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    What we stand for. (Guild Information)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 780
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 337,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rift Skin
    Second Skill: Ishrowan's Gift
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    Star What we stand for. (Guild Information)

    Post by Zeon 29th April 2014, 2:35 am

    What we stand for. (Guild Information) Coolte33
    What we stand for. (Guild Information) Na21010

    I am your guildmaster Alexander Zenneth and I have questions for you. Why did you become a mage? Was it for power, glory, and honor or was it for something more? When you practiced your magic at a young age you did not dream of being second place. You wanted to be the most powerful, strongest or most recognized mage out there. To settle for anything else would be denying your potential, you seek perfection on the magic you do. We don’t care what path in life you walked, what demons you had in the past or what sins you left behind. You are with fellow comrades that want the same goal as you now. You are now one with the Nights Soul. You are Nox Animus.

    Now you may want to know what we stand for, and it’s simpler in concept than you think. Our goals are thus:

    What we stand for. (Guild Information) Coolte30
    We are a guild that defends our inner freedom, our will to do any action deemed just. You have the right to live free, to live your own life, to make your own choices. Nothing and nobody should tell you what to do, but do not deny others their freedom. With freedom comes innovation, creativity and a chance to rise to be better than you are. If you join, you have the right to voice your opinion and commit to your actions. You have the right to decide whether you are good or evil, you are free to determine your path in life. You are free to unlock your own potential as you deem fit.
    What we stand for. (Guild Information) Coolte31
    Everything in life is determined by wealth, power and prestige. As thus we are primarily a mercenary guild first to achieve power without any restraints placed on you. We will unlock that potential that you have deep within yourself and your magic. Its magic, a tool that you use to achieve your goals whether it be power, fame or fortune. We will do all that is possible to achieve your maximum potential and then surpass it. We will never give up on you until you become the mage that you aspire to be. For power is a means to an end for your goals. Power is needed to be used to make an impact in this world for good or evil. Power is a sign that you have met your true potential.
    What we stand for. (Guild Information) Coolte32
    The members of Nox Anima look after their own. We don't plan to be the biggest bunch of a**holes, we don't clamber over each other for power, we are brothers. Or more like the wolves; who hunt in a pack. The streets and allies of Fiore can throw up surprises for the unwary and you'll be glad that you've got the members of our guild on your side as you move around on jobs and personal goals. As far as we're concerned, once you've become an Anima, you're one of ours – a brother or sister in our wolf pack. And wolves never hunt alone…

    Last edited by Zenneth on 21st June 2014, 11:06 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 780
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 337,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rift Skin
    Second Skill: Ishrowan's Gift
    Third Skill:

    Star Re: What we stand for. (Guild Information)

    Post by Zeon 1st May 2014, 3:56 am

    Well now that we have gotten what we stand for, you ask what is our guildhall? Well we do not confine ourselves to 1 spot at all times. We are always on the move, always going towards the Dark Horizon. So that is why we fly on the Dreadnaught known as the Noximus. A gigantic airship that constantly travels to the next Horizon. I present to you all the Leviathan.

    The Noximus:

    As you can see this ship is so big that it carries a city on its back. This city is a steampunk genre city that focuses on progress above all things. This is a place where Black arts are accepted if it is for the greater good and tolerated as long as citizens are not harmed. This city is heavily industrialized thanks to the avoidance of paying Magic Council taxes and values innovation above all else. There is no law enforcement in Noximus, so all citizenry is considered armed and are told to bring justice into their own hands. In essence it keeps the peace for cheap, but there is a lot of violence that occur. The only real authority figures being the members of Nox Animus that can play as judge, jury and executioner as deemed fit when a crime occurs. However instead of displaying fear, Nox Animus members are treated like celebrities. The feel that the members will protect them and their freedoms as long as the peace is kept.

    Noximus is a multi cultural society that grabs culture from Fiore, Bosco, Minstrel and Caelum to make a culture that is open minded, industrious and a love for art. Most citizenry live in a higher standard as most of Fiore's Middle-lower class and even the poorest of citizens have jobs that give them food on the table. Begging is a crime and not allowed in the streets and is punishable as deemed fit of the property they are loitering. Regardless such occasions are rare, cause if all else fails there is always need for mechanics on Noximus.

    All in all while Noximus may not be the most peaceful of cities, in regards its better than living in poverty in most of Fiore.

    Glimpses Into the City of Noximus:

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:27 am