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    The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Dragon King
    Position : None
    Posts : 387
    Guild : Junaar
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Herself
    Experience : 2,800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Apocalypse Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Infernal Shadow Dragon Slayer
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    The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only) Empty The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only)

    Post by DragonPantsu 16th September 2015, 10:14 am

    Job Title: The Slayer Project
    Rank: A rank
    Player Requirements: At least one A rank mage (or equivalent, 2 B rank mages) or higher. Max team of 3 mages. 400 words per post with a minimum of 45 posts.
    Job Requirements: Capture the Slayer Project Lead alive for interrogation and rescue the kidnapped civilians. (The boss will appear after 12 dice rolls if you do not end up rolling him)
    Job Location: Phoenix Mountains
    Job Description: There have been several reports of people being abducted from their homes in Karakuri City, located within the Phoenix Mountains. There is strangely no evidence left behind that would indicate any form of a break in or struggle in any of the homes; the people are simply there one minute and the next they’re gone. Entire families have gone missing all at once, so there are very few eye witnesses to question. The only thing that anyone has gotten from the witnesses is that it looked like the victims were merely swallowed into the darkness. Investigators have very little manpower to spare and aren’t exactly the most skilled of fighters, so they’ve sent out a request to the guilds for any aid they can offer just in case things get out of hand with whatever is the culprit. Talk to the witnesses to see if you can get anything else out of them, try to catch the culprit in the act, and follow them to their hideout hidden literally within the mountains to bring everyone back safely!


    Hired Guards: Hired muscle that tend to patrol the area in packs of three. They tend to carry a variety of different firearms, explosives, and knives between the three of them (all up to the player what each one has) and are rather determined to keep you from messing with their paycheck. Each one takes a combined total of 2 A ranked spells worth of damage to take down. They may not be mages, but they sure know how to fight them.

    Project Scientists: A pair of two of your not so run of the mill scientists. While they may have pristine white lab coats, messy hair, and glasses, these scientists are also highly skilled mages who wield rather strange magics. Each scientist takes 4 A ranks worth of spell damage to take down. They may mention that they’re a part of some “fascinating” project, but they never really explain what that is.

    Pick whatever magic you’d like each individual scientist to have per roll:

    Dissection Magic: A magic that possess’ a single purpose; to nullify, disassemble, and analyze other magics. Scientists with this magic are typically not the greatest one on one fighters, specializing in stopping your attacks and studying their contents on a molecular level while the other scientist sets about attacking you.

    Poison Make Magic: Wielders of this magic can take any kind of poison you can think of and turn it into a solid construct of a weapon or even an animal. The animals made by this magic tend to be reptilians, but other than that the poison’s effects and weapons are all up to the player. Their spells will deal A ranked damage

    Portal Magic: A magic capable of creating two dimensional rifts, or portals, allowing for feats from the transportation of oneself across large distances to redirecting an opponent’s attack right back on top of them! The scientist with this magic will constantly be trying to send your spells or even you yourself flying right back to your friends. However, there is a noticeable 3 second delay between their ability to place portals, so use that time to your best advantage!

    Plant Make Magic: You’d think these guys would rather be botanists than aiding someone with kidnapping. Scientist’s with this magic tend to focus on ensnaring you in thorny vines before sending large, plant like monstrosities to assault you while you’re stuck. Hitting their dynamic make magic with water is just asking for trouble as it will only increase the damage they deal by 50% for that post. Any sort of fire or cutting instrument is extremely useful though. Their spells will deal A rank damage normally.  

    Dragon Riot Mage (one per roll): A mage who claims to be from some guild you’ve never even heard of called Dragon Riot. Since you’ve never heard of it, then these guys must be total pushovers, right? Well, not entirely. These mages wield a powerful lightning magic that focuses around rune placements and are capable of dealing both A and S ranked damage with their spells (mix it up a little!) These bastards take 6 A ranks worth of spell damage to take down for good. They will use any form of trickery and/or environmental advantage that they can get to keep you from getting to their boss, so be cautious.

    Slayer Project Lead Matthias:
    The head of what he refers to as The Slayer Project, Matthias is the one personally responsible for the kidnappings in Karakuri. He appears to be in his mid twenties and is an extremely confident yet analytical man. Matthias will generally ask you to fight outside of their hideout so that you can all have more room to fight. Well isn’t that very gentlemanly of the bastard? He takes his time to analyze you and your allies abilities as well as fighting styles and possess the inhumane ability to copy them to a near flawless degree because he is a Copycat Mage. He has memorized quite a few dangerous techniques thanks to the training his “master” gave him; Dragon Slayer techniques. The primary element he employs is Shadow Dragon Slayer magic, which is how he managed to kidnap people so effectively, but he has several at his disposal. This combined with memorizing your own spells makes Matthias incredibly dangerous. While deadly force has been authorized, you NEED to take him alive to find out who this “master” of his that he keeps mentioning is and where that person is. Matthias takes a grand total of 12 A ranks worth of spell damage to take down.


    Memorize: The primary ability of Matthias’ magic, he will analyze and copy one ability from you or your friends and even be able to use it with half the cooldown of the original; but it will deal one rank less damage as a result (obviously does not apply to copied D ranks). Once he finds a fancy in a new technique, he will instantly replace the older memorized technique in favor for the new one.

    Lightning Dragon’s Spark Body: Matthias will quickly turn his body into electricity, doubling his speed and allowing him to phase through most attacks. This ability will last for 3 posts and has a 3 post cooldown.

    Earth Dragon’s Mountain Hide: Matthias coats his entire body in a rocky armor, allowing him to withstand up to two A rank spells worth of damage before breaking. The armor isn’t perfect, so the last attack that hits the armor before it breaks will deal one rank lowers worth of damage to Matthias himself. Goes on a four post cooldown after breaking

    Water Dragon’s Trident Horn: Propelling himself ford with blasts of water from his palms, Matthias forms a set of three razor sharp horns of water on his head in the shape of a trident before crashing into you head first dealing A rank damage. He knows it's rather hazardous to do from afar, so he’ll generally only do this when in decently close proximity to you. 5 post cooldown

    Water Dragon’s Tidal Fang: Matthias will throw his hand out at you, quickly gathering a large 3 meter wide pool of water above you and your allies before causing it to slam down on top of you. The sheer force of the attack is enough to slam you down into the ground, dealing an extra C ranks worth of damage on top of the normal A rank damage if you’re under A rank. This attack is quite fast, so watch out for it. 3 post cooldown

    Shadow Dragon’s Roar: Gathering shadows in his mouth by inhaling deeply, Matthias will unleash a 3 meter wide blast of shadow magic at you that can travel out up to 45 meters from his initial location. Once it hits something, the roar will explode in a 30 meter wide explosion dealing S rank damage. Has a cooldown of 4 posts.

    Shadow Dragon’s Crushing Talon: Matthias will casually tap his foot on the ground, sending out a stream of magic through the shadows quietly to get the jump on you. Once in range, the magic will spring forth from behind you, forming a large shadow in the shape of dragon’s talon that will wrap around you. This spell can travel out to 40 meters away from Matthias’ casting location and is mostly to keep someone in place, but it will deal C rank damage to you each post and last for 5 posts. You can break out of it with either a display of an A ranks worth of power or if an ally hits the talon holding you with a B rank or higher spell. Matthias can move freely while you’re being held by this attack. Has a 4 post cooldown

    Shadow Dragon’s Possession: Matthias’ most prominent Dragon Slayer move, he will send out a burst of energy through the shadows out up to 50 meters from his location. Once the shadow reaches Matthias’ target, it will latch on to their shadow and allow him to control them for 4 posts. Your allies will have to focus all their efforts to sending Matthias flying, as not only will he force the person under his control to fight for him, but he’s also developed quite the tenacity when performing this spell; requiring two A ranks worth of damage to be dealt to him before he’ll lose concentration and you’ll be free. He likes to pair this with Crushing Talon to imprison one party member of yours while taking control of the other. He cannot use other spells while this is active. He can also only force the possessed person to do spells that he’s seen them do. Be careful, because he can force you to damage yourself as well as your allies!! Has a 5 post cool down.


    45K Jewels and an extra A rank’s worth of experience (After bonuses)


    The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only) Haretsa_by_ravenart5-d8uft6q
    "They call me 'H', 'cuz I turn asses to ashes!!"
    The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only) Team-s10
    Haretsa's Theme's:

    Magic  Vault of Shinies
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Posts : 1394
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 24,000

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    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only) Empty Re: The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only)

    Post by Mistress Venir 21st September 2015, 10:52 am

    The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only) ZeE1vMj


    The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
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    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only) Empty Re: The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only)

    Post by Thorn 3rd October 2015, 3:57 pm

    Has this been moved? pm me if still needs moving


    The Slayer Project - Public Version (One Time Only) S6Eaz9K

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