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    Happy New Year's! Aha. . . What?


    Public Happy New Year's! Aha. . . What?

    Post by Guest 30th December 2015, 7:45 pm

    Seeing Black and Red
    Happy New Year's! Aha. . . What? J5ve7oy
    words: ###. tag: @Marshy notes: panther hanyō, Black Rose mage.

    Marschal stumbled into the guild hall, his face flushed a cherry red, eyes partially closed, and slightly hiccuping. He leaned against the doorway temporarily, red eyes scanning all of the guild members that were staring at him. A grin appeared on his lips, and with the hand gripping an Everclear bottle, managed to comb his fingers through his hair. "'Sup, ladies and gentlemen?" he managed to say among hiccuping and breathing harshly from the horrible walk to the guild. Marschy pressed himself off the doorway and walked into the building, completely oblivious to the chilled air rushing in after him. His walk contrived an act of unbalance and gracelessness as he staggered his way toward a table and climbed onto it. "So, wh--who wantsssss to join mmm--eee?" he asked, raising the bottle, only to let it slip from his fingers and hit the floor.

    His gaze dropped to the floor, where the bottle lay in pieces, as well as in a puddle of its own alcoholic innards. Slowly, Marschal raised his hand and pointed at the mess on the floor, hiccuped again, and looked at everyone. "Wh-who diiii--d thhhhat?" he inquired, swaying in place before flopping to his butt and staring at the bottle again. "I wa-was lo--ooking forward to drrr--drriiiinking that. Wh-who would be thhhhhhhat cruel t- break m- bot--ottle?" He slumped to the tabletop and rest his head against the cold wood, curling into a fetal position and staring off into space. One hand picked gingerly at the table, though shook and failed at even trying to get a sliver of wood off. On one hand, he was fairly calm, only disturbed by the random hiccup in his breathing, but on the other, his mind was buzzing, literally.
    ⒶⓀⒾ; recoded by Marshy


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: Happy New Year's! Aha. . . What?

    Post by Shard 2nd January 2016, 3:27 pm

    Magna stood calmly behind the bar watching the antics of Marschal. This was not a member of the guild he had met before. As the bottle was dropped he let out a sigh and grabbed a dustpan and brush from behind the bar and walked over sweeping up the broken glass so that nobody would hurt themselves. Once it had been safely put into the broken glass bin he walked back over and spoke to the man in the fetal position. It was an odd situation, but not one he had not faced before. "Greetings sir. My name is Magna and I will be your waiter for this evening. Are you expecting others to join you or would you like to order some food and drink now?" he said calmly and professionally. His memory was eidetic so he did not need to bring out a notepad or some other method for recording the orders.

    He glanced about a slight frown on his face. He missed Jin and Kaya, but he hadn't seen them in such a long time. He had no idea where they had gone or what they had done. He used a trick he had learned from Jin to heat the liquid on the floor rapidly enough to evaporate it without causing ignition and yet he did not scorch the floor. It took a lot of energy to do, but it was useful. He couldn't apply such heat manipulation in combat yet though. His skills were not even that of a D rank in that area. Fireballs sure, but thermodynamic changes? Not so much.


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Happy New Year's! Aha. . . What? HqzsHuT

    Public Re: Happy New Year's! Aha. . . What?

    Post by Guest 2nd January 2016, 5:01 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ C Rank

    Another icecube popped into her mouth before her head turned at the scent and sound of a certain familiar feline, the canine-in-disguise locked pink eyes on the tall yokai, blinking a few times as she took it all in. The liquor and alcohol's stench was strong and harsh on her keen senses, making Izayuki inwardly cringe as she thought about it. Just how much had Marschal Leigh consumed of the foul substance? Obviously enough to turn him completely inside-out. No longer was he that prying, introverted, reserved little nerd, but a full-on lunatic.

    A smile creeping to her features as she listened to his rambling and chatter, along with her former teammate's appearance, Izayuki stood up and finished her last icecube before walking over to either help or wreak havoc- she had yet to decide. "Had a bit more than your fair share of booze, Marschal?" she asked in that familiar taunting and perky manner. Turning to Magna, who was a comforting familiar face, the girl gave an innocent grin. "Long time no see, Magna~"

    Indeed, how long had it been? Things fell apart little by little after Jin and Kaya's disappearance. It was sad, but the girl did her best to move on from it, forcing herself to say positive and optimistic.

    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 214

    Public Re: Happy New Year's! Aha. . . What?

    Post by Guest 2nd January 2016, 7:12 pm

    Seeing Black and Red
    Happy New Year's! Aha. . . What? J5ve7oy
    words: ###. tag: @Marshy notes: panther hanyō, Black Rose mage.
    Marschal's ashen sclera shifted, so his irises were staring at Magna, the one mage he hadn't yet met in the guild. He uncurled himself from his position, stretched enough that his muscles were no longer cramped, and sat up. The drunk man narrowed his odd eyes and contemplated what he was going to say, though nothing came to his mind. "You're funny looking. . . why are there two of you? Boop," the D ranked mage responded to Magna, a smile lacing his lips as he aimed to bop the other man's nose. However, with the two different Magna's staring at him, it was highly unlikely that he even managed to touch the man. Nor was it that much longer before his half-sister made her estranged appearance next to him and began questioning him. How he hated being questioned what he was doing, so he turned to the woman and gave her a stern, scolding looking.

    "L-look here, Missy, I can drrrrrink as much assss I want to. . . assss heheh," the man started, though had caught the funny-sounding word. "That's a strange word. . . assssss. . . asss. . . Ah uhm. . . anyway, I can doooo as I please without you nnnnna-aagging me. Would you like ssssssome of m-my drink? It's Earlcever. . . Earclever . . . Evercear. . . Everrrrcleeear. . . there we are!" He turned to grab the bottle from the table, where he had thought he had placed it, ultimately forgetting he had actually dropped it. Thus, when he had seen it was not there, he turned back to Iza with a very confused look and mouth slightly agape. "I don't kn-know where-eeeeeee it is. . ." he stated, a frown appearing on his lips and his gaze shifting back to the empty table.
    ⒶⓀⒾ; recoded by Marshy


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: Happy New Year's! Aha. . . What?

    Post by Shard 3rd January 2016, 9:24 am

    Magna looked at Izayuki and forced a smile. Normally, he was quite a jovial individual, but the loss of the two members of the guild he was closest to had petrified his heart somewhat.. It didn't help that Aegis hadn't materialized from his knife form in a while. He was still mourning after Kaya's dissapearence. The young saber had been bringing him out of his shell so to speak. He'd developed spells so they could work together and had been working on something in private, even away from Magna, and now that project was scrapped. It seemed the knight was effected even worse than Magna, but because of that Magna became more depressed. Even cooking, the one reason he believed he existed, had become more of a chore than something he enjoyed. It was yet another link to Kaya and Jin. Heck, he hadn't even seen Fira recently.

    "It had been a while. Its good to see you Yukihime." he said using a nickname for her. It combined part of her name with the word for princess which he felt suited her. It seemed that the drunkard had not heard his question or was too drunk to respond. He had attempted to boop Magna on the nose and missed entirely.

    "You dropped your drink earlier Marschal." he said using the name that Izayuki had used when speaking to this person. "I can get you another should you like, but you've probably had enough."


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Happy New Year's! Aha. . . What? HqzsHuT

      Current date/time is 13th June 2024, 10:37 am