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    Living Poison


    Living Poison Empty Living Poison

    Post by Guest 27th December 2016, 10:17 am

    living poison
    Evidence of Accomplishment: Link

    • Toxicity: Due to the toxicity of the poison, the magic will always deal an extra amount of damage to those it strikes. In some cases, spells may deal well over their typical damage in order to injure or otherwise kill a target.
    • Poison Slayers: As long as the user is allied with a Poison Slayer, they may consume the element that this magic contains in order to help boost themselves. For other Slayers that may try to consume the element that this magic contains, they may find themselves injured more than necessary.
    • Consumption: Due to the user's own affinity derived from their Poison Dragon ancestor, they are able to consume any and all things poison related. This allows them to boost their magical power so that they may enter a type of Dragon Force for a set duration.


    • Poison Slayers: In the case that the user is allied with a Poison Slayer, this becomes a strength, but for enemies that are Poison Slayers, it becomes a weaknesses. They are able to consume the element that this magic contains in order to boost themselves and negate the damage and effects of the spell.
    • Healing Magic: Every Poison magus' weakness is the very magic that is able to remove and reduce status effects and damage done to a target. As such, healing magic has an added effectiveness against the user's magic, healing for +50% more in damage reversal and removing any effects regardless if the spell can or not.
    • Antivenom: The user is not able to create a set of antivenom in order to heal their allies if their allies are poisoned by their spells. Meaning, allies are capable of being hurt by the user's magic, as long as they are not Poison Slayers, themselves.
    • Catastrophic Damage: The poison of the user's magic is able to melt through biological constructs, such as plants or animals, thus causing severe damage. Where a Poison Slayer may be, they may leave a trail of disaster, such as ruined pieces of nature or many dead beings.

    Unique Abilities:
    Poison Zone: As a being made purely from a poisonous plant, in some cases, it is cause of the plant to emit a horrid aura. This aura, for some creatures, may be potent to breathe in, injecting a taste of poison into their clean systems. Therefore, being in the vicinity of the user, one may breathe in this toxic air, causing damage to themselves. For those that are located in a 20/35/55/80/100/200 meter range around the user, they will receive 25% of user-ranked damage. Continuing to stay in this aura will result in 25% of damage being taken from them over a course of ten (10) posts. Stepping out of the range of the aura will result in the damage being negated and resetting when the person steps back inside. If the person stays within the aura for the duration of the damage dealt, it will then go on cooldown for eleven (11) posts.
    Narcosis Inducement: The user of this magic can induce a type of paralysis into a person's system via their blood entering the target's body or if their blood touches the target. Upon the target being splattered by the user's poisonous blood, they will begin to feel as if their body is growing weaker. They will find it harder to move their limbs, struggling to raise them in the air or lift them to easily walk forward. In some cases, a target may feel a bit nauseated, the sense of dizziness overcoming their senses and causing them to be disorientated. Higher-ranking magi may be able to ignore some or all of the effects that are caused by the blood, but cannot ignore the speed reduction given to them. This speed reduction lasts for a total of six (6) posts and will go on cooldown for a set of nine (9) posts once it wears off. Speed buffs may help reduce the effects of the narcosis, but will never truly get rid of the debuff until it goes away on its own.
    C-rank25% reduction to speed; for those that are equal to or lower in rank to the user, they will be paralyzed for one (1) post.
    B-rank30% reduction to speed; for those that are equal to or lower in rank to the user, they will be paralyzed for one (1) post.
    A-rank35% reduction to speed; for those that are equal to or lower in rank to the user, they will be paralyzed for one (1) post.
    S-rank40% reduction to speed; for those that are equal to or lower in rank to the user, they will be paralyzed for two (2) posts.
    H-rank45% reduction to speed; for those that are equal to or lower in rank to the user, they will be paralyzed for two (2) posts.
    Tainted Blood: The user's blood has not always been a poisonous thing, but after the creation of their magic, the user's blood had become cursed. Through this curse, the user's blood proved toxic, killing off or injuring anything that stepped within it or consumed it. As a result, consuming the user's blood causes a poisonous effect to occur within the system of the person who drank it. In some cases, the target may feel an onslaught of dizziness and nausea due to the consumption of something toxic. Nothing can be done about the status effect that occurs within them unless there is a mage that knows how to remove it. With lasting effects, this poisonous status effect results in an additional amount of damage being dealt to the target. Higher-ranking magi are able to completely ignore some or all of the side effects that result from the poison.
    C-rankFor every first melee hit that strikes the user, blood from the wound will latch onto the target and deal 5% of damage for five (5) posts, equaling to 25% extra damage.
    B-rankFor every first melee hit that strikes the user, blood from the wound will latch onto the target and deal 6% of damage for five (5) posts, equaling to 30% extra damage.
    A-rankFor every first melee hit that strikes the user, blood from the wound will latch onto the target and deal 7% of damage for five (5) posts, equaling to 35% extra damage.
    S-rankFor every first melee hit that strikes the user, blood from the wound will latch onto the target and deal 9% of damage for five (5) posts, equaling to 45% extra damage.
    H-rankFor every first melee hit that strikes the user, blood from the wound will latch onto the target and deal 10% of damage for five (5) posts, equaling to 50% extra damage.
    Breath of the Shissar

    Name: Breath of the Shissar
    Rank: D
    Type: Area of Effect, Damage Over Time, Poison, Slayer
    Duration: 4 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: The user casts out a mist of poison into the air in a vicinity of twenty (20) meters; this mist envelops both the user and those within the stated ranged. Once the toxic fumes of the user's poison is breathed into their system, the targets within range will be dealt damage upon where they stand. In a range of zero (0) to five (5) meters, targets located here are considered in the epicenter and receive 62.5% of D-rank damage when they first inhale the poison. For the three (3) remaining posts, a target will receive 62.5% of D-rank damage until it equates to 2.5x D-rank damage. Anyone that is within six (6) to eleven (11) meters of the user will receive 46.875% of user-rank damage upon first breathing the poison in. After that, damage will continue to be dealt to them at a rate of 46.875% for the remaining three (3) posts of the duration. For those within twelve (12) to seventeen (17) meters of the user, they will be dealt 31.25% of D-rank damage upon breathing in the poison. This damage will continue for the remaining three (3) posts at rate of 31.25% until 1.25x D-rank damage is dealt. Those that are within eighteen [18] to twenty (20) meters of the user will receive 15.625% of D-rank damage when inhaling the poison. Damage for them will continue to be dealt for the remaining three (3) post duration until 62.5% of D-rank damage is received.

    • Varied Damage: Everyone that is caught within twenty (20) meters of the user will receive some sort of damage over time. This means that while targets are within varying distances of the user, they will receive some damage from the spell.
    • Added Damage: Due to the user's magic having a poison affinity, this spell naturally deals more damage than a normal DoT spell would deal. For instance, instead of the normal 50% of damage that is dealt to those at the epicenter, they instead receive 62.5%.
    • Large Range of Attack: A large range of attack allows for a larger amount of people to be dealt damage over a course of posts. This means that while as low of a rank of spell as this is, it is capable of dealing damage to a multitude of people in a twenty (20) meter range.


    • Poison Slayers: As the spell is made to cast an entirely poison-based mist, Poison Slayers are able to consume the spell. This can either reduce the intended damage for them or completely negate it so they don't receive any damage at all.
    • Wind Magic: Magi that have the affinity of wind may cast a type of wind spell that is capable of blowing the mist away. As the mist is lightweight and easy to move, it's expected that Wind users are able to reduce or negate its damage.
    • Poison Magic: Even natural poison user have an affinity against the likes of a Poison Slayer and, as a result, are able to reduce or negate the damage done to them. They can either manipulate the poison produced by this spell in order to remove it from their vicinity or any other way they can think of.
    • Water Magic: While this poison is in the mist form, mist is a type of gaseous liquid that could even be manipulated by a water magus. This means that Water users may be able to reduce or negate the damage by manipulating the liquid in the mist or watering the poison down.

    Bite of the Shissar

    Name: Bite of the Shissar
    Rank: C
    Type: Damage Over Time, Instant, Poison, Slayer
    Duration: 5 posts
    Cooldown: 6 posts
    Description: Casting out their poison, the user can form a jaw-like shape that can be launched at a target within thirty-five (35) meters of them. This jaw-like formation travels at a rate of 17.5m/s and will clamp down onto a target once it connects with them. Upon the connection, a target will receive 100% C-rank damage before the poison seeps into their flesh on the second post. Once the poison seeps into their system, they will receive an extra 12.5% of C-rank damage for the remaining four (4) posts. The added damage will equate to an additional 50% of damage, making the total damage of the spell 1.5x C-rank damage. Targets may feel a sense of lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, or vomiting depending on their immunity system to poison. In some cases, higher-ranking magi will be able to ignore these side effects completely or only some of them.
    • Instantaneous: Damage that is produced by this spell is caused instantaneously, dealing 100% C-rank damage on the initial blow. However, any extra damage is dealt in the form of a DoT, adding an additional 50% of C-rank damage to the base amount.
    • Large Range of Attack: Due the spell's speed, it has a large range of attack, allowing for it to move quickly over the distance to its target. This also means that anyone within a thirty-five (35) meter range to the user will not be safe from being hit by this attack.
    • Side Effects: Side effects that are produced by this spell last until this spell's duration is over, hindering a target until otherwise removed. This gives the user an advantaged in battle, allowing for them to disorientate or otherwise get the upper hand over their target.


    • Poison Slayers: Poison Slayers, regardless if they are Demon, Dragon, or God Slayers, are able to consume the poison produced by this spell. What this means it that a Slayer of this element could either reduce or negate the damage that is done to them.
    • Large Range: While this is also effective for being able to shoot for those that are at longer distances, it is also a weakness. This is because that while the target may be at a longer range, the user has potential aiming wrongly or misfiring.
    • Poison Magic: Other, normal, poison magi are able to manipulate the liquefied form of this magic in order to reduce or negate the damage. While they are able to do this, they are not capable of consuming the element like Poison Slayers are able to.
    • Water Magic: In its liquefied form, Water users may be able to manipulate the water within the poison in order to reduce or negate its damage. Likewise, they can also water down the poison so that it becomes ineffective in dealing damage to them.

    Broodmother Poison

    Name: Broodmother Poison
    Rank: B
    Type: Debuff, Instant, Poison, Slayer
    Duration: 6 posts
    Cooldown: 7 posts

    Ale Belch

    Name: Bale's Poison Strike
    Rank: A
    Type: Chained, Instant, Poison, Slayer
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 5 posts

    Bile Breath

    Name: Bile Breath
    Rank: S
    Type: Chained, Instant, Poison, Slayer
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 8 posts

    Bite of the Asp

    Name: Bite of the Asp
    Rank: S
    Type: Chained, Instant, Poison, Slayer
    Duration: N/a
    Cooldown: N/a

    nette of gs

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 2:06 am