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    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo


    Position : None
    Posts : 285
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    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
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    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo Empty WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo

    Post by Itazura 23rd February 2017, 1:18 pm

    Job Description:

    Trigger Warning: Gore
    Not really sure if this is necessary, but I'll put one here

    Last edited by Itazura on 28th February 2017, 1:36 pm; edited 2 times in total


    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo DsdPc3p



    Position : None
    Posts : 285
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    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
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    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo Empty Re: WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo

    Post by Itazura 23rd February 2017, 1:20 pm

    {rolling enemies ahead of time}


    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo DsdPc3p



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    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo Empty Re: WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo

    Post by NPC 23rd February 2017, 1:20 pm

    The member 'Itazura' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo NormalMonster WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo NormalMonster WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo StrongMonster WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo NormalMonster WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo WeakMonster WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo WeakMonster

    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
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    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo Empty Re: WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo

    Post by Itazura 23rd February 2017, 5:55 pm

    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo YpT0wRM
    Itazura Black Rose C-Rank Aruzati
    S o   I v e   l i e d   a n d   I v e   b e e n   t r i c k i n g   e v e r   s i n c e

    The weasel was out on his usual travels, and of course he went to some weird place that no normal people travel like the Spooky Forest. And of course he is in a guild now, and doesn't really need to travel like he used to. He even had a room in the Silver Moon Inn, not that he slept in it as much as he did his guildmates bedrooms. Cause he is weird like that, plus it bothers some of the other people and it's funny to the itachi to see their reactions. Nothing is funnier then messing with other people, or so Itazura thinks. So here he is, travelling like the old days before he joined Black Rose. He walked through the forest, that was surprisingly dark for being the middle of the day, but being a weasel he didn't have any trouble seeing anything. It was rather weird for him to be up at this time, I mean he was a weasel like I just said, they're nocturnal.
    With his hands in his pockets he shifted his hazel optics all around, studying his surroundings, trying to keep them in his memories cause he didn't know when he would ever come around here ever again. He looked up at the roof the thousands of trees were making with their branches and leaves, his black and white hood falling off his head and onto his shoulders. The boy smiled and took in a deep breath of the eerie air of the creepy forest. Though others may consider this, well, rather spooky, he felt right at home. Being a rather creepy thing himself, this didn't really bother the yokai.
    The teenage looking boy stopped in his tracks when he heard some non-natural rustling in the bushes, he turned his gaze over to the noise, curious to what it was. He had barely entered the forest, now something was going to try and bother him already? "Hello?" the weasel called out with a look on his face showing his interest, but no caution, that's not really his thing. Itazura is almost the exact opposite of caution, jump in before look may be a way to word it. Not even a minute passed and out scurried a little brown rabbit, it was all scuffed up and had some mud caked on it's normally very pretty fur. It stopped in front of the yokai, breathing heavily and twitching their nose. Then to nobodies surprise, it spoke. Not normal little rabbit noises, but straight up human English, though he would've preferred it to speak his native tongue. "Pl-please-ase s-s-sir, h-help" it said frantically and in a rather scared tone.
    Itazura squatted down, being closer to the scared little bunny "Now Usagi-Kun, what is the matter?" not really concerned at all that something was wrong, like I said, not the cautious type, just interested in this sudden turn events. Hopefully this would get rather interesting, now that he thought about it he was rather hungry also, maybe he could get a decent meal out of this. "It-it's somethi-thing, try-trying to-to take over-r the for-forest!" the rabbit said rather loudly for how small it was, it continued "they're ki-kicking everybo-bo-body out-t-t!" He nodded in response, well this was gonna be fun "Alrighty" he said standing back up from his squatting position "let's get a move on then, shall we Usagi-Kun?"

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    563 3,000


    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo DsdPc3p



    Posts : 23944
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    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo Empty Re: WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo

    Post by NPC 23rd February 2017, 5:55 pm

    The member 'Itazura' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo WeakMonster WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo WeakMonster WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo WeakMonster WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo WeakMonster

    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
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    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo Empty Re: WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo

    Post by Itazura 27th February 2017, 6:04 pm

    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo YpT0wRM
    Itazura Black Rose C-Rank Aruzati
    S o   I v e   l i e d   a n d   I v e   b e e n   t r i c k i n g   e v e r   s i n c e

    So the timid and petite male rabbit lead in deeper into the forest, it seemed every step he took the place just got darker and darker. Though it didn't really bother the nocturnal yokai, but it did seem to make the poor scared rabbit nervous, well more then it already was. He continued to enjoy the sights of his surroundings as he walked bare foot through the forest. Might as well still try and enjoy himself even if his day was no longer going as planned, though he did actually like that this turn of events happened. Much, much better then just wandering through the forest with no purpose in mind. Then the bushes rustled in front of them, the rabbit whom Itazura just called Usagi (which just means rabbit) stopped dead in his tracks, shaking out of pure terror. Then out of the forest ran a bunch of scared wolves, a whole pack of twelve confused wolves. And out of their terror and confusion they attacked the kamaitachi.
    What better time then to use his magic? He wasn't to experienced with it, but he did have a good handle of it even though he hasn't had it for that long. He was quick to pick up on things he was interested in. If he wasn't interested, it was extremely hard to get him to remember. But he didn't have much trouble with his time-space magic, even though he didn't have a mentor and is self-taught. So he then proceeded to cast a spell that would slow down time, though only for ten seconds. Everything started to move extremely slow, the chilling wind, the wolves running towards the two animals that appeared helpless. Though of course the itachi could move like everything was normal, and he got right to killing.
    Unsheathing his claws he stabbed two wolves in the throat, then he yanked out his hand from one throat and sliced it across anothers. Then with his hand and six inch claws still in the neck of one of the wolves he slammed the wolf over top another. Three down and nine to go with eight seconds left, he would have to come back to the wolf he smacked with another. Yanking out his claws out he darted over and used both his hands and strength to snap the neck of one, and he did the same to another. Then he stabbed his claws in the hearts of two, and he twirled around, the two corpses flying off in slow motion. Five left and only five seconds left, he was fast, but this might be a tad tight. Though he was only filled with enjoyment and pure adrenaline, this was so fun, being in a legal guild means he has to cut down on some of the killing that he was used to doing. Not that he is a psychopath that enjoys killing, he is more of a person that enjoys the thrill of it and usually just kills for food or when he is fighting. Like now, he isn't really pacifistic or humane, and if he leaves them alive they could come back and attack him. So might as well kill them so that doesn't happen. Who am I kidding, he probably enjoys killing, I don't know anymore with Itazura.
    Sorry got distracted, back to the last five seconds that his spell was lasting, darting over to the other side of the clearing wasted one, but he made up for that with killing two wolves yet again in half a second, stabbing them in a vital area and yanking his claws back to kick one to the ground and crush it's throat while simultaneously stabbing another in the stomach. And with his lasting seconds he went to the one that would still be alive and he slammed his foot on it's head. And he kept repetitively doing that as time returned to it's normal speed all around him. Wolves collapsed, and the two that were thrown hit trees and fell to the ground, the wolf he was currently stomping to death yelped one last noise before it's brain was successfully crushed. The itachi laughed hysterically, that was so thrilling, he has never done that before. He should really do that more often if they always go as smoothly as that. The sound of blood splattering on the ground could be heard, along with the sound of canines choking on their own blood. The weasel grinned and looked back at the rabbit who passed out from terror. Well I guess he would have to continue walking alone, though he did pick up the rabbit and continue on. After sheathing his claws of course. He would have to come back later and hopefully feast on these bloody dogs.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    1,360 3,000

    M a g i c    U s e d:
    遲下 Chioriru Slow Down
    This allows the mage to slow down time, or the time of certain things causing them to move a lot slower then they are supposed to move. He can slow down things and people for two posts, depending on the rank. If he slows down time, he is not slowed also, he stays normal speed and he can only slow down time for 10 seconds.

    Due to slowing down time and not certain things, this doesn't last for two posts, just 10 seconds.


    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo DsdPc3p



    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
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    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo Empty Re: WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo

    Post by Itazura 27th February 2017, 8:54 pm

    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo YpT0wRM
    Itazura Black Rose C-Rank Aruzati
    S o   I v e   l i e d   a n d   I v e   b e e n   t r i c k i n g   e v e r   s i n c e

    The kamaitachi had barely gotten moving again before he was greeted by another panicked set of animals. This time it was twelve little critters, rabbits, hares, squirrels, chipmunks, etc. etc., and two large vulcans. All of them were very frightened and confused like the previous pack of wolves that he killed, they were actually not to far away from where they were right now. Just hiding behind some brush was a clearing full of bloody canine corpses. Guess he had to get to fighting again, this time it wasn't any sort of clearing, it was actually rather thick with lush ferns, flowers and weeds. Not to mention trees, there was a lot of trees, though I guess he was in a forest, so that makes sense. But nothing was particularly brightly colored, everything just seemed to be rather dark or pale, some things glowed weirdly. I guess he was in the Spooky Forest, and it wasn't called Spooky for nothing.
    Itazura just found the sights rather cool to look at, and wasn't really to easily scared by things, he couldn't really think of things that he was scared of. But of course he was scared of things, but unlike other people, it didn't really show. Like his hidden depression and contemplation of suicide. He isn't to shy on showing off his crazy side though, which can get a bit scary. And by a bit scary, I mean very scary. I mean that whole scene with the wolves? He does stuff worse then that, mostly relating to his intense and constant hunger, he was almost always hungry. He loved meat, anything considered meat he loves, though of course he prefers humans or even his own kind, youkai. Though usually only keijus and henges, considering they are more, well, physical and actually have some meat on their bones. And actually have a physical form.
    Back to the oncoming fight, he gently set Usagi down in some thick brush, and unsheathed his claws yet again. The crimson fluid glinted eerily on his six inch claws. A grin on his bloodied expression showed his excitement for this battle, unlike everything that he was battling that were all just scared of, something. I guess whatever is kicking them out of the forest, whatever the heck that is. He stood at the ready as a bunch of little woodland creatures flooded over to him. He sliced everyone that came at him, though he looked like he was doing it at random, every swipe hit a vital area, killing them. Maybe he wasn't really doing this forest a good deed by killing all of it's occupants, considering that he was here to save them, but I guess the itachi didn't really care.
    Since he wasn't paying attention he was picked up by one of the vulcans and started to be squeezed to death. The breath started to get pushed out from his lungs, his grin fell of from his face and he gasped for breath. But only for a moment, when he look straight into the creature's eyes and grinned "Gotcha" he mouthed, not being able to speak due to being squeezed, and the monkey like creature's face turned to shock, then pain. It let go of Itazura, who had stabbed his hand into the vulcan's chest and literally ripped out his heart when he was dropped. The large creature fell over, crushing and killing some small animals underneath it's weight. The weasel laughed and took a large bit from the heart that he ripped from the creature, delicious. He finished it with another couple of bites, leaving blood all around his mouth. His blood covered toothy grin showed off his mustelid fangs. Looking straight at the other large vulcan, his formerly hazel eyes now the color of the thick liquid which stained his face.
    Everybody but this guy was dead, guess it was time to dispose of him now. The yokai lunged at it with alarming speed before repeatedly swiping his deadly sharp claws across the front of the vulcan. Splattering it's blood all over the plants and himself, it howled and smacked him a few yards, smacking him up against a tree. He coughed up some saliva, some of it blood from his recent snack (that being the heart). He landed on his knees and groaned slightly, hugging his rib cage which probably had a couple of broken bones now. As the creature charged at him he casted his time reversal spell on himself, reversing the broken ribs, though sadly making him feel like he didn't eat that heart. Which was rather filling, that was upsetting.
    The spell faded away when he canceled it, no longer needing it. And right when the vulcan was going to hit him with it's large fist, he vanished. Little did the monkey know he transformed into wind and shift around him. It didn't get the process what had happened before it was to late. Itazura materialized atop the creature's back, he stabbed his claws into its back, and gripped his hands around it's spine. Then he slid down his back, cutting through, and once he landed on the ground he pulled hard. Yanking the spine out from the vulcan's back, and it fell over, hitting the tree then rolling over onto it's back. Blood flooding out from it's back and covering the ground. The kamaitachi tossed the spine atop it's previous owner, then he flicked the blood off his claws as he turned around. He retracted his claws and picked up the little brown rabbit, then continued on his way.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    2,291 3,000

    M a g i c    U s e d:
    逆 孤立 Geki Koristu Reverse Isolation
    This allows the caster to isolate a space and reverse the time within that space, can be used to repair something or perhaps heal a wound. Only works if the mage is right up close to what he is casting the spell on. This can also be used as a shield to protect what he is trying to fix, takes 2 C-Rank hits or one B-Rank hit to break the isolated space.

    Wind Transformation Being able to control winds being a special kind of Kamaitachi, he can transform himself into air or winds. This makes a windy like figure about his proportions, and allows him to dodge spells and attacks that don't affect air. He can transform to be like this through pure will, and transform back without being injured at all. He can only be like this for three posts and has to wait four to use it again, and can only move within a 15 meter radius.


    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo DsdPc3p



    Posts : 23944
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    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo Empty Re: WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo

    Post by NPC 27th February 2017, 8:54 pm

    The member 'Itazura' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo NormalMonster WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo Boss WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo WeakMonster WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo WeakMonster

    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
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    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo Empty Re: WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo

    Post by Itazura 28th February 2017, 1:02 pm

    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo YpT0wRM
    Itazura Black Rose C-Rank Aruzati
    S o   I v e   l i e d   a n d   I v e   b e e n   t r i c k i n g   e v e r   s i n c e

    He waltzed through the forest, his face and body still covered in blood, in his arms he held a rabbit who of which passed out from terror or maybe he doesn't like to much blood. Since then Itazura been getting to wherever this thing is in the middle of the forest, by pure instinct. Really it wasn't that hard, everything seemed to be pointing to the way he was going. Everything was running away from it, and it seemed to be getting darker and more quiet. Not even the sounds of animals except when they came running towards him and attacking him because they were scared and confused. He didn't really understand that, if your scared and confused and running away from something, why would you stop and attack? Guess that would be the whole confused part, but it still didn't sit right with him. Guess the young yokai didn't really understand humans and animals alike. Even though he was practically an animal himself, to put it simply, just with higher intelligence and magical powers.
    As he continued to go deeper into the darkening forest, he was interrupted yet again. This time it was just a ton, so many little rodents. Thirty-six to be exact, these were going to be fun to deal with weren't they? He wish he had an AOE spell, or his slow down time spell, but that was still cooling down, that's annoying. He wish his magic didn't need a cool down time after using one spell, but he would have to deal. He gently set down the little rabbit, again, but this time he unsheathed his two sickles that he often carried on his belt. They resembled his claws, and were as big as them, maybe bigger. He used one of the abilities that his twin sickles have, then he went to slicing away. It was sorta difficult to get some of them, it would be easier to do in weasel form, but then he couldn't wield his sickles. Sad thing really. Though he did manage to get them all, not without sustaining a few injuries, but he could deal. They weren't really bad, he's felt worse.
    Man he was actually tired out from that, he flicked the blood off of the twins and he sheathed them, then he grabbed a rodent corpse from the ground and took a nice large bite from it. He ate that one and another little critter before another couple of animals came to attack him. Four grey and black lions and lionesses, their teeth sharp and bared, all four of them surrounding the weasel. Growling, and like all the other animals they were confused. Guess he had to get rid of these too, just a little bit longer. He felt that he was so close to the heart of the forest, so he could deal with the main problem here.
    He released his claws and he swiped his hand across a lioness' face, it yowled as another attempted to bite Itazura's arm. Though he was quick to dodge and he jumped up into the air and onto the back of one of his attackers. He thrust his claws through the thick and snarled mane, stabbing through its neck all the way up to his wrist. His claws peeked out the other side, the lion fell and choked on it's own blood as the kamaitachi yanked out his hand and hopped behind the other three. They whipped around and all tried to attack him at once, the one who got clawed in the face ended up attacking it's ally. The henge laughed slightly, leaving those two for a second as he stabbed the other lion to death. Quickly running to it's side and slicing and stabbing it repeatedly before it could properly react. The one lioness killed it's own friend, and once it realized what it done it was in shock. While it was Itazura did the same to that one as he did to the first lion.
    Well that was all done, retracting his claws yet again he picked up the rabbit and went on his way. Though he decided to set him down under the shade of a berry bush, he couldn't have the time to worry about this little rodent, he had to deal with whoever was behind all of this.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    3,016 3,000

    M a g i c    U s e d:
    双害 Namigai Double Damage
    This ability will double the damage done from the sickle, so for example, D-Rank damage is 5hp, this ability will make it 10hp. Though it caps off at B-Rank.
    His twin sickle's ability


    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo DsdPc3p



    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
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    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo Empty Re: WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo

    Post by Itazura 28th February 2017, 1:38 pm

    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo YpT0wRM
    Itazura Black Rose C-Rank Aruzati
    S o   I v e   l i e d   a n d   I v e   b e e n   t r i c k i n g   e v e r   s i n c e

    Here he was, it was a large clearing, and it the middle was some weird looking tree. Above it seemed to be some rotting wood in the shape of a cross, from it hundreds of weak looking threads tied to different parts of the tree. Also this tree was moving, it made creaking noises that sounded like a weird distorted roar of a creature. So it was a tree that was kicking everything out of the forest, guess he had to deal with this huh? He had no choice when the monster set it's eyes on him, two large hollow holes on the large tree. It lifted a large branch and smacked it down where Itazura was standing. Good he moved slow enough for the weasel to realize what he was doing and dodge. Though another branch was there to grab him and smack him back against the ground. Which hurt, and probably broke something, but it didn't bother him to much. He unretracted his claws and darted to the roots of the dark wood tree. It tried to intercept him, but he swiftly dodged almost every attack. Getting grazed by some of the branches, since when were tree branches so sharp? Soon he had cuts all over his body, ripping his simple thin clothing. Guess he would have to get it replaced or fixed when he got back to Rose Garden. Though right now he had to deal with this tree.
    He managed to get to the roots, somehow still intact, mostly. Then he started to repeatedly slice the roots. Which got a good reaction from the tree, it's branches whipped around he assumed it was in pain, could trees feel pain? Well he assumed it could by the noise it made, a screech that sounded like an animal crying out in pain. He dodged some branches that tried to stab him, and he ran around, swiping everything furiously. Soon almost all the roots were ripped and cut all into bits. The tree swayed and it's attacks got slower, though to be honest the itachi was also. He was hyperventilating and seeing spots from all the blood he was now lacking. But good news, the tree stopped, it was dead. Bad news was that it was falling, right where the kamaitachi was.
    It took him a second to notice, a second he could've used to prevent getting his leg caught under a large and heavy branch. He landed on his back as the tree fully fell down, and large branch crashing down on one of his legs. He yelped in pain, but at least he finished the battle, well wasn't that fun? Now it sort of wasn't considering he had part of a tree on his leg, he took a few breaths and tried to push it off. Then he decided that wasn't going to work so he turned himself back into wind and he moved himself as far as he could away from the wreckage that he had caused. Then he transformed back and fell into the forest, right into one of places he fought, he would work on getting home after having a meal. A grin spread on his face as he looked at the poor dead and bloody animals.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    3,559 3,000

    M a g i c    U s e d:
    Wind Transformation Being able to control winds being a special kind of Kamaitachi, he can transform himself into air or winds. This makes a windy like figure about his proportions, and allows him to dodge spells and attacks that don't affect air. He can transform to be like this through pure will, and transform back without being injured at all. He can only be like this for three posts and has to wait four to use it again, and can only move within a 15 meter radius.


    WHO'S IN CONTROL? ♠ solo DsdPc3p


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