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    Wait.. What? You can't be serious...


    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Completed Wait.. What? You can't be serious...

    Post by Hania 7th May 2017, 12:00 pm

    The white haired youth had recently made a quick exit from Rose Garden which saddened the youth to no end but he just couldn't be dealing with how chaotic it was with people pretty much stepping over and on each other to get their passports. He didn't see why such a thing was needed given he managed to get to Fiore from his home without one, regardless he was here now and he had been told having one would be important if he wanted to explore everywhere so had applied for one and was approved though they seemed to believe that he was up to no good when he refused to give his real name. He was told never to give that information to anyone because it would make him easier to track amongst other things.

    From what little he had seen of the Rose Garden it was a nice place he wanted to go visit once again when the raging crowds had subsided so he didn't almost get stepped on or trampled by people. He honestly didn't understand why they just didn't go city to city doing it instead of having large groups of people in one place. One of those who where with them had commented that it would have been the perfect time for dark mages to attack but as he didn't understand he had remained quiet on the matter knowing somethings he wasn't really ready for and as he travelled more he would learn what he needed.

    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... Driving_zpsrql0tz9k

    Last edited by Tamashi on 23rd June 2017, 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Experience : 206,450

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    Completed Re: Wait.. What? You can't be serious...

    Post by Hania 7th May 2017, 12:15 pm

    He had finally made his way to somewhere new he heard things he hadn't before, it sounded like the humming of some of the birds he had heard from where he called home but it wasn't the same. Out of sheer confusion he started to move towards some of the noises but stopped feeling strange amount of vibrations under his feet which confused him just as much as the humming had "This place is strange, I don't know if I even want to be here" he spoke as almost to another person before seemingly being pushed over by an invisible force as he was almost hit by the thing that was making the strange vibrations "guh!" he let out as he hit the floor hard "Arii!" he huffed his head looking straight ahead but looked annoyed "What the hell did you do that for?!" he wasn't best please that was for sure at the event that had just happened but there was nothing that he could have done about it.

    He crawled to the building just behind where he had 'fell' and turned around the flats of his feet touching one another his hands keeping it that way "A car?" he asked not understanding that was being told to him, the innocent look on his face made him look like a fish out of water "Why would they want to use them?" he asked trying to take in the information but no matter how much it was explained to him he just couldn't grasp the concept so smiled as it seemed like he had been given a good idea "Okay, I'll try... maybe I'll understand by doing" he said happily as he stood up dusting himself off not even caring where he was anymore.

    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... Driving1_zpsclayhfwy

    Last edited by Tamashi on 7th May 2017, 12:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Completed Re: Wait.. What? You can't be serious...

    Post by NPC 7th May 2017, 12:15 pm

    The member 'Tamashi' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... NormalMonster

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 206,450

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    Completed Re: Wait.. What? You can't be serious...

    Post by Hania 7th May 2017, 1:34 pm

    When he was satisfied with his appearance being dust and dirt free he walked around having to follow what he was being told precisely after almost being knocked down again two other times. This place had been by far the most dangerous place he had been since he had in Fiore and couldn't wait until he could escape this place and not return if he could help it but he wanted to see first hand why people seemed to want to use the things since they could harm others. Moving his hands above his head he stretched walking carefully, he found it strange how helpful the ones who where with him where being but he wasn't going to complain unless they gave him different instructions.

    Eventually he stopped in front of a building and tilted his head "Are you sure the humming cars are in here?" he asked almost as if it was some sort of animal. "Okay if you say so" he said with a shrug walking into the building and heading to the desk which had a surprised woman behind it after seeing the blindfolded youth "Can I help you?" she asked in a professional manner "I want to know why people like humming cars, so want to learn to drive one" he said honestly which had the woman more than a little concerned as his eyes where covered and how he was speaking but they had been told that sales had dropped and they where to accept anyone who requested "If you take a seat I will see which of our instructors are available mister..." she said escorting him to the seat with an application form "Advent and what's that for?" he asked taking the clipboard "It's an application form and waver" she said knowing right there and then this was going to be a bad idea "I can't do this, I don't know how to write" he said in complete honestly which made the woman sigh taking his hand and just having him mark an 'x' on the line before walking away wanting to be away from him.

    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... Driving2_zpszosswttc


    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 206,450

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    Completed Re: Wait.. What? You can't be serious...

    Post by Hania 7th May 2017, 1:55 pm

    He covered his mouth as he started to yawn he was starting to get bored and when that happened things tended to get interesting that was for sure. He was just about to stand up when it seemed like he was pulled back down again and he let out a grumpy huff "Fine" he pouted like a toddler unhappy to have been told to stay still while their parent was talking or doing something. It felt like he never had a moment to himself but that might have been the best thing for everyone given how much trouble he could get into even with them there trying to stop it but that was usually because they weren't all always paying attention to his actions so he could get away with things but right now all nine were watching him like hawks which had him a little uneasy.

    A little while later a small balding, plump man with glasses came walking out of the back holding the paperwork looking at Advent lowering his glasses down his nose unable to believe what he had heard by the receptionist was actually true. Pushing his glasses back up and walked over "Advent right?" he said unsure what to make of the youth, advent nodded "Yes, I'm Advent" he said with a somewhat excited tone though pulled back as the man held out his hand "I'm sorry, I don't do touch." he said his voice showing he was sorry about it. The man pulled his hand back not wanting him to feel uncomfortable "Can I ask why this isn't filled in?" he said with a warmish tone "I can't write nor can I read" he replied quickly making the elderly man stop in his tracks for a moment but shrugged he was bored and this seemed like it would be fun.

    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... Driving3_zps36z92mov

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 206,450

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    Completed Re: Wait.. What? You can't be serious...

    Post by Hania 7th May 2017, 3:14 pm

    The man started walking off and Advent followed quietly afterwards, he was sort of wondering how his carers were all going to fit into the car seeings as he didn't exactly know how big cars were but none the less he was sure something would be worked out amongst them so that he could have this somewhat strange and dangerous experience. Soon they stopped at a small blue car, the instructor moved into the passenger side "If you could get into the driver's side then" his tone already sounded somewhat bored. Advent couldn't help but smiled because if people where bored they tended to find a way to spice things up or this is what he believed anyway.

    Moving to open the door he lowered like he had been instructed and slipped in closing the door behind him "People must feel so cramped in these things" was the first thing he observed moving his hands around to feel everything so he knew what was where. Feeling under his feet made him feel increasingly uncomfortable as he couldn't feel any vibrations he wanted to jump out of the car and walk away never to look back, but he had never been one to stop trying something because he didn't like it so he would see this through and then never speak of it again.

    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... Driving4_zpsxezerv3k


    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 206,450

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    Completed Re: Wait.. What? You can't be serious...

    Post by Hania 7th May 2017, 5:52 pm

    Taking a deep breath Advent placed his hands on the wheel, he felt himself trembling he hated the insecure feeling he was having right now as he truly was blind without the vibrations to help him at least some form of normality. "Are you alright?" the instructor asked him, making Advent come out of his own head and nodding "Y-yeah... just nervous first time being in one of these boxes" he said honestly making the instructor chuckle "You'll do fine, just turn the key and we can get going" he said trying to be as supportive as he could wanting to get out and about. Advent moved his hand slowly and gingerly turned the key to his surprise there was vibration but it felt different from what he would class as a 'natural' vibration but at least he felt a little less concerned about the lack of it but now he wanted to take the car apart to find out what was making the vibrations.

    He blinked under his blindfold listening to something and placed his hand on the gear stick placing to where it should be before placing his foot on the gas pedal a little making it go forward slowly a weak smile appearing on his face as it did so. As soon as he was fully out the building the instructor moved his hand to the radio turning it on, given the sound of the music advent couldn't help but cover his ears as it sounded like someone had decided to put their nails down a balloon "Please, turn it off... it's awful" he said the car still in motion, his hand going and hitting the radio before returning to the steering wheel the car stayed on point for the most part but had swerved a little not that Advent cared if that noise remained he would have smashed the car to get it to stop.

    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... Driving5_zpsemxnrspw


    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206,450

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    Completed Re: Wait.. What? You can't be serious...

    Post by Hania 7th May 2017, 6:04 pm

    Now that the so called music had stopped and his hands were back on the wheel he continued down the street contently a worried look on his face he really didn't like what was going on and wanted off this ride it wasn't fun, if anything it terrified the youth and the instructor seen this but it was causing some strange sadistic delight as it was interesting to him "Over there is the statue of the mayor" he commented before leaning right over advent to point at a building "And over there is th-" because advent hadn't been expecting it the sudden movement of the instructor made the jumpy white haired youth swerve with a yelp as he jamp almost out of the seat.

    He instantly stopped the car knowing that he almost hit someone at that scared him to the depths of his core since it was a woman with her toddler. Sitting there for a moment like a statue the only movement was him shaking. The experiment he wanted to try was over in his mind there was no way this was fun and he didn't see why anyone would want to be inside one of the death traps. "I.. I'm sorry... I.. I can't" he stuttered showing just how much fear he had before opening the door and falling out onto the sidewalk which made him more than a little happy to feel like his normal self, but the experience had been traumatising so he decided that he would never be going on something like that ever again.

    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... Driving6_zpsbrrmztrp
    Final word count stands at 2006.


    Wait.. What? You can't be serious... 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm