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    ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim


    Private ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Guest 1st March 2016, 12:49 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    The roof of the guildhall proved to be a good spot for relaxing. The breeze was a bit busier than on the hot ground, and she was closer to the sky. While as a tanuki, she preferred low areas and forests, it was nice to feel the freedom of being up high. The moments could not last forever, she noticed, as the idea of her sudden, new duties came to mind. One other exam... and one she owed a lot of time to. Giving a sigh, the girl stood up from her relaxed position on the roof and used her transformation abilities to change to the form of a small arctic falcon- one of her favorites. Instantly, she dived off of the roof, many stories high, and softened her landing by opening her wings and gently gliding down. Only a few meters off of the ground, Izayuki returned to her human form, easily landing on her feet and walking towards the guildhall.

    With that familiar perky smile on her face, Izayuki walked into the guildhall, finding the unfinished paperwork she had left sitting on a table. Picking up one of the pages she distinctly remembered, the yokai's grin widened. Yes, this would do perfectly. Seating herself literally on the table, the girl would wait quietly, observing the hall and guildmates that were coming and going. Suddenly eyeing Sophia, one of the people who worked at the guild, the Ace waved to the redhead, still maintaining her smile. "Hey, Sophia! Could ya please round up Kim, Kaisto, and Kistine for me?"

    Sophia only rolled her eyes at the lazy tanuki and nodded, going off to find the people whom Izayuki wanted to see. Hopefully it was important, for once.

    Word Count;;

    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Guest 1st March 2016, 3:07 pm

    Kim didn't exactly get the idea of these rank things. She kept trying to compare them to the tribe's ranks, therefore only making it more confusing. Back in the tribe you were promoted for activity and creativity. Here, you were promoted for what seemed to be power alone. Was such a thing really okay? Wasn't it a bit dangerous? Who knew what kinds of people were getting their way up in the ranks. Though the tribe's was no better. You could easily climb your way to the top without any effort at all.
    There seemed to be a lot wrong with both systems... Why could no one make these things clearer?
    Having dwelled on the subject for too long the witch had decided to clear her mind at the city's port, her head resting upon the palm of her hands as her elbows cradled themselves in her lap. Her legs dangled freely over the concrete edge, once in a while tapping lightly against the wall. Lazy, yellow optics stared out into the sea, hazed over and clearly lost in thought.
    Kim's thoughts went to the tribe. How were they doing without her? Did they have a good medic to replace her? Were the other groups still causing trouble for them? She let out a worried sigh, shaking her head lightly. Last time she left when she came back they were in deep trouble, going as far as even having Trojan try and learn healing himself. He was still so young back then, he wouldn't have been able to learn natural healing by himself. Just hopefully this time someone experienced stepped up.

    Sophia's call interrupted her thoughts, allowing her hands to slide down into her lap as she turned her head around to meet the girl's gaze. Eyes widening for a moment they finally focused, lips pursing together. Iza wanted her? Why? She better be dying or something, she was really enjoying her peace and quiet up until now.
    Though at first a little hesitant to get up Kim finally stood, stretching out her arms before folding them behind her head.

    Following Sophia to the guild hall Kim stood and stopped at the door, eyeing the dimly-lit room until she came across her cousin, sitting casual upon one of the tables.
    Blinking curiously she wondered over, allowing her arms to drop to her side. She stopped just before the table, her expression slightly annoyed behind shimmering glasses.
    "This better be good" she rumbled, biting the insides of her cheeks softly as she pushed her weight to one leg, bending the other one slightly to stand at a better angle.
    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 1st March 2016, 6:04 pm

    Kaisto had been sleeping that morning, the window in one of the spare rooms in the guild had a window that let a nice gentle breeze enter the room and keep it cool, he was snoozing on a chair with his shirt off and jacket too but besides that he wore a smile on his face...mainly cause he was dreaming of home and his family and siblings, he couldn't help but think of them really, he missed them and the dreams were his happier moments to be truthful.

    Welp that changed when Sophia had interrupted his sleep and told him to meet in the hall so he sighed and gotten up from that chair and grabbed his jacket and shirt and started walking out to the hall making his way down the stairs "alright what is it Iza, Sophia said you needed us" he slid on his shirt which showed some muscles thanks to it fitting well but kept his jacket off cause it would burn him up a bit too.


    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.
    Karin Sørensen
    Karin Sørensen

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Valkyrja
    Second Skill: TBA
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    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Karin Sørensen 7th March 2016, 5:56 pm

    Unlike many of her guild mates, Kistiñe was a genuine late sleeper. She stayed up later than almost anyone in the guild doing jobs or other...things, but generally she had legitimate reasons for sleeping in as late as she did, even if her guild mates thought otherwise. Before regaining human form, it wasn't readily apparent that she was even close to clocking in as many hours asleep as she did--she had been restless and antsy as a bird--but that fact was slowly being made apparent to the rest of the guild. If anyone would ever venture into the Latina's bedroom, the first thing that they would notice is that it was generally a mess--clothes were thrown in the corners or hung haphazardly on bedposts and the edges of furniture--but the other thing one would notice if the covers were strewn about is that she rarely slept in anything other than a bra and panties; it was hard to tell if it had to due to with her semi-regular promiscuous activities, or if she suffered from hot flashes in the middle of the night... Regardless, such a sight would likely make even the most closeted pervert smile and anyone with any decency be mildly disgusted at the very least.

    As she tossed and turned in bed, trying to catch onto any amount of sleep she could to avoid chores or boring daily activities, there was a knock on the door. She opened her eyes and groaned inwardly, hoping that whoever was at the door would leave after a moment or two. She closed her eyes again, rustled herself back to sleep, and tried her best to ignore the disturbance...however, after a while, she felt a pair of eyes watching her like a hawk. All she wanted was to sleep in for another hour or two--she was genuinely tired from the night before--but it seemed as though whoever was there would not go away. Sitting up, she yawned and blinked with her hair matted against her face and sticking out in all directions (for some reason or another, she had thought it was a good idea to start growing her hair out). There was a moment of awkward silence before Kistiñe remembered that there was someone staring in disgust at her half-naked body. Her face, once the very definition of lethargy, became livid. She had nothing against the person in front of her--she was just doing her job, after all--but it was invasive that the woman had decided to barge into her room without even waiting for a reply.

    "¡Sophia, sal de mi dormitorio!" Kistiñe shrieked, blindly throwing a halo past the Black Rose secretary.

    Sophia, who had ducked, tried to explain what she was there for, but was cut off by the Latina incessantly yelling "Out!" on repeat...in Spanish--after several halos hitting the wall in the hallway and the door frame, the door was slammed shut and the intruder was no longer in Kistiñe's room.

    With a huff, Kistiñe crossed her arms and tried to blow a strand of hair out of her face. However, her surprise and anger quickly simmered down into annoyance, and she thought that it was probably best to go and see what it was Sophia wanted. Rather than scour her closet for something, the Hispanic woman dug around in the piles of clothes that were strewn about her room to find something to put on in a pinch: a white tank top and a pair of black athletic shorts were the first two that caught her eye, and that is what she went with. Not bothering to do anything about her hair, the Latina opened the door and looked at what appeared to be an understandably and equally annoyed Sophia.

    "Sophia, what do you want?" she asked in her noticeably musical accent, her voice a tad hoarse from her previous bout of yelling.

    "Izayuki needs to see--," she replied--that was all she got out before a pissed off and barefoot Kistiñe stormed down the hallway to find out where the tanuki was. Eventually, she caught sight of Kaisto and Kim standing just outside the door to what looked like Iza's personal office.

    "¡Iza!" the Latina said, trying not to yell, "¿Qué es tan importante? ¡Estuve tratando dormir!"


    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Guest 12th March 2016, 8:35 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    A sly smile crossed Izayuki's features as first Kim entered, followed shortly by the inquiring Kaisto, and the seemingly pissed Kistine. What was so important? Simple- her cousin had somehow proven herself worthy enough to advance up to C rank, and so quickly, at that. Perhaps it was some type of tanuki luck, being able to move up in rank so easily upon having just joined? She did not know, but it was a good feeling to know that so far, it had really only been her and Kim who had managed to do just that. Taking her sweet time to gather up her papers and read the last few details on the subject at hand, Izayuki stood up, gazing at the other three boldly, with that familiar, daring glimmer in her pink eyes. "Hey ya'll~" she greeted first, grinning. "Kim evidently is eligible to be promoted to C Rank. However, here in Black Rose, it is not that easy..."

    Izayuki took a few heartbeats to let that sink in, taking a breath before continuing. "I have a small task for ya'll to assist in Kim's 'exam'. It'd be boring to send her off alone... besides, this isn't exactly the easiest of missions."
    Another pause, then the young mage pulled out a single sheet of paper from a messy stack. "We recently received reports of a unique creature... it is best known for using illusions to transform into what an individual fears most. However, kill it and you fail the exam- we need it brought back alive," the Ace explained nonchalantly, handing them the paper. It had details of where it was last seen- in a random forest just a few miles away from Lavantir Port City, where Black Rose made their headquarters. "So, are ya'll up for it? I'll be trailing along to make sure nothing too unfortunate happens, but it is up to Kim to be the leading figure of this patrol~"
    If this were her directing them on a job, she would not give the option to say they were not up for it. No was not an answer when it came to responding to Iza, after all. However, in the case of dangerous missions and exams, she had to give the others an option, as unfortunate as it was.

    Word Count;;
    I'll post at random- from here on out it's up to the rest of ya'll, unless one of your characters addresses Izayuki. x3

    "Metum Speculo"
    Upon first glance, it appears to be whatever your personal character fears most, namely an individual or perhaps a monster. Each character will see something different. It stays this way until it has taken 10 C rank hits or 25 D rank hits. After that, the creature's true form is revealed, pictured below. From there on out, it takes 5 C rank hits or 10 D rank hits to knock out... don't go beyond that, or the mission is failed. It must be brought back alive.

    The creature(true form) deals C rank damage with it's bulky tail and venomous bite(which paralyzes for 1 post), and deals D rank damage with it's claws. As a mirrored fear, it deals base C rank damage.

    True Form: https://i.imgur.com/uqvzjly.png

    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Guest 14th March 2016, 5:04 pm

    Eh? C rank already? Well damn. Kim wasn't sure exactly how she managed to pull it off. She hadn't really done anything since she got here other than a few mission. Just what were they basing this on?
    Though honestly now that she thought about it she really didn't care. A rank up was a rank up. She was getting stronger. Had the training she received while alone in the forest actually mattered?
    Smiling lightly at the news she wore her toothy grin, folding her arms behind her head, expression arrogant. Heh, it felt pretty good, knowing at long last she was finally getting stronger physically. She had spent so long feeling weak. Now it was her turn to kick some ass.
    Nodding as Iza explain, the tanuki only half listened, nodding her head in time with the words, spacing out as she closed her eyes, still giddy over her ranking up. Right. Something about a monster blah blah illusions blah blah whatever... Leader...
    The last statement caught her attention.
    Kim slowly opened back up her yellow glazed eyes, blinking in surprise as her arms dropped back down to her sides. She stared at Iza, dumbfounded.
    "Leader... Me? Uh..." She pointed to herself, gaze never leaving her cousin. Oh God, leader of a mission? Sure it made sense, it was her ranking mission after all... But the feeling of being responsible for an entire mission was a it overwhelming. Though she had managed to become an heir of her tribe and managed many attacks, for some reason being responsible of such a small group was a bit much for her. Maybe it was because back when she was only responsible for leading the attack. However with a group like this she was going to be responsible for everyone's safety and everything that came with it.
    The pit of her stomach began to ache with nerves, causing her to lean back.
    "I mean... Um, yeah sure... Okay." She managed to mumble out, scratching the back of her head sheepishly as she looked down at her shoes. Though it was a bit nerve wracking she wasn't going to turn down her gaining a rank. Her only sign of power.
    She'd just have to push down the feeling of her nerves. Right. She wasn't going to show weakness. Especially now that one of the people here were already able to break her. It wouldn't happen again. She had to show them she was strong... Even if she wasn't. Her pride meant too much to her not to do this.
    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Generation Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 15th March 2016, 2:31 pm

    Kaisto sat in a chair with his jacket not buttoned up as he looked at Iza and then said "Well Iza if we are going after this beast can you give us more detail? Name, type of creature anything along those lines, we'll be practically going in blind if we don't have no details on this creature first off, which could prove possibly fatal to us" Kaisto expressed his concerns for this mission, Iza was being vague about this whole thing only pushing it as a exam for Kim to take which still didn't set well with him, a creature to illusion fears was no laughing matter really, honestly he didn't know anything cause he hadn't seen the paper they were given yet.

    "Also does that mean we have to tame this beast? Or must we trap the beast? does it matter which way?" It was another good question for Kaisto to ask, how would they know how to bring it back, illusions of fears means that trapping and taming could cause detrimental psychological events to happen to them while on this exam. And Yes it may seem like Kaisto was asking a whole bunch of questions but honestly if this is Kim's exam he didn't wanna take chances, if she leads them he will do his best to gather all information he could about this creature and anything else, he wanted this to go ok for them...not cause them harm in anyway...if that could actually happen for one, he remembered how Kim lost her mind almost in the forest when the wolves attacked a little time ago, in fact his arm was still bandaged up over the incident, but the sights of seeing Kim break like that sorta haunted him a bit...no not again, he wouldn't let her go to far.= he would do his best to help keep her from breaking again.


    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.
    Karin Sørensen
    Karin Sørensen

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Valkyrja
    Second Skill: TBA
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Karin Sørensen 16th March 2016, 7:57 pm

    An exam for Kim? Barring that one time in the tavern, it was hard to say that the Latina knew the pink-haired girl all too well. And, while it was impressive that someone so new to the guild had managed to rank up so quickly, it was hard to care so much as to willingly participate in their examination. It was unfortunate, really, that Kistiñe did not know her guild mates nearly as well as she would have liked to; with her jobs and semi-regular night owlish sleep schedule, it was hard to find any common hours of the day to socialize and flirt with her guild mates. On top of it all, she was tired, cranky, and in no mood to sit there and listen to Iza of all people blather on about the details of some creature the guild wanted in a cage; although, even on a good day, the Latina hated talking about boring topics such as job details.

    With that in mind, Kistiñe let out a contemptuous huff. "Chica, si eso es todo lo que me quería para el, creo que sólo volveré a dormir," she said, rolling her eyes and starting to walk back down the hallway towards her room. One could chalk up her sour attitude to the fact that she was tired and had been rudely awakened--and, in part, it was--but it might have also been that time of the month; at this point, it was impossible to tell...


    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Guest 23rd March 2016, 7:32 pm

    Head turning towards the half-asleep Kistine the tanuki's sheepish expression instantly soured, lips pursing in a thin line together as her gaze hardened. Though she couldn't understand her with the strange language it was obvious the woman was refusing to do the mission just from her actions of beginning to walk back up stairs. Wouldn't her refusing mean Kim didn't get to rank up? To refuse her the right of getting stronger? The witch couldn't allow that. It was the one time she could prove herself. This wouldn't do.
    "Kanojo wa akuma..." Kim hissed under her breath, arms folding across her chest.
    Tapping her foot upon the guild's wooden floor a small vine crept and slithered through the cracks, traveling up the stairs quite easily. The tip of the small vine wiggling in thought as it stopped beside the Latina's leg, it quickly twisted around her ankle, wrapping itself tightly and pulling back, hopefully stopping her in her tracks, if it didn't also accidentally send her falling down the stairs too.
    Not that the tanuki cared either way. She was getting her exam. End of story.

    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Generation Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 24th March 2016, 2:53 pm

    Kaisto saw the two girls in a since not liking each other this morning, one thing about these girls he never knew was what they would say in their own native tongues, but thankfully it didn't involve him this time. Hey Hey! Knock it off you two ok,I have no clue what you are saying but its not good and its early the day is still bright and we got Kim's exam to do now alright, honestly Kistine we could just put ya to sleep and drag ya off with us but that would be called Kidnapping and im not willing to be a fugitive over your butt. He had no clue about the vine around her leg and since he was just now walking up the stairs as he talked...this could end badly.

    When he got to the center of the stairs he sighed and said "Honestly you two could you two get along at LEAST ONCE? is it that hard to ask really? How about this...for the rest of today if you two start to argue or are arguing i'll treat you two to a punishment or each argument, if you two wanna argue like kids and get pissy at each other i'll step in and be the grown up in this situation and lastly...speak in a language i know what is being said, cause my brain isn't that well knowledgeable of the languages" Once again Kaisto had no clue of the vine on Kistine's leg but right now he felt like he had to be the grown up and get these two to not fight at all first...and they weren't even on the exam yet, this was just morning.


    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.
    Karin Sørensen
    Karin Sørensen

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Valkyrja
    Second Skill: TBA
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Karin Sørensen 24th March 2016, 4:32 pm

    Kistiñe did not notice the vine coming up through the floor boards to wrap around her leg as she tried to walk back up the stairs to her room. However, she did take notice of Kaisto as he began to blather away about being the only adult in the room or something like that--she was too tired to care exactly what he said--and it started to get on her nerves as she paused in the middle of the stairwell. She shook her head and took another step before her guild mate opened his mouth again; this time, she snapped at him.

    "¡Cállate, pendejo!" she snapped stopping her ascent and turning her head towards Kaisto, "¿Por qué debería importarme que Kim puede tomar su examen? ¡No conocerla bien en todos!" It was then that the vine around her ankle tightened and yanked, pulling her foot out from under her and causing her face to hit the edge of the stair as she was dragged down the stairs. Once at the bottom, she held her face and groaned in pain, blood dripping from her more than likely broken nose. She looked at the blood on her hand, then glared daggers at the pink haired witch. Today would not end well, that was for sure...

    HP: 70/75


    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Guest 24th March 2016, 4:59 pm

    "What did Iza say again?" The witch ignored Kai's solution to their problem with a statement of her own, face lifted upwards arrogantly as a toothy grin graced her lips, finger bent beneath her chin.
    "I'm the leading figure of this shindig. Me and only me. Anything i say goes, and i say you need to shut the hell up before i pound your face in." Though it was accompanied by her grin the witch shot a hard glare at the boy with the threat. His voice and way of thinking continued to piss her off. It was their stupid job all over again. What, was he going to get all flustered again like a little kid with his first Playboy magazine?
    They didn't have to like her. Hell, they could both hate her guts for all she cared. All she wanted was to level up and get stronger. Once she was stronger, she could finally be free of this world. Then after that they could dance on her grave for all she cared. But for now, just for now, she needed them. She was so close to her goal. Why wont they let her have this?

    "Listen, girly. I'd hate for one of those vines to 'accidentally' snap your neck like a little toothpick. So lets try to do this without anymore bloody faces, mkay?" Kim added a sickly sweet wink at the end of her statement, showing her sharpened teeth with a click of her jaw as she looked towards the injured girl on the floor.
    The witch would do anything to make the Latina do the mission. It was a shame it had come to this though, doing it by force. She was hoping after their little meeting at the bar they could become acquaintances at the least. By now it seems she made another enemy. Oh well, what's one more?
    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon Spirit
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 6,706.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: First Generation Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 24th March 2016, 7:35 pm

    That was it Kaisto had enough of this bullshit so he walked down to were Kistine was and smacked her on the back of her head with a loud THWAP! and then made his way up to Kim and smacked her on the back of the head with another loud THWAP! both smacks caused his hand to reddened as you could hear an audible growl from his throat before he said "You two...ACT WORSE THE CHILDREN! Holy hell! Iza and Elyx act better then you two! Kistine...serious dont act like an ass to everyone at any time during any damn day what the hell is wrong with you, serious someone says hi and you go off cussing in Spanish i'm not that dumb cause you've told me some words he then turned back to look at Kim "...And you! Kim you are going to be our 'Leader' during this then shape up and act like one for once and don't act like a pompous asshole with a chip on your shoulder"

    Kaisto huffed and went over to his room and packed a duffel bag with some stuff in it as he exited his room he walked past Kim and Kistine and made to to the door and looked back "You two need to get your act together, its bull that you two act like this over the simplest little bullshit...now i know why Iza probably put me with you two, so that way you don't rip each others throats out and be the voice of reason....What you two don't realize is that the longer we are here and the longer you two argue, theres a monster out there that needs to be captured and people are suffering while you two argue, so when you two 'Decide' to get along i'll be at the outside waiting for you two ready to take this job on and help those people, and when you do come, don't bring your attitudes with ya" and with that Kaisto opened the guilds door and exited the building slamming it hard to make a very loud echo emanate through the guild hall but he didn't go far as he actually just sighed and silently sat outside the door waiting the two.


    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.
    Karin Sørensen
    Karin Sørensen

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Valkyrja
    Second Skill: TBA
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Karin Sørensen 26th March 2016, 12:09 pm

    If Kistiñe did not already have a concussion from her "trip" down the stairs, then she certainly did after Kaisto's slap to the back of her head. The slap itself hurt, but her head was smacked against one of the rail posts on the stairs. At this point, her head was in a pained haze, her eyes were probably starting to dilate, and a faint ringing started in her ears. Overall, it was a mild concussion compared to something a football player or other professional athlete might experience in their line of work, but it would still be apparent to someone who had an eye for injuries such as this...however, whether anyone noticed in this heated exchange of words and blows was a different story entirely.

    The Latina did not address Kim's threat--it was pathetic and counterproductive--and instead decided to focus what was left of her attention on her other guild mate. She had more than a few choice words for both of them, but most of her brain was focused on how much her head and face hurt. She stood up and wiped more blood from her nose before speaking. "Kaisto..." she said, almost spitting his name out, "¿Tienes los nervios llamarme un niño? Penoso."

    However, before she could finish what she was going to say, he was already outside the door. With a tired sigh, the Latina lowered herself to sit down on the stairs and looking at the pink haired woman in front of her, laughing a little bit at the situation they were in. In truth, she did not hate Kim; she was presently annoyed with the witch, possibly angry, but it was extremely difficult for her to legitimately hate someone. It was quiet in the hallway for a minute before Kistiñe decided to say anything. She wiped another stream of blood with her hand and looked at it briefly before saying to the witch, "You won't kill me."


    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Guest 26th March 2016, 9:56 pm

    The smack to the back of her head did not faze Kim, as she saw it coming soon after Kistine had received her's. The witch held the top of her head where she had been hit, using her palm to rub the sore spot. "Itai..." She hissed, feeling as if her brain had hit the side of her skull with that one. She was use to such smacks, seeing as how her old partner had a way of doing it to her daily whenever she would place a foot out of line, but she had not received one it such a long time... She had almost forgotten how bad they were.
    After blinking away the colorful spots that had taken over her vision from the hit the tanuki whipped her head around to the boy, staring daggers at him as she continued to rub her head.
    "Okora seru... Anata wa totemo meiwaku shite" She spat venomously, clenching her teeth together so hard they might as well have broken from the force alone. Kim had just about enough of him. He thought he was sooo perfect. Like he was right about everything, being the voice of reason, it really pissed her off. She hated pompous little assholes like him. He thought he had the right to call her one? She was just trying to rank up, that's all. It just so happened that she was in change this once. Couldn't he let her have some fun? It's not like she would be able to do this ever again anyway.
    Watching the frustrated Kai walk out the door, the witch rolled her optics, shrugging her shoulders. Well maybe now they could actually have some peace without his big mouth.
    Turning her gaze to the Latina the witch titled her head to the side thoughtfully, gaze softening.
    "Hm, smart girl" she hummed, a sly smile now gracing her lips. Her threat of killing her was in fact an empty one, and it seemed that she noticed. After all what would she have to gain from killing her? A bounty on her head? Getting kicked out of the guild? That would be the opposite of her entire plan now wouldn't it? It wouldn't make any sense.
    Walking over to the tanned woman at a steady pace Kim stopped before her, turning her back to the wall to lean upon it, arms crossed over her chest for comfort.
    Letting out a puff of air through her nose the tanuki closed one eye, allowing the other eye to examine Kistine up and down. The blood on her head made Kim feel slightly guilty. Honestly now that she thought about it she would have done the same. After all she didn't know anyone here, no one owned her anything and she didn't owe anyone anything. Kistine was just acting how she should have in a situation like this.

    "Hey... Uh... Sorry about your head. It wasn't exactly the best way to stop you i guess." Kimial mumbled out, giving into her guilt of causing the woman pain.

    Caelum Pendragon
    Caelum Pendragon

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    Private Re: ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim

    Post by Caelum Pendragon 27th March 2016, 3:27 am

    Outside Kaisto sat outside of the door staring up at the sky, he watched the clouds roll by as it was actually a clear day, honestly did he care what people thought of him? No not really...reason for that was that he wasn't really close to people...well besides Iza who actually was nice and helped him, Kim was an if situation, he respected her a lot but he didn't know if she respected him or what, same with Kistine, him and her had a fight before but they had put it behind them, again he didn't know if the respect was there from the side of Kistine.

    Kaisto looked at his redden hand as he slowly closed it and sighed...he wasn't perfect, gods no he was far from it, he had his secrets, he has his downsides, he was shy to new people but that was probably more towards what he was instead of who he was. Kaisto never told anyone but..he was actually just like Iza and Kim, except he was more of the..predator side, Griffin honestly, damned thing happened when he was young allowed a mythical spirit to help him learn his magic and welp lo and behold the spirit entered his body and made Kaisto part Griffin, he hid it but it was probably the nature of the griffin to be confrontational.

    As he still stared up to the side he kept an ear out for the girls as he sighed and smiled and released his griffin ears out so they wouldnt feel so cramped, when he did he felt them sway in the nice wind blowing outside, oh if he could release his wings then he could fly and feel free but for now one thing at a time is nice enough for him.


    "A Guild shows that we aren't just friends...We are a family."
    ALL THOSE EYES ON ME ♦ exam for Kim CZseiRq
    "Mess with my family...and not even the gods will stop me.

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