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    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber


    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,737.5

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    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
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    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber Empty The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber

    Post by Dubhlainn 8th February 2016, 2:35 am

    The peaceful days were the most happiest of days in Savage Skull or rather the closest to a happy day, a refuge from war is the ultimate medicine that Dubhlainn needs, however a few habits in the old veteran still remained as he sat in his room, lining up a case of machinegun bullets with sharp tips, should these be fired by the machine gun, it would rip the flesh and cut the muscle fibers, almost completely. A guard knocks on the door, breaking the silence of his quarters, notifying him that the Guildmaster Lady Janneline has returned from her journey. The bullets which stood on his table tumble down as he stood, he left the room without even caring to clean up his playful mess.

    The guards shouted to open the gates as Lady Janneline would have returned from her journey, as she entered into the courtyard, two lines of soliders from either side greeted to her path towards the inner guild hall. Dubhlainn opened the Guildhall doors in order to greet her with a bow. No words needed as his attendance was all that matter for Guildmaster Janneline’s official return.

    He then escorted her up to the Guildmaster’s office, explaining to her the new additions to the roster handled by the Guild’s Butler Viktor and Thorn who was the acting guildmaster for the whole period she was away. If Janneline were to ask for the presence of these new members Dubhlainn would simply explain that they have gone to their respective tasks. He knew Janneline had to undergo training with her magic for a while to find her “center” whatever that maybe. Dubhlainn placed the documents on the table for Janneline to read, reports of recent activity but of course these were the necessary ones that she would like to hear, they mostly consist of the new additions to the roster, carefully profiled and compiled for Janneline to read. Another was recruitment rates for Savage Skull’s security roster has dimmed significantly apart from the actual mages that had join that rose to such a rate.

    As well as purchases of new utensils, stationary equipment, a new set of wooden dummies for target practice, the expansion of the armory as requested by Za’cha himself and more were all presented.
    Dubhlainn did his job well vigorously much like any lapdog to a King he made it his duty to submit all these responsibilities. As much as Dubhlainn would like to ask of how her training went during her absence in the guild, perhaps her return was a result of success therefore making it the most stupid of questions. He only talks when talked to and speaks when it is necessary.

    WC per post: 450 and 20 post minimum per player


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
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    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber Empty Re: The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber

    Post by Janneline Ariel 9th February 2016, 11:19 am

    we paint white roses red, each shade from a different person's head

    Journeys were never pleasant. Leaning against the back of the seat in the carriage, Janneline Ariel sighed, passing a hand through her loose locks, strawberry blonde hair falling on her black cloak. Taking a pair of pins with bear ornaments from her pockets, Janna quickly tied her hair in a pair of pigtails, blue eyes analyzing the scenery outside as her transport approached the Savage Skull guildhall, the very place Janna called "home", the only place which had accepted her when everyone refused to. She had been a foolish girl, with a knightly attitude, yet wrong ideas. Ideas which the Magic Council dissaproved off. Ideas of freedom that wouldn't satisfy the economic desires of the Magic Council's members. Ever so often, the Savage Skull Guildmaster couldn't help but wonder, what would have happened if the Rune Knights had accepted her. What would have happened, if, instead of being on the wrong side of the law, she had been on the right one? If she had banished the ideas of freedom from her head.

    And yet, the answer was always the same. Janna could not imagine herself banishing the ideals in which she had believed her entire life because of a simple faction, nor could she imagine herself anywhere, except in Savage Skull. Although a cruel, sinister place, the Illegal Guild had accepted her as she was, and had forged her into the person she was today, allowing her to do whatever she pleased with her life, to serve whoever she thought convenient, and so forth. Savage Skull had been the only Guild that accepted to give her the freedom she longed for. And Janna would never forget that. Then, the feeling of being free to do whatever she pleased had became Janna's medicine and drug. It had became so addicting that Janna kept experimenting, forcing her limits, trying to see what points she could reach and get away with it. And one thing led to another, she find the extreme pleasure in ending the lives of those who opposed her, and slowly, yet progressively, the shell she had kept herself closed in had began breaking, showing the world just how psychotic, yet reasonable and calm she could be.

    And now, the chaos was her new drug.

    Snapping out of her thoughts as the carriage stopped in front of the tall, dead silent castle, Janneline elegantly got up, getting out of the carriage through the door opened for her by her loyal servants. The sound of her heels hitting the stone pavement beneath her feet being the only noise heard, Janna silently made her way towards the walls, greeting the guards with a simple nod. Words weren't neaded in the Savage Skull guildhall. The members, most of them quiet and calm, didn't need to greet someone with words, causing noise and trouble. Here, the relationships were much colder, yet about as sincere as any other.... Or so Janna expected.

    It was no surprise to see Dubhlainn's face first as the Savage Skull Guildmaster entered the hall through the massive entrance doors. A small smile drawing on her lips, the strawberry blonde mage greeted her most loyal Knight, a man with an attitude somewhat similar to her own, or well, her attitude before Janna became an addict of chaos and murder. Although hesitant at first, Dubhlainn had not needed much time to follow Janna and become loyal to her, about as loyal as he had been to Aedre while she was alive, or Harrigan before he dissapeared. Noticing how the smile from her face quickly faded at the thought of the dissapearance of her Master and one of the people in the guild she respected the most. The fact that the two people that had been the most important to Janna in a certain time of her life had suddenly faded away, into the black mist, still brought deep pain to the Artificial Human. Artificial Humans weren't supposed to feel pain, and that was the scariest part.

    And, as expected, it was paperwork what expected Janna. Papers regarding what had happened in the guild, letters adressed to Janna, Photographs of monsters roaming the Guild area... Just the typical things. A sigh escaping her lips, Janna let herself fall in her chair, behind her mahogany desk, throwing the cloak away, not giving a damn about where it fell. She'd pick it up later on, probably. Or someone else would. Honestly, if this cloak wasn't useful, she would have burned it ages ago. Having to remember the time at which she hood her face, ashamed of her alignment, was not pleasant. And that cloak, the cloth with which she hid her face, was not something that she wanted to have near now, considering how she was. How foolish she had been, to fear the authorities then. The authorities could do absolutely nothing against the dark guilds now. Mostly because Janna was ready to bash their heads to the wall if they tried to near her precious members. When Harrigan had left, Janna had swore to give her own life in order to protect the guild, if necessary. Savage Skull was meant to live on for centuries, and if the sacrifice of a Guild Master would keep it safe, then be it so.

    Slim fingers dancing around the desk, picking up letters and opening them cauteously with her sharp, red nails, Janna couldn't avoid it but feel bored by the entire situation. Journeys weren't pleasant, mostly because of the fact that she couldn't hijack a carriage to Bellum all the time, but paperwork is even worse. Having to sit in an office all day, dealing with letters and more letters... Where was the freedom in that? That was when, by accident, Janna's hand took a grey-ish letter. Eyebrow rising, the blonde opened the letter without hesitation, Janna's cold blue eyes dashed through the lines, assimilating the information offered in the small, yet interesting letter.

    To whom this may concern,

    For many years scientist and powerful mages have been trying to figure out why magic cannot be used in the Neutral Grounds. A few years back a few scientist have found an anomaly underground that may be connected to the mystery of why magic and lacrima have no power in this city. My informant was able to get a hold of classified material. Apparently the Magic Council and the leading scientist of the Neutral Grounds, have made a joint effort to research the anomaly underground. A deep underground facility was constructed to be the main base for all this research. Not only was the facility a research base, it was also used to develop new weapons and various other devices that may be of interest. However an incident occurred in the facility, a total of 50 scientist and workers where killed in a "facility accident". No other information was found, all that is known is that the Magic Council and the Leading Scientist have swept the project under the rug. No one, except us, know that the facility was ever there. Whats even more odd, the council and the Scientist where never able to recover their data and research. Your job is to assemble a team and infiltrate the abandoned facility. Make your way to the facilities power core and start up the back up generator. This should give you enough power to boot up the computers in the main data storage section. Download all the information, escape and give it too me. You'll be able to meet my assistant in the Neutral Grounds near central district. He has the map of the whole lab, and information on the experiments that seem to be still wandering in the facility. I've sent three parties already, none have come back alive. If you take this job, you all will be rewarded handsomely. My assistant will be waiting for you all at midnight, if you still have not arrived then. I shall assume you have declined to take this job. But if you do come, I wish you luck. Proceed with caution...after all you won't be able to use your magic here....

    ~Yours truly,

    Dr. John Dee

    ... A request about investigation, where one would be unable to use his or her magic? Poor John Dee... To think there was someone foolish enough to accept this request, when they would spend the entire time without magic, like literal humans... The sole idea made Janna shiver, a sensation of disgust forming in her, yet, she could not help but feel curious. Truly, why were mages unable to perform their arts there? It was such a peculiar place. Perhaps, just perhaps, going on a small investigation mission wouldn't hurt.

    Moving her eyes to the knight before her, Janna remembered that she wasn't alone in her office all of sudden. It was interesting how she managed to forget about everything when something new occupied her mind and took it away from other matters. A small smile dancing on her lips, Janna folded the letter and shoved it into the pocket of her cardigan, placing her elbows on the table, her chin on her hands.

    Ah, leave the paperwork, Dubh. We both know it's boring, doing it and talking about it, that is. Tell me, are you busy? I may have a small request for you, something you may find rather... interesting.

    NOTES: Inspired by "Young and Beautiful" and "Wildest Dreams"


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
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    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber Empty Re: The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber

    Post by Dubhlainn 10th February 2016, 8:43 am

    Though despite the fact that Janneline earned the right to become Harrigan Crawford’s successor he still doubts Janneline’s abilities to function without magic. Of course it’s a natural habit for most mages to even abuse their powers even for the most trivial of things, well at least that’s how things run in earthland, Mirai’s methods of magecraft is rather more refined than it was here in earthland.

    In Mirai, mages refused to reveal to one another that they possess magic and rather reserve their powers as a kind of trump card to break out of sticky situations and surprise their enemies with their abilities. Thus is the reason why Dubhlainn is so well reserved on his because he believed he can overcome anything even without magic as any normal human, overcoming and survive calamity much as how most of the Mirai military would. Such belief refined him, forged him to the man he was today, the only thing Savage Skull members and staff find strange is that he wore an unreadable expression and rarely questions orders from the Pillar Leaders or his Guildmaster unlike some of the footman and guild mages themselves.
    The contract Dubhlainn has with Lord Harrigan still persists to this very day, in his absence, Dubhlainn agreed to look after Savage Skull alongside the new guildmaster in hopes to spark a seed of opportunity for Savage Skull to truly rise again, should that ambition be realized, Dubhlainn’s contract and ties with the Savage Skull guild would be null and void. Hence his service with the guild is not truly that of loyalty, rather serving only to repay a debt he owes to his first master here in Earthland. To this day the disappearance of his Master Harrigan has been a mystery even to him.

    He is still getting used to Lady Janneline and choose to go along with it to whatever suits her best no matter how foolish the decision. However when it comes to loyalty to Lord Harrigan perhaps Janneline would have shown to be a much better example but that all depends on the reason why  she joined the guild. Dubhlainn only had joined the Guild a few months ago while Harrigan was still occupying the seat so he wouldn’t know much about everyone, duties to the Azeron alliance and contributions to the guild was his first priority before having any kind of relationships with his members.

    He would usually enjoy the drops of peace time offered him the whole time he’s been with the guild and perhaps those were the best times of his life here, no conflicts or war, a time of tranquility in exchange for a chance to get to know the guild members better.

    Dubhlainn snapped back into reality as Janneline started to speak. She tells him that paperwork is undeserving of her time and shows no interest in looking over most of it. She picked up a piece of paper that seemed to have captured her attention, a job request involving Neutral Grounds it seems which he plans to post later in the job board for Thorn to file it out.

    He can tell, grey letters are usually requests from Neutral Grounds; after all he’s the one responsible for delivering paperwork to the office every now and then.

    “I have time, what may this request be Lady Janneline?”


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
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    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber Empty Re: The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber

    Post by Janneline Ariel 16th February 2016, 12:28 pm

    we paint white roses red, each shade from a different person's head

    I'm the Master of a freak show.

    Still hesitant about the job before her, Janneline stared at it with her icy blue eyes, trying to avoid the habit of biting her lip when doubting. Curiosity was killing her; the reason as to why magic refused to work within the lands of the Neutral Grounds had always been a mistery; not even scientist, not even archmages could encounter the reason as to why magic refused to work within the area of the city. There was a plethora of theories; some thought that ages ago, some freak accident had took place at the city, spreading some sort of essence which stopped magic from working within the Neutral Grounds; other thought there was some sort of anti-magical source spread in the soil or something that disabled the supernatural abilities of mages. It was the eternal mystery, the horror of mages, and the heaven for normal people who wanted to lead a normal life.

    And yet now, someone was offering a dark mage to go and investigate the scene in order to deschipher the eternal mystery. The reasoning behind the offer were even a bigger mystery than the one that surrounded the Neutral Lands; yet it had achieved its objective: It had captivated Janneline's attention. Albeit she detested humans and wanted to purge Fiore from this plague called Ordinary human beings, Janneline was more than ready to throw herself into the Devil's Den, the most normal place on Fiore, and try to deschipher its curse. The Homunculus had an undying will to achieve knowledge about everything surrounding her. So she could know this land better than her own native land, Bellum. The thought of Bellum brought Janna peaceful, pleasant memories back. The days in which she was a mere child, so calm and happy, when she felt not troubled by anything in particular and happily walked alongside her father, dressed in the finest dress, the best satin covering her childish body, her hair combed into a ponytail, soft and always perfect.

    How much she had changed.

    The calm, happy girl had faded away to reveal a psychotic persona, impatient and violent, willing to end with the lives of people who disagreed with her point of view among certain topics. She was a free, untameable soul, a beast that, if unchained, could cause a massacre without doubting. What had happened with the cheerful little girl? Where had she gone? Had the monster hidden in Janna's head eaten her through the years, or had she simply faded. The answer was fairly simple; Life had killed her. Life had taught Janneline that she was not supposed to trust anyone or be as social as she used to be, it taught her that the cheerful people usually were the easiest to trick.

    And the easiest to manipulate and kill. With the course of the uncountable years, the cheerful little girl kept withering, before finally, she died, quickly replaced by the pig-tailed monster that now sat in the Guild Master's seat and observed with analytic eyes the man before her. Did Dubhlainn accept her? It was a mystery. He had been as loyal to Harrigan as Janneline herself while she was a Knight. Althought they had not met or spoken very often during Harrigan's reign, although both of them were one of the same, knights that needed someone to be loyal to, someone to devote their life to. Shamefully, though, Harrigan's reign has ended. A new Queen has taken the throne, and, like it or not, she was to be accepted and praised. Janneline Ariel's name was known in the Guild for a reason; her pillar, while she had been a Pillar head, had dedicated itself to hunting down the traitors, assesing the most cruel tortures, and, after that, death itself, upon them. One head more or less in the guild, it made no difference. Those who opposed the Guild Master were not worthy to be in the guild.

    And those who had left the guild, forcefully or willingly, were not worthy to live. Because if there was one thing every member of Savage Skull was forced to devote to their guild, was literally their life. Because once you set foot in Savage Skull and become a part of it, the only way to make it out it in a coffin. And let's just say that that was not an option many members appreciated.

    Getting up, Janna began walking around the massive office that now pertained to her, filled with ancient relics, books and documents containing information about Savage Skull's incredible past. Holding the letter in her right hand, scarlet nails stuck in the paper, the Guild Mistress simply walked around calmly, listening to the noise her heels made upon impacting with the stone floor beneath her, filling the cold, sinister office. Should she trust Dubhlainn and invite him alongisde her? Perhaps; some reinforcements would be of use, and Janna had never really worked with him. She wanted to see how all her members worked, how they acted in battle, so that, if there was a sole coward, she could send him to the coffin directly.

    Cowards had no place in her guild. It was time to bring Savage Skull back to the top, and if Janna wanted to achieve that, she had to kick out all those who were too scared to fight for the cause. After all, a scared knight could only be a nuissance to the troops, and no help at all. Fear paralyzed people, and in a battle between Good and "Evil", a single second of paralysis could determine the outcome of the battle. If Janneline was one thing besides the mistress of blades, then it was a master strategist. Because a knight wasn't only made to fight; knights were also masters of strategy, intelligent beings that could quickly improvise a plan to cut your head off. She'd need help in the Neutral Grounds, though. Nothing guaranteed the Homunculus that she'd be able to stumble upon a bow or something to use to fight with, and her weapons; well, they were inusable. She'd have literally no access to her beloved pocket dimension, so she would be unable to exquip absolutely anything. Oh the joy.

    Hence why, Janneline wanted Dubhlainn to assist her. Aside from the need to evaluate him, Janna wanted to see how capable he is in a fight and if he'd defend his guildmaster if there was such need. It was the perfect test, overall.

    I've received this letter about an invesitgation mission in the Neutral Grounds. I know it doesn't sound like something our dear freak guild would be in charge of, but well, why wouldn't we give it a go? I mean, we're going to reveal the biggest mystery of Fiore, the reason as to why magic is rendered useless in the Neutral grounds. This could give us enormous advantage over the Legal Guilds in a future war, and I, naturally, as a future leader of the war, am willing to capture this city for strategical means, discover its secrets in order to get a small advantage over the Legal mages. Are you willing to come with me, become a part of the Glorious Rise of Savage Skull?

    NOTES: Inspired by "Young and Beautiful" and "Wildest Dreams"


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
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    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber Empty Re: The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber

    Post by Dubhlainn 17th February 2016, 8:45 am

    He listened to every word attentively as his Guildmaster walked across the room nonchalantly, her eyes were those lost in thought. He never knew that his new Guildmaster would be interested in mysteries such as this, though of course there’s only one man to consult to when it comes to such matters and it was none other than “HIM” however locating him would take a period of time, also his lecherous behavior might get him killed when he interacts with Janneline.

    He’s an old pervert that outcome is to be expected.

    The idea was immediately thought up and rejected even though the Old Magician may have something up his sleeve, one wrong move he’d spell his own doom but if Dubhlainn would request Janneline to wait for him to get information about the Neutral Grounds, she’d be too suspicious of him, not that he’s going to do anything wrong, rather it was because of the Old Magician that he was able to adjust to Earthland’s customs. Mirai and Earthland are not different in terms of social environment.

    She was wise to come up with the idea to take over the Neutral Grounds, after all Dubhlainn has connections to the people there including the famous politician Degardo who also heads a crime organization, controlling both the legal world and the underworld. Magic is uncommon to those who don’t possess it and Mages were a threat to common sense but without their powers they are nothing more that lowly resistance fighters who doesn’t even know how to use a gun properly.
    Looking back on her desk, she left most of the paperwork unattended as much as Dubhlainn would recommend her finishing her paperwork first; she’d refuse as it would be too much of a hassle. She even ignored the report that Sinali’s “parting gift” of an experiment still lurks within the catacombs even to this day. It’s funny how it’s still alive no matter how many times the members would have destroyed it, it just keeps coming back almost as if its phenomenon rather than a magical creature with an unholy attribute.
    And then a thought came to him like a magnum bullet shot right into his brain. This was the perfect opportunity to see how Guildmaster Janneline would operate even without the use of magic. Should she succeed through this quest without the use of magic, Dubhlainn would fully acknowledged her as a Guildamaster and that she’d gain his respect as a knight.

    If he has not mistaken, there was gossip about Lady Janneline implying that she’s an requip user. However once she enters the neutral grounds she would have no access to any of her weapons for the whole time they are in the city. Perhaps there should be more to what Dubhlainn wishes to see in this new guildmaster, giving her a weapon that she’s not used to. Sure that most requip mages were used to the idea of magical weapons, a thunder lance, a flame sword, a holy shield, a cursed axe but how would she fare with a weapon made from the modern age? He couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought as a smirk escaped from his dull and stone faced expression for a brief moment.

    “I am pleased to hear you’re interested Lady Janneline and also glad that you have taken this as a good opportunity to see whether the investigation would benefit us or not. The common mediocrity most mages share is that they abuse their magic and without the very weapon they rely on they are utterly useless, I have to agree with no debate at all.”

    He can’t help it, her eyes were star-crossed with curiosity and if she’s willing to learn the ways of modern life with humans who don’t possess magic then Dubhlainn shall not question any more of her abilities and would arrive to a great conclusion but until then he considers Janneline to possess the same mediocrity as most mages would have.

    “I am, as Lord Harrigan would have wished, if I may have your permission, I shall inform the men to ready the carriage, my horse and I will be your companions on this journey.”


    | Character Application | History | Primary Magic | Secondary Magic | Affiliations | The Bunker | Miscellaneous |
    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
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    Third Skill:

    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber Empty Re: The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber

    Post by Janneline Ariel 29th February 2016, 4:50 am

    we paint white roses red, each shade from a different person's head

    Boy, did the mages abuse of magic. Janneline knew that best, probably. Having grown up in a place where magic was something about as usually seen as grass, Janna had withnessed in many ocassions how humans, or those that posess magic at the very least, took every single opportunity they had in order to abuse of their magic. Her father wasn't an exception. If he needed a jacket, he'd simply touch another cloth and a jacket would magically appear, thanks to his knowledge of alchemy. He'd use that knowledge in every single situation. Which was such a waste, honestly. The massive abuse of magic had always bothered Janneline; hence why her weapons only left the pocket dimension when a battle was inevitable. Or when someone had to get threathened.

    Without her weapons, Janna would be completely defenseless, though. Her pocket dimension would be sealed shut until they managed to deactivate whatever was eliminating the magic from the Neutral Grounds, and she'd had to rely only on her brute force. Thankfully, though, the blondie wasn't exactly as weak as she seemed at first sight. Being an homunculus, a God-blessed one at that, granted her a few priviledges and abilities, which only reinforced her supperiority to humans. Better senses, greater speed, and of course, greater strength. No human could rival her in terms of strength. Oh, how pleasant it was, at that, to see the surprised faces of humans when a simple slap managed to send them against the wall. It was priceless.

    Heading back towards her desk, Janneline bented, remining hidden from view for a few seconds thanks to her height while carefully she introduced a key inside the keyhole of a drawer. Hearing the click after a few seconds, the Savage Skull Guildmaster took out a wooden chest from inside of it. It was a rather large chest, descorated with gemoetrical ornaments and the LeBlanc insignia on top of it. A small sigh escaping her lips, Janneline stared at the ornate chest for a few seconds, doubtful about wether she should or should not open it and reveal the secret hidden within. She remembered the day in which she received the chest too clearly; though it had ocurred years ago, so many that Janneline could barely recall the amount; much less the year. She was a teen at the time; fearless yet well-behaved and elegant, perhaps too elegant for a homunculus that was created to be a soldier; and not the perfect aristocrate, though her father had ended up teaching her how to be a perfect noble anyways. The beautiful chest had caught the attention of the homunculus instantly. Curious as to what it held, Janna barely listened to her father's words; instead, she focused on the chest. Though, a few significant words remained engraved in her mind; perhaps the only ones she heard.

    Use this weapon wisely, Diana. There will be times, in which you will be unable to use magic for one reason or another one. You can't rely on magic always. But you can rely on normal weapons always. Or well, partially normal.

    So, her father had been right. There would be a time, in which her magic would fail her. And that time had arrived. When magic weapons failed you, normal weapons were the only source you can rely on entirely. The only ones which would serve in any situation to their master, regardless if she could use her magic or not. Opening the chest slowly, her hand moving towards the beautiful gun hidden inside, a small smile drew on the blonde's smile. It was a magnificent creation; made by the best crafters in Bellum, made with the best materials that could be found in all Earthland, the Bloody Rose was a machine for death; and a work of art none less. Passing her fingers through it slowly, blue eyes focused on the magnificent weapon in her hands, Janna turned to Dubhlainn, a smirk on her lips.

    A work of art, isn't it? I didn't think that my father would be right, and that I'd have to rely on normal weapons one day, but he was right. Oh well. At least I get to rely on this weapon in particular, this masterpiece. When magic betrays you, you can only rely on the non-magical weapons. Because they will never leave you. The pride in Janna's voice was obvious as she spoke about her beloved weapon. Never had she had the opportunity to test it out; and today was her lucky day. Who knew? Perhaps it did much damage. Or was it weak? That'd be yet to be discovered, although Janna doubted that such a masterpiece could be weak. Well? Shall we get going? The carriage is ready at all times to take us anywhere.

    NOTES: Inspired by "Young and Beautiful" and "Wildest Dreams"


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 540
    Guild : Savage Skull - The Escort
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ??????
    Second Skill: The Esper
    Third Skill:

    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber Empty Re: The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber

    Post by Dubhlainn 29th February 2016, 8:10 am

    They say mages has the most fortune for they possess magic
    When one lacks power they crave for more
    Such as the nature of these upstarts, all of them are mortals
    Who wish to rebel and break the hierarchy of those who possess it
    And plunder this world into chaos
    Delusional, naïve and ignorant they fall grace to their own stupidity
    For fortune is a goddess that doesn’t favor these fools

    Mediocrity is everywhere Dubhlainn would go and not a day did he not see the mages he knew who are independent of magic. Not a single criminal would never pass the opportunity of wealth and power, they are all fools and Dubhlainn despise them the most for tyrants like them are those that started the wars and continued its cycle for decades, for whence one has met its doom, another takes their place and continues it over and over again. There’s one truth he knows, in terms of raw power he can never be in her league but when it comes to a full experience in combat, it would make the difference and the scales would tip in his favor.

    But perhaps its too soon to judge.

    She pulled out a well brandished weapon, a gun no doubt and it was a surprise to see his own guildmaster owning one and wielding it perfectly. Not once have he seen her sharpshooting but perhaps this mission would grant him the chance to see it for his own eyes, a lord and a guildmaster with no ounce of mediocrity at all. If there were more people who didn’t abuse their magic and won their battles through normal means, Savage Skull would have been the most powerful guild in all of Fiore and even his contract with Harrigan expire, he might consider remaining here regardless of how right or wrong.

    To stand up and be strong and when you feel the pressure and the strain is hard to measure so with one’s sheer endeavor, they can overcome these trials, this was the brightest light in humanity and thus unlike those lost in darkness who sold their humanity for their own power, Dubhlainn remained faithful, his resolve to settle things in a human way was questionable among mages but awe inspiring to warriors who not possess magic and pressed on believing that one day a message can be heard. No matter how special they think they are, there’s bound to be someone who’s stronger than them, who possessed no talent but a powerful resolve.

    He fought believing in that, perhaps one of the few things to be happy about despite being in constant conflict.
    “Of course he was, there are many flaws that we mages have and that humans don’t as an OLD WISE MAN once told me that we mages of this world are so fascinated in chasing the beauty of power, we dwell in its philosophy and mystery to the point that we neglected much of our common sense and ultimately forgetting who we are.”

    He was right… many had long forgotten they are human, many had forgotten of their humanity and many had abandoned humanity for something greater only to possess what humanity can never have, the ultimate flaw and the mediocrity of almost every Dark mage in the Azeron alliance. Should the late guildmasters hear of this, Dubhlainn would have signed his own death warrant for uttering such nonsense or rather they would dismiss this statement as one of the most laughable of views coming from a man Harrigan recently recruited.

    Whether Janneline may understand this or not, it may or may not even matter.

    Dubhlainn bowed and left without another word, leaving the office ahead of her, expecting her to make he own preparations before departure. In the courtyard outside the guild, his horse was ready, pulling the very carriage Lady Janneline rode on, in hand Dubhlainn carries long briefcase that may have seen to contain an instrument of sorts, perhaps a weapon? A line of soldiers form up parallel to each other, they would bow as the Guildmaster pass them by. Dubhlainn would offer a hand for his new master to get on, whether she may accept or refuse, Dubhlainn would have then proceeded to mount on and command his horse to move towards their destination. It would take them more than half a day to get there so they would need a place to stay if possible they would arrive to the Neutral Grounds by nightfall or by any circumstances they might be forced to stay in Magnolia.

    And of course much like Mirai, Dubhlainn has connections to the Neutral Grounds, it was the place where he took his odd jobs collecting rent and loans for Degardo, one of Neutral Ground’s powerful politicians who is also a matter of fact a crime lord. He had not spoken a single word since he and his mistress left the guild but if his mistress not speak, he would have to entertain her as they travel towards their destination.

    “Are you not worried Lady Janneline?”


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    The Devil's Lab: The Dreaded Mystery of Slumber GsoFitg
    Guest, do you possess the mediocrity of a mage, or the resolve of what it is to be human?

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 3:22 am