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    Drew Stacy


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Drew Stacy Empty Drew Stacy

    Post by Dandanni 14th October 2016, 7:28 pm

    Name: Drew Stacy
    Gender: Female
    Age: She appears to be ten, though there are times when she acts older than this.
    Birthday: June 6
    Sexuality: Oddly, Lesbian flexible (think lesbian but still able to find a few guys attractive)
    Special Characteristics: A stylized tattoo on her back resembling a pair of angel wings with a halo on top and a pair of devil wings and a devil tail on the bottom.  It seems to be more like a scientists signature than anything else.

    Personality: If there was a word that describes Drew, it's playful.  If a second opinion was applied, it's mischievous.  Drew is a child who loves to play more than anything else, and is willing to have fun in all manner of ways.  She has a rather fantastic imagination, and is able to lose herself to it rather easily.  Sometimes she involves others in her imaginings, with those closer to her taking on a more “larger than life” role.  While she doesn't mind playing by herself, she especially loves company more than anything else in the world.  She is the kind of child who will walk right up to a person and ask them various kinds of questions, even if the person she is talking to is more likely to start the conversation with “Hey, only authorized personal are allowed here!”  She is also a lover of exploration, and she is not above using her powers and abilities to do just that, even if it means the likely hood of getting herself into trouble.  Due to the nature of her existence, she has a somewhat more developed maturity than someone as young as she looks should be.  For starters, she's already developing an attraction to people of the same gender as she.  The truth of her age is something she keeps a close guarded secret, though she has tons of fun letting people assume.  Above all else, she is a sweet heart through and through, and is willing to put others before herself for the sake of the greater good.  This does make her quite easy to manipulate by those who know how, however.  A good sob story is almost always enough to get her on your side.

    She is just as playful and mischievous in battle as she is outside of it.  She favors a more defensive style of combat, choosing to evade and defend over actually attacking.  The reasoning for this is that she is of the assumption that nearly all conflicts can be resolved without having to resort to violence.  Normally, this means talking to her foes while evading their attacks, trying to learn what motivates them in order to find the key to ending the conflict peacefully.  If she must use force, she'll usually resort to none-lethal force if necessary.  There's always the chance that taking down a foe without causing serious harm will lead to a more profitable result.  It takes an honest to goodness actual threat to the lives (herself included) to get her to act with an actual intent to kill, and even then it is only as a very last resort.  She is more interested in learning defensive or supportive qualities over actual offensive techniques, so she is likely to put more focus on healing and protection spells.  That being said, she was taught better than to believe that she can get buy with just those, and will offer her skills if she needs to add an offensive touch.  She is more of a follower than a leader, being very inexperienced at the art of leading.  Perhaps with the right mentor or experiences she can learn to be a proper leader, but for now she prefers to follow the lead of others.  If she finds that she must lead, she will, above all else, put the health and well being of others before anything else.  It's only afterwards will she check to see if they are still eager to push into the battle.


    People – For a long time, she was a very lonely girl.  While she could be considered accomplished enough to start taking care of herself as a mercenary, and she is more than capable of doing so, technically she is still very childlike.  She hates being alone above all else, and will do all she can to spend time with someone, anyone really.  Oddly, she is not sure she is ready to join a guild yet.  She'll likely need some encouragement and a chance to meet some guild-members before she can make up her mind.

    Spirits – The nature of her training has taught her to have an appreciation for all things spiritual.  It's very easy for her to make friends with beings of an otherworldly nature, especially if they happen to be summons or celestial spirits. Even common animals are easier for her to approach than people.  While she loves people well enough, it's easier for her to like anything not considered human.  Call it a personal preference.

    Muse – Her very first mentor.  While Muse had originally intended Drew to be her unassuming weapon against the world, something about their relationship changed her mind.  It was through Muse that she learned her primary magic, and she has an insane level of respect for her first mentor.  It made Drew very sad that Muse decided to leave her behind, though she did claim that they will always be close at heart.

    Her appearance – She is very fond of her appearance.  It's small, it's unassuming, and often times can make it easier for people to want to talk to her.  After all, there are times when a child-like appearance comes with many uses!


    Cruelty – Ironically, despite who raised her, she was taught to be a very loving and caring person.  She was also taught to use her powers for the sake of helping others. So naturally, she has a very poor opinion of those who completely give into their selfishness.  It'll take a pretty dang good sob story to get her to even consider forgiveness, or at the very least an genuine desire to turn over a new leaf.

    Solitude -  She absolutely abhors solitude, more than anything else in the world.  It instills boredom, restlessness, and in the worst case scenarios, paranoia and fears. She will do absolutely everything she can to get away from solitude.  Let's just hope she can afford to pay for the property damage that may result from her trying to escape said solitude.

    Torturers and slave owners – If it's clear that they are torturing someone, or keeping someone against their will, she just might go into full vigilante mode to free said person under the cruel dictatorship of said people.  While she normally resolves to solve things peacefully, people who intentionally torture or keep others against their will are immediately treated as “acceptable targets.”

    Her appearance -  In all honesty, she does love her appearance.  She just has only one problem with it: she's stuck with it.  She doesn't seem to age, and she is convinced that she is forever trapped with this child-like form.  She wouldn't be so bothered if she could change to have an older form.  Heck, even being allowed to be just a bigger version of herself would suffice.  Best case scenario would be to be able to switch back and forth.  Otherwise, well, it's difficult living in a world that doesn't take you seriously just because your a “kid”.


    Muse – Muse has taught her to be respectful of all life.  She taught her how to fight, at least on a basic level, and how to defend, also at a basic level.  Most of all, Muse taught Drew to be kind and ready to protect those in need.  As such, Drew dose her best to be the protector that Muse seemed to be grooming her to be.  She hopes to be able to do her mentor proud.

    Family – As stated before, she is something of a lonely girl, and she is very disdainful of solitude.  As such, to be part of a family would give her something to be ecstatic about.  If she becomes a part of a family, she will give her loyalty to said family, and will even push herself beyond her limits for the sake of said family, so long as they do not clash too much with her ideals.  

    Empathy – Her love of people and spirits has taught her to do her best to be open-minded.  If she discovers there is something she can do for someone, she will go out of her way to help, even if it has a chance to inconvenience her.

    Warrior's Pride – She was originally made to be a weapon, after all, and she is aware of this.  She's very happy to have been re-purposed as a weapon of protection rather than destruction, but she still takes pride in her abilities.  Even if she prefers more peaceful solutions, she will still happily accept any challenge thrown her way.  To be able to overcome all challenges and become stronger and more capable is always a goal she enjoys shooting for.


    Solitude – Let's just say it's something that can cripple her if she stays alone for too long.  Familiar places or places she can feel safe in can help to mitigate this, but otherwise solitude can and will eat away at any confidence she may have.

    Rejection – A desire for companionship can, naturally, foster a fear of rejection. In her case, it can be powerful.  To reject her is to cut her off, and to cut her off is to weaken her resolve.  On her own, she may be brooding for a good week or so before she can allow herself a chance to recover.

    Angering a celestial spirit – Her teachings with spirits have taught her to be very respectful of them, and Celestial Spirits are the highest of the high.  She will freak out if she even presumes she may have possibly, kind of, sort of, maybe, on the off chance, potentially might have mildly annoyed a celestial spirit.  This will explode into full on, 100 % irrationality if said celestial spirit just so happens to be one of the twelve zodiac.  (on an off note, she believes Virgo to be the most attractive of all of them, but don't let anyone know she said that.)

    Loss of loved ones – If rejection can cripple her for a weak, then the loss of a loved one can have very scaring and potentially life-long damage.  These would be the ones she feels she failed to protect.  If she can't learn to cope with this fact, she'll likely become dangerously obsessed with doing better next time.

    General Appearance

    Height: Four feet
    Weight:  90 pounds
    Hair: White, straight and reaching to her shoulders.
    Eyes: Blue
    Skin Tone: Dark brown and covered in freckles
    Appearance: She's kind of a somewhat chubby little kid, with plump arms, plump legs, plump just about everything.  She is incredibly agile despite this, so try not to be fooled.  Clothing tends to favor a sort of black/white theme.  A white open vest with a black long sleeve t-shirt, black pants with a white belt, white combat boots to her size, black sleeves, white gloves.  She also sports a black scarf that she ties into a bow around her neck.


    Guild: Guildless but currently looking.
    Tattoo: Once she joins one, it would be placed in the palm of her left hand.
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Dandanni on 16th October 2016, 5:58 am; edited 1 time in total

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
    Position : None
    Posts : 617
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    Drew Stacy Empty Re: Drew Stacy

    Post by Terith 16th October 2016, 2:17 am

    We're experiencing slight difficulties.

    Sorry hun! Looks like little old me made a mistake. Sincerest of apologies. You need to add one tiny little detail before I put it back into the approved section.

    Under your guild tattoo, regardless if you're guildless, it's still recommended to add in a place where it might be for future reference.

    Again, sorry for this untimely mistake! I'm new to this.


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Drew Stacy Empty Re: Drew Stacy

    Post by Dandanni 16th October 2016, 5:58 am

    Boop! Edit be made!

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
    Position : None
    Posts : 617
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    Drew Stacy Empty Re: Drew Stacy

    Post by Terith 16th October 2016, 6:39 am

    Drew Stacy STAMP%202_zpss6qfnjvv

    Alrighty. Putting this back where it belongs.

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 7:55 pm