom's iLac shined. Poom was surprised as it never before happened he was sure that it was broken, but here it is shining. He looked at it and there was a message awaiting him:  
    "Dear Poom,  
    You were chosen to become participant in the new season of  


    and win 9000 jewels.
    Please go to our office in Rose Garden, address: Tulip Avenue 44, Rose Garden, Fiore to register your participation, the registration period is 4 days from the moment you got this message.

    Lizy Perl
    Fiore's next top model  
    Tulip Avenue 44, Rose Garden, Fiore"

    Poom remembered sending in the application, but he send it half as a joke, so he was very surprised for them to pick him.
    I didn't even send a photo, so how can they know that I could be a good candidate for being next top model. They have no idea how I look. Poom paused and thought But the prize money is good, so maybe I should go there and see what I can do and it could be fun

    It took him 3 days but Poom had finally come to Rose Garden.
    Rose Garden looked wonderful. There was magic, fun, shopping, and exotic things everywhere. Everything from the food and drinks there involved magic. Even the street lamps were powered by glowing Lacrima Crystals. Poom had never seen such a magical city.

    Not wanting to be late, Poom went to find the Tulip Avenue asking everyone, and a few hours later Poom was in front of the giant building with big yellow letters saying FIORE'S NEXT TOP MODEL.
    Poom rushed up the stairs to the check in desk.
    Hi my name is...
    Poom Loom, oh hi sir, go through that door you are the last one here. the young desk clerk finished Poom's sentence which completely startled Poom.
    How do they know? Poom said to himself while going through the door.
    On the other side of the door, there were many people, but 5 stood out, so Poom was sure those were the rest of the participants. Poom found the nearest chair and sat.

    Now that everyone is here we can start. So you 6 were chosen for the new season of Fiore's next top model. For some of you this is a  regular thing, for some this can be a surprise, but here is the gist. It will last 5 weeks. You will all live together in a house. Every week we will have shopping tasks and a photo shoot with a theme. Every Friday there will be a catwalk, and one of you will exit this competition. So that is that have fun and good luck.

    A very nice woman around Poom's age approached him.Hi Poom, I am Lizy. I will be your partner in all this. That is my number in your iLac, so you can contact me anytime you want during these 5 weeks. Now came with me, and let's get you to the house.




    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Next top model[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Next top model[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 17th April 2017, 6:37 am

    The first week: The ego

    Other then Poom there were 5 more people in the house.
    Prvi, a slim black haired man with an emo bang, professional model.
    Druga, redhead accountant from Magnolia, her boyfriend signed her up for the competition.
    Treca, blonde mage, she was in the last season of Next Top model.
    Cetvrti, tanned muscle man.
    Peta, very young round-faced girl, she dreams of becoming a professional model.
    Poom knew he was not in their league.

    The first week started very slowly. At first, the contestants were trying to know each other better, talking late into the night, but after the week's theme was announced they all went every man for himself, and that bothered Poom.
    I hope you all have found your own place in the house, and that you are comfortable. This week's theme is The ego, you need to show us what are you under that skin. As I said before you will need to go shopping and have a photo shoot. As this is your first week both things will happen on Thursday, and on Friday we will have a catwalk, where you will go in the clothes you will be wearing at the photo shoot. So that is that have fun and good luck.

    Poom had no idea what to do, and he was not sure how to find out. He tried talking to people about it, but other than Peta everyone else was only looking for themselves. So he called Lizy, and she explained everything to him, about the poses, the outfits, the way they will be judged. Together they agreed that Poom should go as a farm teacher, using his past on the farm and his magic and love of math to make his ego look. And all the necessary things were bought that same day.

    The photoshoot was quick, Poom made a few poses, the photographer told him to make and it was done. Lizy looked happy.
    The only think now Poom knew waited for him was the catwalk.

    The Friday came, and everyone was on the edge as they could be eliminated, Poom was only thinking of the money he could win.
    Poom was the fourth to walk. He was scared, and for him, the walk lasted minutes, even though it was only a couple of seconds.

    When all participants walked, they were called back in front of the judges, and Peta was eliminated.




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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Next top model[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Next top model[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 17th April 2017, 4:36 pm

    The second week: The mage

    As the first week ended and Peta left, Poom realized that there is no one he could talk to, and he felt alone.

    We lost Peta last week. I can see that it isn't easy for you guys, but that is the reality. You are competing to be the best, so we must begin this week.
    This week's theme is the mage. We want you to show us what your magic looks like, what you look like as a mage.
    Like the last week this week's catwalk will be on Friday, and so will any after that. As this is an easy theme the photo shoot will be on Wednesday and we expect you do your shopping by then.
    So that is that have fun and good luck.

    This week's theme was almost the same as the last week, so Poom thought that he could do a similar thing again. He spoke to Lizy multiple times and was completely convinced that he had no idea about modeling.
    Oh my dear. That may be the stupidest idea I have heard. We need new stuff, not the same old. I know that you are a mage and that it is similar to last week, but this week we need to be powerful, strong. Can you think of any magic that may help us achieve that?
    Poom did not have many spells, and from those he had none made him powerful. He suggested using his weapon, but Lizy wanted more.
    The next time they spoke, on the day of the photo shoot, they agreed that Poom should be wearing colors of his guild and that he should take photos in his armor with the weapon drawn, even if it made him completely covered and unrecognizable.
    The pictures look amazing. Do it on the catwalk and you will be here next week.

    Poon did as it was agreed he took photos in his armor and in red clothes. When Friday came he was prepared, he started going out in his armor and half way turned it off and there he stood in his red clothes but this time with a sword in his hand.

    When all participants walked, they were called back in front of the judges, and Cetvrti was eliminated.




    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Next top model[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Next top model[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 17th April 2017, 4:39 pm

    The third week: Pool party

    The third week began, and Poom was prepared for the shopping, photoshoot and the catwalk, he only needed to know this week's theme.

    Cetvrti left us last week, and if he didn't this week's theme would be right up his alley. This week's theme is pool party. We want to see you in bathing suits.
    Because of that photoshoot will be on Friday alongside catwalk.
    So that is that have fun and good luck.

    Everyone except Poom was happy. He thought he could just repeat all the steps like a previous two weeks, but this week he would be half naked. Last time he was shirtless was in the guild hall and everyone was staring and he didn't like it.
    Sitting alone Poon started thinking how he could increase his odds of not losing this week, and it hit him.
    The judge was right, Cetvrti would have loved this theme, as it was his thing. Maybe I should try the gym, it may help. Everyone else was doing it every day, maybe I should also try it.  
    Poom called Lizy and explained to her his plan of hitting the gym every day till Friday, and she agreed with him but told him to be careful.

    The Friday was there and even though he listened to Lizy's advice Poom's muscles were sore. The change was subtle but noticeable.
    When the time came all four of them were led to a big pool filled with toys and were told to get in. When they took their bathrobes Poon could see other contestants in their bathing suits. Prvi looked unnaturally skinny, but Druga I Treca were beautiful, and Poom was trying to not look at them, he didn't want to be called a creep, and was very ashamed.
    There were more than 10 photographers around the pool, and it made Poon even more ashamed.
    The first thing they did was the catwalk.
    Prvi was full of confidence, and walked like the pool was his.
    Treca also looked like she knew what she was doing, but Poom and Druga were not confident in themselves.
    They were told to enter the pool and to play with the toys if some of the photographers were to call them they should turn and make a pose. This lasted a couple of hours and after almost 20 photos of each of them, they were put in front of the judges.

    Druga was eliminated, and Poom was second to last.




    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Next top model[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Next top model[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 17th April 2017, 4:43 pm

    The fourth week: The celebrity / the surprise

    The fourth week came and there were only three of them left. It made Poom very uncomfortable as he was the only one that was not a professional model, so this may be the week that he would lose.

    There is only three of you left, you are the best we have. As such we want to see you in super famous shoes, so this week's theme is the celebrity. We want you to imagine you being a world's best super model.
    So that is that have fun and good luck.

    Poom didn't feel special, he felt like he really didn't belong here.
    Suddenly Prvi stood up and started shouting.
    I am already a celebrity. It is clear that I am better than them both. So just pronounce me Fiore's next top model and give me the trophy.
    Young man you are not the best, and the fact that you think that is wrong. I would suggest to you to work more on your attitude. said the judge smirking underneath his gray beard.
    Attitude! I will show you attitude.  and Prvi created a fireball in his hand.
    The judge, still not losing the smirk lifted his hand and Prvi's clothes started to tighten around him, causing the fireball to disappear.
    Kid you have overestimated your own power. Oh and just to be clear, you will never be Fiore's next top model, as you are eliminated, and officially banned from it. said the judge now with his smirk long gone.

    Two extremely muscled guys came and took Prvi away, him trying to get out of the straight jacket that became his clothes, but not even moving a budge.

    The end was near and Poom was happy about it, he never really liked Prvi.
    As there is only two of you this will be the final week. We will also change the theme. This week's theme will be the surprise. We want you to surprise us at the catwalk. So there will be no photo shoot.
    Poom spent whole week thinking of a way to surprise the judges. They have seen almost all things and surprising them will be almost impossible.
    He thought about wearing an unusual outfit, but as he was not a professional fashion person he did not even have an idea what unusual outfit could be.
    After a long search, Poom had a plan, and he will surprise them with his magic.  
    He found an old red coat that looked like it was made for him, and he wanted it in his final outfit.
    When the day came Poom gave Lizy all the instructions on what he wanted to do.
    On the stage, there were two big black boxes 4 meters apart. Poom's idea was to throw the cape from one black box towards the other black box, but make two small tetrahedrons to guide it, enter the first black box, while taking down his jacket, and teleporting to the other black box where he would dress himself in a coat, that was waiting for him there. The tricky part was that he wanted it to look natural and flawless.
    Poom went to the catwalk slightly scared, and he knew that he may have bitten more than he can chew, but still continued.
    The music started and Poom started walking, he was fully focused and did every single thing flawlessly, and when he came out of the second black box in a coat and put on the cape again, he got a big round of applause, this was indeed a winning move.

    They again stood in front of the judges and they called Poom the Fiore's next top model. He had won.




    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Next top model[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Next top model[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 17th April 2017, 4:46 pm


    • 9000 J
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