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    Skrillex magic


    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 4
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    Skrillex magic Empty Skrillex magic

    Post by Skrillex 18th June 2016, 10:52 am


    Primary Magic: Etherion Dance Magic
    Secondary Magic: None
    Caster or Holder: Lost Magic
    Etherion Dance Magic is the manipulation of magical barriers particles to affect light waves and sound waves. The effects vary from simple hypnotic dazzling illumination and relaxing melodies to searing focused rays of death and earth rending symphonies. Usually triggered by moving his fingers, making gestures with his hands, feet or head. In a sense, it gives the illusion that the user is making the victim dance like puppets on a string.

    *Can put enemies into a trance like state.
    *Can blind enemies temporarily with blinding lights.
    *Can instill ideas into peoples head with subliminal messages hidden within his tunes.
    *Can cause pain either by focused beam of lights, intense shock waves or poison from ethernano.
    *Can briefly materialize his true form for a short time which makes him resistance to dark and poisonous and corrosive magic and laces his basic spells with a lethal dose of ethernano.

    *He uses music and light to entrance his victims, it would be wasted on the blind or tone deaf and those wearing eye or ear protectors and if its used in areas that muffle sound waves or in a place that is already bright.
    *Most of his magic need hand or body movement to activate, and he cant do that if he is immobilized or unconscious.
    *Potency of his spells diminishes as it spreads to cover more area. It is ideally useful to use it in enclosed areas or places where the acoustics is good or the lighting is dim.
    *Most of his spells are area effect spells so there is a high chance that allies might get hit as well.
    *Showing his true form is risky, leaving the host body lowers its defense and magic resistance greatly, it doubles damage taken from any form of attacks.
    *If the host body is destroyed and the duration of its physical manifestation ends, skrillex will remain in dark mist form until he finds another host. While in mist form he can scatter all he likes but he cant affect objects, use magic other than infest.

    Lineage: This is an additional bit of lore or abilities your roll for in the The ancient one forum, when you roll and find out what you have, copy and paste the lineage here!
    Unique Abilities:
    *Etherious, like most demon from the book of Zeref he is protected by a thin coating of magic particle barrier which makes him more resistant to dark,poison and corrosive magic by a one third compared to regular people. This also makes physical contact with him very dangerous.
    *Etherion form, like most demon from the book of Zeref, they have their make shift form adn true form. His true form is a shade like slender humanoid creature with eight extra appendages in the form of tentacles. His overall stats rises by half in this form and all his attacks are laced with ethernano. However there are side effects, can can only maintain this form for four turns and it consumes half his current mana energy and he can only do this once every 8 turns.

    (List the abilities it provides, make sure to separate each ability! Abilities are like passive traits, or a hidden power that can be activated for a very limited amount of time. These abilities are Unique to your characters specific use of the magic! As a starting D rank character, you are able to have 3 unique abilities, refer to the magic rules for abilities higher than D rank.)

    Spell Template

    Name: ( Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? H, S, A, B, C, or D)
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Duration:(How long does the spell last?)
    Cooldown:( How long does it take for the spell to be usable again? Usually one post extra than your duration.)
    Description: ( How the spell is cast, what it looks like, what it does, extra info. Make sure to get into detail. You are required to list a given Speed,  Range,  Area of Effect,  and any applicable measurements (such as the size of a created barrier).  All of these are as appropriate.  Some spells wont have a speed,  some wont have an AoE. But include all that apply. Please make sure that all of these measurements are easily identifiable)
    Strengths: ( List all the positive aspects of the spell Like above, list all of the strengths of the spell. Remember to separate each individually and bullet point them. These strengths much represent your spell, and not the over-all strength of the magic.)
    Weaknesses: ( List all the negative aspects of the spell and all the weaknesses like above as well. You must have at least one more weakness than strengths. Remember to separate them individually and bullet point them. These weaknesses must represent your spell, and not the over-all weakness of the magic)

    List of Spell Fusions:(Locked until B rank)(List your Spell Fusions here, name them, category them, have them make sense, and most importantly make them shiny!)

    Name Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? H, S, A, B, C, or D)
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Fused Spells(What Spells Went into the Fusion and their Ranks?)



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Skrillex magic Empty Re: Skrillex magic

    Post by desirée 16th December 2017, 5:21 pm

    Skrillex magic XEibTrW


    Skrillex magic IY2eFxu

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm