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    Flame Exocist Concert (Flame Demon Slayer)


    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 29
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Flame Exocist Concert (Flame Demon Slayer) Empty Flame Exocist Concert (Flame Demon Slayer)

    Post by Kiku 25th June 2016, 2:37 pm


    Primary Magic: Flame Exorcist Concert
    Secondary Magic:
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description:Somewhat again, Kiku has gone and made somewhat of a mocking tribute to a style of magic. After having his domain of wind stolen from him, he had to look else where for magic. He was so used to alternate methods of using magic, he couldn’t just be normal like other people. Say, hunting down a fire demon to learn how to make demon slayer magic, and all. No, being the man who desecrated holy artifacts before, Kiku took it upon himself to his know innate knowledge of Demon slayer magic, and of the world to create a unique manner of magic. Despite being in it’s core, demon slayer magic, it was so different in terms of use that Kiku had given it a new name, one that was fitting. Flame Exocist. Though it took awhile for him to come up with a fitting conduit for this style. He wanted something that was still fitting to the monkier of Flame Exorcist. It finally hit him the day when he was moving through a village, and saw someone playing on a drum for a celebration.

    He spent a while getting it right, but eventually he figured out a way to conjure a set of drums. Obviously this gives him something of a downside, being that he’d have to be stationary to a degree to  be able to play his drums well enough. Using this magic, he plays selective notes, or beats which result in numerous things. He will either buff surrounding allies, trap enemies, and deliver crushing or destructive blasts of fire coming from the fire.


    • Things that naturally change state when introduced to fire are weak to this magic, allowing his to deal an extra 50% damage against Ice, metal, plant or nature magics.
    • Can add the damage from Wind Magic spells of Equal or Lesser Rank to his own Fire demon slayer effects, by the wind fueling the fire.
    • Fire demon slayer spells instantly turn to steam and blaze through any non-magical or Lesser Ranked Water spells and enchantment before even contacting it just by nearing it from the raw heat of his fire.
    • Can consume any other style of fire magic, except for those of god slayers
    • Due to the intense heat of these flames, equipment takes an additional 50% from his spells

    • While he is able to consume any style of fire magic, he is also at times annoyed that he can’t consume the flames of a god slayer
    • Being as it’s fire, and it’s not picky, Runa has to be careful around his allies, as to not hurt them in the process.
    • Earth spells on rank, or higher than his spell can block his fire with no issue
    • His magic being as it’s fire is highly volatile, and sometimes outright unstable.
    • Wind spells of a higher rank will blow out his fire.
    • Water Spells of Equal or Greater Rank extinguish the spells from Fire demon slayer Magic.

    Spirit Of Corruption:
    Description: Aeons ago, a noble king made a deal with a deity of deception and malice. The deal was that he would sacrifice his entire family, along with himself, in a dark ritual in honour of the being, but would have his kingdom spread across the world to become a global empire. What really was the case, however, was that the same deity had previously forged a contract with a rivalling kingdom. The deceiving god would ruin the noble king's growing country and would in turn receive the hand of the rivalling king's daughter, whom was so beautiful even the god had become captivated by her. Thus, the deity tricked the noble king to kill himself and all heirs to the throne, eventually leading to political wars for the empty throne of power which ravaged the kingdom and killed it from within.
    To this day the deceived king's angered spirit roams the world in it's quest for vengeance, sometimes possessing the bodies of children at birth and remaining dormant within them until his wrath is called upon.
    Ability:  Calling upon the power of the king, and the vast population that died upon the deal’s completion, the user can expel an energy burst outward from themselves, knocking anything around the user away or unconscious. The energy blast has a range of 20 meters, in which the first ten meters from the epicenter can cause intense vertigo or loss of consciousness for anyone that is at least two ranks below the user. If one is 11 meters to 20 meters away from the epicenter, they will simply be knocked back violently.  Can be resisted by those who are well braced and sturdy. Anything caught in the energy burst will be dealt user ranked spell damage(max S-rank)
    Usage: Instant effect with an 8 post cooldown.
    Unique Abilities:

    • Master of the beat - The base of Kiku’s magic is music played on a drum that is conjured from flames. The sound of the beats are actually replicated by the fire it’s made from. Though onto what Kiku uses is interesting in that it varies. Kiku is able to summon up to three different style of drums, and depending on what style he uses a different effect is applied to the spell he casts.

      • Bougarabou: A style of drum that is designed to resonate with a heavy base tone. This style of drum is normally carried over someones shoulder. This is the style of drum that Kiku would normally use for situations when he has to keep moving.In this style, all spells that he uses move 20% faster.
      • Multitenor: The Multitenor are a set of drums that come in a set of six. Normally they’d been worn on a brace that would be worn over the shoulders, but for Kiku they always hover infront of him within arms reach. While playing these his spells would pack a heavier hit. Slamming his foe with 20% more damage per hit of his spells.
      • 360 Drum kit: A kit that rarely Kiku will pull out. This is normally reserved for an occasion where the enemy are wide spread, and many in number. This drum set that completely surrounds Kiku, allowing him no matter which way he turns to play, and deliver reverberating blast after another. While using this one Kiku’s spells will have their normal AOE increased by 20%. Spells that don’t normally have one will have a AOE added. 10 meters at D-rank, and +10 for every rank it has above D-rank.

    • Cleansing flames of the Exorcist - Kiku is naturally immune to having his body manipulated by Blood Magic, and Poison / Venom / Toxin type effects have their duration reduced by 1/2 as his flames naturally burns off the outside and unwelcome things rapidly.
    • Heat of the Drum: - When Kiku plays, he plays with some serious heat, and thats no metaphor. His drums, unless playing on a pair given to him by someone else, are made of pure fire, and as such would burn a normal person. For Kiku, he’s immune to the blaze of his own drums and their by products. For those that touch his drums made of fire, they would take a hit of damage equal to his rank.
    • [i}Rolling Beat:[/i]- Like any concert you go to, the drummer constantly goes. Even after each song, the drummer tends to not get much rest before hitting the sticks again. Rolling with that theme with Kiku, for each spell/beat he goes into after ending one begins to stack rock counters. For each ‘Rock’ counter he has, his spell power is increased by 10%. The moment he leaves combat the counters reset. They also reset if he goes a post without using a spell of some kind.

    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 29
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Flame Exocist Concert (Flame Demon Slayer) Empty Re: Flame Exocist Concert (Flame Demon Slayer)

    Post by Kiku 28th June 2016, 2:06 pm

    Name: Flaming Exorcist’s Crash
    Rank: C (Sig)
    Type: Slayer
    Cooldown: -
    Description: A simple spell really for Kiku. In any form of the drums that he is playing he will strike the drum and released a large wave of fire in all directions from him. With the power behind the fire, it is possible to knock someone on his rank about 10 meters, and above him 5. This wave goes out 30 meters in all directions and travels at a rate of 25 m/s.

    • Useful for cases when people are surrounding him.


    • If he isn’t careful, he will get his allies in crossfire.
    • Isn’t very useful if he can’t touch a drum

    Name: Cooldown
    Rank: D
    Type: Slayer
    Cooldown: 2
    Description: A simple spell. Firstly, this can’t be used unless coming after another spell. The spell itself allows Kiku a moment to rest, giving him a momentary rest as his finger or sticks tap a light rthym on a drum. During this time Kiku calms himself, bringing back half of the mana spent on the last spell he used.

    • Restores his mana up to 50% of the last spell he last used.


    • Does no damage what so ever
    • Can only be used after another spell.



    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Flame Exocist Concert (Flame Demon Slayer) Empty Re: Flame Exocist Concert (Flame Demon Slayer)

    Post by desirée 16th December 2017, 5:23 pm

    Flame Exocist Concert (Flame Demon Slayer) XEibTrW


    Flame Exocist Concert (Flame Demon Slayer) IY2eFxu

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:36 pm