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    Stygian Phlegethon

    Stygian Phlegethon
    Stygian Phlegethon

    Lineage : Rage Of The Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 22
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Stygian - Stygian Phlegethon Empty Stygian Phlegethon

    Post by Stygian Phlegethon 19th November 2016, 12:35 pm

    Name: Stygian Phlegethon
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Birthday: 10/31
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Sharp k9 teeth

    Personality: Stygian, most widely known as “The Devil’s Champion” is the complete opposite of his twin brother, Argentum. 

    If someone dares crosses him she would resort to cruel and foul methods in means to torture them, most of the time using his beloved blade. Though, he was not always this way. His sadistic nature comes from his childhood, a form of post traumatic stress and multiple personality disorder. As a child he was tortured for being the child of a mass murderer, only his brother was there to help. In means to escape he learned how to wield weapons to the point where they were an extension of his body. Escaping the island that held him and his brother hostage awakened a part of his mind that the world dared to see. In a single night he wiped out the whole island as his brother only watched. 

    When fighting enemies he tries to end the battle quickly. He is known for fighting people with no reason whatsoever. He chooses to play with them sometimes, knowing that they are only the chess pieces of the gods’ games. Instead of taking killing blows, he hits them in spots that would cause intense pain until they fall from exhaustion. Due to this he is revered as the devil spawn he is now. Being the Champion of the Devil himself. He prefers weapons over anything most of the time. He sees that they are much more reliable than the body itself sometimes. However, he is not weak when it comes to Hand to Hand combat. So, don't take him for a joke.

    Though, that is only a fraction of his personality. Stygian is secretly an assassin for many guilds. No one knowing that besides some of the high ranked officials in the guilds. When dealing with contracts, he kills anyone he is tasked to kill, but instead of taking his time. He does it quick and quietly. Due to this he has two personas in the world.

    But while Stygian is powerful in his own right, he doesn’t actively seek power as some other people do. He is far more content following her own whims, allowing them to lead him across the land hopefully to places both new and old, hoping forever seeking novelty and distraction when he’s not otherwise engaged in important matters, likely another effect of his advanced knowledge and time spent training. There is little that Stygian finds entirely new in the world, and while it has not yet become enough of a problem that he has turned to darker methods of creating distractions, he still craves the pleasure of discovering something entirely new. In this manner, Stygian is actually quite hedonistic. When he is not pulled by the weight of more important matters – such as the people within his life or assassin work. Stygian  seeks experiences to fulfil his need for novelty and pleasure, leading to him travelling further and further across the land in the hopes of finding what it is he desires most.


    • Silence: Being an assassin, Stygian hates when he hears noise. As it seems to put his mind on edge.
    • Training: Stygian feels that if you don't train then this magic world isn't a place for you.
    • Jewels: Stygian loves his jewels and does assassinations frequently for them.


    • Idiots: If you are an idiot he hates you. Simple as that.
    • Noise: Stygian prefers to not hear noise for anything unless it is important. He has even gone to length to kill people for annoying him with noise.
    • Children: Children are stupid and noisy. Simple as that


    • Family: The only family he has is his twin brother and since he isn't a wizard. Stygian must protect him at all costs.
    • Losing: Losing is sat well with Stygian. No matter how much he trains he feels that there is someone still out there who can beat him.
    • Jewels: He feels that if you have jewels in your life then you are all set for the future.


    • Dying: Being powerful in his own right. Stygian doesn't like the thought of dying. As it would leave his brother in this world by himself.
    • Weak: Stygian fears to encounter someone more powerful than him.
    • Time: Stygian fears getting older and time passing as he doesn't know what will happen next.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'6"
    Weight: 210 Pounds
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Red
    Skin Tone: Tan
    Appearance: As commonly seen among the world, Stygian possesses blood red eyes, which may glow when he is experiencing strong emotions. His hair length is only to his shoulder. His usual outfit is comprised of a charcoal suit, leather riding boots, and a knotted red cravat, covered by a full-length, and red frock overcoat (similar to a duster coat) with cape. He also occasionally wears a red fedora with a wide, floppy brim and a pair of circular, heavily tinted, wire-framed orange sunglasses with goggle sidings. He also wears a pair of white gloves which each have a five pointed seals adorning their backs. It appears that his clothing is part of his physical form due to the fact that when he regenerates, his clothing also repairs itself.


    Guild: Grim Heresy
    Tattoo: Middle of Back
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Stygian Phlegethon on 20th November 2016, 8:52 am; edited 1 time in total

    Stygian - Stygian Phlegethon Empty Re: Stygian Phlegethon

    Post by Guest 19th November 2016, 12:50 pm

    Stygian - Stygian Phlegethon AESz729

    Stygian - Stygian Phlegethon Empty Re: Stygian Phlegethon

    Post by Guest 20th November 2016, 8:51 am

    Unlocked at user's request.
    Stygian Phlegethon wrote:
    Name: Stygian Phlegethon
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Birthday: 10/31
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Sharp k9 teeth

    Personality: Stygian, most widely known as “The Devil’s Champion” is the complete opposite of his twin brother, Argentum. 

    If someone dares crosses him she would resort to cruel and foul methods in means to torture them, most of the time using his beloved blade. Though, he was not always this way. His sadistic nature comes from his childhood, a form of post traumatic stress and multiple personality disorder. As a child he was tortured for being the child of a mass murderer, only his brother was there to help. In means to escape he learned how to wield weapons to the point where they were an extension of his body. Escaping the island that held him and his brother hostage awakened a part of his mind that the world dared to see. In a single night he wiped out the whole island as his brother only watched. 

    When fighting enemies he tries to end the battle quickly. He is known for fighting people with no reason whatsoever. He chooses to play with them sometimes, knowing that they are only the chess pieces of the gods’ games. Instead of taking killing blows, he hits them in spots that would cause intense pain until they fall from exhaustion. Due to this he is revered as the devil spawn he is now. Being the Champion of the Devil himself. He prefers weapons over anything most of the time. He sees that they are much more reliable than the body itself sometimes. However, he is not weak when it comes to Hand to Hand combat. So, don't take him for a joke.

    Though, that is only a fraction of his personality. Stygian is secretly an assassin for many guilds. No one knowing that besides some of the high ranked officials in the guilds. When dealing with contracts, he kills anyone he is tasked to kill, but instead of taking his time. He does it quick and quietly. Due to this he has two personas in the world.

    But while Stygian is powerful in his own right, he doesn’t actively seek power as some other people do. He is far more content following her own whims, allowing them to lead him across the land hopefully to places both new and old, hoping forever seeking novelty and distraction when he’s not otherwise engaged in important matters, likely another effect of his advanced knowledge and time spent training. There is little that Stygian finds entirely new in the world, and while it has not yet become enough of a problem that he has turned to darker methods of creating distractions, he still craves the pleasure of discovering something entirely new. In this manner, Stygian is actually quite hedonistic. When he is not pulled by the weight of more important matters – such as the people within his life or assassin work. Stygian  seeks experiences to fulfil his need for novelty and pleasure, leading to him travelling further and further across the land in the hopes of finding what it is he desires most.


    • Silence: Being an assassin, Stygian hates when he hears noise. As it seems to put his mind on edge.
    • Training: Stygian feels that if you don't train then this magic world isn't a place for you.
    • Jewels: Stygian loves his jewels and does assassinations frequently for them.


    • Idiots: If you are an idiot he hates you. Simple as that.
    • Noise: Stygian prefers to not hear noise for anything unless it is important. He has even gone to length to kill people for annoying him with noise.
    • Children: Children are stupid and noisy. Simple as that


    • Family: The only family he has is his twin brother and since he isn't a wizard. Stygian must protect him at all costs.
    • Losing: Losing is sat well with Stygian. No matter how much he trains he feels that there is someone still out there who can beat him.
    • Jewels: He feels that if you have jewels in your life then you are all set for the future.


    • Dying: Being powerful in his own right. Stygian doesn't like the thought of dying. As it would leave his brother in this world by himself.
    • Weak: Stygian fears to encounter someone more powerful than him.
    • Time: Stygian fears getting older and time passing as he doesn't know what will happen next.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'6"
    Weight: 210 Pounds
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Red
    Skin Tone: Tan
    Appearance: As commonly seen among the world, Stygian possesses blood red eyes, which may glow when he is experiencing strong emotions. His hair length is only to his shoulder. His usual outfit is comprised of a charcoal suit, leather riding boots, and a knotted red cravat, covered by a full-length, and red frock overcoat (similar to a duster coat) with cape. He also occasionally wears a red fedora with a wide, floppy brim and a pair of circular, heavily tinted, wire-framed orange sunglasses with goggle sidings. He also wears a pair of white gloves which each have a five pointed seals adorning their backs. It appears that his clothing is part of his physical form due to the fact that when he regenerates, his clothing also repairs itself.


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: Middle of Back
    Rank: D

    Stygian - Stygian Phlegethon Empty Re: Stygian Phlegethon

    Post by Guest 20th November 2016, 8:53 am

    Stygian - Stygian Phlegethon AESz729

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