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    Noa Kuroki

    Noa Kuroki
    Noa Kuroki

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
    Position : None
    Posts : 179
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : TBA ♥
    Experience : 450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Eternal Unhealth ♥
    Second Skill: Heartstone Dragon Slayer [Gen 2] ♥
    Third Skill:

    Noa Kuroki Empty Noa Kuroki

    Post by Noa Kuroki 14th September 2016, 2:47 pm

    Character Bio Sheet
    Name: Noa "Enigma" Kuroki
    Gender: Female
    Age: 27
    Birthday: October 31st
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics: There's a scar on the here lower back that looks like a star right over the based of her spine. On the bottom of her right wrist is a pink heart shape tattoo with the name "Chiyo" in royal blue color.


    Noa was a loner for a very long time, until she had met Chiyo witch changed her whole site of the world its self an what should be done to help it out. Noa became a very social and out going person. She began to really enjoy working, helping others out, training, and protecting those that are around her. More than all other things she is always training her self physically and her magic so that's the way she can be even stronger and faster. Plus Noa feels that to gain full control of herself is that she must master her magic. While at the same time strengthening her body so that it that the magic its self won't rip her body into pieces. The reasons she had been alone for so long was because of her extremely bad trust issues and Noa thought that had others knew what she turly was that they would become scare of her. Witch would have caused her to slip into a deep depression that she would most likely lost her self and became an emotionless being that would kill everything. Noa can be extremely hard on people at times but its only to keep people save or to keep them from being so wide open to surprise attacks. But no matter how hard Noa is on them she has this warmth about her that makes other want to be around her.  She is mostly only out and about at night time but you can find her during the day in any of the shady spots or any dark like areas just waiting for someone to come along to talk to. Unless you find Noa  asleep somewhere random witch is rare cause normally you will find Noa with her head on top of Chiyo's lap sleeping. When it comes to finding jobs to do, Noa knows she can do them alone but ever scene meeting Chiyo she refuses to go at anything alone. So she will go grab Chiyo an drag her along with her. While at the same time keeping her safe and unharmed. Noa will always work though every job and completes it no matter how strong the other person is.

    Noa number one goal is to be strong an fast enough to protect everyone and everything from those who wish/want to do them harm. Most importantly keep Chiyo the love of her life safe over all. This is why you will find her training at any time of day or the whole day, if she isn't asked to come along for a job or isn't being dragged off by Chiyo for some reason. Trying to gain full control of herself is her number two goal. Once she is able to reach that goal, she can finally relax some and can spend time without worrying about losing control and hurting others or worst of the worst hurting her lover. Noa dreams of the days he doesn't have to hide his true self anymore and everyone with accept her for who she really is one day but sadly she never honestly believes that day will ever happen. The only one that she has told so far was Chiyo an lucky that only had made them closer as lovers. There is only one thing that Noa hasn't told even Chiyo an that is of what happens if she ever loses control again. Plus on top of all that is the voice she keeps locked away in the back of her mind at all times because its nothing more then a pure angry and evil being.

    During any battle Noa tends to start by standing her ground and waits for the enemy or enemies to make the first move. She prefers to be the leader of a group/team. But no matter what even if she isn't the leader, Noa will jump out in front of the group/team before she stands her ground to protect everyone. She will also so block and guard her teammates no mater what even if they are on the tail in by back flipping over them in time to parry the enemy an counter strike them. Over all don't be fooled by her defensive style cause when it comes done to having to get ride of everything to those around her safe she will go all out. The only draw back is its harder for her to keep control the most others around her panic. Thats why she trains her legs an body to be faster then a normal person so to be able to clean up an without panic. Even if it costs her life or any body part, she will protect everyone on her team and she refuses to let others be harmed. If anyone one of them are harmed she will blame her self for being to weak and slow. After getting her self back together mentally, Noa will stop at nothing to hunt down being or beast that had hurt one or more of the ones around her. But if she is either in a near death moment or someone badly wounded her lover, she will burst into a demonic berserk state where she will stop at nothing to kill the one(s) that caused the wounds and pain to her self or to her lover and destroys anything in her path to that person, being, monster, creature, or animal. Noa is mostly worried that when in they state something was to happen that she ends up hurting her teammates or her love. She knows once she masters control of that state, Noa will become a force to be fear by others but will only use it to protect Chiyo or anyone that's in a life or death moment.
    Noa was a young beautiful women that was stroke down by some unknown force that left be hide a star shaped srace on her back side. This caused her to have her real body and soul split apart from each other. Witch couldn't have been at a worst time because there was a rampaging demon not that far away from her. An once it had noticed her soul just floating there, the demon came flying at her to devour her soul. But then out of no where a shinigami came flying down to protect her from the demon even those it was against so many rules of the shinigami's code. After that moment the shinigami know he couldn't return to his home and made a contract pact with Noa an him self. This allowed her soul to return to her body an be a normal human again. At lest that's what she thought at first but after a while she noticed that she wasn't normal. As always you can never trust a shinigami cause not he had combied him self with her body as well causing her to become the first hybrid of their races. Noa was now part human and part shinigami witch helped her pick up on magic easier. That would take most others months or years to learn but she would pick up on it within a day or two. The draw back was that the shinigami had taken up part of her mental brain and formed it's self into that of a darker an more evil like version of her self. That is why Noa has to keep him locked up with her head so he doesn't take over her body an go on a rampage that she can only hopelessly watch happen though her own eyes.

    Chiyo Kuroki - She is the only one that knows what Noa's truly is and cause of that she feels closer to her then anyone else.

    Sparing - Noa feels most alive while having a person to train with or just to be able to test her own power. While at the some time knowing that she wont kill the reason if she happens to overpower them.

    Darkness - Noa prefers to work in the shadows/darkness so that she can attack anyone/anything from anywhere and makes it harder for anyone watching to know who really did anything.
    Laziness - Noa will yell at anyone she find slacking off when there's work to be done and if they till don't do anything she will throw them into any near by water (pond, puddle, lake, spring, hot spring, ocean, or a tub).

    Death - Its the ugliest thing she has ever seen and it disgusts her to no end cause she feel that it was her fault for not being strong or fast enough.

    Dragons - Due to the past where dragons had killed her mother then before they had finished killing her farther. He was able to give Noa a special family stone right before another dragon came down ate him right in front of her. Ever sceen then she had extremely disliked dragons and begin hunting them down an killing them for what they did that one horrible day.
    Feeling for Chiyo - Over time Noa fell in love with Chiyo and will do anything to make her happy and to keep her from harm or death.

    Overly Protective - If Noa's lover is in need of help, she will do anything and everything in her power to stop them from being harmed in anyway.

    Gaining Strength and Speed - To become stronger and faster so that Noa's not defeated easily and for someone or something to attack an harm Chiyo. Because she would never forgive her self to have let Chiyo be in pain an knowing she did nothing to stop it from happening when she could have.
    Lover's Death - The lost of her lover will drive Noa insane to the point where she will try and kill everything in site/near her till either she dies her self or her lover is relived.

    Nosey People - Unknowing what the person is up to. would cause her to jump straight to the idea of that person knowing what she really is. Causing another bit of fear to that of them not understanding her and they become scared of her that would make her feel very sad.

    Losing Control of Herself - There has been a few time when this has happened and those close to her got hurt cause of it. She is so sacred of it that she can't even bare to tell the one she loves about that one unforgivable night. Best way to explain there is anything being buried within her.
    General Appearance
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 154 lbs
    Hair: Light Blue, Short with two long small locks hair over her right ear that goes down just a little bit under her breasts
    Eyes: Royal Blue
    Skin Tone: Light/Pale
    Appearance: Noa is almost always wearing her favorite kind of dress, its a sleeveless dark blue dress that goes all the way down. Witch looks very beautiful on her slim body and makes it easier to see her very healthy glow. Under her dress she keeps her breasts warped up with ace bandages but not to tight as to flatten her breasts in like some women do. While she also has a pair poofy black pants on. All along with apair of geta sandles on witch are wooden japanese sandles that have two blocks sticking out the button thats the wearer seem a bit more taller then they normaly are.
    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: Over left collarbone, this color #0024aa
    Rank: C

    Last edited by Kenyon on 15th September 2016, 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Noa Kuroki 3537914953
    Noa Kuroki
    Heartstone Dragon Slayer [Gen 2]
    Heart Sealed Sword
    Noa Kuroki Banner_2_by_treasureelf-daqwrva
    Job Slots: 2/4
    Exp: 450/1200

    Noa Kuroki Empty Re: Noa Kuroki

    Post by Guest 15th September 2016, 8:33 pm

    Hey there, Kenyon. Unfortunately, the Garou Knights are closed; you'll have to chose a different guild to join.
    Kenyon wrote:
    Character Bio Sheet
    Name: Noa "Enigma" Kuroki
    Gender: Female
    Age: 27
    Birthday: October 31st
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics: There's a scar on the here lower back that looks like a star right over the based of her spine. On the bottom of her right wrist is a pink heart shape tattoo with the name "Chiyo" in royal blue color.


    Noa was a loner for a very long time, until she had met Chiyo witch changed her whole site of the world its self an what should be done to help it out. Noa became a very social and out going person. She began to really enjoy working, helping others out, training, and protecting those that are around her. More than all other things she is always training her self physically and her magic so that's the way she can be even stronger and faster. Plus Noa feels that to gain full control of herself is that she must master her magic. While at the same time strengthening her body so that it that the magic its self won't rip her body into pieces. The reasons she had been alone for so long was because of her extremely bad trust issues and Noa thought that had others knew what she turly was that they would become scare of her. Witch would have caused her to slip into a deep depression that she would most likely lost her self and became an emotionless being that would kill everything. Noa can be extremely hard on people at times but its only to keep people save or to keep them from being so wide open to surprise attacks. But no matter how hard Noa is on them she has this warmth about her that makes other want to be around her.  She is mostly only out and about at night time but you can find her during the day in any of the shady spots or any dark like areas just waiting for someone to come along to talk to. Unless you find Noa  asleep somewhere random witch is rare cause normally you will find Noa with her head on top of Chiyo's lap sleeping. When it comes to finding jobs to do, Noa knows she can do them alone but ever scene meeting Chiyo she refuses to go at anything alone. So she will go grab Chiyo an drag her along with her. While at the same time keeping her safe and unharmed. Noa will always work though every job and completes it no matter how strong the other person is.

    Noa number one goal is to be strong an fast enough to protect everyone and everything from those who wish/want to do them harm. Most importantly keep Chiyo the love of her life safe over all. This is why you will find her training at any time of day or the whole day, if she isn't asked to come along for a job or isn't being dragged off by Chiyo for some reason. Trying to gain full control of herself is her number two goal. Once she is able to reach that goal, she can finally relax some and can spend time without worrying about losing control and hurting others or worst of the worst hurting her lover. Noa dreams of the days he doesn't have to hide his true self anymore and everyone with accept her for who she really is one day but sadly she never honestly believes that day will ever happen. The only one that she has told so far was Chiyo an lucky that only had made them closer as lovers. There is only one thing that Noa hasn't told even Chiyo an that is of what happens if she ever loses control again. Plus on top of all that is the voice she keeps locked away in the back of her mind at all times because its nothing more then a pure angry and evil being.

    During any battle Noa tends to start by standing her ground and waits for the enemy or enemies to make the first move. She prefers to be the leader of a group/team. But no matter what even if she isn't the leader, Noa will jump out in front of the group/team before she stands her ground to protect everyone. She will also so block and guard her teammates no mater what even if they are on the tail in by back flipping over them in time to parry the enemy an counter strike them. Over all don't be fooled by her defensive style cause when it comes done to having to get ride of everything to those around her safe she will go all out. The only draw back is its harder for her to keep control the most others around her panic. Thats why she trains her legs an body to be faster then a normal person so to be able to clean up an without panic. Even if it costs her life or any body part, she will protect everyone on her team and she refuses to let others be harmed. If anyone one of them are harmed she will blame her self for being to weak and slow. After getting her self back together mentally, Noa will stop at nothing to hunt down being or beast that had hurt one or more of the ones around her. But if she is either in a near death moment or someone badly wounded her lover, she will burst into a demonic berserk state where she will stop at nothing to kill the one(s) that caused the wounds and pain to her self or to her lover and destroys anything in her path to that person, being, monster, creature, or animal. Noa is mostly worried that when in they state something was to happen that she ends up hurting her teammates or her love. She knows once she masters control of that state, Noa will become a force to be fear by others but will only use it to protect Chiyo or anyone that's in a life or death moment.
    Noa was a young beautiful women that was stroke down by some unknown force that left be hide a star shaped srace on her back side. This caused her to have her real body and soul split apart from each other. Witch couldn't have been at a worst time because there was a rampaging demon not that far away from her. An once it had noticed her soul just floating there, the demon came flying at her to devour her soul. But then out of no where a shinigami came flying down to protect her from the demon even those it was against so many rules of the shinigami's code. After that moment the shinigami know he couldn't return to his home and made a contract pact with Noa an him self. This allowed her soul to return to her body an be a normal human again. At lest that's what she thought at first but after a while she noticed that she wasn't normal. As always you can never trust a shinigami cause not he had combied him self with her body as well causing her to become the first hybrid of their races. Noa was now part human and part shinigami witch helped her pick up on magic easier. That would take most others months or years to learn but she would pick up on it within a day or two. The draw back was that the shinigami had taken up part of her mental brain and formed it's self into that of a darker an more evil like version of her self. That is why Noa has to keep him locked up with her head so he doesn't take over her body an go on a rampage that she can only hopelessly watch happen though her own eyes.

    Chiyo Kuroki - She is the only one that knows what Noa's truly is and cause of that she feels closer to her then anyone else.

    Sparing - Noa feels most alive while having a person to train with or just to be able to test her own power. While at the some time knowing that she wont kill the reason if she happens to overpower them.

    Darkness - Noa prefers to work in the shadows/darkness so that she can attack anyone/anything from anywhere and makes it harder for anyone watching to know who really did anything.
    Laziness - Noa will yell at anyone she find slacking off when there's work to be done and if they till don't do anything she will throw them into any near by water (pond, puddle, lake, spring, hot spring, ocean, or a tub).

    Death - Its the ugliest thing she has ever seen and it disgusts her to no end cause she feel that it was her fault for not being strong or fast enough.

    Dragons - Due to the past where dragons had killed her mother then before they had finished killing her farther. He was able to give Noa a special family stone right before another dragon came down ate him right in front of her. Ever sceen then she had extremely disliked dragons and begin hunting them down an killing them for what they did that one horrible day.
    Feeling for Chiyo - Over time Noa fell in love with Chiyo and will do anything to make her happy and to keep her from harm or death.

    Overly Protective - If Noa's lover is in need of help, she will do anything and everything in her power to stop them from being harmed in anyway.

    Gaining Strength and Speed - To become stronger and faster so that Noa's not defeated easily and for someone or something to attack an harm Chiyo. Because she would never forgive her self to have let Chiyo be in pain an knowing she did nothing to stop it from happening when she could have.
    Lover's Death - The lost of her lover will drive Noa insane to the point where she will try and kill everything in site/near her till either she dies her self or her lover is relived.

    Nosey People - Unknowing what the person is up to. would cause her to jump straight to the idea of that person knowing what she really is. Causing another bit of fear to that of them not understanding her and they become scared of her that would make her feel very sad.

    Losing Control of Herself - There has been a few time when this has happened and those close to her got hurt cause of it. She is so sacred of it that she can't even bare to tell the one she loves about that one unforgivable night. Best way to explain there is anything being buried within her.
    General Appearance
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 154 lbs
    Hair: Light Blue, Short with two long small locks hair over her right ear that goes down just a little bit under her breasts
    Eyes: Royal Blue
    Skin Tone: Light/Pale
    Appearance: Noa is almost always wearing her favorite kind of dress, its a sleeveless dark blue dress that goes all the way down. Witch looks very beautiful on her slim body and makes it easier to see her very healthy glow. Under her dress she keeps her breasts warped up with ace bandages but not to tight as to flatten her breasts in like some women do. While she also has a pair poofy black pants on. All along with apair of geta sandles on witch are wooden japanese sandles that have two blocks sticking out the button thats the wearer seem a bit more taller then they normaly are.
    Guild: Garou Knights
    Tattoo: Over left collarbone, this color #0024aa
    Rank: C

    Noa Kuroki
    Noa Kuroki

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
    Position : None
    Posts : 179
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : TBA ♥
    Experience : 450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Eternal Unhealth ♥
    Second Skill: Heartstone Dragon Slayer [Gen 2] ♥
    Third Skill:

    Noa Kuroki Empty Re: Noa Kuroki

    Post by Noa Kuroki 15th September 2016, 8:49 pm

    Bump, gonna be guildless for now.


    Noa Kuroki 3537914953
    Noa Kuroki
    Heartstone Dragon Slayer [Gen 2]
    Heart Sealed Sword
    Noa Kuroki Banner_2_by_treasureelf-daqwrva
    Job Slots: 2/4
    Exp: 450/1200

    Noa Kuroki Empty Re: Noa Kuroki

    Post by Guest 15th September 2016, 9:08 pm

    Noa Kuroki AESz729

    Noa Kuroki Empty Re: Noa Kuroki

    Post by Guest 2nd April 2017, 8:36 am

    Unlocked at user's request.
    Noa Kuroki wrote:
    Character Bio Sheet
    Name: Noa "Enigma" Kuroki
    Gender: Female
    Age: 27
    Birthday: October 31st
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics: There's a scar on the here lower back that looks like a star right over the based of her spine. On the bottom of her right wrist is a pink heart shape tattoo with the name "Chiyo" in royal blue color.


    Noa was a loner for a very long time, until she had met Chiyo witch changed her whole site of the world its self an what should be done to help it out. Noa became a very social and out going person. She began to really enjoy working, helping others out, training, and protecting those that are around her. More than all other things she is always training her self physically and her magic so that's the way she can be even stronger and faster. Plus Noa feels that to gain full control of herself is that she must master her magic. While at the same time strengthening her body so that it that the magic its self won't rip her body into pieces. The reasons she had been alone for so long was because of her extremely bad trust issues and Noa thought that had others knew what she turly was that they would become scare of her. Witch would have caused her to slip into a deep depression that she would most likely lost her self and became an emotionless being that would kill everything. Noa can be extremely hard on people at times but its only to keep people save or to keep them from being so wide open to surprise attacks. But no matter how hard Noa is on them she has this warmth about her that makes other want to be around her.  She is mostly only out and about at night time but you can find her during the day in any of the shady spots or any dark like areas just waiting for someone to come along to talk to. Unless you find Noa  asleep somewhere random witch is rare cause normally you will find Noa with her head on top of Chiyo's lap sleeping. When it comes to finding jobs to do, Noa knows she can do them alone but ever scene meeting Chiyo she refuses to go at anything alone. So she will go grab Chiyo an drag her along with her. While at the same time keeping her safe and unharmed. Noa will always work though every job and completes it no matter how strong the other person is.

    Noa number one goal is to be strong an fast enough to protect everyone and everything from those who wish/want to do them harm. Most importantly keep Chiyo the love of her life safe over all. This is why you will find her training at any time of day or the whole day, if she isn't asked to come along for a job or isn't being dragged off by Chiyo for some reason. Trying to gain full control of herself is her number two goal. Once she is able to reach that goal, she can finally relax some and can spend time without worrying about losing control and hurting others or worst of the worst hurting her lover. Noa dreams of the days he doesn't have to hide his true self anymore and everyone with accept her for who she really is one day but sadly she never honestly believes that day will ever happen. The only one that she has told so far was Chiyo an lucky that only had made them closer as lovers. There is only one thing that Noa hasn't told even Chiyo an that is of what happens if she ever loses control again. Plus on top of all that is the voice she keeps locked away in the back of her mind at all times because its nothing more then a pure angry and evil being.

    During any battle Noa tends to start by standing her ground and waits for the enemy or enemies to make the first move. She prefers to be the leader of a group/team. But no matter what even if she isn't the leader, Noa will jump out in front of the group/team before she stands her ground to protect everyone. She will also so block and guard her teammates no mater what even if they are on the tail in by back flipping over them in time to parry the enemy an counter strike them. Over all don't be fooled by her defensive style cause when it comes done to having to get ride of everything to those around her safe she will go all out. The only draw back is its harder for her to keep control the most others around her panic. Thats why she trains her legs an body to be faster then a normal person so to be able to clean up an without panic. Even if it costs her life or any body part, she will protect everyone on her team and she refuses to let others be harmed. If anyone one of them are harmed she will blame her self for being to weak and slow. After getting her self back together mentally, Noa will stop at nothing to hunt down being or beast that had hurt one or more of the ones around her. But if she is either in a near death moment or someone badly wounded her lover, she will burst into a demonic berserk state where she will stop at nothing to kill the one(s) that caused the wounds and pain to her self or to her lover and destroys anything in her path to that person, being, monster, creature, or animal. Noa is mostly worried that when in they state something was to happen that she ends up hurting her teammates or her love. She knows once she masters control of that state, Noa will become a force to be fear by others but will only use it to protect Chiyo or anyone that's in a life or death moment.
    Noa was a young beautiful women that was stroke down by some unknown force that left be hide a star shaped srace on her back side. This caused her to have her real body and soul split apart from each other. Witch couldn't have been at a worst time because there was a rampaging demon not that far away from her. An once it had noticed her soul just floating there, the demon came flying at her to devour her soul. But then out of no where a shinigami came flying down to protect her from the demon even those it was against so many rules of the shinigami's code. After that moment the shinigami know he couldn't return to his home and made a contract pact with Noa an him self. This allowed her soul to return to her body an be a normal human again. At lest that's what she thought at first but after a while she noticed that she wasn't normal. As always you can never trust a shinigami cause not he had combied him self with her body as well causing her to become the first hybrid of their races. Noa was now part human and part shinigami witch helped her pick up on magic easier. That would take most others months or years to learn but she would pick up on it within a day or two. The draw back was that the shinigami had taken up part of her mental brain and formed it's self into that of a darker an more evil like version of her self. That is why Noa has to keep him locked up with her head so he doesn't take over her body an go on a rampage that she can only hopelessly watch happen though her own eyes.

    Chiyo Kuroki - She is the only one that knows what Noa's truly is and cause of that she feels closer to her then anyone else.

    Sparing - Noa feels most alive while having a person to train with or just to be able to test her own power. While at the some time knowing that she wont kill the reason if she happens to overpower them.

    Darkness - Noa prefers to work in the shadows/darkness so that she can attack anyone/anything from anywhere and makes it harder for anyone watching to know who really did anything.
    Laziness - Noa will yell at anyone she find slacking off when there's work to be done and if they till don't do anything she will throw them into any near by water (pond, puddle, lake, spring, hot spring, ocean, or a tub).

    Death - Its the ugliest thing she has ever seen and it disgusts her to no end cause she feel that it was her fault for not being strong or fast enough.

    Dragons - Due to the past where dragons had killed her mother then before they had finished killing her farther. He was able to give Noa a special family stone right before another dragon came down ate him right in front of her. Ever sceen then she had extremely disliked dragons and begin hunting them down an killing them for what they did that one horrible day.
    Feeling for Chiyo - Over time Noa fell in love with Chiyo and will do anything to make her happy and to keep her from harm or death.

    Overly Protective - If Noa's lover is in need of help, she will do anything and everything in her power to stop them from being harmed in anyway.

    Gaining Strength and Speed - To become stronger and faster so that Noa's not defeated easily and for someone or something to attack an harm Chiyo. Because she would never forgive her self to have let Chiyo be in pain an knowing she did nothing to stop it from happening when she could have.
    Lover's Death - The lost of her lover will drive Noa insane to the point where she will try and kill everything in site/near her till either she dies her self or her lover is relived.

    Nosey People - Unknowing what the person is up to. would cause her to jump straight to the idea of that person knowing what she really is. Causing another bit of fear to that of them not understanding her and they become scared of her that would make her feel very sad.

    Losing Control of Herself - There has been a few time when this has happened and those close to her got hurt cause of it. She is so sacred of it that she can't even bare to tell the one she loves about that one unforgivable night. Best way to explain there is anything being buried within her.
    General Appearance
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 154 lbs
    Hair: Light Blue, Short with two long small locks hair over her right ear that goes down just a little bit under her breasts
    Eyes: Royal Blue
    Skin Tone: Light/Pale
    Appearance: Noa is almost always wearing her favorite kind of dress, its a sleeveless dark blue dress that goes all the way down. Witch looks very beautiful on her slim body and makes it easier to see her very healthy glow. Under her dress she keeps her breasts warped up with ace bandages but not to tight as to flatten her breasts in like some women do. While she also has a pair poofy black pants on. All along with apair of geta sandles on witch are wooden japanese sandles that have two blocks sticking out the button thats the wearer seem a bit more taller then they normaly are.
    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: Over left collarbone, this color #0024aa
    Rank: C


    Noa Kuroki Empty Re: Noa Kuroki

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 9:19 pm

    Noa Kuroki XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:18 pm