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    Forest's Guardian


    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 13
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Forest's Guardian Empty Forest's Guardian

    Post by Lunara 6th December 2016, 3:15 am


    Primary Magic: Forest's Guardian
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Holder
    Description: As a dryad, Lunara has access to a magic based around plants. Being in tune with nature allows her to know how the plants work as well as use it to her advantage. It also let's her create plant life, or derivatives of it to hurt those against her.  Her aggressive nature means she has no supportive or healing spells, and many abilities are extending weak to fire. A mixture of plant creation, alteration, and manipulation is what the magic is about, as well as a few spells that help in the aid of delivering others.
    * Highly Relentless.
    * Zone control through plant life.
    * No healing spells.
    * No buff spells.
    * Many spells take increased damage from fire. (Increased damage will be stated in weaknesses if it applies.)
    Lineage: Rage of the Soul Torn
    Description: There was once a man, well not really a man, but a half-human, half hedgehog hybrid by the name of Pulse. Unlike his brother Crest, who possessed the ability to manipulate water and was a doctor who strived to help people, he was a destructive being who only wanted to rule. He became known as Master Pulse, whilst his brother became known as Doctor Crest. Pulse was a master of air manipulation for highly destructive purposes and his descendants, most of them full humans, gained this ability. The ability to make the very air into a destructive weapon.
    Ability: User gains access to a passive and is able to add 3 wind spells in addition to their magic to the spells.The spells gains are one of the user’s rank, one of a rank lower and one of a rank lower than that(max S-rank, Min D-rank). The passive ability is flight where they the wind wraps around them and allows them to fly around at their max speed or less.
    Usage: Passive flight. The 3 spells must be made in addition to the user’s spells in their magic. They cannot have two or more spells of the same rank either meaning that at D-rank they only receive one spell from this, at C-rank they will have a C-rank spell and a D-rank spell from this and at B-rank rank they will have a B-rank spell, a C-rank spell and a D-rank spell from this lineage.

    Unique Abilities:
    * Lunara has a holder weapon, which will be apped for the abilities, that allows her to use spells through it as well as use it as a ranged throwing weapon. When thrown it deals a half rank of her rank in spell damage on top of base physical damage increases, and teleports back to her upon impact with something. If it misses she can will it back into her hand as if it had hit something. When used for physical attacks it simply deals normal physical damage as whatever rank weapon it is, which is based on Lunara's Rank. Magical damage may only happen up to a full rank's worth per post.
    Weapon Rank Per Rank;
    D: Weak
    C: Strong
    B: Strong+
    A: Legendary
    S: Legendary+
    H: Artifact
    * Offensive spells that deal damage deal an additional tick of damage the next turn after they end. This tick deals ignores resistances, and is only equal to 10% of the damage an opponent took from the spell, rounding up. (A 20 damage spell deals 15 damage overall, the extra tick would do 2 damage.)
    * Due to the aggressive style of magic, and the anger behind it, the offensive spells deal 25% more damage than what is considered normal.

    Name: Toxic Amber
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive DoT
    Duration: 4
    Cooldown: 5
    Description: The spear Lunara weilds becomes coated in a poison that, when the weapon strikes, puts a poison into the affected's bloodstream. This poison deals 50% spell damage per turn.
    * Lasts a long time.
    * Immunities to poison make the spell half as effective.
    * Requires the holder weapon to hit on spell activation to cause the full effect.
    Name: Volitile Gas
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive DoT
    Duration: 3
    Cooldown: 4
    Description: Lunara throws her spear into the ground, somewhere within twenty meters from herself, and it releases a torrent of toxic gas that damages those that were caught in it. The toxin, which absorbs into the body through the pores of the skin, deals 50% spell damage per turn.
    * Powerful DoT that can affect multiple people.
    * Friendly fire can become a problem.
    * Doesn't last as long as many poisons.
    Name: Vine Whip
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2
    Description: The user of the magic acts as if she is throwing a whip out, vines appearing in her hand to actually do so after she has done the motions. These whips reach out up to five meters away and deal a full rank of spell damage to the person it hits. Moves at 5 meters per second..
    *Quick, single hit, spell.
    * Fire will cause the whip to ignite and only deal half damage when it hits.
    * Single Target Ability

    Name: Datura stramonium
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive DoT/Debuff
    Duration: 2
    Cooldown: 3
    Description: Another poison introduced into the system by the spear holder item, this one is sprayed like a mist while using it. It flies outward ten meters and spreads up to five meters across at the max range. Those hit find themselves taking 25% spell damage per turn as well as a strong delirium and hallucinations for the entirety of it. For plot purposes, this poison may be used at any time to make a person forget what has happened for a topic, or NPC's for any amount of time, to keep her identity and deeds a secret.
    * Causes dylerium and hallucinations in those affected by the poison.
    * Lower damage than a normal spell.
    * Requires her holder weapon to be in her hand.

    Wind Spells From Lineage;
    Name: Winds of Change
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive/AoE
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2
    Description: Lunara creates a burst of gale force winds around her that slice open anyone within twenty meters of her. This deals a full rank of spell damage while also slicing through open skin and standard clothing to cause open wounds.
    * Causes cuts that allow any poison made by Lunara to get into an enemy's system faster.
    * Only useful at close range.
    * May mess up airborne poisons she has used by dissipating them or pushing them away.

    List of Spell Fusions:(Locked until B rank)(List your Spell Fusions here, name them, category them, have them make sense, and most importantly make them shiny!)

    Name Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? H, S, A, B, C, or D)
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Fused Spells(What Spells Went into the Fusion and their Ranks?)

    Last edited by Lunara on 7th December 2016, 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Forest's Guardian Empty Re: Forest's Guardian

    Post by Guest 7th December 2016, 7:06 pm

    Hey there, Lunara! I'll be grading your magic, so you can find my requests in this color.
    Lunara wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Forest's Guardian
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster and Holder Magic cannot be Caster and Holder. You must choose either it's Caster or Holder.
    Description: As a dryad, Lunara has access to a magic based around plants. Being in tune with nature allows her to know how the plants work as well as use it to her advantage. It also let's her create plant life, or derivatives of it to hurt those against her.  Her aggressive nature means she has no supportive or healing spells, and many abilities are extending weak to fire. A mixture of plant creation, alteration, and manipulation is what the magic is about, as well as a few spells that help in the aid of delivering others.
    * Highly Relentless.
    * Zone control through plant life.
    * No healing spells.
    * No buff spells.
    * Many spells take increased damage from fire. (Increased damage will be stated in weaknesses if it applies.)
    Lineage: Rage of the Soul Torn
    Description: There was once a man, well not really a man, but a half-human, half hedgehog hybrid by the name of Pulse. Unlike his brother Crest, who possessed the ability to manipulate water and was a doctor who strived to help people, he was a destructive being who only wanted to rule. He became known as Master Pulse, whilst his brother became known as Doctor Crest. Pulse was a master of air manipulation for highly destructive purposes and his descendants, most of them full humans, gained this ability. The ability to make the very air into a destructive weapon.
    Ability: User gains access to a passive and is able to add 3 wind spells in addition to their magic to the spells.The spells gains are one of the user’s rank, one of a rank lower and one of a rank lower than that(max S-rank, Min D-rank). The passive ability is flight where they the wind wraps around them and allows them to fly around at their max speed or less.
    Usage: Passive flight. The 3 spells must be made in addition to the user’s spells in their magic. They cannot have two or more spells of the same rank either meaning that at D-rank they only receive one spell from this, at C-rank they will have a C-rank spell and a D-rank spell from this and at B-rank rank they will have a B-rank spell, a C-rank spell and a D-rank spell from this lineage.

    Unique Abilities:
    * Lunara has a holder weapon, which will be apped for the abilities, that allows her to use spells through it as well as use it as a ranged throwing weapon. When thrown it deals a half rank of her rank in spell damage on top of base physical damage increases, and teleports back to her upon impact with something. If it misses she can will it back into her hand as if it had hit something. When used for physical attacks it simply deals normal physical damage as whatever rank weapon it is, which is based on Lunara's Rank. Magical damage may only happen up to a full rank's worth per post.
    Weapon Rank Per Rank;
    D: Weak
    C: Strong
    B: Strong+
    A: Legendary
    S: Legendary+
    H: Artifact See Caster or Holder section.
    * Offensive spells that deal damage do not deal damage like normal, and instead takes from the Current life and then does half to the MAXIMUM life of those affected. (A D rank mage has 100/100 HP and takes 10 damage from a DoT, they now have 90/95 HP. A C rank mage has 180/200 HP and takes 20 damage from a DoT, they now have 160/190 HP.) Reducing the max HP a person is allowed to have isn't allowed. You can deal more damage to them, but they would still retain x amount of 100 HP, for example.
    * Due to the aggressive style of magic, and the anger behind it, the offensive spells deal 25% more damage than what is considered normal.

    Name: Toxic Amber
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive DoT
    Duration: 4
    Cooldown: 5
    Description: The spear Lunara weilds becomes coated in a poison that, when the weapon strikes, puts a poison into the affected's bloodstream. This poison deals 60% spell damage per turn. DoTs can only deal a max of 50% per turn unless they are channeled (channeled meaning the user cannot move and must focus on the spell).
    * Lasts a long time.
    * Immunities to poison make the spell half as effective.
    * Requires the holder weapon to hit on spell activation to cause the full effect.
    Name: Volitile Gas
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive DoT
    Duration: 3
    Cooldown: 4
    Description: Lunara throws her spear into the ground, somewhere within twenty meters from herself, and it releases a torrent of toxic gas that damages those that were caught in it. The toxin, which absorbs into the body through the pores of the skin, deals 50% spell damage per turn.
    * Powerful DoT that can affect multiple people.
    * Friendly fire can become a problem.
    * Doesn't last as long as many poisons.
    Name: Vine Whip
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2
    Description: The user of the magic acts as if she is throwing a whip out, vines appearing in her hand to actually do so after she has done the motions. These whips reach out up to five meters away and deal a full rank of spell damage to the person it hits. Speed of whip?
    *Quick, single hit, spell.
    * Fire will cause the whip to ignite and only deal half damage when it hits.
    * Single Target Ability

    Name: Datura stramonium
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive DoT/Debuff
    Duration: 2
    Cooldown: 3
    Description: Another poison introduced into the system by the spear holder item, this one is sprayed like a mist while using it. It flies outward ten meters and spreads up to five meters across at the max range. Those hit find themselves taking 25% spell damage per turn as well as a strong delirium and hallucinations for the entirety of it. For plot purposes, this poison may be used at any time to make a person forget what has happened for a topic, or NPC's for any amount of time, to keep her identity and deeds a secret.
    * Causes dylerium and hallucinations in those affected by the poison.
    * Lower damage than a normal spell.
    * Requires her holder weapon to be in her hand.

    Wind Spells From Lineage;
    Name: Winds of Change
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive/AoE
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: Instant duration requires a Cooldown.
    Description: Lunara creates a burst of gale force winds around her that slice open anyone within twenty meters of her. This deals a full rank of spell damage while also slicing through open skin and standard clothing to cause open wounds.
    * Causes cuts that allow any poison made by Lunara to get into an enemy's system faster.
    * Only useful at close range.
    * May mess up airborne poisons she has used by dissipating them or pushing them away.

    List of Spell Fusions:(Locked until B rank)(List your Spell Fusions here, name them, category them, have them make sense, and most importantly make them shiny!)

    Name Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? H, S, A, B, C, or D)
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Fused Spells(What Spells Went into the Fusion and their Ranks?)

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 13
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Forest's Guardian Empty Re: Forest's Guardian

    Post by Lunara 7th December 2016, 7:33 pm

    Was told by Fred that it could be both, but I just changed it to holder for ease of getting it done quickly. Changed the UA there was issue with and fixed the things asked on the others.

    Forest's Guardian Empty Re: Forest's Guardian

    Post by Guest 7th December 2016, 7:57 pm

    Forest's Guardian S1SnyFE

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