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    PAPA BLESS ♦ job


    Star PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 1st October 2016, 9:32 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ A Rank

    Who cared what that damn tanuki had said? Who had any right to tell her what she could or could not tell someone, especially if it was none of their gosh darn business? The Bakedanuki growled to herself as she walked through the forests of the mountains. She was in the forest of the phoenixes, where the guild, Golden Phoenix, had made their home. Only, this time, the silver-furred raccoon dog was not approaching Black Rose's allies to see her human fiance, who just so happened to be the guild master of the treasure hunting guild. She had another reason, and was not about to be thwarted just because some other odd tanuki who claimed she was a family member had demanded against it. Besides, who would listen to, trust, and obey someone who looked partly like an usagi? That brown-furred tanuki had bunny ears, so what made her really trustworthy? Somehow, she seemed much different than a yokai, at that, but even though she had been saved by this person once and knew what she was, the name of what her 'species' specifically was had slipped from the Henge's mind.

    Nevertheless, she still would refuse to listen. Izayuki was stubborn, more so than any human one would ever meet in their lifetime most likely. Besides, this was a family matter. Even though her daughter knew little of her identity and who she really was, the Bakedanuki was determined to break the news to her somehow or other. Not only that, but eventually she had to tell Elyx, though. But the fact still remained that they would have a stillborn child, even if they realized it or not... would her fiance and future husband believe her? Would he accept their daughter, who once fought her mother with her soul shrouded in anger? Somehow, the Lerale human had managed to accept Izayuki for who she was enough to date her, and eventually ask for her hand in marriage, despite his future wife being a completely different type of being- a youkai, a beast. So surely, he would not deny or reject Astrid as a child of his, despite time having twisted her age and story. He could not make the same mistake Izayuki had, after all. But first things first, Astrid had yet to even remember that revelation, and that battle where she had almost lost herself to her wrath and given into the anger.

    Why was Kim against Izayuki explaining the truth to her daughter? It made no sense to the Black Rose Guild Master. What right did the bunuki have to make such high demands? Did she really even know Astrid? That was what the tanuki was going to try to find out. The raccoon dog tread through the forest quickly, sticking to her true form as she attempted to track down the silver-haired violinist using her sense of smell. She wanted a long talk with her, but Astrid was still uneasy around Izayuki after those two incidents- first the torturing and blood-harvesting while the yokai was in a berserk rage mode thanks to her raw instinct and madness, and later on complete possession of Astrid while she tortured the girl's younger adopted brother, who had killed the Bakedanuki to begin with. Both instances had left a sour taste in Astrid's mouth and ill thoughts in general on her unbeknownst mother, but Izayuki was determined to fix that somehow. She silently promised herself she would, and Kim could do nothing about it.

    Location;; Phoenix Forest
    Muse;; 10/10
    Word Count;; 584

    Star Re: PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 2nd October 2016, 3:40 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    The girl had spent many nights contemplating that day. The day where she seemed to have lost a couple of hours, leaving a white space within her mind before it ended with her waking up in Rose Garden near Izayuki. Astrid could not help but think the Black Rose guildmaster had something to do with her lost time. As if the ace was not already uncomfortable enough around the woman before, she was even more so now. To the point where her fear was starting to turn to irritation, in which caused dislike. She wanted to know why the god slayer seemed to hate her, or at least found her fun to target. Was it because she was easy to beat up with her lack of real training? Or maybe because she knew the violinist wouldn’t try to fight back, at least not of her own free will, as she was her fiance’s student. Was she just her play thing? A toy she used when she was bored?
    What did the tanuki do to her in those hours she could not recall? Thinking about it always caused a shiver to run down the violinist's spine, only the worst coming to her mind when she thought about it. Maybe she didn’t want to know. But her curiosity was getting the better of her. As much as she didn’t want to dislike her, or anyone, the guildmaster was making it hard for her not to.
    Dislike was such a new emotion to the dragon slayer. She had never felt so much anger towards… Well, anyone before. She had always tried to see the best in everyone. Even the worst of the worst. But when a person seemed to have no ‘best’ in them, at least none that she had seen… How was she supposed to? The fact that she was making her dislike her caused Astrid to dislike her even more, hating the burning tingling sensation she caused inside of her whenever she thought about the youkai.
    … She wanted to punch a wall.
    … But at this moment, however, the walls were safe. For her mind was occupied by other things.

    “You want another one?”
    The young girl reached into the fabric pouch opened ever so slightly beside her as she knelt upon the ground, reaching in and taking out a single red cherry between her fingers before raising her arm up, stopping just before the phoenix's face. The feathered phoenix blinked blue, round eyes, head twitching side to side as it examined the fruit. Astrid dangled the cherry by its stem in front of it, waving it side to side enticingly.
    “Come on, big guy. It’s just like all the other ones. I promise.” She cooed, smiling softly as she tried to convince the large fire bird to eat it.
    This was a daily routine by now, stopping by to visit this particular pheonix. For some reason it had become rather attached to her, even fighting off some of the other phoenixes that got a little too close to the girl. A rather big pain, as when she played her violin to get some practice and the others would flock to listen, she usually had to break up a fight or two. But she could also not help but feel slightly… Amused by it. It was tough and mean on the outside, but once you got close enough it was actually really friendly. It reminded her of Lucius. He was the same way, even if most other people couldn’t agree. If Lucius was a phoenix, this would be him. Though the gender of the phoenix was still unknown to her… And she refused to try and find it out.
    Either way, she had still given it a name. Lark. Rather gender neutral, just to be on the safe side. If she didn’t come out at least once a day to play the firebird always somehow managed to find her, not leaving her alone until she had played something.
    Today, however, she wanted to try something different. She wanted to try feeding it. She thought maybe if it associated something with her other than music, they could become a little closer. She felt some sort of connection to phoenixes. She hadn’t noticed it until she came to this island. They fascinated her. No, not even that. It was a feeling she couldn’t even describe. When she was surrounded by phoenixes, she somehow felt, complete. Like a missing part of her was filled when the birds were around. She wanted to explore this feeling as much as she could. And the first step to it, was befriending Lark. Or so she felt like it was.

    After a moment of hesitation did the large fire bird take the cherry from the musician's hand, plucking it out with its beak before swallowing it in one bite.
    Lowering her hand down to lay upon the orange feathers Astrid smiled softly, letting out a small chuckle as she rubbed the creature’s head, amazed by how soft the feathers actually were, though a little warm. But it was only to be expected by, you know, a ‘fire’ bird. Lark, instead of backing away like she feared, cooed and closed its eyes in comfort, leaning into the pet.
    “Good girl… Or boy.” She quickly corrected herself.
    888 words ● @Iza ● notes



    Star Re: PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 3rd October 2016, 2:43 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ A Rank

    The presence of so many phoenixes was quite overwhelming for the silver-furred tanuki. She continued padding through the forest at a relaxed and steady pace, with no real hurry as she took her strides towards her destination. The raccoon dog could smell the thick scent of avian, and along with it was mixed in the sharp smell of smoke and heat. Honestly, it made the young yokai often wonder what phoenix would taste like, if she ever managed to hunt and catch a small one. Even though her element was ice, she still had a trump card up her imaginary sleeve for use against those who wielded fire. As for phoenixes, most of these 'average' ones were likely not like Ignite, who was a demi-phoenix and quite intelligent for a bird. It led the tanuki to assume that all phoenixes were smart somehow, with the same kind of knowledge and intellect, but Izayuki began to question that as she observed some of the phoenixes in that forest, who just behaved like one's ordinary, everyday bird.

    Nevertheless, out of a decent level of respect for her fiance's companion and guild, Izayuki pushed away the instinctual urge to hunt herself a phoenix or two to put on the dinner table. Besides, she had other business here that did not have anything to do with finding food or eating, even if that must have been what the first impression was when the Bakedanuki met the young violinist. Locking onto the scent of her quarry, her time paradox daughter, the tanuki quickened her steps slightly and narrowed down on the trail of her target. Finally hearing Astrid's ever so familiar voice, the canine remained hidden but locked her sharp, hooked claws into the bark of the nearby tree. Luckily for her, tanukis were the only species in the canine family that could climb trees with ease, and she was about to take advantage of that. Subtly climbing up, the pale, silver-furred critter gracefully moved herself up to a high branch, and flicked her tail in simple pride with herself for the easy feat.

    Finally, she centered her pink-hued gaze on her daughter, who was below, seemingly befriending a phoenix. It was just like something the kindhearted girl would do, and Izayuki half-wondered if the avian even noticed that the 'human' was actually a tanuki yokai, even if that was not important. The Bakedanuki laid down on the thick branch of the tree, in perfect sight of Astrid, but not ready to interrupt her just yet. The white dragon slayer would notice the glacier god slayer before too long, anyways, be it by sensing her magic, which Izayuki did not bother to conceal, or simply by use of her enhanced senses.

    Location;; Phoenix Forest
    Muse;; 8/10
    Word Count;; 457 [ 1,040 // 7,000 ]

    Star Re: PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 3rd October 2016, 6:05 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    Unlike what the god slayer had thought would happen, Astrid was not the first one to become aware of her presence.
    Having been completely enraptured by the fire bird the light mage didn't become aware of any new presences until she noticed Lark's suddenly strange behavior.
    The phoenix's head pushed away the girl's hand before its blue gaze stared out into the group of trees in the distance, unmoving and hard. At first the slayer wasn't sure what was happening, retracting her hand back to her side, head tilting in question.
    "Lark...?" She tried calling the bird's name gently, but it did absolutely nothing. Whatever Lark was focused on, it was not moving. At all. All it did was continue to stare, refusing to even blink.

    Then, she heard the hissing. It wasn't a loud sound, something very easily unheard as it sounded like it was coming from deep within the fire bird's chest. But it was there, there was no mistaking it now that the mountains were quieting down.
    Instantly getting a bad feeling in her stomach from whatever it was going on the violinist was about ready to leave for the day, gathering up the last of the cherries and tying the loose end of the bag, stuffing it into her pocket before scrambling to her feet. Once up her crimson gaze tried settling on whatever Lark was getting so worked up about, scanning the spot it continued to stare in. But when she tried, she couldn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary.

    It was only when she was about to leave, did it finally happen.
    Lark's blue and orange feathered wings flew up and flapped hard once, a loud, ear piercing squawking sound erupting from its ash sprinkled beak. The mage jumped back at the sound, having been a little too close to the bird when it happened, the loud noise causing a ringing in her ears.
    Rubbing the edges of her ears and try and calm the ringing crimson eyes widened as she was finally able to spot what had gotten the bird so worked up. Just above them, in the distance, sitting upon the tree, was a familiar figure. None other than the tanuki form of the Black Rose guild master.
    Astrid's throat turned dry, a cold sweat running over her body as she began to feel a sudden light headedness. She was back. Again. What did she want this time? To try and finish off the job she started in Rose Garden? Was she looking for entertainment again? Was she her next target?
    Going for a first wall of protection, somewhere good to hide, the dragon slayer slid behind Lark's body as it continued to puff out its chest and screech, trying to make itself seem more intimidating with its poofed feathers and loud ruckus.
    She hoped Izayuki had not seen her, though she knew it was less than likely that she did. The two had been quite out in the open field, exposed.
    All she could so was wish Lark could deal with her. She had no Lucius to help her this time. Or Elyx. She was alone. Alone with a phoenix and that youkai.
    She hugged herself tightly, arms squeezing around her chest for comfort as she closed her eyes, breathing becoming unsteady, starting to hyperventilate as her chest became tighter. She squeezed herself tighter, as to keep reminding herself to try and calm her breathing before she passed out from oxygen deprivation, noticing her head getting lighter and more distant with every breath.
    She was going to die, out here all alone. No body to know what happened to the girl. She could run, for she was known for her fast speed rate. She could maybe even outrun the tanuki. But fear kept her legs in place. It made her feet feel heavy, like stone chains were wrapped tightly around them.
    The chains eventually made their way up her entire body, feeling as thought they were weighing her down, not allowing her to move even an inch as fear took over all the functions of her body, making them useless. She could not move. She could not talk. All she could so, was whimper, and regret ever coming out of her house today.

    So she stood there behind the rampaging phoenix, hugging herself, tears beginning to form at the corners of her eyes, preparing herself up for whatever horrors awaited her as soon as the tanuki made her way down the tree towards them.
    755 words ● @tag ● notes



    Star Re: PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 12th October 2016, 12:31 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ A Rank

    The phoenix seemed to notice the tanuki in the tree long before the young girl did. The bird gazed sharply up at the raccoon dog before it opened its gray bill and began to send out long, loud, sharp squawks at the canine. The tiny yokai could only tilt her head in curiosity, genuinely confused at the sudden outburst of the fenghuang with brightly colored feathers. Why was she shouting out at the silver-furred canine? What threat did Izayuki really pose to the avian that Astrid had dubbed ‘Lark’.

    The bird was either an idiot or very smart, shouting at the tanuki with all of its might, but what did yelling really ever do? It was not attacking her, just crying out at her and squawking endlessly. Was she in its favorite tree or something, leaving it to be territorial? Or did this have something to do with Astrid. Even though she could typically understand all forms of life and most languages, Izayuki was honestly at a loss of what the bird wanted, and almost chuckled in amusement, until she turned her focus to Astrid. Why was the small teenager trying to hide behind the bird? Izayuki could easily sense her fear and apprehension. It was easy to smell it coming from that general source, but why would Astrid still fear her? Had the two not made up yet?

    Ah, that was right. Izayuki began to recall that the side of Astrid that was her daughter forgetting and falling back to the norm. She no longer remembered her attacking her mother, Izayuki, for the list of complicated reasons all bottled up. In the end, the mother tanuki had escaped with her life, but as much as she learned of her love for the quiet tanuki spirit, Astrid simply failed to remember. Thus, the violinist appeared to hold onto her fear of the yokai, even in such a small and seemingly helpless appearing state. The very fact dismayed Izayuki, but she dared not show that in her appearance. Instead, she gracefully leaped down from the tree, using a bit of her flight ability to assist in softening her landing without making the power too obvious.

    As she approached Astrid and the phoenix she had labeled ‘Lark’ closer, Izayuki could smell the salt and see the small tears forming in the violinist’s eyes. Sighing, the small raccoon dog realized she would have to take it slow. She would approach the two, skirting around the firebird to reach Astrid. If the phoenix tried anything funny… well, hopefully, she would not. “Is something wrong, Astrid?” the silver-furred tanuki asked in a soft and sincere voice, a gentle smile on her muzzle as she gazed up at the silver-haired girl.

    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 455
    1,495 // 7,000

    Star Re: PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 12th October 2016, 3:08 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    As the tanuki approached the two Lark's feathers would flatten down against her skin once more, body turning to face the direction the animal was walking in, a narrowed stare watching the silver creature carefully, a growl rumbling deeply through her vocal cords.
    Seeing as she was continuing her approach the phoenix kicked the ground in front of her, sending a small stream of dirt Izayuki's way as a way of warning. But nothing more, almost like a test to see if she would fight back, without actually throwing any sort of real attack.

    Hearing the guild master's voice over Lark's continuous noises the musician flinched, eyes opening once more, allowing for the built up tears to fall down her cheeks in single, thin streaks. Was something wrong? That's all she had to say? What's wrong? She should know what was wrong. She was here. That's what was wrong.
    "Go away..." The silver haired mage pleaded softly, allowing her muscles to relax before tensing them once more, aware her words might end up getting her killed.
    "Every time you're near me, something bad happens. First Lucius and i almost die, then you posses me and torture him... Then i wake up in some weird alleyway without my memories of a few hours before..."
    Voice cracking as she explained Astrid began to shake once more, recalling all of the horrible things that had happened so far in her adventure. All of them, every single one, was caused by the tanuki. She was there in each of them, having some part in the horribleness. She was like a bad omen. And if she stayed anywhere near her, something bad was sure to happen again. The ace could not allow that. Finally, after so long she was beginning to achieve her dreams. She could not let it end so soon.
    Placing her head into her hands the girl did her best to cover the whimpers that tugged at her throat, causing hiccup-like convulsions to shake her small frame, burning at her chest as she swallowed them down.
    "Please... Leave... I don't want to fight you anymore."
    353 words ● @tag ● notes



    Star Re: PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 12th October 2016, 3:42 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ A Rank

    The phoenix kicking up dirt at the yokai was hardly something perceived too much as a threat. The bird did not seem too happy, but nothing would make Izayuki reconsider and halt what she was doing. She would keep her guard up in the case of the firebird who did not seem to happy to see the tanuki there, but as for Astrid, the girl was all the small canine cared about. The shaking of the girl and the sudden flinch was noticeable to Izayuki, who dared to take a few pawsteps closer.

    Finally, Astrid opened her eyes and gazed down at the silver-furred raccoon dog. Pink eyes avoided the urge to widen in surprise as she noticed the visible steaks of tears rolling down her daughter's cheeks. Before Astrid even said anything, Izayuki perceived it all right away. She was scared- terrified, and falling to despair. The violinist knew that she was no match for the Bakedanuki, and could not fight her way out of anything or escape. The last thing the tanuki wanted to do was to cause any trouble here, but how could she convey that to the young musician who was already evidently quite scared of the yokai? It was an instinct to change to her human form and hold her child tight, and somehow comfort her, but such an action would surely be rejected. Astrid did not remember anything anymore, of that day and her thick anger. She had tried to kill the yet-to-be mother she would have, and though Izayuki had been willing to die to prove a point, Astrid eventually came to her senses and spared the ayakashi.

    The next words to follow almost stung in the raccoon dog's silver ears. To go away... and next to come was a list of her transgressions against the violinist. Izayuki knew that she was guilty as charged, but did Astrid really know the full story behind it all? Had she not forgiven the Black Rose Guild Master? Izayuki avoided Astrid's now-red eyes and looked away, until she listened to that very last line, which stung harder than anything else. 'She did not want to fight her anymore'...

    In such a short time, Astrid was already a mess, crying into her own arms and curled up. In that instant, the small raccoon dog went ahead and shapeshifted into her humanoid form, with silver-furred ears, a fluffy tail, elongated canine teeth as fangs, and claws. It was her preferred shape over all, but hopefully it would better convey her emotions and thoughts than the smaller, fluffier, canine shape. "I don't wish to fight you," she said softly, her gaze not yet focused on Astrid, but on the ground to the side of her. Izayuki sat also in the grass, her legs folded out to the side under her. Her large tail ever so slightly swished back and forth, as the tanuki attempted to hide slight anxiety. "Before you pass judgement and decide to hate me, though, let me speak and vouch for myself... see my side of it," the guild master dared to state, taking a breath before continuing. "That first incident... I was not myself. I was forced into a state of madness and insanity by my magic and uncontrolled yokai powers. I can't apologize enough for that... it wasn't right, and I regret it fully."

    An exhale of the rest of the air in her lungs after stating what she had moderately on a breath, and then an inhale before she would continue. Was Astrid even listening? Would the violinist even care? Izayuki was far from forgiveness, though she would still try to find some trace of it, even if the endeavor was futile. "On that second occasion, I hadn't meant to possess you. Your brother, Lucius, had used a strange magic to seal my power and had killed me. After he did that, it left my soul behind to fend for itself. I had no control, and my soul possessed you as soon as you came too close...."

    To admit her faults with that or not. She could not quite bring herself to regret what she had done to Lucius. The man had brutally tortured Izayuki, and finally killed her. While in Astrid's body, she had been happy to deliver the same treatment by tearing off his guildmark. The fact that it had been Astrid she possessed? She certainly did wish it could have been different. As for the third incident, however, that was the reason why Izayuki had ventured to the Golden Phoenix lands to begin with. She had to share the knowledge of what happened that day with her daughter, even if that one bunny tanuki who claimed to be her cousin did not wish for it. "That day in the Rose Garden alleyway... do you really not remember what happened?" Izayuki asked, daring to gaze back at Astrid with pleading eyes, her silver-furred ears pulled back in a docile and submissive manner, which was rare for the confident Bakedanuki. This final issue had to be resolved one way or another; forget the rest, Izayuki could do without forgiveness if that was what it took. She just needed her daughter to remember who she was in the first place.

    Location;; With Astrid... and Lark.
    Muse;; 10/10
    Word Count;; 878

    Star Re: PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 12th October 2016, 4:54 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    It came as a surprise to the slayer, Izayuki having come this close to her without physically hurting her in any way. Though now that she thought back, the tanuki hadn't hurt her during the time she tried to fix their rocky relationship the first time around, during her first attack. In fact, the guild master had been rather nice about it. Even when Astrid lost herself for a few moments, touching the girl's fuzzy ears, she was nothing but forgiving. It was only after the second attack, and then the third encounter, did the light mage begin to think differently about the tanuki, watching her match the mounsterous image everyone else painted her as.
    Maybe, there was some civilness in her. This was the woman who had won Elyx's heart after all, there had to be something she was missing in her. But Astrid could not believe it, not until she actually saw it. Normally she would assume there was a little bit of good in everyone, and she was desperately wanted to see that in the silver tanuki too. But it was hard to do so when that person had shown you nothing but darkness time and time again. And yet, Astrid still held hope. From their small apology back after the first attack. She wanted to see that Izayuki again. Not a monster who kept hurting people.

    The god slayer explained, and Astrid listened. Very carefully. Even though it may have not looked like it as she held her head in her arms, remaining silent, refusing to show her tear covered face. It was actually one of the only times Astrid had payed so much attention to someone. Any other time she would have been distracted by now, by a passing butterfly or a random noise in the distance. But this was one situation the violinist was sure to keep her attention on. The one thing she wanted to believe so much in.
    She knew most of it already, almost like a more detailed recap of what she had already explained previously. Except, for an important detail in the second attack. Lucius had been the one to start it... Of course. She always had a sneaking suspicion it had been him. While she did not trust Izayuki very much at the moment, it was not such a hard thing to believe. It was defiantly something he would do, especially after the bad blood between them months prior to the event.
    ... Lucius...
    At his name the musician lifted her head slightly from her arms, only to show her dulled crimson gaze, eyes still somewhat wet from the drying tears.
    "I had a feeling it was because of him" the mage mused, blinking once as her optics finally focused and settled on the woman sitting before her.
    "I know it may be a lot to ask, but, can you forgive him? Lucius is... Lucius is Lucius. He's not good with people, he's scary, and he doesn't know any better."
    Talking about her adoptive brother began to melt away a small bit of her anxiety, allowing a small smile to grace her hidden lips.
    "You see he's been kind of like my project over the years. I try and try to fix him, putting him back together like some sort of puzzle that was left out in the cold. And believe it or not, he's actually a lot better than he use to be. He was a lot meaner and cold when we were kids. The truth is, he's learning. He's trying to deal with people. He's trying to be a better person. He just needs some help. So i ask you to not let his actions get to you. Just... Give him some time. Let me continue to fix him. And one day, he'll be put back together, picturing the most breathtaking piece of art out there."
    Taking a small breath to let her words sink in with the guild master she would close her eyes once more, trying to imagine a happier, more genuinely joyful version of the assassin. He had come so far in the last couple years. Even if he had learned the annoying way of covering up his true emotions, he was still a lot better than what he was that fateful day she had found him, bloody and bruised on her doorstep.
    A smiling Lucius...
    Her small grew warmer.
    That was an image...

    Though her smile did not last for long. As Izayuki brought up the subject of their encounter not to long about the musician's lips straightened, eyes opening once more to land on the guild master. So she was going to bring that up... Maybe now she could find out what had happened in those few hours she lost... The curiously was simply killing her.
    "Miss Hyoujin, i am no liar. If i remembered anything about those hours i would have not said anything about not being able to remember."
    Pausing, the dragon slayer breathed, unsure if she even wanted to know what had happened, like if she did she would be releasing Pandora's box upon the world. But yet that was the point of Pandora's box. Curiosity always won.

    "... I beg you... What happened to me?"
    876 words ● @tag ● notes



    Star Re: PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 17th October 2016, 1:26 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ A Rank

    The topic of Lucius... with Astrid, that had almost been promised to eventually surface. The topic was rocky, and not something that Izayuki enjoyed thinking about. She still had those terrible thoughts of when the green-haired man had used a strange magical item given to him to seal off her magic and any form of defense she once had. From there, Lucius had used his knife and darkness aura to torture the Bakedanuki in that empty and newly refurbished hotel, with marble floors and walls. She had been battered and injured, and still cringed as she recalled him digging the switchblade into her fuzzy, silver-furred tanuki ears and ripping them each in half. It was gruesome, and even made the yokai visibly shiver subtly as she recalled the scene in her mind. It was a memory she wished she could be rid of, but why lose memories when the emotion and impact of them made one stronger and wiser?

    It was Astrid's sudden appearance right after Izayuki's death in that place which had led to the downfall of events. The Bakedanuki was still not sure if it was better to be thankful for or to regret the young violinist's entrance. Without Astrid, her soul had not a vessel to use to officially remove Lucius from the guild, and gain at least some form of revenge- which, to a yokai, was extremely important. Nevertheless, she had still hurt the silver-haired girl, and from the possession, had awoken something fierce and angry within her. Could the Golden Phoenix wizard really not remember?

    Izayuki sensed Astrid slightly relaxing as she spoke about Lucius. To care about someone so deeply even after all he had done... that really was big, and did grow Izayuki's respect for the musician. No matter what ill deeds Lucius did, Astrid still loved him like a little brother. That was almost more than the tanuki felt she could do with some people, but then again, in a way, the same treatment was constantly given to her. Who, namely? None other than Elyx, who constantly put up with her antics and unpredictable behavior, and still showed her undying love, and trusted her enough to even become engaged to the youthful yokai. Perhaps the Bakedanuki was beginning to understand it all a little better. With that in mind, it made this next part ever so slightly easier, even if it was still difficult to begin with.

    "Alright then... I promise I won't harm him if I see him again, or get in your way with your work with him..." the tanuki said gently, hiding her ever so slight regret as the promise left her lips. A yokai kept their promises, no matter what. Consequences always came and karma began its work when one broke their word, after all, whether one believed that or not. She would not kill Lucius or torture him, but if he ever did bother her, hopefully binding or freezing would be enough to secure the safety of those around, including her own and his own.

    Nevertheless, as the conversation went on, Izayuki became increasingly curious. Astrid really did not remember anything, and said it herself. Breathing out a small sigh, the tanuki prayed to whatever true deity was out there that she could phrase it all in a way that her unbeknownst daughter would understand. "I'll tell you, but please know that none of this is a lie. It's all truth, even if it may be hard for you to believe..." she began, glancing off to the side at the phoenix briefly before returning her pink gaze to Astrid. "In that alleyway you were in a different form- a small child with brown hair and braids that way crying. I went over to see what was the matter, and you changed; to your current age, only you had the physical features of a tanuki, like I have..." Izayuki continued slowly, quietly pleading that Astrid would believe her. If push came to shove, the tanuki could illustrate the scene again with her ayakashi abilities, even though she would rather not. The yokai decided to wait before continuing, and let the words and information sink in. She did not want to continue by any means if Astrid refused to believe her, after all. It was better for her not to waste her breath.

    Muse;; 8/10
    Word Count;; 725

    Star Re: PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 30th October 2016, 4:10 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    Nothing the tanuki was saying made sense. Her, in another form and changing appearances. Her, with tanuki features? Even though the guild master had said none of what she was saying was a lie, it was still hard for Astrid to take her seriously. She had no other form. She wasn't some shape-shifter, and had no power to take on other shapes... Well...
    The violinist ripped her gaze away from the god slayer to the black and white beaded bracelet wrapped tightly around her wrist. The bracelet she received from that strange girl a while back after she somehow managed to transform into a rooster and almost got herself killed by a wold wolf.
    She had not thought about that day too much, treating it like some strange fever dream caused by her lack of sleep lately. There was no way a simple human like her actually managed to transform so suddenly... And the pink haired girl's timing. It was all too strange and convenient for the ace to take it so seriously.
    Yet even when she awoke under that cover of Clover Town, the bracelet was still there, snugly fitting around her small wrist. She had been too scared to touch or try to remove it, if it all was actually a dream or not. Every time she even thought about taking it off there was some part of her that convinced her not to. Feeling something bad would happen if she laid a finger on it, a tight ball of worry forming in her stomach. But she had so much else to worry about these days, soon after the event she had managed to push it from her memory... Until now.
    The dragon slayer's mind tried fitting it all together, but nothing was clicking. She could not believe she had done such a thing. At least the last time that she quote on quote 'transformed' she remembered it happening. But this time, she didn't remember her time during it? It was a bit fishy, yes? It didn't help that she already didn't trust the tanuki a lot anyway right now. So all of this information? She couldn't take it too seriously.
    Rubbing the colored beads between each one of her fingertips slowly Astrid looked back up to Izayuki, lips staying in a thin line.
    "Not to sound rude, but i hope you realize how ridiculous you are sounding right now. I am a human whose only magic is that of a white dragon slayer. I..." Pausing, the girl adverted her gaze to look at the ground beside them. She didn't like lying, at all. In fact she hated it, and tried to avoid doing it at all cost. But when she wasn't even sure if it happened in the first place, was it really a lie?... It wasn't a lie... No of course it wasn't. That entire event had been but a dream. The result of her sleep deprived nights. Or so she had convinced herself in order to make herself worry about it less. It was the truth.
    It was the truth.
    The truth.
    "I don't have the ability to transform. I never have, i never will. My family are simple violinists and every day ordinary humans. Are you sure you're not mistaken?"
    Maybe it had been a mistake on the tanuki's part. Imagination running wild, or some other reason to make her believe she had seen the ace do all of that stuff. It simply couldn't have been her.
    Even if she could do such a thing, it didn't make sense with her lost of memories either. Transformation, though she was no expert on the matter, wouldn't cause you to lose memories... Unless it was some sort of strange side effect of it.

    627 words ● @tag ● notes



    Star Re: PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 14th November 2016, 7:58 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ A Rank

    At the very least, Astrid was no longer crying. That somewhat put the Bakedanuki's mind at ease, but the next words to come were exactly what she feared. She noticed at first upon receiving the information Izayuki had to offer, the silver-haired girl gazed down at the bracelet on her wrist. Did that have some sort of significance to it, or maybe it meant nothing? Probably nothing, surely.
    The words still stung, however. Ridiculous? She was trying to inform her unbeknownst daughter of what had transpired in that patch where she lost her memories. Why was it no longer there? Did she not remember anything that had happened in her Bakedanuki form? Or was there something or someone who was blocking out the memories? Either way, it was mildly irritating, and now to the young dragon slayer, she seemed like either an idiot or a liar.

    Or was there more to it? Was Astrid simply in denial? Surely they had gotten over the past transgressions Izayuki had done, and she had been forgiven, right? That moment had seemed so tender and real... it was nothing to be denied, and not easily forgotten. The idea of it being lost perplexed the youthful tanuki, who forced herself not to growl in mild frustration with the fact that her words were being seen as folly. Astrid paused for a moment in her talking, then continued, pushing adamantly the fact that she could not transform. Why the hesitation? The keen canine noticed it subconsciously, but only continued to listen in silence, her silver furred ears beginning to droop slightly. Sure, her birth family might have been full of average mortal humans, but her spirit knew better. Why was she so disconnected from it?

    Was she mistaken? It was tempting to go out on a limb and say 'just kidding', to save herself the headache, but what would that do but push them apart more without hope of any chances? Astrid had asked for an honest answer, after all. At least with not wavering on what she had said, she had the ever so slightest chance of the truth really being revealed to her paradox daughter.
    Her tail tip flicking slightly in agitation and her ears pulled back in disappointment, Izayuki continued looking away slightly, gathering her thoughts, before she gazed back at Astrid's crimson eyes. "I know what I saw. It's no lie," Izayuki said with a solemn expression and in a grave tone, her gaze unwavering now and unblinking. "I'm not mistaken. And there's more too... but you don't believe me already..."

    Izayuki trailed off, hanging her head slightly in disappointment. Her pink eyes finally moved from Astrid's face downwards. As if by coincidence, however, they landed on the black and white beaded bracelet that the Golden Phoenix Ace wore on her wrist. Instantly, the keen guild master noticed the slightest trace of a magical presence about the trinket. The jewelry was possibly on there for other reasons than fashion and appearance, but how to actually find out was the hard part. Lifting one ear, her left one, in curiosity, the Bakedanuki tilted her head and kept her gaze on the bracelet, before extending a hand slowly and gently to touch it. She would hook a small claw around, just in case if Astrid pulled away, the bracelet would be removed.
    "What's this for?" she asked, pushing her pink gaze back up to Astrid's face in slight curiosity, but almost no expression. Her voice contained slight suspicion, but she would wait for a proper response before doing anything too dramatic. It was not weird to touch it... seeing as people would randomly touch cute or pretty things all the time. Hopefully her action would not be too much of an issue, and if it was, it would only be even more confirmation of Izayuki's suspicions.

    Location;; With Astrid.
    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 643

    Star Re: PAPA BLESS ♦ job

    Post by Guest 15th November 2016, 2:44 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    Perhaps she had been a bit too blunt with her feelings...
    Watching the tanuki lower her head, speaking out about how the ace didn't seemingly believe her, a spark of guilt lit itself in the pit of the musician's stomach. It was not her intention to make the guild master upset. In fact, it was never her intention to make anyone so upset. Really, she tried everything to make everyone happy and content. But to think she herself made someone upset with just a simply statement, it upset Astrid just as much.
    She felt horrible...
    Crimson eyes widening the silver haired mage shook her head feverishly, waving her hands dismissively, as if trying to tell Izayuki she hadn't meant any of her past words.
    "N-No! I-I didn't mean i don't believe you! It's just-"
    A long pause followed, ceasing her rapid movements as she could do nothing but stare at the god slayer.
    ... What did she mean? She fully meant those words, about finding the guild master's story hard to believe. But yet, those words caused such heartache within the ice mage's eyes. So, would it be okay to lie to her again? After doing it once already? But if she didn't lie and hide her true feelings, then she would be causing her more pain...
    The truth... Or lies... The two began to blur together in the violinist's mind. The truth hid within lies, and lies within truth. They blended together, causing them to become stuck in the gears of her brain, slowing down her thinking and reaction time.
    Maybe that was why, at first the ace had not noticed the claw that wrapped so delicately around the beaded bracelet she wore, her senses noting it off as simply nothing important as her morals and wants collided with one another.
    It was why, she didn't react until the tanuki's words reached her eyes.
    Her red, glazed over stare blinked once as she felt her consciousness being pushed back into her body, regaining their regular shine, blinking once, as if to verify she could finally use her body again. Slowly, after remembering where exactly she was, her oculars rolled down to her left hand, spying upon the familiar claw that held her precious bracelet within its grasp.
    Her first reaction was to simply stare while her mind regained its normal functions. Though after a few moments of numbness, it finally sunk in. The person she trusted the least right now, was touching her. Not just her, but something that not even she touched herself.
    The dragon slayer let in a gasp of air through clenched teeth , red orbs widening once more with fear.
    Every part of her screamed to pull away, and at first, she did. It was only after she could feel the bulky string pull against her skin did Astrid quickly relax her arm, realizing if she pulled too hard, the claw could rip right through and tear it apart, releasing whatever kind of weird power the accessory kept hidden away.
    That's when, the second option popped into her head. And without hesitation, she went with it.
    Full of nerves and fear, her fight or flight instinct kicked in.
    Pulling back her free hand and closing her eyes Astrid open palm smacked the space in front of her where the woman's face would be located, coming into contact with her cheek if the sudden attack worked. The sound of the smack was loud, and echoed a long distance into the mountain range, until, after a few seconds, the sound settled into a long, long quietness.

    Unrealized of anything she had just done, Astrid lowered her head, eyes closed so tightly they began to hurt with the amount of pressure she pushed down onto them. But she could not find the strength to look up. For some reason, it felt like something was keeping her down, telling her not to look up at any cost. In fear, the guild master would do something to her if she did. The only sensation she was left with, was a pounding chest from her heart beat.
    692 words ● @tag ● notes


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