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    Laurette Aldaine


    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 16
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dark Maker Magic
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    Completed Laurette Aldaine

    Post by Laurette 4th February 2016, 6:22 pm

    Name: Laurette Aldaine
    Gender: Female
    Age: 13
    Birthday: November/18
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: She has a scar that runs across the front top of her right shoulder. It's about six inches long.

    Personality: Laurette is two-faced. She has a sweet friendly personality that she fakes in order to gain allies or do something that doesn't require violence. Then she has her more malice personality. Her malice personality is her true personality. Below I'll explain how she acts in each personality.
    Just to be clear, she doesn't have split personalities! She has one that is an act (Sweet personality), and one that is her true personality(Malice)
    Malice- This is her actual personality. When she reveals her true personality it most likely means she's desperate and is no longer faking her sweet innocent personality, or she'll act like this when she's with people who know her true personality. With this personality she will not hesitate to go in for the kill. She is often rude, and could even be considered evil. If she's talking to someone, and they say something incorrect or just plain stupid she'll make smart remarks in order to make herself look better. She often won't care if someone appears to need help. She'll either shrug their pleads off, or make their situation worse. She will often tortment others just for her amusment. She loves to see people suffer, even so to the point of death if she's bored.

    Friendly/Sweet- This personality is a total fake. THis is also the 'personality' she uses most of the time. She doesn't wish to appear evil or ruthless, and give others a advantage of knowing her malice personality, so she will appear to have this one. With this personality she will not hesitate to help someone, if she's in public. She will never make any smart comments, or downgrade people. She will have a sweet attitude. She will appear to be loving and caring for people. She is often rather random, and non-serious in this personality. For an example if someone is in great need of help, IF there is people around. She will take no hesitation to help them. She will always appear friendly with this attitude, sometimes she may appear so friendly that is seems fake.
    In  battle she will always be using her Malice personality. She will attack with the hope for a kill. She will have smart comments toward anything her enemy says, and will even use cheap tactics to win. She will think out every move before she actually performs it, and will try and think ahead to if this battle will benefit her. If she is being lead by someone she will take no hesitation to carry out their order at all costs. She is exetremely loyal to whoever she serves under. If they tell her to jump of a bridge, she may very well do it, if she respects there authority. If she leads people she often will think out every detail of the battle before she has any take part in it. She may be evil, but she doesn't want her soldiers to die. She will often defend one of her soldiers if she has the ability to help them. If she can't help them, then it really just becomes a 'Oh Well' to her. She is constantly watching her back in battle in fear she will be killed during a fight.

    1. Suffering of others. It's kinda like her sport that she enjoys watching.
    2.Being considered strong. If someone thinks she's strong it makes her feel empowered.
    3. Acting. She acts very often because her fake personality, because of that she's grown to love the art of it.
    4. Cats, she loves cats.
    5. Nighttime. She loves the serenity, and calmness of night. There's rarely buisey streets, and it's only her and the big bright moon.

    1. Goody two-shoes. She hates how they seem to do everything so perfect, and how they have so many allies.
    2. Early Morning. She can't wake up early. She will not be able to function for the entire day, and will spend most of her day doing most sleepy person things.
    3. Pants. She often is wearing a dress of some type. She hates how restricted her movement feels in any pants other than leggings.

    1. Serving her guild. She is extremely loyal to her guild, and will do anything to climb the ranks in it.
    2. Helping her own needs. Her guild is first, but her personal needs are second. If she feels something will benefit her, she won't stop to do whatever it takes.
    3. Getting more powerful. She wants to be considered strong, and to do that she feels she needs power.

    4. Death. The only way she can think she won a fight, is if the opponent is dead. Therefor she is not satisfied with her opponent surrending, she enjoys finishing them off.
    1. Tight Spaces. She is extremely claustrophobic. She feels like she will be squished into nothing in tight spaces.
    2. Being rejected by those who she entrusts her loyalty too.
    3.Being killed in battle. It seems almost dishonorable to her. Dying in battle means she didn't carry out her job, and well she's dead. Just the concept of being dead scares her a little.

    General Appearance

    Height: 4' 10"
    Weight: 92 lb
    Hair: A extremely light blonde, almost a white. She has short bangs in the front that go a little past her eye brows.  
    Eyes: They are a lightish grey color. When she's using her malice personality. Her pupils often dialate to an extremely small size. When she's acting her friendly personality her pupils look rather normal, and like any regular persons.
    If she's bored or disinterested, she will often appear to have emotionless eyes.

    Skin Tone: She has a very pale look to herself.
    Appearance: She's very short, and skinny. She has a few curves, but not many considering her age. She almost always is wearing a dress of some sort. She hates pants, and is okay with skirts, but still prefers dresses above all else. She normally wears flats of some sort with her dresses. She has very small feet.

    Guild: Savage Skull
    Tattoo: It's located on the front top of her right shoulder. (Same place where her scar is.) It's a light grey color.

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    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1405
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Completed Re: Laurette Aldaine

    Post by Thorn 5th February 2016, 5:19 pm



    Laurette Aldaine S6Eaz9K

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