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    Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE


    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
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    Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE Empty Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE

    Post by Blackthorne 5th August 2016, 1:59 am

    Yes! The beautiful Black Rose Guild Hall. Well, Milly couldn't give a shit about the guild hall's appearance. What he does care about are the people that he could sell his wares to. Oh! The anticipation was simply killing Milly. Oh gods yes! So much money is to be had in monthly installments of $59.99! His pockets will be lined in silver from selling these people white powdery stuff meant to clean your white clothing, but also safe for colored clothing.

    A confident walk came from Milly as he struts his way towards the door of the Black Rose Guild Hall. He walked with a swagger, winking at all the pretty women and pointing at them. "I'll sell to you, later," he said as he continued his confident strut. He found himself at the door of the Silver Moon Inn and opened the door inwards to see the bar.

    "Yes, I'm sure my wonderful customers will meet with me in 20 minutes or less for the best deals possible!" Milly stated as he walked towards the bar and took a seat. He cleared his throat as if to get the attention of the Bartender.

    "Hello there, friend! How are you? Are you in the business of getting the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE!" he asked in a very excited manner.
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE Empty Re: Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 8th August 2016, 12:25 pm

    Jiyu was the bartender for the silver moon inn bar, once more, for today at least. Whenever she had time spent at the guild, instead of out on a job? The wind user was always working the bar or subbing as a waitress. Honestly she did a very good job at it, when she did not get pissed off and shout at the costumers and threaten to stab them with a knife from the kitchen if they didn't stop staring at her. See? The dress she wore for this work, simple black with a white apron, the Black Rose symbol on it, left the bruises and scratches on her legs very visible, alongside her bruises wrists, marked up arms, neck and the marked side of her face; So sometimes she got upset when people stared at her for too long, likely pitying her.

           "Yeah, Yeah, what do you want to drink?" she turned around somewhat, angling her head so that she could get a good look at the costumer, from where she was standing behind the bar, washing a cup. He looked annoying, her blue eye narrowed slightly, before her scraped up hand set the cup she'd been cleaning down, whole body turning. Expect for the marks that marred her? The dual eyed, extremely short and thin girl was actually rather attractive, doe like  eyes, thin yet full pink lips, pale creamy skin, and waist long ebony hair that framed both her face and body, dyed orange at the tips. However these days, most of her beauty hid beneath her injuries.


    Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE H6NcPbM Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE H6NcPbM Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE H6NcPbM Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE H6NcPbM


    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
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    Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE Empty Re: Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE

    Post by Blackthorne 8th August 2016, 2:10 pm

    And the bartender approached bearing dual-toned hair and blemishes all over her body. He does, after all, sell things to cover that up. "I'll take a brown ale," he said as he pulled out a wad of cash and placed however much it cost on the bartop. "I couldn't help but notice that you have a lot of bruises on your body. Hard mission? I have something just for that," Milly said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small container of a strange white paste. The name of the product was 'Bruise-B-Gon' with a subtitle on the container saying 'With 50% more B-Gon!'.

    "I can offer you and others in your guild this excellent product that can make all of your bruises disappear," he said in an excited tone. "It doesn't just cover up the bruising, but it actually makes it vanish," he said with strange movements of his fingers to further glamorize the product he is trying to sell.

    "But I don't think you're interested in that for the time being are you? So let's get down to Brass Taxes," Milly said before putting the product away for now. Yes, this was a business strategy some merchants use to get someone interested in a product only to see it go away temporarily. This causes interest to seed itself into the victim potential customer.

    "I actually hear that this place is where I can join the Black Rose Magic Guild," he said as he stroked his facial hair with his hands for a moment. The old, fattening man may not look it, but he does indeed have magical power. Yes, he discovered his power while eating a pizza, but it's a better way to learn magic than having something tragic happen to them; which he also has a product that may help them forget about their tragic past.

    "So if you know anything about that, I'm willing to give you the first sample for free," he said in a rather bribing manner.


    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE Empty Re: Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 8th August 2016, 3:10 pm

    She was pretty content, expect for the lingering anger from people staring at her bruises all day long. Honestly, even if the costumer in front of her seemed to be the annoying kind, she could also see him being annoying in an endearing way, the kind of annoying that made someone laugh. Trying to sell his wares and than simply However every single thought of that went out the door, the very second he could not help but both notice, stare at and mention her bruises. Most people in the town? Had learned that they could manage to stare, but actually verbally bringing something about her blemishes up was likely to set the wind user off. She had set down his drink, just as he spoke and pissed her off.

    He wouldn't have any warning when the short female pushed her hands against the bar, causing her body to fly over it, legs bending slightly as she landed, and bunched one fist up. Now that she was fully visible without the bar partly blocking her marked up body, the bruise discoloration on her wrists and legs were clearly where shackles had once sat! Which explained why she was so touchy.

    "Give me a reason not to fucking knock you out." her first punch would skate within inches of his nose, before she pulled her arm violently back to her side and stood up straight, her whole body bouncing. Once she was standing? The wind mage cracked her knuckles and started looking around for a weapon. "Yeah this is were people can join Black Rose, what does it matter to you bastard?" her eyes burned.


    Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE H6NcPbM Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE H6NcPbM Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE H6NcPbM Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE H6NcPbM


    Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE Empty Re: Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE

    Post by Guest 10th August 2016, 11:02 am

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    "What the hell do you think you're doing?" the 6'7" man inquired as he walked up behind Milly Bays. In attempt to get the man to shut up about business proposals, the magus would aim to grab the other's head and smash it into the bartop. On the other hand, Marschal aimed to grab Jiyu's wrists of both hands and hold them so she could not attack. While it was not the most effective way of getting two people to stop arguing with each other and ending fights, he still did it. He would not tolerate Jiyu blatantly attacking a potential member of the guild, even though he technically did so. Golden optics shifted in Jiyu's direction, an apparent frown on his features when he looked her over and saw her anger. "You cannot be attacking people simply because they have brought up your bruises, just tell them to stop."

    Now, with that being said to Jiyu, his attention would return to Milly Bays and release his grip on him if he had one. Stuffing his empty hand into one of his pockets, the magus would not release Jiyu's hands as he focused on the guildless magus. "Yes, this is the inn in which Black Rose resides; however, you'll need either the Guild Master or an Ace to accept you. Unfortunately, I am neither of those, as much as you were probably hoping that I was so you could return to your deals. Speaking of those, before you even attempt to offer me anything from your wares or whatever the hell you call them, I'm not interested." His ears flicked back against his head, his lip curled up a little as he snarled at the business involved magus. If this man joined Black Rose, he wasn't all that certain how he would be able to endure another annoyance here.

    Marschal tugged at Jiyu's wrists and dragged her back long to the other side of the bar, where she belonged. "Until your shift on the bar is over, you do not remove yourself from this place unless it is to pick up dishes," he ordered her. Finally, Marschal roughly released her wrists and walked back over to the customer's side of the bar and sat down. His hands were placed strategically on the bartop, his golden optics staring at Milly Bays as he waited for an answer. "I apologize for my guild-mate's actions; however, I do not apologize for my own, as you did have that coming to you." Clicking his claws against the bartop, he went silent; with no other words to say, there was no reason for chitter chatter. Now, he simply waited to see what Milly Bays would say and whether he was still interested in joining the guild.

    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Parasitic Infection
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE Empty Re: Going Door to Door for the BEST DEAL POSSIBLE

    Post by Blackthorne 14th August 2016, 12:12 pm

    OOC: Big surprise, but I'm going to be dropping this character.
    Thought I could RP the guy, but with my main and alt having a bit more substance, I think I'm going to drop this character 8/
    Sorry for wasting everyone's time.


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