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    Black Skies [GH]


    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
    Position : None
    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
    Third Skill:

    Black Skies [GH] Empty Black Skies [GH]

    Post by Eris 20th November 2016, 7:15 pm

    Job Title: Black Skies [GH]
    Rank: Guild Scale
    Player Requirements: 50 posts 300 words/each.   Requires Eris and 6 guildmembers+.
    Job Requirements: Seize control of the IGSS Reacher.
    Job Location: Sin
    Job Description:
    The automated machinations of a long-defeated empire that was once at war with Eris has amassed power and its AI has pushed it to continue to evolve and seek out the threat that had overtaken their living masters.  These surviving constructions have amassed and developed the ability to follow Eris through the realms.   They have arrived over Sin and passed through the veil using curse-powered technology developed over the thousands of years since their conflict with Eris.   They loom faint casting a shadow over the already lightless land,  a dark shape passing across the moon to send their tide of wire and steel.

    Part 1:
    They are attempting to assault the Temple of the Undying due to the concentration of Eris's influence.   They seem to require concentrations of Eris's presence to use their warp cores,  and if they get close enough for long enough they may be capable of entering the Burning Endless itself, their true target.   Eris and the Augurs can sense a device on board that may be capable of destroying the entirety of the infinite plane of existence that is the Burning Endless,  and may cause cataclysmic destruction on Earthland itself if allowed to detonate there.  The saving grace is their intention on using it in the Burning Endless and not Earthland.  Either situation needs to be stopped.

    Part 2:
    Pushing back or giving enough breathing room,  the source of the invaders is sought above,  in orbit hiding behind the moon is a massive space station from which the ships stem from.   Within the great structure are the Lost Twelve, the council Eris had established on that world,  stolen and remade,  repurposed,  in the image of the AI.  Blackfield generators contain them and draw power from what once was to power what is inorganic,  beings made entirely of uniform metal.   No moving parts, like statues,  though they walk and animate themselves,  metal bending with their will.   Defeat them and find the source of the AI on board. 

    More enemies than rolled will always exist in the field as a whole,  in conflict with other NPCs in the background.   Rolled enemies are just the immediate threats to the PCs.

    XL-2 Jacks x5-  5,000HP.  100 damage per cannonshot,  4 cannons.    500mph speeds with high maneuverability.  With warp core allowing them to teleport within 100 meters once per post per craft.  20 meters long 12 wide.
    Jacks are entirely automated.

    XL-4 Judge x2- 10,000hp.  100 damage per cannonshot,  6 cannons.  400mph speeds with very high maneuverability.  With a warp core as with Jacks.  60 meters long 20 wide.  Produces Swarms and Hives, one cloud and hive per post.
    Swarms:  A cloud of micro drones.  50hp individually,  several thousand per swarm.   They will deal 1 point of damage each to a ship or structure that they swarm on,  amounting to roughly 1,500 damage per swarm per post.
    Hives:  Larger drones the size of beach balls that fly at 900mph speeds with extreme maneuverability.   500hp.  Generates disruption fields and releases Seeker drones once per post.  Disruption fields negate high energy effects (Lightning, Fire,  Light,  raw kinetic energy,  lasers,  ect.) which eliminates single S-rank effects or less,  or cannonfire dealing 300 or less damage once per post.    Seeker drones will fly at 1,200mph and impact with missiles, rockets, bombs,  or large projectiles (Boulders, ice attacks,  ect) and attempt for half a second to seize control of the projectile converting it into an allied attack back towards an enemy.  If it cannot, it detonates in a 400 damage attack (Dealing only 100 damage to non-projectiles/attacks).  
    Judges are entirely automated.

    XMS-7 Justice-  20,000hp.  100 damage per cannonshot, 10 cannons.  900mph speed but starts at 400, taking a full post to accelerate.   Low maneuverability, with a warp core.   200 meters long,  80 wide.    Possesses Pods,  firing one per post per target or two to a single target.  Pods will slam into the ground or into other ships releasing twelve Soldiers on the ground or as a boarding/invading party into another ship.    The pods deal 300 damage on impact but will anchor themselves to a ship to deal an extra 100 damage per post until it breaks through to the interiors upon dealing damage equal to 1% the ship's overall durability,  releasing the soldiers inside.

    Mechanics- Not intended for combat roles,  Mechanics have 100hp and deal 5 damage with melee attacks and 50 damage with internal firearms.   They are thin skeletal looking mechanical frames with two extra arms for maneuverability climbing around the ship and meant to fit into tight spaces.
    Equivalent of D-Rank.

    Soldiers-  More sturdy than the mechanics these frames are armored and bulkier.  Their internal fire arms do 50 damage per shot but fire rapidly with several projectiles in bursts easily dealing 300 damage if each hits per burst.   Take 250 damage to destroy.   Not as maneuverable and cannot climb or fit into tight spaces around the ship.
    Equivalent to B-rank.

    Officer-  A commanding frame that has a connection to the Admiral and all the Officer's crew.  If one knows something, so does the Officer and the Officer can relay it to the Admiral and other members of its crew.   It is sturdy with 400hp but no real offensive value.  Manages the others however,  where the Officer is two Soldiers are + 1 Soldier per post beyond the first.
    Equivalent to A-rank.

    XSS-R Jupiter- 100,000hp.  100 damage per cannonshot,  20 cannons.  1,200mph spee but starts at 400,  requiring two posts to fully accelerate.  Low maneuverability,  with a warp core.   400 meters long,  90 wide.    Main cannon deals 1,000 damage with one shot per post that fires in a 2km long 50 meter wide beam for six seconds allowing it to "Sweep" or focus on one target for an additional 1,500 damage.  Mechanics and automated systems repair 2% ship's HP per post.  Possesses Pods firing at the same rate as the Justice,  and possesses Hives releasing three per post.  
    Can release one Justice every four posts,  one Judge every other post,  and two Jacks per post.  More can be released at-will at the guildmaster's discretion, but not less.

    Mechanics- Not intended for combat roles,  Mechanics have 100hp and deal 5 damage with melee attacks and 50 damage with internal firearms.   They are thin skeletal looking mechanical frames with two extra arms for maneuverability climbing around the ship and meant to fit into tight spaces.
    Equivalent of D-Rank.

    Soldiers-  More sturdy than the mechanics these frames are armored and bulkier.  Their internal fire arms do 50 damage per shot but fire rapidly with several projectiles in bursts easily dealing 300 damage if each hits per burst.   Take 250 damage to destroy.   Not as maneuverable and cannot climb or fit into tight spaces around the ship.
    Equivalent of B-Rank.

    Officer-  A commanding frame that has a connection to the Admiral and all the Officer's crew.  If one knows something, so does the Officer and the Officer can relay it to the Admiral and other members of its crew.   It is sturdy with 400hp but no real offensive value.  Manages the others however,  where the Officer is two Soldiers are + 1 Soldier per post beyond the first.

    Officers on the Jupiter regulate individual divisions within the ship such as starboard vs port cannons,  the main cannon,  the engine department,  and so on.  
    Equivalent of A-Rank.

    Elite Soldiers-  Located in the command center.  Elite soldiers have twice the HP and damage of the soldiers with more apparent skill.  Their frames seem composed of large powered chassis and can deliver single powerful blasts from shoulder mounted guns once per post dealing 150 damage.   Micro missiles are released from their backs that can intercept A-rank or less projectile spells three times per post or deal 15 damage to individuals or defenses in clusters of six (each with their own damage).
    Equivalent of S-Rank.

    Admiral-  Like an Officer,  but linked to all others.   The Admiral has 800hp,  self-repairs at 5% per post.  Surrounded by two Elite Soldiers + 1 per post.  Can generate kinetic barriers that repel up to two attacks per post, one new barrier per attack,  and rupture to deal recoil damage equal to the damage that would have been inflicted towards the attacker as a 50m/s attack with the same range.  
    The Admiral is not highly mobile but appears anchored to a throne-like structure with no lower body,  but six limbs.    Each limb can project a 50 damage 100m/s projectile within 500 meters.    It can project micro-missiles from its sides that deal 15 damage each in 1 meter explosions,  has 500 missiles stored with a fire rate of 6 missiles per second.   Micro missiles are smart and agile enough to intercept attacks.
    Equivalent of H-rank.

    Blackfield Detonator-  A large device integrated into the Warp Core of the Jupiter.  If it detonates it may be capable of destroying an entire dimension if that dimension possesses enough naturally occurring negative energy.  Like the Burning Endless.   If set off in Earthland it may set off a chain reaction destroying Sin and generating nuclear scale explosions at the sites of all concentrations of Eris's influence.  All GH property or sites of the Cult of Sin,  all the witch covens,   all the Pact-marked public officials and civilians alike throughout Earthland.  Requires enough exposure to Eris's influence by proximity to the Temple of the Undying, both to trigger in general but with the goal of taking enough energy to use the warp cores to travel to the Burning Endless to detonate it there.

    Part 2:
    The IGSS Reacher is not defined like the ships,  but is defined as a location.   At this location there are other threats.   The previous enemies can still appear surrounding the Reacher.





    Reward: Expansion:  IGSS Reacher


    Black Skies [GH] NvVyM98

    Black Skies [GH] CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
    d a m n a t i o n

      Current date/time is 6th June 2024, 12:40 am