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    The demon pact.(ring)

    Miyuki( みゆき)
    Miyuki( みゆき)

    Gain An Artifact- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 108
    Guild : Fairy Tail.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arctic wind.
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    Bump The demon pact.(ring)

    Post by Miyuki( みゆき) 12th May 2016, 10:11 am

    Type: Ring

    Description: This ring is a ring that shows the blood pact that Miyuki made with the demons of the underworld. This ring gives Miyuki a red aura.

    Rank: Weak.

    Abilities:This ring  gives him the ability to smell blood,which helps him track animals..But it can't smell out humanoid creatures for their blood is different.It also serves as a reminder that he can do things unthinkable for he is a vampire the ring doesn't allow him to do unthinkable things. Which boosts his morale and gives him a frightening aura which may scare friendly people away once they sense it..It let's him smell if someone is good or bad by their blood scent for the hotter the blood is the bitter the smell,hot blood usually means aggressive people Cold for calm people..

    Strengths: Let's the user smell danger and track animals.

    Weaknesses: Is very noticable,vampire hunters could realize he's a demon.
    It can frighten people,making them avoid him.

    Last edited by Miyuki( みゆき) on 12th May 2016, 11:16 am; edited 1 time in total


    I need power to get revenge. As long as it's within my reach, I don't care if it's from a demon or a devil.

    Who am I? Good question. Shouldn't my looks give it away? I'm just your average vampire.

       The demon pact.(ring) Hyakuya.Mikaela.600.1875753   The demon pact.(ring) Hyakuya.Mikaela.600.1984160

    Fubuki the Elegant(Companion) ~ Magic.

    Bump Re: The demon pact.(ring)

    Post by Guest 12th May 2016, 11:13 am

    Hey there, Miyuki. So, I'll be the one grading your item app for the day, and so, anything in this color is a suggested change. If you have any concerns or comments about asked changes, please message me.

    Bump Re: The demon pact.(ring)

    Post by Guest 12th May 2016, 11:30 am

    The demon pact.(ring) QbJa7GR

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:12 pm