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    Heart Sealed Sword

    Noa Kuroki
    Noa Kuroki

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
    Position : None
    Posts : 179
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : TBA ♥
    Experience : 450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Eternal Unhealth ♥
    Second Skill: Heartstone Dragon Slayer [Gen 2] ♥
    Third Skill:

    Heart Sealed Sword Empty Heart Sealed Sword

    Post by Noa Kuroki 20th September 2016, 9:50 pm

    Name: 斬魄刀, Soul-Cutter Sword
    Rank: Weak
    Type: Katana
    Description: Its a sword she had been given by the shinigami that had saved her form a demon long ago. Its in the shape of a normal katana but it has a six pointed guard right above its hilt. The only thing he had said before he poof after giving her the weapon was "sealed by your own heart". So the sword it's self is in a very powerful sealed state.
    Sealed by Heart - Even if the sword is stolen/taken only Noa can use the weapons abilities. Light Weighted - Can't block against heavier weapons.

    Rust - If a water spell higher then the weapon's highest ability hits the sealed sword's blade will cause it to do half of its normal weapon damage.
    Name: 始解, Initial Release
    Rank: Rank of the ability(This cannot exceed your rank)
    Duration: How long does the spell last
    Cooldown: How long till its off cooldown
    Description: (Describe the ability. As abilities will rank up with you (maxing out at the max spell rank for that weapon) please try to put scaling in e.g. at D rank it will go 5ft and this range will increase by 5ft each rank of the user up to max spell rank of weapon. This means you don't have to come back and edit it every time you rank up.)



    Name: 卍解, Final Release
    Rank: Rank of the ability(This cannot exceed your rank)
    Duration: How long does the spell last
    Cooldown: How long till its off cooldown
    Description: (Describe the ability. As abilities will rank up with you (maxing out at the max spell rank for that weapon) please try to put scaling in e.g. at D rank it will go 5ft and this range will increase by 5ft each rank of the user up to max spell rank of weapon. This means you don't have to come back and edit it every time you rank up.)





    Heart Sealed Sword 3537914953
    Noa Kuroki
    Heartstone Dragon Slayer [Gen 2]
    Heart Sealed Sword
    Heart Sealed Sword Banner_2_by_treasureelf-daqwrva
    Job Slots: 2/4
    Exp: 450/1200

    Heart Sealed Sword Empty Re: Heart Sealed Sword

    Post by Guest 22nd September 2016, 7:44 am



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