Fairy Tail RP

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    Devil May Cry: FAUST [Character Job]


    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Arms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Devil May Cry: FAUST [Character Job] Empty Devil May Cry: FAUST [Character Job]

    Post by akashi 30th June 2016, 4:54 pm

    Devil May Cry: FAUST
    Rank: C-Rank
    Player Requirements:  C-Rank or above, Vargas Seig must be in the job. 2 players maximum.
    Job Requirements: 200 words per post at minimum. At least 15 posts long. Must roll monster dice at least two times before being able to summon the boss directly. The Hell's Gate must be destroyed (may be summoned directly, but only after ending the boss threat).
    Job Location: Peace Village
    Job Description:

    -Hello. I don't know if I'm doing this properly, but before anything here's the password... &%C*K. Alright. My name is Loreine Schaff, from Era. I happen to be the lead of one the city's garrisons, but that's besides the point. The thing is, something strange has been going on in Peace Village, just to the east of Era. A black, gate like monolith emerged from the ground one day, according to witnesses, and it's been spewing out terrors ever since. However, the leading forces won't do anything about it... but I then recalled that you completed jobs here, and heard about your private... services, so to speak; Ren Harringtom himself informed me of them, and gave me the password to contact you from here.

    This surpasses our ranks. Please, go to Peace Village, and, well, irony aside, return it to its peaceful state. That should be all... you will be rewarded greatly if you do so, as per your standards. However, let me warn you... one specific demon has caused tremendous problems. It possesses uncanny stealth skills and quick methods for assassination. Please be on the lookout. My report contains a tip on how to fight him, based on the info provided by the only scout that returned alive.

    Good luck, and be careful.





    Extra Notes: Be specially wary of Faust going to stealth; cover your vital areas when he does so or else he may hit you for 1.5 B-Ranked damage.

    Reward: 10k Jewels, Vargas unlocks Faust after defeating the boss.


    Devil May Cry: FAUST [Character Job] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0

    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Arms
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Devil May Cry: FAUST [Character Job] Empty Re: Devil May Cry: FAUST [Character Job]

    Post by akashi 1st July 2016, 1:36 am

    [center][color=#000066][size=18]Devil May Cry: FAUST[/size][/color]
    [b]Rank:[/b] C-Rank
    [b]Player Requirements:[/b]  C-Rank or above, Vargas Seig must be in the job. 2 players maximum.
    [b]Job Requirements:[/b] 200 words per post at minimum. At least 15 posts long. Must roll monster dice at least two times before being able to summon the boss directly. The Hell's Gate must be destroyed (may be summoned directly, but only after ending the boss threat).
    [b]Job Location:[/b] Peace Village
    [b]Job Description:[/b]

    [i]-Hello. I don't know if I'm doing this properly, but before anything here's the password... &%C*K. Alright. My name is Loreine Schaff, from Era. I happen to be the lead of one the city's garrisons, but that's besides the point. The thing is, something strange has been going on in Peace Village, just to the east of Era. A black, gate like monolith emerged from the ground one day, according to witnesses, and it's been spewing out terrors ever since. However, the leading forces won't do anything about it... but I then recalled that you completed jobs here, and heard about your private... services, so to speak; Ren Harringtom himself informed me of them, and gave me the password to contact you from here.

    This surpasses our ranks. Please, go to Peace Village, and, well, irony aside, return it to its peaceful state. That should be all... you will be rewarded greatly if you do so, as per your standards. However, let me warn you... one specific demon has caused tremendous problems. It possesses uncanny stealth skills and quick methods for assassination. Please be on the lookout. My report contains a tip on how to fight him, based on the info provided by the only scout that returned alive.

    Good luck, and be careful.[/i]

    [spoiler="Weak"][u]Ghost x4[/u]

    Souls of the damned trapped in the Underworld, having failed to ascend to heavens. While they may startle you and try to hurt you with their Acidic Touch, dealing you D-Rank damage, they are actually scaredy cats and will not put up much of a fight. One C-Rank/2 D-Rank hit could dispatch them easily.[/spoiler]

    [spoiler="Normal"][u]Glaive x5[/u]

    Glaives are  lesser demons with a tiny body; however, their metallic, large wings can be joined together to turn themselves into deadly swords that hastily approach their foe and attack in unison. They are a bit tougher, dealing full C-Rank damage and taking 2 C-Rank/4 D-Rank hits to take them dow, however, they are greatly vulnerable to any stun effects, and will suffer them more than other demons.[/spoiler]

    [spoiler="Strong"][u]Peace Village's Hellgate[/u]
    A huge black monolith that continuously keeps oozing darkness, from which Ghosts and Glaives keep emanating. It is imperative for you to destroy it; however, upon attacking it once, it will spawn a somewhat evolved form of the Glaives: the [u]Sabers.[/u]

    Sabers are something akin to land-sharks, burrowing themselves underground and speeding towards their opponent at large speeds to cut them down with their dorsal fin, which happens to resemble a broadsword. It's difficult to stop them without stunning them, but once you somehow get them out of the ground, they are defenseless (this doesn't include their jumping). They also deal C-Rank damage, yet leave a lingering blood effect that deals you D-Rank damage for 3 posts.[/spoiler]


    Codename:Faust is a deathly spectre, most likely an evolution from the primitive and almost harmless Ghosts. It wears a skull-like mask, albeit stylized, and his appendages can turn into shotguns which fire spreading pellets. Getting hit by three or more, or by one point-blank shot, will strip you of your senses for two turns (this effect has a 2 post CD). The shots deal C-Rank damage from mid-long range but are Area of Effect damage; plus, at point-blank or short range, they deal B-Rank damage.


    [b]Extra Notes:[/b] Be specially wary of Faust going to stealth; cover your vital areas when he does so or else he may hit you for 1.5 B-Ranked damage.

    [b]Reward:[/b] 10k Jewels, Vargas unlocks Faust after defeating the boss.[/center]


    Devil May Cry: FAUST [Character Job] ZXiMIeRkXvtS0
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    Devil May Cry: FAUST [Character Job] Empty Re: Devil May Cry: FAUST [Character Job]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 3rd July 2016, 3:01 pm

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 3:22 am