Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 26
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 607
    Mentor : Meme Oshino
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Deity of Darkness
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Shinobu. 26th January 2016, 10:19 am

    Shinobu had never been 'picked on'. Unlike what many other people experience in their childhood she could never say she was once bullied. Sure she had fought people like bounty hunters who wanted to kill her, and they often threw insults. But never once had she experienced actual bullying for what it was. She didn't have the regular delinquent in class come up and corner her in the hallway for her lunch money. She was never called names like 'loser' or 'worthless'. And she was certainly never beat up for anything... Well, other than the aforementioned bounty hunters... And Izayuki.
    After all, growing up in a royal family, you would expect to be treated with the utmost respect. Which she was. Maybe it was because of her bloodline that this was true. After all she never once actually went to school. And 'hanging about' with the civilians was something looked down upon considering her status. In fact it was because of this that she didn't really have a childhood at all. She never had friends her own age, they expected her to always be learning, and to always come off as the most perfect child to exist. It was a lot of pressure for such a young girl that she didn't even get to act like a child. You could say Shinobu was practically born an adult. Which was strange to say since the blonde had a way of reverting her personality back to that of a stubborn toddler at times.
    But when you are born an adult, you loose the things that everyone else experiences at a young age. The friends you tell all your little secret hiding spots to, the naive look on the world, and petty things like bullying.

    It was her favorite time of day, when dusk and night mixed together, forming a dark blue and orange sky. The giant yolk-like sun hid itself behind the path ahead, casting long, looming shadows behind the buildings. It was this time of day when she could feel her magic energy get stronger, roaring throughout her body and mind. The warm feeling gave her more life, like she was more awake than she usually was in the bright sunny daylight. It gave her more spring in her step as she walked down the path of the town, feet starting to clench more slightly as the sharp dusk air cooled the pavement beneath her bare feet.
    The vampire liked to take lone walks like this sometimes, as it reminded her of when she was still a rouge, slaughtering men with a wink alone. Though those days were full of loneliness and regret she would gladly take them back over her position right now, being watched and observed, making sure she didn't go out on rampages again. The nerve of that damn guild...
    The walks tended to clear her mind to some degree. That and God knew she tried to get out of Elyx's house as much as she could. Izayuki's screeching, Elyx's mind, and the many other people who lived there caused so much ruckus it was hard to do anything. So it was nice to be alone once in a while, to just think and reflect.
    Though the thoughts in her mind were quickly broken through as the sound of laughing echoed behind her, causing her to stop in her tracks. Pausing her a moment the child became still and listened, focused in on the sound to see who would dare break her deep train of thought. Then another laugh would sound out, a bit deeper than the first.
    Letting out an annoyed grunt rumbling within her throat, sharp, red eyes would cut through the tinted darkness to lay upon a group of boys just behind her. Children, short, stumpy. No feature in particular stood out, maybe obscured by the darkness. And though she could easily see better in the dark than most people, their looks weren't what mattered to her. What mattered was that they were laughing and pointing at her, their faces contorted in smiles and smirks.
    Golden eyebrows furrowing at the sight Shinobu's frown stayed. What were they laughing at? It seemed to be her... But why? Was she funny or something? Did she have something on her face? As of though to be sure the vampire brought a hand up to her face, using a hand to fiercely rub her cheek. But just by doing so the boys seemed to laugh even more.
    Her eyebrows lowered and eyes became a cold yellow once again, allowing her blushed cheeks to puff out. What was their problem? Though of course Shinobu didn't really care, much like she didn't usually care about this type of thing. Their problem was just their problem it really didn't concern her.
    Turning back around to continue walking she was once again stopped by a sound. Except this time it was talking.
    “Ey, you're that vampire chick, right? The one who joined the guild recently?”

    Ah, so they knew about her, did they? It was not surprising though, all of the mages seemed to be known by most people in the town. Black Rose was the town guild after all, news should spread fast.
    Turning her head back to meet the group of boys her eyes landed upon the one in front who had obviously spoken to her, but said nothing, only keeping her lips firmly in a unmeasured line. She had no need to waste her breath on children, and only wanted to continue her walk.
    The boy smirked, walking just to stop before Shinobu.
    “Ya know my dad said he fought you once, back when you were... more filled out. Said you were pretty hot.”

    The comment made the blonde lick her tongue at the young boy, repulsed by his choice of words. Her adult form was well endowed and known for it's beauty yes, and it wasn't unusual for the people that sought her out only did so to see. In fact the vampire was proud of it. But there was something about how the boy sounded... How he chose those words. The girl couldn't help but feel this conversation would decline into something bad if she didn't continue walking. Slight panic shooting through her system Shinobu decided to end their talk right there, turning around once again to begin walking away, fuming slightly under her unemotional state. It was too bad she wasn't allowed to attack the people here.. Otherwise she would have given him a taste of her dark magic that was for sure.

    “Hey where do ya think you're goin'?” The boy would snap at her, reaching out his hand to grab her slender arm to hold her back. “We ain't done talkin' here.”
    Feeling the sudden tug caused the panicked vampire to blow. Muscles tensing and mind becoming clouded she once again became like that of a wild animal being cornered, much like that time on her first day where when she suddenly awoke. Her fighting instincts sensed a threat, and the dark magic within her body flared. Reacting, her eyes flooded with a red color and her arm twitched as a dark mist began forming around it. And just like that the blonde flipped over the boy by the front of his shirt with ease, tossing him onto the ground with a loud thud of concrete and bone cracking. Baring her fangs the female's face twisted into that of pure anger, eyes and mouth wide open, gasping for breath as she was hyperventilating with the anger and energy it suddenly brought to her small body.
    Before the boy could even gasp or react to his apparent broken bones he was choked, Shinobu's small hands clasped over his throat and strangling him, power backed by her dark magic as it shrouded most of her body within it.

    “I'll kill you! Don't... Ever... Touch me!” The blonde shrieked, pausing in between words to try and breathe. The boy, beginning to choke on his words, quickly drowned out the sounds of his friends screaming for help, running away from the situation before they too were dragged in.
    The more seconds passed by, the more clouded the vampire's mind became, loosing herself to the will of the dark magic rushing through her body, tightening her grip.
    Dark magic was like this after all, it had a mind of it's own. And if no one ended up stopping her soon she could actually kill the boy without even realizing it.


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:17 am