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    Dynamo Tallagard


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 5
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
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    Completed Dynamo Tallagard

    Post by DEATHBRINGER0990 12th November 2015, 11:40 am

    Name: Dynamo Tallagard
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Birthday: 21/12
    Sexuality: Heterosexual (for those that don't know, that means straight)
    Special Characteristics: Black tattoos running up both arms

    Personality: Dynamo spends most of his time in darkness, and loves to pick fights. He won't get along with anyone who uses fire magic, but will cooperate with them under a leader. He refuses to drink, as he believes it causes the drinker to become foolish or stupid, and he prides himself in being highly intelligent. He will purposely anger those around them to cause them to act foolishly, often ending in a battle between him and whoever it is that he angered. He flirts with any female he sees and will often do the bidding of one he thinks truly likes him, if even just to gain her favour. He has a habit of fidgeting with whatever he can find lying around, and as such loves finding magical weapons, as they often have hidden features that he can exploit if he plays around with it enough. Unfortunately, they also often break the first time he tries to use them in a battle. He refuses to interact with other people unless forced to, and when forced to does so reluctantly. The only reason he will interact with someone of his own will is if he’s trying to anger them or if he’s fighting them. He reacts to others in a cold and unemotional manner (unless he’s trying to flirt with them). He also has a bad habit of making puns related to ice and cold. (e.g. “Chill out” “Freeze” etc.). He seems unaffected by cold but seems to really hate being anywhere warmer than the average lake in summer.

    He performs well in battle, especially on his own but he will work under a leader if he must. He performs much better under a leader than as a leader, because when he tries to take leadership he often assumes that a basic plan of sneak-and-strike is the most obvious choice if there isn't a plan pre-established. This is odd to many people as he normally keeps a cool head in battle, preferring to overcome his opponent by outmaneuvering them and attacking them in ways that they can't stop from hitting them. He often spends much of his time before a large battle attempting to predict what the enemy will do. He then uses this information to formulate a strategy that usually allows him to take the win with ease. The only problem with this is that if he feels a leader’s plan is completely stupid, he will attempt to give his suggestion for a plan, even if he just overheard it from the corner of the room.

    He can be quite the romantic, and will become competitive if another guy tries to flirt with a girl that he’s flirting with. This ends rather badly for at least one of them, especially if she doesn’t really seem to care about him.

    His pride in his intelligence means that he will use any means possible to prove something that he knows is true, but if given definite proof that it is false, then he will renounce his old ideas and accept new ones.

    • Cold-He loves cold weather and loves to be as cold as he possibly can
    • Fighting-He refuses to ignore a person when they want to fight and will take any excuse to start fighting, even if he has to make one.
    • Darkness-He prefers to stay in darkness as often as possible, to the point of putting out most if not all of the lights in a room before fighting someone.


    • Fire-He hates fire wizards and any source of flame or intense heat in general
    • Standing Still-He prefers to either be sitting or moving around at all times, and when forced to stand still constantly shifts his weight.
    • Insults-He will not stand for insults to anyone, not even to a fire wizard (as much as he hates them).


    • Power Gain-He strives to gain power, hoping one day to become a very powerful wizard.
    • Romance-He doesn't look like it, but he hopes someday to have someone to love and that loves him.
    • Acceptance-He hopes someday that he will be truly accepted into society, as it has shunned him for years.


    • Cleaning Products-He has an odd phobia of cleaning products in general, but he's especially afraid of buckets for some reason.
    • Being Excluded-He has a long-term fear that he will eventually be excluded by the people he now calls friends.
    • Volcanoes-He has a phobia of volcanoes, to the point where he refuses to even walk past a volcano, let alone set foot on one.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6' 7"
    Weight: 207 lbs
    Hair: Messy saturated black hair, cropped just below the ears
    Eyes: Left one is amber, Right one is an icy blue
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Tall, thin, young man in a black T-shirt and shorts who wears sunglasses most of the time, but goggles when he goes out to cold places for jobs etc. Always wears black leather boots and long-sleeved gloves to help him handle much of anything hotter than the average person's body heat. Always seems to have a slight frown, no matter what's happening.


    Guild: Blue Pegasus
    Tattoo: Light blue, on the small of his back
    Rank: D
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
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    Completed Re: Dynamo Tallagard

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 13th November 2015, 5:58 pm

    Dynamo Tallagard MqXl8kK

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