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    Trump Card (Job|Solo)

    Shin Katari
    Shin Katari

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Sand Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 271
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 50

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    Trump Card (Job|Solo) Empty Trump Card (Job|Solo)

    Post by Shin Katari 6th October 2016, 12:31 pm

    Job Information :

    "Hurry up...we're gonna miss it!"
    ..."C'mon mom! The lines huge!"..."Whew...finally got one!" These were just a few conversations that Shin had eavesdropped upon as he walked through the bustling streets of Rose Garden. It was an early morning, the air was crisp and cool and the sun had just begun to burn. However, it was rather odd to see a large number of people walking through the streets chatting to one another, while others lined up near the center of Rose Garden. With a deep interest, Shin continued to make his way to the center of the town hoping to solve his curiosity.

    Upon reaching the center, he was greeted with a large crowd that made it nearly impossible to walk without rubbing shoulders. There were large tents scattered throughout, with large Magic Council symbols raised upon flags. Shin's curiosity continued to peak. Why would the Magic Council be here? Was there an emergency that occurred and he was not aware? No, that could not be as there was not a sense of panic. There were orderly fashioned lines with people being directed by Rune Knights and other officials. Curious, Shin joined in on the lines and as he did, he noticed some black book like things in the hands of a few people. Upon closer inspection, they were passports.

    Passports were what allowed people to travel to other countries freely, allowing them to gain access to things not offered in Fiore. Therefore, Shin decided it would be best if he received a passport as well. He could then gain access to other areas that he wanted to explore and kill the curiosity burning inside him. Before he knew it, he was next in line. The Magic Council official before him handed him a registration form. It required Shin to provide his vital information such as name, height, birth, etc. Without any hesitation, Shin completed the form and continued along the line. After another official reviewed the information, he made Shin sit atop a stool as he took his picture with a lacrima. He next line required Shin to provide a signature and a thumbprint, indicating two signs of identification. After providing the rest of the required information he now loafed around waiting to receive the final product that would be a passport.

    After waiting around for the better part of an hour, an official made an announcement for those waiting to receive a passport to come to the main tent. Shin made his way through and before he knew it, he was in front of the line. An official asked for his name before handing Shin his completed passport. Grabbing it, Shin made his way to an isolated area away from the crowd so he could look over the passport. Opening it up, he noticed that the passport itself was well made. It had a high-quality binding ensuring it would not be destroyed anytime soon. Throughout the passport were background pictures that showed different locations of Fiore, ranging from Magnolia to Oak.

    Pleased, Shin placed the passport away and made his way towards the restaurant from yesterday. Thanks to the passport, Shin now had access to Seven, Bosco, and Minstrel. These were areas he had only heard of before so it would be interesting to see how they looked. According to the extra information an official gave him, the passport not only allowed him to travel to the new areas but it would allow him to gain access to special jobs that were specific to those locations. It was a little ironic though. For someone who despised the council, Shin was given a gift by them just for being himself. All in all, it was a good day.

    618/500 Words (Job Complete)


      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 3:22 am