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    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Posts : 783
    Guild : ◇ sabertooth ◇
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    ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ Empty ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ

    Post by Iesha 3rd July 2016, 11:36 am

    ▶ ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ ◀

    ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ EtU3Kxu

    Vivian Taymor



    December 30


    Special Characteristics
    Vivian suffers from D.I.D (Dis-associative Identity Disorder) aka Multiple Personality Disorder.


    Within her body is a small world, much like the outside world. It is a place where some personalities are born, and where some personalities die. It is a place where each personality living symbolizes something; fear, memory, pain or innocence. As of now, Vivian lives with three personalities, besides herself, who share her body with her.

    ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ SPbxbuM
    Vivian is a rather interesting person who knows her flaws and weirdly, accepts them. It took her a while to come to terms with the personalities that live within her , but she did, eventually. She is rather ambitious and passionate when she does something, especially when it's cleaning up the mess her personalities make. She could be considered as a good person, but most definitely not a nice one. Vivian has the tendency to be sarcastic without even trying, which often gives off the wrong impression. She is someone who will stand up for what she believes is right, even if  she ends up losing consciousness because of it. Her heart is a hurricane of emotions. She cannot hide them. If she's happy, she smiles; If she's angry, she yells and screams; If she's sad, she cries. Vivian isn't a very optimistic being but she likes to look at the positive side of things while being realistic.

    Although she never admits it, she's often lonely because she doesn't really make friends. She's a freelancer who only has these personalities that reside within her as company. She'd rather be lonely than have friends, not because she dislikes people, but because of that fact that she would have to reveal her secret and she doesn't want to do that. Her secret is something she doesn't want to expose even though she knows that it won't make much of difference as there are many people aside from her that have much deeper and more dangerous secrets. Vivian is naturally not good with people in general.

    Vivian wants to live her life to the fullest. She doesn't want to live a life full of regret, she wants to do things that give her a rush of adrenaline. She has fears, but she's not someone who will cower and pray for the situation to be in her favor, rather, she will face her fears head-on. She is quite bold but knows the limit to her power. She takes on the challenges that she knows she's capable of handling.

    In the midst of a fight, Vivian is someone who deciphers the intensity of the battle based of her opponent. She decides whether this fight is something to enjoy or something she should take seriously. She knows when to give it her all and when to go easy. Most importantly, she knows when to give up. She finds nothing wrong in running away. Whereas many people consider that a sigh of weakness, Vivian doesn't. She believes that running away is a reminder to herself that she's not weak, she simply isn't strong enough. She is good when it comes to hand to hand combat but is rather lacking is the strength department. Instead, she covers up by using her magic and weapons.

    Vivian is someone who would love to avoid taking responsibility, but ends up taking it anyways which makes her a good candidate for a leader. She doesn't use brute force and power, but rather tries to apply her brain into the situation and come up with a favorable outcome. She isn't a genius, but smart enough to manage to stay alive. As a leader, she would lead people with confidence but try to come up with simple plans that aren't difficult to execute simply because she doesn't trust people. She doesn't have faith that they might be able to pull off the things she can. Vivian doesn't believe that she's stronger than others, but she definitely thinks that she's unique.

    Eating - Vivian loves food, she will eat whatever fits her large appetite.
    Having Fun - Vivian believes in living life to the fullest and living it while having fun.
    Being sarcastic - Her natural reply to almost everything is filled to the brim with sarcasm, which she enjoys.

    Animals - Vivian has a certain dislike towards animals.
    Arrogance - Arrogant people are the type of humans she despises with utmost sincerity.
    Hypocrisy - The idea of hypocrisy is an ugly thing. Vivian hates hypocrites.

    Love - Living without a family and having no friends, she wonders what it feels like to be loved.
    Responsibility - As the owner of the body, she knows she has to take responsibility for what the others living inside her have done.
    Happiness - Vivian wants to be happy. She wants to live a good life, a life without sadness.

    Responsibility - Vivian also fears responsibility because she might not be able to handle the outcome of the actions she has not committed.
    Death - Death is something everyone fears, Vivian is just an addition to those people.
    Losing control - Vivian fears that one day she might lose control and become a side personality and some other personality takes over.

    ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ KGroGVD
    Intimidating. Aggressive. Dominating. These could be the words used to describe the tough, twenty-year old Donovan, who absolutely dislikes living within the body of female. His rough way of talking and tendency to use violence when angry (which happens quite often), gives a good insight into his character. Donovan is someone who does what he wants, rather than what a situation/person want or require him to do. He will say what he wants to say, disregarding the fact that someone else may get hurt from it. He will do what he wants to do, not caring about the outcome. He loves to fight. It gives him a rush of adrenaline and a sense of power, something which he adores. Apart from being a rough and tough, Donovan also likes to look the part. Dressing up fashionably gives him a sense of superiority because he knows he looks good, even if it's in the body of a woman.

    Donovan is someone who likes challenges. He will willingly and confidently accept any challenge thrown his way and will challenge people unnecessarily. His crimson gaze is quite intimidating as it can often scares people and he uses that to his advantage, plus it provides him please. He loves to see people fear him and cower before him. Donovan isn't exactly classified as a bad guy unless you anger him. When under the control of rage, he is capable of killing people without having any regrets.

    In battle, he is merciless and ruthless. He will do whatever he can to win; he will kill. He never hurts women or children unless they are the ones who start a brawl because he knows that in a world full of magic, no one can be trusted. Donovan excels in hand to hand combat is quite skilled in using weapons. He is considered to be the most troublesome personality as he likes to have 'fun'. He is a personality that wants to take Vivian's place and become the owner of the personalities so that he gets more time to be conscious. He is rather sensitive when Vivian is hurt or angry and makes an appearance, thinking that Vivian is weak and he'll be able to handle those emotions better.

    Violence - Donovan likes violence because he knows that in this world, you need to prove that you are strong.
    Winning - He hates losing; Donovan believes that you can only win if you have power and according to him, he does possess power.
    Fashion - He believes that he should look the part so that one glance is enough to make people realize that he is not someone to be messed with.

    Ignorance - Donovan dislikes it when people are ignorant. He finds that disrespectful.
    Arrogance - Arrogance is not something that he likes to see. It pisses him off.
    Losing - For him, losing is not an option. Losing means that he is weak and he will never consider himself weak.

    Power - Donovan believes that there is no good or evil, but only power and he wants to obtain that power.
    Fun - Donovan is someone who is willing to anything to have fun, even if fun for him means causing people destress and frustration.
    Control - He wants to be in control over the personalities. This motivates him into becoming stronger; mentally, emotionally and physically.

    Love - Donovan fears falling in love because he believes that it will be his downfall.
    Trust - He is afraid to trust people which is why he never emotionally attaches himself with others.
    Betrayal - He doesn't want to be betrayed because he knows that although he considers himself strong, he will not be able to handle the pain that comes with betrayal.

    ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ SOnvRYV
    Leon happens to be, according to Vivian, the epitome of mystery. He is the only personality that causes no trouble, neither does he leave behind any sort of clue that gives an insight into his character. Leon has emerald green eyes which are masked with thick rimmed glasses. He is often found moving sitting quietly in a corner with a book that he reads. His personality can be classified as anti-social and pessimistic. He sees nothing positive in life and does not mind the idea of death; he rather likes it.

    He has the tendency to appear when Vivian feels rather pessimistic so that he takes in that negativity and controls it. Leon can appear at any time but during such moments, he usually appears to take in the pessimism instead of Vivian as he knows how to be in control over his emotions so he won't react strongly. He rarely ever speaks and often never replies when communicated with. Sitting with a blank expression, he prefers to be alone all the time. He dislikes human contact and communication. He hates being considered a mutation. Although, he thinks that it's better to die, he doesn't try to kill himself because he knows that the other personalities want to live.

    Leon has brilliant brain, almost genius level. Although he dislikes violence and is rather weak when it comes to physical combat, he can use his brains to come up with strategies to execute a simple battle. He isn't bold and confident about his abilities, neither does he plan to use them. He will avoid combat at all cost but if he has no option, he will be able to come up with strategies to at least hold off an enemy using Vivian's magic and weapons.

    Reading - Leon loves to read because it takes him away from reality.
    Animals - He is quite fond of animals. He would rather spend time with them rather than humans.
    Art - Leon likes art because it, to him, is a representation of freedom.

    Violence - Leon has a certain dislike towards violence. He thinks it's messy and very unnecessary.
    Talkative people - He hates having to talk in general, much less to people. He particularly finds talkative people annoying.
    Communication - Leon will avoid communication with humans at all costs and will not hold a conversation unless it is absolutely unavoidable.

    Freedom - Although he doesn't mind living in Vivian's body, he does hope that one day he will be free and be a person with his own body.
    Being alone - Leon is willing to do anything to be alone.
    Death - Death doesn't seem like a bad thing to Leon. He's actually looking forward to it.

    Disappearing - He fears that one day he might disappear, not because of death, but because his reason of existence is gone.
    Crowds - Leon has a dear of crowds. When he is in the midst of a crowd, he feels like he's being suffocated and has a hard time breathing.
    Love - Leon is afraid of the idea of love. He does not want to develop feelings that he knows he cannot handle and that will attach him emotionally to a human being.

    ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ JiJ0tgK
    Innocence. A word used to describe those who have lived a simple life with pure intentions; those who have unconsciously distanced themselves from the firm hold of darkness. Jade is a harmless young child with an innocent yet simple mindset. She expects nothing much from life, except fun. Her slight obsession with this word and the feeling of joy it offers her is rather beautiful. Her wish is simple, to live her life while having fun. She wants to play, whether it is with toys or with others, she loves the idea of 'playing'; the idea that brings a smile onto her face. She is not bold, but small and frightful. It is impossibly easy to frighten the child for a seven-year old cannot protect herself despite being in a body of someone who is much older and much stronger.

    Being in the body of a twenty-year old female does not alter the fact that Jade is indeed a child. A child who cries when she's scared, a child who throws a tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants and a child who foolishly, without thinking does whatever surfaces inside her head. Although she gets scared easily, Jade a hurricane of emotions who often feels angry due to mild things such as someone refusing to play with her and it is during this period of rage that she screams and yells, even retorts to violence as far as biting or light slaps.

    With bright blue eyes, Jade is a personality that usually surfaces when Vivian suffers from extreme stress or feels tremendous rage. Jade, being a young and simple personality, does not hold grudges. She does not remain sad for long and instead converts that rage into happiness for she can, within moments, go from tears to laughs.

    Candies - Jade loves the sweetness of candies. She likes every candy that she eats.
    Toys - Being a child, it is natural for her to be fascinated by toys.
    Playing - Jade enjoys playing, whether with a toy or a human being.

    Vegetables - Jade is simply an average child who dislikes the taste of vegetables.
    People who refuse to play with her - Jade hates it when people refuse to play with her, which often leads to a tantrum.
    Anything that stops her from playing - She usually feels angry and frustrated whenever something stops her from playing and having fun.

    Getting candies - Jade can easily be bought over/bribed with candies. They encourage her to do something.
    Toys - If someone offers her toys, she will work hard to obtain those toys for she believes there can never be enough toys to play with.
    Winning - Jade is a child who loves to win at games and who often mistakes life as a game.

    Darkness - Being in the dark scares her. She is strangely afraid of darkness.
    Being alone - Jade prefers to have someone by her side because she's afraid of being alone.
    Violence - Jade is frightened of violence, especially if it is used at her.

    General Appearance


    54kg/114 lbs

    Dark wine shaded hair which could easily be mistaken as a jet black, always remain open and fall as wavy locks onto her back.

    Hazel (changes with each personality)

    Skin Tone

    Standing at 5'7, Vivian has a slim figure which is slightly taller than the height of average women. Her body is typically adorned with a pair of skinny black jeans and a full sleeves dull-colored shirt, paired up with sneakers or simple combat boots for easy movement.





    As Vivian's character plot progresses, she'll be losing/gaining some personalities.
    Her personalities are unpredictable and can appear at anytime, rather than just when Vivian feels a certain emotion.
    When one personality takes over, the other fall asleep, including Vivian.
    When the personality is in the midst of changing, the personality that is awake suffers from extreme headache.
    Yuu Blitzkrieg
    Yuu Blitzkrieg



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Halloween Social- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Cupcake Achievement- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : ASS EATER!
    Posts : 553
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Experience : 1425

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    First Skill: Crash
    Second Skill: TBD
    Third Skill: TBD

    ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ Empty Re: ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ

    Post by Yuu Blitzkrieg 3rd July 2016, 12:13 pm

    Very impressive application! So I'm happy to say....

    ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ 5oLesFq


    ᐯIᐯIᗩᑎ ZUTE2e7l_o

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