Fairy Tail RP

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    The Venom In My Blood(private, secondary training)

    Jin En'arr
    Jin En'arr

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Demon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 304
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Mentor : Myself
    Experience : 450

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    The Venom In My Blood(private, secondary training) Empty The Venom In My Blood(private, secondary training)

    Post by Jin En'arr 6th December 2016, 12:23 pm

    tagged - ### - Wc:323

    Chiyo walked into the arena with an expression of disinterest. Even if she was supposed to be training a new magic as she fought today, and wasn't allowed to use her Venom Demon slayer magic, she would still win against anybody they threw at her. Nobody would get to her, that was for sure. She was to be training an entirely new form of magic, one which combined the venom element of her slayer magic with the blood magic she had once had. Making up spells on the fly would be interesting, no doubt, and would certainly give her some much-needed combat experience.

    The black-haired girl looked around, but didn't see any opponent. Ha! Were they too chicken to fight her? Perhaps they had heard of her reputation for beating anybody who touched her to a pulp. Though she really did want to fight, so her opponent had better get their ass into the arena, or else she would drag them out there and force them to fight her. Nobody chickened out when fighting her, or she would slaughter them. The girl narrowed her blue eyes, which were rapidly going red-black, a sign that she wasn't happy. If she was kept waiting for much longer, her opponent was going to get much more than a simple beating.

    The Venom In My Blood(private, secondary training) CjSCvkJM

    But then a shadowy figure appeared in one corner, and Chiyo smirked. Finally! But the smirk was wiped off her face as the man stepped into the light, and she saw who it was for the first time. It was her brother, Rinji. The girl growled as he stepped closer to her, which prompted a slight laugh from him. ""Stay away, murderer!" shouted Chiyo with a shocked and angry expression plastered across her face. The man laughed, white hair shining like a beacon in the dim lighting of the arena. "And why would I do that? This is an arena, we are supposed to be fighting."


    Jin En'arr
    Jin En'arr

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Demon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 304
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Mentor : Myself
    Experience : 450

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    The Venom In My Blood(private, secondary training) Empty Re: The Venom In My Blood(private, secondary training)

    Post by Jin En'arr 6th December 2016, 1:12 pm

    tagged - ### - Wc:309  

    Chiyo snarled at her brother, eyes now fully demonic red-and-black. There was no way she was going to let this asshole beat her, she was going to murder him! He needed to die, he needed to be removed from this earth so her family could finally be avenged. She screamed with rage, almost wanting to use her slayer magic, But she couldn't use her slayer magic right now. Beside her, her large pet wolf, Spiritfall, was growling deep in throat. He had never met Rinji, but he knew enough about what he had done to absolutely hate the man.

    Chiyo looked at Spiritfall, whose fur had turned pure black swirled with blood red, a sign of his anger. The wolf felt his mistress's gaze upon him, and calmed down a little , though he still glared hatefully at the man. Chiyo turned to face the man once more, ready to fight now. she wouldn't back down, least of all if it was him who she was to face. She instinctively knew what to do, a plan forming in her mind. First of all, she would need to use a version of a spell from her former magic. Something red was forming behind her, almost like her blood wings, but swirled with little bits of purpleish color, showing the venom that was there. Her blood was poisonous, just like her magic. A tail-like appendage also formed, at which Chiyo smiled.

    The man before her laughed, and Chiyo almost forgot his magic was eerily similar to her own. A tail-like appendage also appeared on his backside, though he had no wings. His mask was grinning creepily at her, how Chiyo longed to rip it off his smug, bastard face. she would flay the very skin from his body, inch by inch, and make him scream for what he had done.


    Jin En'arr
    Jin En'arr

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Demon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 304
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Mentor : Myself
    Experience : 450

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    The Venom In My Blood(private, secondary training) Empty Re: The Venom In My Blood(private, secondary training)

    Post by Jin En'arr 7th December 2016, 8:42 am

    tagged - ### - Wc: 302

    Chiyo pointed a finger at her brother, her armor clanking a bit as she moved. The black-haired girl was determined now, making her all the more dangerous now that she had a clear objective. Prepare to die now, dear brother," Called the girl as she circled closer to the man, who seemed both the exact same as her yet exactly opposite as well. The two were circling around each other, each prepared for the other to make a move. But what Rinji didn't know was that Chiyo had become fairly good at laying traps for her opponents. He was supposed to be prepared for any basic attack she might throw at him. But this wasn't going to be as ordinary as it appeared.

    The girl charged, causing her brother to smirk. He knew he could stop her, he was simply more powerful. there was absolutely no way she could actually touch him, right? The girl had a trick up her sleeve, however. Rinji knew she had powerful blood magic, but what he didn't know was that Chiyo had some power over venom as well now. Got you, dear brother. Have fun in the afterlife, thought Chiyo as she charged. "Claws of Blood!" roared Chiyo as she got within range of her brother. Blood seeped from her own chest as she touched it, forming into claws as she slashed down at her brother. Rinji, who was arrogant, did nothing to block the blow. The claws slashed across his chest, leaving a trail of blood all over the place. But a moment later, Rinji realized what the claws were and snarled. "Poison? but how?!" asked the man, feeling the poison slowly entering his system. "You don't know anything, Rinji," spat Chiyo with contempt for her brother showing clear for the crowd to see.


    Jin En'arr
    Jin En'arr

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Demon Slayer- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 304
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Mentor : Myself
    Experience : 450

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    The Venom In My Blood(private, secondary training) Empty Re: The Venom In My Blood(private, secondary training)

    Post by Jin En'arr 14th December 2016, 12:24 pm

    tagged - ### - Wc: 302 WIP

    Chiyo knew very well that Rinji wouldn't be hugely affected by the poison, and she was right, for not a minute later he started laughing. Chiyo sighed, her cold blue eyes fixed on her brother. "Guess I have no choce then... I was hoping to save this for later, but I suppose this'll work well enough on you." Chiyo wasn't up for her brother's bullshit, so she wanted to end this as soon as she possibly could. "You want to play a game? Then let's play, asshole! Time for you to learn what the power of a true demon can do! Venomous Clone!" As Chiyo would shout, droplets of blood from her own body would splatter the earth. Mixing with the venom that came from her mouth, a figure began to form. It was an exact replica, every little detail was the exact same. "Claws of blood!" Both Chiyo and the clone would roar.

    The claws were ineffective alone, but combined together... they were far more powerful. Both sets of claws tore into Rinji's arm, prompting a startled response from the man. He wasn't laughing any more... as Chiyo and her clone lept away, his hand went to his arm, face frozen in a twisted snarl. "Brother, it's time you died for your sins. You ready to experience death?" Chiyo would ask, a feral grin on her face. She was enjoying this, enjoying toying with Rinji.

    "You will die here, remembered only as a traitor and a liar. Goodbye, brother." Chiyo would say as the claws of blood now sunk directly into his heart. She had snuck up while Rinji was busy watching her clone. A gasping laugh came from the man's form as his body melted into shadows.

    "Dear sister, did you really think that would work on me?" Came the mocking sound of his voice as he materialized behind Chiyo. "Hmmm... which is stronger, venom or shadow? I suppose we are about to find out" He would muse, to Chiyo's annoyance.



      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:36 pm