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    Lineage idea

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
    Position : None
    Posts : 743
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
    Third Skill:

    Lineage idea Empty Lineage idea

    Post by Azurius Tade 8th February 2016, 8:50 pm

    Wielder: Azurius Tade
    Lineage: Blessings of the Chosen
    Description: In a time when darkness ruled the world, Azurius Tade was one of the few members of a special set of humans able to control the energy of the world. He was one of even fewer who had learned to master this control, and even fewer still who used it to take up arms against the forces of darkness. While others in his classification had chosen to aid the darkness, Azurius took up a shotgun and a pistol, and poured all his power into them. During a terrible battle, Azurius was killed by the forces of darkness, and his weapons destroyed entirely, scattering their energy across time and space. Azurius’s soul was taken, molded into that of an Angel, one of heaven’s greatest and most terrible weapons, and as such he was forced to release his former memories. In exchange for the memories and the power in his weapon, Azurius gained power beyond that of the average angel, he gained free will… the one power his god had never once presented his emissaries. Azurius was also granted a multitude of blessings upon creation, and upon being sent to Earthland to assist in the battle against evil, he was given a promise that over time he would be blessed further, with a maximum of 5 blessings.

    Ability: Before gaining power, Azurius was a great and powerful Maj. In Fiore's tongue, it means Wielder of Magic, or a Mage. He was capable of consuming his own element, and all magic imbued with it. He was able to store great deals of magic in his body, and regenerated it at rapid speeds while around allies, resting, or in certain areas. In his current life, that of a Seraph, Azurius is able to consume Holy or Purifying magic, store up to 150 more magic power, and regenerates MP at a rate of 3% per post. The storing of MP does not mean he starts at his maximum, but rather, he starts with the standard amount and must build it up over time. He gains +1% MP regeneration per ally he has (summons do not count), which caps at 5%, but while performing jobs inside Holy Grounds, Kyoka, or Hargeon Town this is increased to 10%. The ability for the MP regen to increase beyond 3%, as well as the ability to store more than the normal amount of MP is limited only to non-PvP occasions.

    D Rank: Blessings of Fortune (Passive)
        • Azurius was blessed with the ability to find immense valuables, currency, and even have an occasional spat of amazing dumb luck (plot purpose, no PvP implications). During jobs, he is able to either gain +100% jewel reward, find an Armour/Magic Item/Weapon with the grade depending on the rank of the job, or he may have all players gain +50% jewel reward and he would gain +25%. The desired reward for the job must be listed at the beginning of the job. Items obtained CANNOT be traded between players (even alt/main), but they CAN be traded to The Armoury or any official shop to gain 50% of the item(s)'s value.
                    • Armour/Weapon/Item Grades:
                       D Rank Jobs - Nothing, but can find 5k Jewel
                       C Rank Jobs - 1x Strong Rank
                       B Rank Jobs - 1x Strong(+) Rank
                       A Rank Jobs - 1x Legendary Rank
                       S/SS Rank Jobs - 1x Legendary(+) Rank
                       10Y Jobs - 1x Legendary(+) OR 75,000 Jewel
                       100Y Jobs - 1x Artifact OR 200,000 Jewel

    C Rank: Blessings of Power (Passive)
        • Azurius was provided the ability to utilize a bonus attack, specific to his Holy magic that would enable him to be more effective in his mission. Azurius is able to register 1x Holy Element signature spell that is equal to his rank, max at S Rank. HOWEVER, all NPC's that would die at his hands are instead left incapacitated, and are protected from being killed by him. Players cannot be targeted by this signature spell, and are thus blessed with immunity. (Signature Spell must be registered with primary magic)

    B Rank: Blessings of Talent (Passive)
        • Azurius is able to summon +1x entity to the field but will suffer a -50% speed debuff while it is out. Additionally, the extra summon will enter the field with half its HP (for PvP).
    A Rank: Blessings of Gale (Passive/Active)
       • Azurius has his base speed increased by +50% while flying. He is able to flap his wings (once per 3 posts) to send a 10 foot long crescent shaped Wind attack at 1 opponent that deals damage equal to Azurius's rank (max S Rank). The active part of this ability may be used a maximum of 5 times, and costs 50% damage rank MP per use. If the effect of "Blessings of Talent" are in use (Azurius has 1 more than the normal amount of summons out) then the fight buff is reduced to +25% which essentially cuts the effect of the 'Blessing' in half instead of canceling it out entirely. The wind attack has a maximum range of 100 meters.

    S Rank: Blessings of Wrath (Active)
        • Azurius is granted a secondary state of being where he is able to access 1 spell of each rank (including H), HOWEVER he is unable to use his other spells in this state. He is unable to use any of his Unique Abilities, and cannot use his normal Primary OR Secondary spells. These spells must be included with either Azurius's Primary or Secondary magic application(s). The state of being, known as "Archangel Form" can last no longer than 10 posts, and be accessed once per thread. While in that form, Azurius deals 2x Damage to "Unholy" beings, fallen angels, and dark entities (not guild mages), but deals 25% less damage to Holy beings, normal angels, and light entities.

    Usage: A set of highly powerful abilities each gained at certain ranks.
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
    Position : None
    Posts : 743
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
    Third Skill:

    Lineage idea Empty Re: Lineage idea

    Post by Azurius Tade 24th February 2016, 8:47 pm

    Wielder: Niyol
    Lineage: Demon's Souls
    Description: Thousands of years before the official discovery of magic there was a civilization of people who wielded the powers of Time, Space, Life, Death, and Nature. These civilizations all rose to their peak, as most of them do, and then was suddenly wiped out of existence. Fast forward over a thousand years, to a time when all humans were at war with each other. Many nations caught in deadlocks as their armies of swords, and shield found themselves to have no true difference in power. One kingdom, lead by a man and woman who wished to never deal with war, had sent out an expedition to find a safe route to escape the violence and start their kingdom in a more peaceful land. However, when their expedition returned, they'd found various tomes with magical knowledge written down... magic that no soldier could learn as they found it too illogical, and closed off their minds to it. The king's daughter, Altsoba, had found the tomes and began reading them endlessly, engulfed by the knowledge she began trying to do it herself. Her young, child's mind so open and accepting of new concepts that it didn't reject the concept of magic, and she became the first Wielder of Time since the village was wiped out. She didn't stop there as she also mastered the magic of space, and altering the fabric of reality to suit her will. A day came where her kingdom was attacked, her mother and father slain before her, and using that magic she alone drove the enemy out and assumed the role of Queen. During her time, Altsoba ruled her kingdom with love, compassion, and an iron fist when her hand was forced. Her kingdom rose to it's peak... before being wiped out by technology that flung massive rocks over her walls, impaled her castle with massive arrows, then... the army of millions. Her people fought valiantly, from the first soldier, to the last civilian; her people eliminated more than half the enemy forces, but numbers were always greater than power... Altsoba, upon dying, turned into a demon who fed on the souls of others to sustain herself. After a millennia, Altsoba broke free of her demonic ways and became known as an 'Unchained' demon, gaining the title 'Demon of War' as well as discovering she wasn't the first to do this. The first, was an individual known only as the 'Demon of Death' who was the absolute first mortal to have mastered the magic. However, this one was a corrupted entity who indulged in killing and performing horrible, horrible acts with no particular sense of restraint.

    Upon birth, Niyol's soul was taken as a home for the Demon of Death. As a result, his parents, and all those present in the room were immediately killed by the demon's power as it took home inside his new host; forever damning Niyol to a life of misery. In exchange, the powers of the demon would forever flow into Niyol and allow him to become one of the most powerful death mages this world will ever see. Altsoba, who knew the ways of this demon and desired to protect this world from its influence, had placed a ritual for Niyol to find. Upon finding it at the age of nine, the night before his tenth birthday, Niyol performed it unknowing of what would transpire... The following night, he killed all of his tribe off, down to the last man woman and child, including a girl he was looking forward to marrying. The demon of death was trying to increase its own power by causing as much death as possible, but was unable to overpower Altsoba's soul as it too took Niyol as its home.

    Ability: Niyol gains some of the abilities and powers of both the spirits. At the very base level, before any increase in power; Niyol gains one passive effect from each of his spirits. Then gains +1 ability from each spirit, each rank, starting with D Rank and ending at S Rank. These abilities all scale with his rank.

    Power of Death: The first power, originating from the Demon of Death, is the ability to kill anything and everything without needing to touch it. The exception is other mages of notable strength(players) as they're protected by their magic right up until their life force is nullified(0HP). However, those mages normally immune to death will find their immunity stripped away and replaced with a resistance to it depending on their level of power compared to Niyol's at the time. Another exception is to the strongest of NPC's, as they're life force is so great that it would take as much time to kill them through this power, as it would through normal combat. This counts for Normal, Strong, and Boss rank NPC's. With this ability, Niyol can kill even free will itself (as a plot device only for job-NPC's), though he refuses to strip that which makes us alive without probable cause.

    Each Rank above: +20% 
    Equal Rank: 0%
    Each Rank Below: -20%

    Endowment of the Queen: The next ability, stemming from Altsoba, is the blessings of fortune that her people were endowed with. He gains +100% jewel on all jobs performed that reward it. He also gains the ability to sacrifice all XP from that job to gain another 100% jewel. Jobs that don't normally award jewel will award it based on the rank of the job, and also have the same option for Niyol to gain an extra bonus of it by sacrificing all XP. If the job awards no jewel, they do not receive the blessing to gain it regardless. This ability nullifies any other jewel modifier placed on Niyol, such as those who use the "Gold Rush" lineage, or Golden Lacrima Milk. It does not nullify these for other players however. The below values are for jobs that DO NOT already provide jewel. These values do not gain the passive +100% jewel, but Niyol can still sacrifice all the EXP to gain +100% to the reward.
              - D Rank: 3,750 Jewel
              - C Rank: 7,500 Jewel
              - B Rank: 15,000 Jewel
              - A Rank: 22,750 Jewel
              - S Rank: 45,000 Jewel
              - SS Rank: 60,000 Jewel
              - 10Y Rank: 75,000 Jewel
              - 100Y Rank: 112,500 Jewel

    D Rank: Demonic Spirits (Active)
    Altsoba is a free spirit, she has the ability to summon herself into this world for a brief period of time to aid Niyol in combat. She has the same health as a grand summon equal to Niyol's Rank (Max S) and may be called on once per thread, for up to five posts. She wields a scythe that looks the same as Niyols, but does not increase her damage in PvP. While she is on the field, she is able to stop time and space entirely for 30 in character seconds (1 post, can only be done once). If used against players, this ability will stop time for those equal to, or below her rank; or slow it down by 100% minus 20% for each rank above Niyol the opponent/attack is. It has an effective radius of 20 meters, plus 20 meters per rank above D Rank, and then 150 meters at S Rank. Attacks, regardless of where they originate, when in this radius will be effected the same as players. If a cleansing ability is used at the same time this is cast, or while the effect is in play for those who are able to resist it, they will be granted amnesty from the effect of the spell.

    Death however is not a free spirit. It is obligated to cling to whatever living creature it so happens to have its soul bound to, which in this case is Niyol. Once per thread, Niyol may activate the power of this being to kill a maximum of 4 attacks that impact him. These attacks of course, are equal to or below his rank and will use 1 charge regardless of what rank it is. If the attack is above his rank, it will use however many combined charges it takes to equal that rank. This is calculated by the amount of ranks above Niyol the attack is, times two. This cannot be used against H Rank attacks.

    C Rank: Demonic Enhancement (Passive)
    Altsoba grants Niyol some insight into her powers as a wielder of Time and Space in order to help him survive. This grants Niyol 1x Time OR Space element Signature that scales with his rank, capping at S Rank. This must be registered with his primary magic.

    Death grants Niyol the ability to siphon the souls of his enemies out, regardless of if they're alive or dead. This is limited to players who OOC plan it with Niyol or permit him, and NPC's of Weak and Normal Rank. Souls ripped out may be consumed (ability registered already), or he may stuff it inside another vessel such as a stuffed animal, jar, another human, suit of armour, weapon, etc... this ability doesn't necessarily kill the person, as the body is very much still alive.

    B Rank: Demonic Life (Active/Passive)
    Altsoba grants Niyol the ability to reverse the time inside his being to remove 1 negative effect from his body. This effect must be equal to, or less than his rank and may be performed once per three posts. As a plot device to stop bleeding (like from a paper cut, or sword wound) Niyol may do this indefinitely. Effects above Niyol's rank have their duration cut in half. If it has a 1 post duration, it is removed entirely. This may be done (the non-plot device one) 2 times per thread.

    Death provides Niyol with the ability to convert his entire being, clothes and all, into a soul that cannot be consumed. This soul form cannot deal, nor be dealt damage. It cannot cast spells, be stopped by any object or force, nor can it stop any object or force. It can levitate, phase through walls, and interact with non-magical objects. If the object were to be thrown at someone, or used as a weapon, it would deal 0 damage regardless of any buffs on Niyol. This may be used during PvP combat twice per thread, but can be used a plot device infinitely during non-PvP. During PvP it lasts 1 post.
    A Rank: Demon's Endowment (Passive)
    Altsoba, having spent such great deals of time with Niyol, will acknowledge he is ready to learn from her and grants him a form known as "Tempus Spatii Sanguis" otherwise known as Time/Space Descendant. This grants Niyol 1 spell of each rank, D -> H that may be time, space, or both in nature. However, this comes with the fact that he must switch between his normal magic and this specialization of magic. This switch allows Niyol to immediately begin using his time and space magic, BUT when he switches back all his primary spells, Unique Abilities, Weapon/Pet/Armour actives, and Secondary Magic would have been switched over to a 3 post cooldown regardless of if it was already on cooldown or not. If a spell was on cooldown when he switched, the cooldown will be increased by 3 posts. He may switch spell categories at will. These spells must be registered with Niyol's Secondary magic and he cannot use any spell above his rank. All spells on cooldown when Tempus Spatii Sanguis was switched to, will remain at that post count while Tempus Spatii Sanguis is in use.

    Death, having deemed Niyol a worthy vessel to receive a fifth blessing from it, provides Niyol with a type of aura that causes his spiritual presence (which is the equivilant of magical presence) to become equal across its entire girth. Regardless of if an individual is one mile away, or one inch away, it would feel exactly the same when tracking him using Spiritual Presence. As registered in Niyol's magic, only Soul Mages can sense his presence and vice versa. Niyol's soul cannot be sensed individually by any mage, but his presence can. His physical being is covered in a type of spiritual veil that makes it so those who see souls would be unable to see his, and those who can tell someone's magic by looking at them would also be unable to tell anything about his own. Niyol is able to sense the souls of those within 300 meters of him, increasing to 1 mile at H Rank. This does not effect Niyol during combat, and does not grant him any special bonuses like reaction time or whatever. Lastly for this ability, Niyol is able to see the souls of others. This is similar to X-Ray vision in that it alters how the world is perceived, but doesn't grant any bonuses other than that.

    S Rank: Demon's Delight (Passive/Active)
    Altsoba, having spent the best years of her life with Niyol, grants him the ability to choose his own path. He becomes an entity with no age, unbound by the confines of time and space, and is able to grow older or younger as he pleases. Niyol gains the ability to create his own realms, and invite other beings into them as he sees fit. He gains the ability to hop between worlds without restraint, and is able to survive in any environment. During PvP, this becomes an active ability effecting a 500 meter radius around him when used to create realms. The realm must be fair, as determined by an OOC agreement between him and his opponent(s). If no agreement is made, he may involve a staff member to assist, or simply not use the ability at all. It is limited to one use per thread, and requires one post to set up with a ten post duration. 

    Death, having merged fully with Niyol's soul at this point and thus, being consumed by Niyol entirely; will grant him the ability to take any form he wishes. Niyol gains the ability to have a magical presence that all mages may sense, and can change it at any given point to match any other magical presence around him in the thread. Niyol gains the ability to change his scent, and spiritual presence as he desires. Death itself, as a force of nature, does not have a distinguishable form... it has no true scent, nor anything one could use to pick it apart from the rest of the world as Death is but a concept and Life is but a lie. That said, anything that could be used to pick Niyol apart from any other person, besides his magic itself, can be altered to Niyol's preferences. For plot purposes this an be done without limit, during PvP it is limited to a maximum of 5 transformations.

    Usage: A set of highly powerful abilities each gained at certain ranks, accompanied with a lineage that DOES NOT make Niyol a demon himself.
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    Lineage idea Empty Re: Lineage idea

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 25th April 2016, 12:23 pm

    Wielder: Niyol
    Lineage: Guardian of Souls, God of Death
    Since the beginning of time there have been forces of nature by which no man, woman, or beast could fully negate. Life, the force by which all creation is permitted to live even if only for a moment. Time, the force by which all creation ages, and is allowed the joys of growing old and withering. Space, the force by which all creation may view the world around them as it is, for without it there would be no world. Death, the force by which all things in existence, ceases to exist. Behind all of these is an entity by whose hand dictates how each force interacts with mortals, and sometimes, each other's works. Regarded as the weakest of the forces, Death is also known as the most powerful. For Death's power, death itself may be held off or completely halted through the use of magic. Death sometimes never comes for something, or someone for millions of years... However, when the God of Death has said he is ready to claim you... there is never a method by which one might escape his grasp.

    Niyol, upon birth, had unleashed the first essence of his magic; incidentally killing everyone in the room including himself. However, it was not his time and the God of Death had caused his life to be restored. Through his childhood, he suffered much pain caused by the rejection of all but a select few. His circle consisted of two females, and one male, two of which belonged to other tribes, one of which he wished to have his marriage arranged with but was forbidden. Having settled with wedding the other female, Niyol would have lived a happy life with her. Unfortunately, this was not his destiny, and on his tenth birthday the God of Death set upon him an overwhelming impulse to kill and destroy everyone in his tribe with his fiance being the final fatality. He spent the rest of his youth wandering the world under the guidance of the Demon of War, Altsoba. She taught him to control magic, to fight, to hunt, to survive. In his adulthood, he pledges himself to aid in preserving balance, and guides the souls of the dead to their final resting place, and kills those who get in his way, or are destined to die. Due to Altsoba's influence, the sheer amount of time Niyol has been exposed to her magic, and her having infused her soul with his; Niyol has gained some abilities regarding time and space magic.

    This lineage grants Niyol a plethora of abilities, all but 5 being strictly 'flashy' stuff. These range from being purely PvE only, to being purely for show. Those that are PvE only, may only be done to 'Weak' Rank enmies, and have little to no effect on Normal, Strong, or Boss Rank enemies. These may also be done to players IF it is planned OOC as a type of plot element.

    Costmetic Powers:
    True Abilities:
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    Lineage idea Empty Re: Lineage idea

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 22nd June 2016, 1:43 pm

    Name: Subject X-003
    An alien race that had developed a disease that sterilizes all females had come to the brink of extinction, the last hope for their species were 5 males who had put aside their differences and laid their weapons down while the rest of the men fought over the last remaining female. These men had originally went into hiding in an abandoned research facility on their home planet, tediously experimenting on the native fauna to attempt to alter their reproductive systems enough to accept artificial insemination and possibly save their dying race... However, after a hundred years they found no animal who's genetic coding was similar enough to their own for the tests to work. They decided to come to the surface, hoping that in their time underground their people would learn to do the same, but instead found a barren, wartorn wasteland with not a single sign of life beyond what few animals could survive the wars...

    These five males left their home, entering the Wakusei portals they all banded together for one last push. They met with the Magic Council, presenting them with a gift of peace, a single item which was able to convert even the most polluted lakes and rivers into a treasure trove for life to flourish. The council had accepted the gift, and agreed to aid the poor beings in their venture, assigning the greatest minds they could find, sparing no costs, and even raising multiple facilities to operate in sync with each other to accomplish the goal of resurrecting their people. Fastforward a century, the scientists had found that humans genetic coding was almost identcle to the alien race's, and had attempted using adult females to produce results, only to find that the infants born were all male. They had done experiments to alter the female's genome to be more dominant, but the experiments caused the adults to die off within days...

    After some time, another twenty-plus long years of trial and error, one of the doctors offered up his five year old daughter as the first subject... Subject A-001 was her new name, and to their marvel she survived the first experiment. The Magic Council had grown tired of losing money, and they had seen the recent rise in so-called 'Dark Guilds' and had ordered the scientists not only to develop the girl to be able to reproduce, but they wanted her to be a super-weapon to eradicate all dark guilds. This is where the real testing began... Covert squads had chosen young girls with similar magical capabilities to subject A-001. Originally, they had only taken the children whose parents willingly gave up, but proper subjects ran thin after the first ten thousand, and then the MC, deciding that they've spent too much money to fail now, ordered them to take the children by force. Fast forward three decades, twenty-three thousand young girls between the ages of two and nine had already been sacrificed in the name of science... Those who failed an experiment were killed off instantly, treated as nothing more than a piece of faulty machinery. Those who were mutated to the point where they were no longer human met the same end. Those who had mutated and became unkillable through conventional means were sent to other facilities to have more experiments performed on them, normally live ammunitions, chemical/drug, and anything too volatile for animals.

    At the end of this train of blood, sweat, tears, and death was Lexa Grimoire, otherwise known as X-003. The 23,003 girl to be put on the operating table, and the only one to survive every last experiment thus far. Her blood was replaced with a synthetic fluid that housed nano-technology for a better immune system. All of her internal organs except her brain and heart were replaced with synthetic, non-metallic versions to maximize efficiency. Muscles replaced with a more flexible, but tougher material that allows her to lift two million times her weight. Bones replaced with a material similar to carbon-fiber, except lighter, stronger, and impossible to break. Her entire body was implanted with circuity, turning her into a supercomputer like none-other and altering her magic to be lightning oriented. The final experiment for her was one that was delayed many times for fear of her becoming another failure... altering her ovaries to produce embryos that would accept the alien's genome and produce female children more frequently, without completely obliterating any chance of producing a male. In the end, her reproductive system was completely shut down and all of her memories had vanished... One of the aliens had grown a heart for the girl, and couldn't stand the idea of her being thrown out. He stole her, ran away, and began acting in place of the family she was originally stolen from, and telling her nothing of her origins.
    Style Stuff:
    True Abilities:

    A set of powerful passive abilities that revolve around Lexa's history as both a mercenary for Black Rose, and as the Magic Council's most hated, failed experiment.



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Lineage idea Empty Re: Lineage idea

    Post by desirée 16th December 2017, 5:22 pm

    Lineage idea XEibTrW


    Lineage idea IY2eFxu

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm