Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 10
    Guild : Nightmare
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Metallic God Slayer(1st Gen)
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Angeline

    Post by Asuka 15th July 2018, 5:10 pm

    Name: Angeline
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25(Real Age: 2,500 years old)
    Birthday: Unknown
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: n/a

    Angeline is charming and sociable young looking woman. She is friendly to others on the outside and plays it safe. However, this is merely a facade, in truth, she is psychotic. sadistic, bloodthirsty murderer. Who takes pleasure in not only torturing her victims before killing them but also the pleasures of kink. Speaking of which, Angeline practically oozes sex appeal and lust. She's very open about her sexuality and takes pride in that. However, she is not the type to go playing with multiple different men, even though she could easily do so.

    Angeline would prefer to give most of her attention to one man, named [blank] He is the only person in the world of the living she has respect for and is highly infatuated with. She'll do just about anything to get him to only pay attention to her, she'll even go so far as to kill anyone who attempts to get close to him. This includes other males, who only wish to be friends with him. To Angeline everyone is her rival. To most others aside from [blank] she is somewhat of an enigma to those who do not know her. She has an air of mystique about her that feels impenetrable. She'll only let those she trusts see through it. However, aside from [blank], there really is no one else who has earned her trust.

    Being what she is, Angeline does not require food nor sleep, she only does those things for the pleasure and not out of necessity. Angeline stays out all night, usually in graveyards and other similar places enjoying the light of the moon, and singing. Night time is also when she will typically carry out an abduction/murder. She'll take her victims far, far away where no one will be able to hear their screams and will torture them slowly until they die. However, whenever she finds a rather juicy looking victim, she'll typically have some fun with them before the true torture begins but that is very seldom for Angeline.
    » Blood
    Angeline loves the color and feel of blood on her hands. Its excites her in ways being intimate with another person doesn't.
    » Weapons
    She loves weapons because they can cut through flesh and bone with such ease, allowing her to see the blood of her victims and opponents.
    » Graveyards
    Being a banshee, Angeline finds the eerie silence and cold darkness comforting.
    » Exorcists
    Being an "evil spirit" of sorts, Angeline has a large disdain for anyone in the exorcist profession.
    » Churches
    Churches to Angeline are a cursed place that she can't bear to step into. While they do her no real harm, she feels incredibly uncomfortable in one.
    » Anything Cute
    She finds anything other people think to be "cute" are disgusting and it irritates her.
    » To be Loved
    Angeline wishes more than anything to have her feelings for [blank] to be reciprocated and for them to never stop feeling the same.
    » Chaos
    Being the blood-thirsty killer she is, Angeline loves chaos. A peaceful world is boring to her. So it motivates her to kill more and bring more fear into the world.
    » Freedom
    Angeline being a ghost, wants nothing more than to remain free, to do as she pleases. It's what motivates her to be sneaky and sly in her crimes
    » Bugs/Insects
    Angeline HATES bugs, to her, they are creepy and gross.
    » Small Animals
    She can't really understand why but small animals scare the crap out of her. If a puppy or kitten or any other small animal were to approach her, she would likely shriek and run away.
    » Fire
    She's afraid of fire and flames to the point where she will freeze in fear depending on the situation.
    General Appearance

    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 140 lbs
    Hair: Snow White
    Eyes: Pale Gold
    Skin Tone: pale, nearly translucent

    Guild: Nightmare
    Tattoo: Left side of her lower back, near her hips(dark purple)


    Angeline S-l300

    Completed Re: Angeline

    Post by Guest 15th July 2018, 7:43 pm


    Angeline RxCMB8Q

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