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    Death Comes For All [Marceline Anicetus]


    Death Comes For All [Marceline Anicetus] Empty Death Comes For All [Marceline Anicetus]

    Post by Guest 7th April 2017, 6:17 pm


    I’m here to pick up a package for Mrs. Flemans?” Marceline called out as she wandered down to the docks of the only port in, well, Lavanitir Port City. Considering the city was on the seaside, she had honestly expected the place to be much larger than what it was and have more ports. In a way, the place reminded her much of Hargeon Town, the place that had been destroyed by a massive sea monster she could care less about. So, it made her wonder if that would be what would happen to Lavanitir Port City as well; if a giant sea monster would ravage it. That would be one hell of a way to go and certainly ironic that yet another portside town had been ravished by a sea monster. Perhaps it would alert people not to flock toward the seaside, where there was a higher potential of a sea monster attacking them? Whatever the reason being there was, the woman was simply here to pick up a package for her client and bring the package to her.

    Ah! We’ve been expecting you! Just head down to the lower docks and make a right. It’ll be the first docked ship on your left,” a man answered her.

    Marceline gave a small nod of her head and wandered past the booth the man resided in, her eyes warily glancing toward him. With as simple of a job as this was, the woman had drawn in her auras, so that they wouldn’t cause mass destruction wherever she trod. Besides, she didn’t need to cause her business associates any more issues than they already had with black market dealers and whoever else did illegal trades. She wasn’t here to cause that kind of mayhem anyway, it wasn’t her cup of tea, unless of course, she had purposefully gone down there to do that. However, that was not the case, she just needed to pick up a package and bring it back to wherever her client happened to live. In fact, that sounded a lot easier than she expected it to be, all things considered that she was someone who was wanted by the Magic Council. If anything, the Magic Council would believe she was handling an illegal trade and send in the Rune Knights to confiscate what she had and apprehend her and her client.

    She reached the lower docks and turned to the first boat that was docked there, watching as two men hauled down a crate. Marcy scoffed at how it required two of them to carry it when she was certain she could carry it on her own and with only one arm. Yet, she wasn’t here to show off, she was here for one thing: to get in and to get out as quickly as possible without causing trouble. When the crate was set on the dock, the woman gave a small nod of thanks to the men and lifted up the crate for herself. The two men stared at her in awe, but didn’t say anything; they merely gawked at her as she began to walk away with the crate in tow. Perhaps it was because they were two magicless humans, people who were not used to what exactly magic was capable of doing to someone. Marceline smirked as she walked away, heading back the way she had come so she could backtrack to her client’s location again.

    A few hours later, the woman arrived at her client’s home and delivered the crate to the doorstep before taking off on her own.

    WC: 596

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 1:27 am