Fairy Tail RP

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    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:


    Post by kittykool75 21st July 2016, 2:22 am

    S h o w   m e   h o w   y o u   j u s t i f y
    T e l l i n g   a l l   y o u r   l i e s   l i k e   s e c o n d   n a t u r e

    The teenage assassin had been following his target for quite sometime now, which means this bracelet of his was not some flunk. Yeah he was highly trained to be able to conceal his presence and sneak around able to follow a target for hours. But she was a Guildmaster, she could've easily sensed him if it wasn't for this item shutting down her magic. The young tanuki walked several yards ahead of him, but his bright blue eyes where locked on he. No way was he letting her out of his sight even if he was aware of her destination was. Making it to this destination of hers she waltzed right through the gates after unlocking them, he followed behind her, then hiding behind a thick trunk tree. She made her way into the newly renovated hotel building, and closing the door behind her. What she was doing in there now he was rather clueless to, but it didn't really matter, she was right where he needed her. A place no one would come to look for her so quickly, and all by herself without her magic. Still needing the element of surprise, yes she was magicless, but she could still take him on. Picking the lock to a side door her walked in, peeking into the now lit foyer he saw the girl walking right towards the hall that he was currently in. Hugging the edge of the wall he waited, just as she got far enough through the doorway, he grabbed her wrist and yank her towards him. Then he pinned her up against the wall, and before she could react to well to her new found situation, he stabbed her in the stomach with his knife. "Well hello guild master" he said with a satisfied grin on his face. Using the ability to make her bleed even more then she would normally, being normally would already be a lot of blood. The crimson fluid gushed out from her gut as he twisted the knife a few times back and forth, before yanking it out and stabbing it right back in and doing the same thing again. Hearing the yokai's blood pour and splatter onto the newly polished floor was like music to his ears, almost as wonderful and as beautiful that the music his elder sister plays with her violin.

    W o r d    C o u n t: 394


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019



    Post by Guest 21st July 2016, 8:27 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    The reason she had approached the building was simply to explore. Many buildings on Silver Moon Boulevard had closed down, and were ripe for the taking for her guild. Humming softly, Izayuki allowed herself in a hotel that was abandoned and empty, but possibly perfect for Black Rose to begin work there. The last thing she expected was to be caught off guard- the magical item in the vicinity completely cancelled out her sensory, abilities, magic, and more. Usually in such cases, some Wonderland spirit made her aware of what was going on, but not this time. Why? Honestly, the answer was simple. They, too, wanted to see her suffer.

    The instant Lucius attacked, Izayuki was taken aback, wondering why she had not noticed or sensed him sooner. There was something nearby jamming her sensory, obviously, but Izayuki's reaction was delayed as Lucius grabbed her wrist and pushed her into the wall. With her other hand, she attempted to slash out, but was astonished at her suddenly decreased speed. She was nowhere near as fast as she used to be... she was normal. The Bakedanuki lashed out with her claws, but found the force behind the slash extremely pathetic. What was happening?

    The pale green-haired man suddenly pulled out a knife and stabbed it through her stomach. The pain felt like fire blasting through her body, making the young yokai scream out, having never felt such pain. A simple impaling, she could easily endure. But the twisting of the knife was more than she could tolerate in her weakened state. The fear of knowing she was completely powerless was also searing through her mind, igniting panic and adrenaline. The cortisol and more at least allowed her to withstand the injury a bit more, until Lucius removed the blade and struck it right back in, which issued more screams of agony from the girl, who was helpless. How was he managing to do this? She remembered him that night on the rooftop, as being quite weak. Even within Black Rose, he still only had the strength of a D or C rank... who had he bargained with to gain such an ability to botch her power? Alice... what is this... help me! Izayuki pleaded in her mind, crying out for the Daemon that had claimed her soul and resided within her. No answer came, however, not even from one of the spirits of Wonderland who also quietly remained within the yokai's body and thoughts.

    "L-Lucius... st-op!" she cried as she managed to find words again. Izayuki knew good and well that this was none other than she deserved. She had hurt Lucius and his older sister, Astrid. While Astrid had seemed to make her peace with the Bakedanuki, Lucius had not, and still resented the monster. It was his fault he had driven her to such a furious state back then. Still, what did he plan to do with her now- simply torture her, or go for the kill? What could she do to make him stop, and who was the culprit and mastermind behind her now-missing power? Help... someone... anyone...

    Location;; Random abandoned hotel
    Muse;; 10/10
    Word Count;; 521

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:


    Post by kittykool75 21st July 2016, 10:04 pm

    S h o w   m e   h o w   y o u   j u s t i f y
    T e l l i n g   a l l   y o u r   l i e s   l i k e   s e c o n d   n a t u r e

    His hands, eyes, maybe all of him, he didn't know, was shaking. Not that he was scared, he was just mixed with feelings of a rageful grudge and psychotic enjoyment of her guttural screams of pain. Lucius stared right into the eyes of the girl, when they weren't closed due to trying to tolerate the agony of the twisting switchblade that was stabbed into her gut. Hearing the pleads of his guildmaster made him laugh, stop? Stop?! Why the hell would he stop?! He needed to torture until she died, hearing her screams, like he heard Astrid's back then, and couldn't do a thing about. Lucius definitely could stop her now "Stop? Now why would I do that? You still haven't felt nearly enough pain yet" he said, his voice shaky and mixed with slight malicious laughter. Letting go of her wrist and instantly putting that same hand on her neck, he lifted her off of the ground and let her feet dangle. Her head level with his "Doncha worry now, we are going to have lots of fun playing" he said pulling his knife out of her stomach and lifting it up to her face, slightly grazing it as he talked. Pulling her back from the wall slightly just to force her head back into the wall, with enough force to dent the strongly built wall.

    Dropping her, letting her collapse onto her knees and hug her stomach. Giggling slightly as he place his boot on her head and slamming it to the hard marble floor, grabbing her wrist he pulled her body back slightly so her hand would touch the wall. Lifting up his leg and readjusting so he faced the wall and her hand, he placed his foot onto her wound that he gave to her on her stomach, then leaned into it. Laughing when he heard another scream from the young tanuki, he then proceeded to use his knife to cut into her fingers, cutting into the tendon of her pointer finger, then forcefully making his way through the others. He hurt her yelps of pain as he cut her fingers up, he stabbed the knife into the middle of her hand and pushing all the way through until the knife touched the wall. Pulling it back out and stabbing into her arm and shoving the knife down so it started to go up to her the the crease where joint bends for her elbow, where he dug deeper before pulling it out and letting go. Her arm dropped back down, and he took his foot off of her stomach and laughed, still rather shaky.

    Lucius stepped back, and watched the small trembling body of Izayuki. Leaning down he grabbed onto her tail and started to drag her out of the hall and into the foyer, hearing her whimper and yelp as he dragged her by her sensitive tail. His blue eyes glance back to see a trail of her blood on the formerly polished floor. Stopping in near the middle of the room, he placed his foot on her waist, still holding her tail, but by only a tuft of fur. Then he pulled his hand back and pushed with his foot, yanking out the large tuft of tanuki fur from her fluffy tail. Giggling and jokingly saying 'oops' after pulling it out and hearing her yelp, he stepped onto her ankle and muttered something that vaguely sounded like 'I wish I had my hammer'.

    He knelt down and grabbed her by her neck and stabbed her in one of her furry anthro ears, and he made sure to stab all the way through before cutting up, he then did the same to her other ear. Iza screamed in pain, perfect, he hit something sensitive, he let go of her neck and pulled her up by her pink hair as she clutched her ears in pain. The tips of her toes barely touch the ground as he held her up "Hurts, doesn't it?" he burst into laughter, almost dropping the girl before he regained his 'composure'. "Well I'm going to make it even worse, to make you.....you little bitch pay back for what you did to my......" he stopped to laugh, laugh the laugh saying 'you are in trouble'. Continuing "My sister! Nobody......nobody, hurts ASTRID!!" he said emphasizing the 'my' and 'nobody' before shouting his elder sister's name and throwing her up against the large entrance doors, the impact making her cough up some saliva and blood before falling to the ground. He stomped over to her and kicked her in her first stab wound as hard as he could, making her scream again. Though he wasn't laughing now, his anger was starting to show, and his black aura was slipping from his body at a large amount. Watching as the thick dark liquid pooled the ground from many different places on her body, letting himself fall to his knees he held the knife with both hands.

    Lifting the knife up and stabbing into her, into her stomach area again, waist and legs, each hit stabbing into her, dragging a bit before being pulled out and repeating the process. While he did this he let out slight grunts, his crazed eyes blinded by pure anger that he didn't even realize where he was stabbing anymore. The fresh blood splattered onto him as he continuously shoved his switchblade into her and pulling it out. Though stopping when he missed and hit the ground, the shock went through his arms, but he didn't react to it. He panted as his mind cleared slightly and he actually heard the screams and yelps from the guildmaster of which he was stabbing. With heavy breaths he stood, and started to debate what to do to her next. Thinking of something he made it so she was on her back, and he sat on her stomach, Izayuki yelping and clutching her teeth as his weight was rested on her fresh wounds. He lightly stabbed into her chest and pulled diagonally, though he didn't stab anywhere to be fatal. Doing this multiple times, and as he did, saying in a quiet but very, very angry tone "Remember, you did this to me also, with your damned claws. Now I have scars, so I'm going to give you plenty also. Though you won't really have to worry about that, considering you will be dead before the end of today." Finishing talking he stopped and held the knife in one hand, letting out a sigh he held her by her wrists and held them above her head. "What do you say? Ready for another round, Izayuki?"

    W o r d    C o u n t: 1112


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019



    Post by Guest 24th July 2016, 7:39 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank


    What was making her unable to use her strength? She could sense that Lucius was not that much more powerful than before, but at the same time, she was rendered incapable of doing anything. Even her physical strength and senses were being blocked. What in the hell was actually going on?
    Izayuki clenched her teeth as the knife was pulled out of her stomach, and her head banged against the wall. At the very least, she had managed not to black out from that action, even if it still dazed her. He allowed her to fall to the ground, recovering only for a few seconds before her slammed her head back to the ground, only to lift her back up by the wrist and hold her against the wall. Some of the most painful part of the torture was to come. He leaned his foot into her wound and began focusing on her hand, making her cry out in pain as he did so. The blade of his knife suddenly found its way to her fingers, severing the tendon and eventually piercing and carving directly through her hand. Finally came her arm, which forced the young yokai to release more agonized screams. When would it end? Surely this was revenge enough for what she had done to him...

    No, it was not enough. He hooked his fingers onto the end of her tail and painfully dragged her further towards the middle of the room, as she was weakly unable to stop him, despite dragging the claws of her one good arm and hand into the smooth marble, yet to no avail. He ripped out fur, but the next part was undeniably the worse; the most sensitive part of her body, her ears, suddenly penetrated by the dagger as it carved upward, slitting them in two. She attempted to cry out again, tears welling at her her eyes, yet to barely any avail with his hand wrapping firmly around her throat. Next, he lifted her by her hair as she attempted to hold onto her silver-furred ears with her single good hand. They were bleeding heavily, the cartilage broken and torn. What was next? Why was he not done? Surely he had not dealt this much damage to him back when she had her bloody night? He spoke again, and she suddenly realized everything. This was not revenge for what she had done to him, but for what she had done to Astrid.

    If anything, she had mutilated Astrid much more than him, and while the small girl and the yokai were on at least fair terms now, Lucius did not seem to be the forgiving type. Before she could attempt to choke out words, however, Lucius threw Izayuki against the hotel doors. He made his way over towards her again, and stabbed multiple places around her abdomen, waist, and legs, severing tendons and tearing flesh. Finally, he sat on her stomach and began lightly pushing his blade into her chest, eager to scar her just as she had scarred him. However, the Bakedanuki's consciousness was already slipping. She had an insane endurance that had managed to keep her aware during the previous minutes, which seemed like years, of torture, yet finally, she was beginning to lose her senses. Her vision blurred away, while her ears were muffled by blood, and rendered useless. Her entire body burned with an agony that was impossible to describe, as it was something so unlike what Yukionna or Alice had ever put her through, and Lucius intended to continue on until she was dead.

    That was where she was heading. Even in her last thoughts, she was unable to even think about her life or regrets. All that she could focus on was the pain, and her inability to grasp onto the idea of surviving. Even her Wonderland power had abandoned her, and the spirits were silent, breaking their promises and oaths. As Lucius attempted to dig in his knife once more, he would instantly feel no pressure meeting the tip of the blade, as her body disappeared into ribbons of dense darkness, only to swirl and wrap around her a bright, blazing pink orb. Within less than a small number of heartbeats to measure time, those 'ribbons' closed in on the ball of light, and vanished as they touched it. The light was none other than Izayuki's center and the core of her very being: her soul.

    Location;; Abandoned Hotel.
    Muse;; 8/10
    Word Count;; 745


    Post by Guest 24th July 2016, 10:15 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    "Lucius!" A shout sounded throughout the area, her head turning vigorously in every direction she could look in search of her brother.
    The musician stopped in her tracks, a few feet from the hotel where the fighting was taking place in, completely and utterly oblivious to the bloodshed that was happening just a couple of steps away from her.
    He had promised he would meet her at the train station to pick her up so they could spend the day together, a thing that was rather rare these days, seeing as how she was now in a completely different guild. It took a lot of effort to visit Black Rose now with her rapidly decreasing stamina and long train ride. However it was worth all the trouble to see her little brother. To spend time with him once more and ask how his adventures were going. Though he didn't usually say much and instead asked her about her own. Typical Lucius. Secretive as always.
    Astrid was saddened that he didn't tell her about his life too often, but really what should she expect? He was always like this. Which she respected. Whatever made him happy, she would go along with.

    But today had been different. He had not been there to pick her up. She had waited about an hour before she began to worry that something might have happened. After all though he may be a little reckless he had always been good with keeping to time scheduling. It wasn't like him to be so late. She had checked his apartment, the guild hall, restaurants, everywhere he might had been, but yet, her search time and time again came up with nothing. There was no sign of the boy anywhere.
    Astrid sighed gently, leaning her back against the marble wall of the abandoned hotel, looking upward towards the cloudy sky. She calmed her quicked breathing with a few deep exhales, letting her hurting bones crack as she stretched out her arms in front of her.
    Where had he gone? It better not be trouble again...
    Not again.

    A shout... Then another one...
    A scream.
    The muffled noises vibrating off of the stone walls caught Astrid's attention, causing her to push herself from the wall. Blue eyes widened as she whipped her head around to face the tall building, her skin almost instantly turning pale. She knew those shouts... Those screams. The same from that night in the alley... No.
    It was like an involuntary reaction, what had happened next, being that she had not told her body to do it and it was now acting on its own. Before she knew it she griped the handles of the big double doors, pulling them open with great force.
    Don't tell her she was too late... Not again. This couldn't be like the alley.

    "LUCIUS!" She shouted, spotting the boy close to the back of the room. Taking a few heavy steps forward they soon lightend as she gazed upon the scene before, her hardened expression turning confused.
    Silver eyebrows furrowed, looking from the strange glowing orb in the center to Lucius, covered in blood.
    The scene confused her so much, she wasn't sure what emotion she was at the moment. Angry? Happy? Surprised? Surprised would be the most dominant, with a little confusion mixed in. She didn't understand. What was the glowing orb? Where did the blood come from? What was Lucius doing in here? She could have sworn she heard another voice... Wasn't there another person in here?
    Shining eyes looking from one thing to another, her mouth slightly ajar as she tried to process and understand everything before speaking.
    "L-Lucius... What is this...? Where did all this blood come from? What is... That?" Her gaze landed back upon the pink orb in the middle of the floor, finding it the most curious out of everything else. It was... Floating and pulsated, almost like it was alive.
    And for some reason its energy seemed... Familiar...
    666 WORDS >: D ● @tag ● notes



    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:


    Post by kittykool75 25th July 2016, 11:57 am

    S h o w   m e   h o w   y o u   j u s t i f y
    T e l l i n g   a l l   y o u r   l i e s   l i k e   s e c o n d   n a t u r e

    Sitting, leaning on his knees, the body of the young yokai no longer underneath his own. The metallic smell of the thick crimson fluids of Izayuki, was intoxicating to the boy. Her blood sat in a pool under him, and splattered on different parts of his body, some on his chest and between his legs, and some even dripping from his pale complexion. He looked at Lex Ruptor, which was currently stained, Lucius smiled at the knife, his reflection showing on it where the blood wasn't covering. His black like aura started to subside as he stared the the pink orb, he sensed that it was her soul, was she still somehow alive? Damn tanukis, and all yokai for that matter, so resilient, and they refused to die so easily. Though he didn't worry to much, he was just glad he got his revenge, and it's not like anybody would arrive to fix anything to soon. Well, is what Lucius was thinking, until the doors slammed open and he heard a familiar voice shout out his name, it was in a rather worried tone. Eyes wide with shock he looked at his elder sister, who was surprised and rather confused. Regaining his own composure, he smiled softly, and stood up to his feet. The blood dripped off of his clothes and skin, and as he walked out of the large red puddle, the liquid sloshed and made other noises as he walked out of it. Walking towards his sister he stood about a few feet away from the silver haired mage, he was going to place his hand on her shoulder until he remembered that it was covered in blood, so he brought it back to his side. Still smiling an innocently looking smile he looked calmly down at his sister "It's nothing important Astrid, how about we head back to my apartment, and we can talk about how you have been at Golden Phoenix" he said in a level and soft tone, though he knew she would ask more questions, he just wanted to get her out of there. He didn't know what the soul of the guildmaster would do, and he knew Astrid would hate being a a place covered in blood. Though he acctually enjoyed to smell of it, and the sticky and wet feeling of it on his skin, it made his adoptive sister rather sick.

    W o r d    C o u n t: 399


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019



    Post by Guest 26th July 2016, 10:43 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    From there, Izayuki failed to realize anything. Her body had disappeared, leaving only her soul to float helplessly above the ground. In this form, she could no longer see, hear, smell, taste, feel, or sense anything. The scene was a distant blur in a memory, and the sounds nearby there, stirring the air with the slightest vibrations of their soundwaves, yet inaudible to the deceased yokai’s soul. This was not the first time such a tragedy had struck the youthful Bakedanuki, though. The last time it had occurred was when Storyteller had brutally murdered Izayuki, shortly after she had summoned her panda god, Seijin. Now that she was reduced to this helpless state, however, the pink-hued, blazing soul was able to at least detect energies and powers, and one was very familiar. An object on someone, another soul nearby, that had the faintest traces of energy from someone so similar to her last killer. It was not Storyteller, but who was it? There was no doubt about it; that was the only reason and way Lucius had managed to subdue his victim’s magic and strengths and successfully kill her.

    Of course, the soul could not think, naturally. It had no mind. It was but a soul, attached to a spirit embedded deep inside of it, along with a few other unimportant ones who had no more power than she currently did. That was, until another familiar presence leaked into the area, one that was much warmer and less threatening than her most recent killer. After a bit of time, the Bakedanuki could somehow figure out how to regenerate, or if she did manage to fade away slightly, she could reincarnate with a vast number of options. But why go through such lengths when there was an easier way out? There was no reason, logic, emotion, morals, or even instinct, anymore. There was something there, but there was no possible way to identify it. It was so simple, not complex in the least, yet what could it have been?

    As Astrid finally moved further into the room, Izayuki’s soul wasted no time in taking action. The bright pink orb of light instantly lurched forwards and whizzed towards the silver-haired girl, only to begin spinning around her at astonishing speeds, so that it was no more than a scintillating blur. Finally, after spiralling around the girl, the soul of the tanuki yokai would attempt to make its way into the core of its new host, targeting her heart and trying to enter through that area. The process would include a searing and burning sensation, sending the gripping feeling throughout the body. The Bakedanuki herself had barely any literal awareness of what was going on, as the yokai soul attempted to dominate the main one inside the body, and force Izayuki’s consciousness to return as it pushed aside Astrid’s.

    Izayuki had not taken full possession yet, however. The soul of the tanuki began trying to change its host’s body to take more of a shape that it was familiar with. First, it would force a simple transformation, pushing out tanuki-shaped ears that were silver in color, as well as a large fluffy tail from behind. To top off the basic obake’s shapeshift, Astrid’s body would be left with canine fangs and wicked claws from her fingertips. No doubt, it would be a shocking and painful metamorphosis for someone unaccustomed to transformation, but the soul itself had no awareness of what was going on….

    That was, until what used to be blue eyes opened to reveal two pinks orbs as Izayuki finally seized back her consciousness. Clutching her head from slight pain from the daze, the tanuki attempted to recall what had just happened. Lucius…. Blood…. Torture…. Pain…. More blood…. A shining dagger…. Blood…. Darkness. And now here she was, but what was that voice she had heard despite having the darkness consuming her senses? Surely it was not… Astrid? But wait, what had just transpired? It could not be…

    Tanuki-tsuki… her thoughts rang out as she suddenly realized that the body she was in was not her own. The form was much smaller than her own, and since when had her hair been of a silver shade? No…. she was so confused. Where was Astrid? It would not be that she was Astrid; that made no sense. Yet the truth was striking Izayuki dozens of times over before her foggy thoughts finally placed the events all together. She actually had done it. A tanuki-tsuki. A possession.

    Muse;; 10/10
    Word Count;; 755

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:


    Post by kittykool75 27th July 2016, 9:19 am

    S h o w   m e   h o w   y o u   j u s t i f y
    T e l l i n g   a l l   y o u r   l i e s   l i k e   s e c o n d   n a t u r e

    Before he could hear the reply from his dearest sister the orb of a soul started bouncing around, and swirling Astrid before entering her body. Jumping back, purely out of reflex, he could only watch as silver ears and a tail came out of her skin along with claws and fangs that where followed by blood and screaming pain. Watching in horror, this tanuki had possessed his sister, he had no idea how to exorcise the spirit of the guildmaster from his elder sister. He couldn't protect her again, not again, he stared at the body of Astrid who was occupied by Izayuki. Who seemed rather confused herself, like this was a new experience. His body shaked, he didn't really understand why this was, was he angry? Scared? Though he hated it, the later fit better then the former, though don't worry it fit well enough. His face twisted with anger as he glared at the young yokai with his bright blue eyes "Get your damned spirit out of my sister's precious body you bitch!" he said rather loudly, going over to her and grabbing her by the throat, again purely out of reflex. Before he gripped any farther he realized, this was his sister's body, if he tried to hurt Iza, he would hurt Astrid also. Shaking in this realization he hopped backwards, staggering slightly when landing a few feet away from her again. His black aura burst out full force yet again, he couldn't lose his sister, not another sister, not again.

    W o r d    C o u n t: 254


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019



    Post by Guest 29th July 2016, 1:38 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Izayuki's thoughts were still slow and foggy as she continued trying to figure out what was going on, that was, until Lucius's voice broke her the silence. Pink eyes refocusing on him, he was covered in blood. Her blood. And shaking... shaking? Oh, of course. His older sister was Astrid, and right now? She was Astrid.
    His glare was cold, and his hand went to grab for her throat as he finished speaking, causing the girl to back up, until she realized his hesitation. Ah yes, he would not hurt her now. If he tried to hurt her, he would hurt Astrid as well, most likely.

    She had not tried to possess the Golden Phoenix guildmember, and how it had happened was a mystery to the Bakedanuki. Nevertheless, it had been done, and while she absolutely hated the feeling of being in another’s body, she had no time to sit idle while her killer was right before her. Earlier, her soul had managed to recognize trace aura similar to her killer from many months ago, Storyteller. Pinpointing that aura, Izayuki narrowed her pink eyes at a tiny chain hanging from around his neck, obviously holding something bigger. That was it. That was what had jammed her senses and magic moments ago, and was the main reason that she had lost against Lucius and had been killed. Clenching her teeth, Izayuki quickly lashed Astrid’s delicate hand forward and attempted to snatch the necklace and break it off of him. As expected, she could almost immediately sense strong-level magic flowing from it. This was the culprit object. Tossing it off to the side, the yokai instantly felt her strength regaining. He had not managed to cut out her ability to possess, but that was because it was not magic based, like her items or the most of her abilities.

    “Haven’t I told you before?” she asked in Astrid’s body, despite the voice sounding hauntingly like her own familiar one, instead of the violinist’s more hushed tone. “Don’t underestimate a Bakedanuki.”

    Astrid… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…

    Within a matter of heartbeats, Izayuki lunged forward, her silver tail lashing from behind her as she swung up a leg to kick him off to the side, against a wall. After what he had done, she could not let him get away unpunished. Just like during that night on the roof, she was in a yokai fury state again, with her pink eyes glowing a bloody crimson. This time, however, she was able to hold onto her emotion, logic, morals, and reason, due to not being controlled by madness on top of instinct. Nevertheless, instinct was telling her to repay the man for what he had done to her, and it was all she could do to avoid trying to kill him again.

    Assuming he was kicked to the side, hit the wall, and fell to the floor, she would make her way over to him at a fast pace and attempt to pick him up by the back of the neck and slam his front into the wall, pinning him. “Don’t you worry. I’m not going to kill you, but I can’t allow a pathetic human like you to remain in Black Rose~”

    Forgive me for this, Astrid.

    With that last thought hanging in the air of her mind, Izayuki identified the location of his guildmark and found it on his lower back. Within less than a second, she attempted to use her claws to penetrate the area, deep, and drag them through his skin over the guild mark. She would repeat this motion numerous times, sinking her claws into flesh and muscle and tearing apart his black-hued rose-shaped marking that associated him with the guild. The tanuki would only stop until any hint or sign of the guild tattoo was completely gone, shredded by her own claws. Taking a step back, she would release the back of his neck and retract her clawed hand, bringing her fingers close to her face to lick the blood, out of instinct. Unlike last time, she was not entirely driven by bloodlust. Nevertheless, it was good to have a familiar taste of the warm, sweet blood enticing her again. “If I ever see you again, I won’t hesitate to kill you. Now if you know what is best for you, get out of my sight.”

    Astrid… please…. Don’t hate me.

    Muse;; 10/10
    Word Count;; 735
    Italics are thoughts only, somewhat projected at Astrid, if she can here 'em~

    Posts : 1219
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:


    Post by kittykool75 29th July 2016, 5:28 pm

    S h o w   m e   h o w   y o u   j u s t i f y
    T e l l i n g   a l l   y o u r   l i e s   l i k e   s e c o n d   n a t u r e

    The tanuki lunged at him, reaching out with Astrid's now clawed hand, towards his neck. He stepped back, but she managed to grab the necklace and yank it off, with her own power and the power of Lucius going against it. It snapped and Izayuki tossed it to the side, cussing under his breath, he wouldn't be able to take her without that. As much as he hated to admit it, he was weak compared to this elder girl. He just let out a slight 'tch', to the respond to her comment. Though it was weird for him to hear his these words coming out from his smaller, yet elder sister's lips. Not being able to dodge, the yokai hit him with a strong kick, launching him across the room to the wall. The kick and the impact from the wall caused a few broken ribs, along with cough of saliva and blood. Falling onto his stomach he grunted, feeling the pain from the broken bones, and as he tried to push himself up with his long arms. He felt a warm liquid dripping down from his head, blood, now that he noticed, his vision was a bit blurry and he did feel a headache coming on. Before he could fully push himself up, he was grabbed ruffly by the back of his neck and pushed up against the cold, hard wall. Lucius predicted what was coming, hearing what the young yokai, Izayuki, said. He looked back at her, the side of his face pushed into the wall, his blueish green optics surveyed the body of Astrid. Her usual bright, pure and beautiful blue eyes where tainted the color red, this wasn't his sister, she would never hurt him. Why did he need to convince himself of this, why was he so uncertain with himself? Thats when he felt the claws of the bakedanuki dig into his lower back, starting the slowly peel the skin, where his tattoo was, off. Screaming, he dug his fingers into the wall, making them bleed because of how hard he did it.
    This isn't Astrid
    It hurts
    This isn't Astrid
    It hurts

    Now what hurts? Is it the physical pain of her yanking skin off your back, or the mental pain of the thought of you 'dear sister' torturing you. You deserve this you know, for getting so attached to someone, your an assassin. All you know how to do is kill, and exploit people for your own means. You don't 'care' for people, isn't she just a replacement for the sister you lost? Wasn't it you that said 'It's so funny how when protecting something, people get that rush of adrenaline.' Which is something you hate, yet what are you doing now? Hm?
    "Shut up" he struggled to say to the other voice in his head, whether it was aloud or in his head, he didn't know. Feeling the girl release him, he fell to the ground, tears streaming down his face and the warm liquid of blood dripping his head and pour out from his back.

    W o r d    C o u n t: 514


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019



    Post by Guest 29th July 2016, 11:21 pm

    "FALCON... KICK!" A muffled call sounded out through the bloodied first floor of the hotel before the crashing of brick and a thump followed with it, creating a decent sized hole in the wall adjacent from the two. The dust from the large crater's debris settled after a moment of stillness, revealing the witch as she ducked her head through the hole, olive eyes scanning the room. Upon seeing the amount of blood she whistled, a sign of being impressed. "Damn, you guys sure went overboard" she moved her head as she looked around, lips pursing together. All this blood was sure to leave a stain, sucked for the people who just refurbished this place. Her expression and domineer held no seriousness in it at all and appeared sarcastic and carefree, almost as if she was a teacher grading a kindergartner's drawing project. This was nothing she hadn't seen before. If anything she had seen worse than this. Blood, guts, you name it. Being a doctor of a tribe didn't mean you put a band aid on a scrape and kissed it better. She had seen war wounds, broken limbs, limbs completely torn off, cuts, bruises, and everything else. This amount of blood didn't faze her in the slightest.
    She hopped over the fallen and smashed bricks with ease, casting her gaze over to the two bloodied beings near the wall. Her eyes widened, realizing after looking at the two for a few seconds that neither of them were actually familiar... What? Wait this had to be a mistake. She could have sworn she felt her cousin's soul around here somewhere... Was she in another room or something? Or was her soul sense betraying her? Dammit she kicked a wall for nothing. Way to ruin a big entrance.
    She stood before them, blinking once before an awkward expression overcame her features, smiling sheepishly.
    "Erm... Don't mean to interrupt your murder party, but have any of you guys seen a tanuki around here? You know-" she paused mid sentence, standing up straight again, eyes widening even further as she sucked on her lips. Crap, what did Iza look like again? It'd been so long she couldn't even remember. And by so long it had been about four months or so. Damn her horrible memory.
    Her eyes darted from side to side.
    "... With tanuki... Features...? Looks like a tanuki... Speaks like a tanuki... Kinda looks like a tanuki..."
    They may or may not know what she was even talking about, but by this point after searching all day Kim would take any chance that someone would know where she was.


    Post by Guest 18th August 2016, 11:17 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    There was a certain satisfaction in seeing the reaction to the pain she inflicted on Lucius. While she may have regretted torturing him the first time around, on that bloody night where her nature and instincts had driven her insane, after what he had done, Izayuki was hardly in a forgiving mood. Nevertheless, there lingered a guilt as she finished her goal with Lucius, having successfully removed his guild mark in the most painful way the yokai could have thought of. Instead of waiting around for her soul to regenerate some healed physical body for her, Astrid had entered the scene, and something had pulled the Bakedanuki's soul towards the girl, resulting in a tanukitsuki- a possession.

    And here she was, in Astrid's body, with fresh blood dripping from the claws her soul had given the human's physical body. With her somewhat-cleaner hand, the tanuki wiped a blood drip off of her mouth with the top of her wrist, having had already consumed some of the blood that had lingered on her claws. It was too late for Izayuki to realize what she had just done; forcing Astrid to take blood from her own little brother.

    ... Astrid never would forgive her, would she?

    Izayuki tried to stifle the realization under her other racing thoughts, but was having enough trouble gathering her bearings once again. Firstly, how was she supposed to dislodge her soul from the human's mind? Why could she no longer hear Astrid's voice... surely the girl was safe... right?

    The Bakedanuki nearly jumped at the sudden crash as the wall came tumbling down. Turning with a start, Izayuki narrowed her pink eyes at the figure who had just stumbled upon the scene. That familiar scent, and aura? Truly, it was similar to her own, but not quite. "K-Kim?" she stuttered, recognizing the person who had saved her long ago by awakening her yokai spirit. What was she doing here now?


    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:


    Post by kittykool75 18th August 2016, 12:14 pm

    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    The tears or the now guildless mage continued to stream out of his eyes and down his face as he laid curled next to the wall. Clutching himself weakly with his scraped up fingers, most of his fingernails broken and bleeding out from underneath. His warm blood poured out from his recent wound, soaking through the lower part of his shirt. So much pain, why did he get himself into this mess? His damn pride was always making himself do things that weren't always the wisest. Especially picking a fight with the Black Rose guildmaster, why was she so much stronger? She was only a rank above his own wasn't she?
    His own thought shouted loudly within this skull, making him sob. Why was he even crying now? He has had worse pain then this, was it just the fact that his sister getting tortured and possessed? Then the thought of her torturing him, Inanis was right, it was all his fault. Astrid wouldn't have to suffer all of this if it wasn't for him, he should of ignored her beautiful violin playing when he first met her. He should of continued on his way, doing whatever his god wanted him to do, like he was supposed to. But he didn't, he was greedy, he wanted it even when he didn't know. Lucius wanted a proper family, one that's father wouldn't constantly abuse their son whenever he made the simplest mistake. One that's mother wouldn't keep screeching at her son because he should've been the one that died instead. One that didn't have insanity and curses coursing through it's bloodline. So he let himself get attached to the little silver haired girl who was the purest person to ever exist on this planet. And he had the nerve, the nerve, to call her his sister. This green haired teen didn't deserve any of this, he shouldn't have anything worth while. He is just supposed to be a puppet controlled by the god of darkness, to spread tragedy and despair.
    Of course I deserve this, but not Astrid, let her be safe
    and I'll
    I'll leave
    just let her be okay
    let her be ok-

    His thoughts getting more blurry as he started to pass out, his vision blurring, spots dancing through his eyes. Lucius heard the wall break along with a shout, he heard words from a newly arrived person, and also the dreaded tanuki. But he didn't understand what they said, it was to hard, he could barely keep himself from falling unconscious. He needed to stay awake, just to see if she would be okay.

    W o r d    C o u n t:


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019



    Post by Guest 22nd August 2016, 8:46 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    The last thing she could seem to recall was a pink orb flying towards her before darkness overcame her sight. She did not know what had happened. She couldn't speak, hear, or see anything. It was as though she had been suddenly restrained and placed into a dark room. There was nothing but a fuzzy, static feeling thumping at the middle of her temples as she helpless stared at the blankness, unable to feel or move any part of her body. Then a voice echoed in the blackness. A familiar voice, one she had grown use to over various conversations with. It was Izayuki. But the voice sounded almost as it was pleading, asking for forgiveness over and over again.

    "Astrid… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…"

    "Forgive me for this, Astrid."

    "Astrid… please…. Don’t hate me."

    What did she mean? Hadn't the girl already forgiven her for what she did many months back to her and her brother? Astrid could not understand why she could hear the guild master's voice so clearly. It was almost as though the tanuki was right next to her...
    Then, came the pain. At long last after what seemed like hours the light of her surroundings were pushed into her vision. But along with it came an excruciating wave of pain. It rushed to the tips of her fingers, the top of her head, and lower back all at once. The girl fell to the cold floor like a rag doll, her body limp as it shook with pain.
    Red clouded her vision and stung at the corners of her eyes, staining her blue gaze a bright crimson. Though her vision blurred and fiery pain continued to wash over her the musician still managed to spot her fallen violin in front of her, the case popped open from the impact of the fall. Gritting her teeth she clenched her hand to regain feeling into it, reaching out to her precious instrument to try and bring it closer to her.
    But as she was able to touch the top of the string instrument something happened. Something that she had never seen it do before in all her ears playing it. It began to glow, giving off a warm, calming light. Astrid flinched her hand back, wincing at the stinging sensation she caused by doing the quick reflex. Looking down do her hurting hand she saw the last speck of light it gave off before it seeped into her pale skin, melting away. She winded her eyes, breath quickening. What... Was that? It seemed to have happened when she touched the violin... Where did it go?
    As the mage turned her hand over, examining it carefully, she noticed she no longer felt any pain. Her vision was back to normal, though her irises stayed red in color. And everything else that felt weird or fuzzy went back to normal.
    She paused, blinking down at the floor to process everything before she moved her hand beneath her, pushing herself up to a sitting position, using her other hand to keep herself up as the other fell delicately into her lap.
    Scanning over the room it didn't take her long before the trail of blood leading up to her brother caught her attention. She stifled a scream by cupping her hands over her mouth, tears beginning to swell up in her wide eyes.
    "L-Lucius..." She gasped, muffled by her hands. Ignoring any other thing in the room as her mind replaced her brother's health as her top priority Astrid gathered up her newly found strength to instantly pop up from her sitting position, sliding over to the boy's bloodied body, kneeling at his side. She hesitated at first, still taken back by the scene in front of her. It was too much like the alleyway... She had found him once again in a bloodied mess, barely alive.
    Her first instinct was to place her hands upon his body and shake him lightly to see if he would respond.
    "Lucius!... Lucius!" she cried, trying with all her might to make him respond in any way possible so he could confirm he was still with her.
    He had to be alive... There was no way he wasn't... Lucius couldn't die. She wouldn't let him.
    713 words ● @tag ● notes


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