Fairy Tail RP

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    daisy oushiza

    daisy oushiza
    daisy oushiza

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 15
    Guild : black rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: nature's justice
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed daisy oushiza

    Post by daisy oushiza 15th July 2018, 1:25 pm

    (sorry that my personality is long, but i mixed her background in with it as well)

    Name: daisy oushiza “fair maiden” (as referred to by some)
    Gender: female
    Age: 19
    Birthday: april 27
    Sexuality: straight
    Special Characteristics: always seems to have a flower/flowers in her hair. while they are pretty, she doesn't mean for it to happen, they just kind of appear.


    when first meeting daisy, she can come across as simpleminded and naive. however, that is only a fraction of the truth. in reality, she is happy and optimistic, but because she fought to be, because her world was full of pessimism.

    daisy was born as a twin to her brother, the favored twin, hermes. he was expected, and blessed, and important. daisy was shunned, put away, hidden. she spent her days lying in her backyard shed with too many cracks, when one day she met a lady. she met a lady who poked her nose through one of the too many cracks and made daisy laugh for the first time ever in her life. the old woman taught her how to make flowers fly and the forest sing. how to enjoy the sunset and be happy and be daisy.

    one day, daisy was so so happy that flowers started growing in her hair, uncontrollably. the old woman told her to embrace it, by her parents had a different idea. on a sunny day, in fact the sunniest day of them all, her mother knocked at the shed for mealtime. daisy reached for her food fast, but not fast enough, as her mother saw the flower. immediately, her mother grabbed it out of her hair, but another grew back. and it was on that sunny, sunny day, that she found out about daisy's magic, and by proxy, the lovely old woman.

    however her mother didn’t find the lovely woman quite as, lovely. so on the sunniest day of all the sunny days, her mother cast away the old woman and in turn, cast away her daughter. from that day, daisy ishijima became daisy oushiza.

    so now daisy is nice and lovely and wonderful and oozes joy. she tries to be as light-hearted and positive as possible. because when she needed somebody, that person was taken away from her.

    daisy has spent her trying to have as much compassion and understanding as possible, but still not leaving her past behind. because to have happiness, you must remember the pain and suffering and tragedy. with all of that, she also as loyal as they come. she was left, so now she stays.

    one very important thing not to be forgotten, is her stubbornness. her last name that she took is oushiza, which means taurus in japanese. her zodiac is the taurus, making her stubborn for her beliefs. this means that if what she believes is right, she will stand by it indefinitely. when fighting for a cause, she will never leave her position. and most importantly, don’t get in an argument with her, it’s like a switch inside her turns on, and she’ll never let you live it down.

    despite being small, so small looking that a breeze of wind might knock her over, she is strong. not lifting a car strong, but strong in agility, strong in mental capacity. but as well, could probably knock a few of your socks off with some punches.

    she speaks in soft voices and comes across and naive, because she has to. because otherwise she’d see the world and how terrible and cruel it really is. she fights evil and injustice because if she doesn’t, daisy will believe that she will become evil. because it was in her mother and in her father, so it must be somewhere inside of her too. the most honest truth however, is that she’s scared. scared because in the quiet moments alone in her room, and in the most chaotic times in the guild, she swears that she feels the smallest seed of evil inside of her. and that breeds doubt inside of daisy.

    on the surface, she may seem simpleminded and naive. happy always, with no off switch. but when you meet her, when you actually meet the girl with flowers growing in her hair, you’ll see that with every sentence she speaks and every action she takes, she is trying to stick her nose into one of the too many cracks in your backyard shed. she is trying as hard as she can to be somebody’s light, to see the best in the world, to be the fair maiden.

    • flowers/nature; it has to do with her magic and it reminds her of her childhood. it makes her the most peaceful and happy.
    • bugs; her childhood with one friend gave her lots of downtime to learn to love little creatures.
    • people; she loves being around people and talking and tellin stories and just enjoying company. in turn, she hates being alone.

    • mirrors/her reflection; she doesn’t like seeing herself as it makes her feel evil and distorted, as if she’s seeing her mother in herself.
    •lumberjacks; anyone who cuts down trees is a terribly, terribly rude person.
    •orange juice; orange juice? tastes more like the devil’s juice. and why do people keep offering it to her ?????

    • saving the people from a corrupt government. in other words, protecting those who cannot protect themselves.
    • being better than her mom. due to this, she tries to be better in all sense if the word.
    • living up to the title of the fair maiden. it was given to her by the old lady and it just stuck. she now tries to live a life of fairness and justice.

    • small spaces; due to her childhood, she developed a mild claustrophobia, henceforth a fear of small spaces, sheds in particular.
    • her family; she ran away from home and a terrible childhood, therefore she couldn’t bear to ever see them again. probably her biggest fear, and part of this is the fear of being like them.
    •those around her dying; she’s afraid a part of her might be cursed which causes evil and hatred around her.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 107 pounds
    Hair: black, medium length, going to about her armpits. front bangs and as well usually donned with a flower.
    Eyes: amber yellow
    Skin Tone: light

    Guild: black rose
    Tattoo: sunshine yellowon her left collarbone

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: daisy oushiza

    Post by kittykool75 15th July 2018, 4:35 pm


    daisy oushiza  SESFcGa


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    daisy oushiza  1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:28 am