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    A Fang in Your Side: Lamia Scale


    A Fang in Your Side: Lamia Scale Empty A Fang in Your Side: Lamia Scale

    Post by Guest 15th November 2015, 6:25 am

    Job Title: A Fang in Your Side: Lamia Scale
    Rank: C
    Player Requirements: Must be a member of Basilisk Fang. Must be at least C-rank or the equivalent to take this job. This job may only be completed once.
    Job Requirements: 20 posts total minimum, 250 words per post minimum. 3 dice rolls minimum. The boss must be defeated but only after the first 3 dice rolls. The boat being destroyed before the 3 dice roll monsters are defeated will result in automatic failure.
    Job Location: Hargeon Town
    Job Description: Lamia Scale is known to have an impressive library with many different varieties of books. We believe it might hold valuable information and plan to one day infiltrate it. However, the Lamia Scale guild hall is extremely large and we would probably get lost once we get inside. Fortunately, there is a retired Lamia Scale wizard working as a fisherman now that could likely give us some information on guild hall's layout. Every morning, this fisherman leaves the docks on his boat. You job is to meet him their and offer to join him and help bring in a good catch.

    It's worth noting that you should be cautious in sailing out to sea. Hargeon Town is plagued with deadly sea predators closer to shore than you might think. Once you are safely out at sea though, you must get the fisherman to tell you about the Lamia Scale guild hall's layout through whatever means necessary. Once you've acquired the necessary information, kill him and dump his body in the ocean to stay on the safe side.

    Warning: the fisherman's boat is a small wooden one that can only take four C-rank damage before falling completely apart. The fisherman will be busy trying to steer and navigate the boat, so it's up to you to protect it.

    Weak: Shark - This shark will try to ram your boat or take a bite out of it for D-rank damage. It takes one C-rank damage to defeat. The shark will stay close to the surface and can be spotted by the distinguishable fin on its back.

    Normal: Whale - A large wale that will try to ram your boat or smack it with its tail for C-rank damage. It takes two C-rank damage to defeat. The whale can dive deep down into the water to dodge attacks.

    Strong: Giant Squid - This giant squid can rap its tentacles around your boat and try to crush it for C-rank damage or smack the boat with its body or tentacles for the same damage. It will also try to rap you or the fisherman in its tentacles. It takes four C-rank damage to defeat.

    Boss: Fisherman - This retired Lamia Scale wizard is an old man with a proficiency in takeover magic. His magic allows him to take the forms of anthropomorphic birds that give him flight and allow his melee attacks to deal B-rank damage. He can also cast several special spells—B-rank in nature—depending on the takeover form. He takes six C-rank damage to defeat.

    Reward: Double C-rank experience, 5,000 Jewels, and detailed information on the layout of the Lamia Scale guild hall. If your character is dressed as a schoolgirl and defeats the giant squid, you will receive an additional 10,000 Jewels for humoring your guild master.
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 962
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 1543.75

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    A Fang in Your Side: Lamia Scale Empty Re: A Fang in Your Side: Lamia Scale

    Post by Shipping Goddess 16th November 2015, 2:03 pm



    A Fang in Your Side: Lamia Scale M7mHyEw
    A Fang in Your Side: Lamia Scale CKWpl03

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