Fairy Tail RP

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    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos]

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] Empty Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 19th September 2015, 10:21 pm

    Act I:
    ((OOC: I'll RP as Lexa Grimoire, and her RP does not count to my word counts.))

    ~~Lexa Grimoire~~
    Lexa sat at the edge of the Ancient Ruin's entrance, hoping that someone from a guild of strong wizards had received her letter. To be honest, she didn't need super strong wizard, just some people who could distract the monsters inside and let her hit em a few times. She stood up, and looked at her sword. The four foot sword hadn't been properly treated for the past few days as she was busy being thrown about inside the Ancient Ruin's labyrinth, and then ran into that idiot Goldshriner. Lexa sighed as she saw the shadow of a large serpentine figure from above flash over her body, and looked around for a safe hiding spot.

    Seikatsu had saw a small figure sitting near the entrance to the Ancient Ruins. He didn't normally see people hanging around that place for no reason. He saw the figure running behind some rocks as Lisa flew past, figuring the person to be scared by the size of his friend. 'Lisa, I'm going down on my own, you make yourself less... massive and come after me.' Seikatsu said, using the telepathic bond between himself and his pet.

    Lisa flipped over and allowed Seikatsu to fall from her back, him dawning a pair of feathery wings upon entering free-fall. A few meters before he would hit the floor, Seikatsu angled his wings and jerked into a parallel line with the ground, speeding to the entrance to the ruins. He angled his wings and flapped harshly, causing him to immediately stop but a kick up a huge gust before he dismissed the wings and dropped to the floor. "I know you're here my lady, I assure you I mean no ill intent." Seikatsu said in a calm voice. Seikatsu felt something hit his stomach with a bit of force, but not enough to cause injury. The pressure was eased when whatever hugged him had let go, and took a few steps back. Looking down at it, he saw a girl a little under five feet in height, wearing a black miniskirt. Her feet had a pair of black boots that had sleeves extending all the way to just below the knee, where her skirt began a few inches higher up. She wore a black shirt with no sleeves, and a pair of black fingerless gloves. Her hair was a bright blonde hue, and was left to hang freely due to it being short for a girl. Seikatsu looked at her face and noticed that she seemed to be between 14 and 16. 
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] Empty Re: Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos]

    Post by Shipping Goddess 24th September 2015, 12:53 pm

    Ivy ran around, playing in the ancient ruins. She had recieved a letter from her maid Nunzia while at home a few days prior to the present, and Nunzia said she found it in town. It was a request to assist someone by the name of Lexa, and this Lexa person would give Ivy something in return. This peaked Ivy's interest, because if all she had to do was assist someone and then she'd get something for free Ivy was all game to that, so she decided to go.

    Now it was three days later, and Ivy ran around playing with her fairy. Neither Ivy nor nana knew where this Lexa was, until they both saw a massive Wyvern fly threw the sky, and as they chased after it they both soon heard voices. Nana landed upon Ivy's head and sat there as Ivy ran up to the two. "Hi there! Which one of you is Lexa?" Ivy smiled brightly but felt a tug on her hair, from the little brown-haired fairy that rested on it. The fairy jerked the hair to the man that spoke the most recently, and Ivy wondered what for and looked at him.

    The man let off an aura of demonic aura, one that she would combat normally with her holy aura. It brought her to want to kill the man, by natural impulse, however she now ignored it. It didn't matter, for now Ivy focused on the one that she needed to find out was Lexa.


    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] M7mHyEw
    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] CKWpl03
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] Empty Re: Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 24th September 2015, 5:03 pm

    ~~Lexa Grimoire~~
    Lexa saw one more person arrive, noticing she was considerably younger than her. Lexa quickly ran over to the young girl, and gave her a big hug "Imoto-san!" she said, labeling her as a little sister. Lexa then pointed at the large man in the cloak, saying "Big brother!" with a child like tone, and big grin. She skipped to the middle of the three and did a quick twirl, grabbing the ends of her skirt and curtsying as she said "I am Alexandria Lexicus Grimoire. Lexa for short." with a calm, well mannered voice. "I'll stay behind big-brother and attack when needed..." she said with a bit of embarrassment in her voice at the fact that a mercenary was hiring mercenaries.

    Seikatsu felt rather uncomfortable with being labeled as family to anyone, but the person looked so young he couldn't smash her spirit by being mean. "Look lady Grimoire, I must apologize for being rude, but I wish to be addressed by the only name that is befitting of one such as myself. I am Seikatsu, the traitor of Life. I hail from the Tribe of Souls." Seikatsu said, hoping he hadn't offended the young girl. "I don't mind if you stay behind me, just do not hinder my combat ability." he added in a calm voice. Seikatsu turned his gaze towards the other, another female, younger than the first, seemed to have a small brown sprite with her. 'Interesting...' Seikatsu thought, his dull dark purple eyes focusing on the tiny thing. Out of the blue, Seikatsu's pet wyvern landed on his arm in its smaller form. The one foot, seven inch long black critter made several clicking sounds. "It's alright, they're allies for now." Seikatsu said while rubbing Lisa's head. Seikatsu addressed the others, "As I've said, I am Seikatsu of the Tribe of Souls. This is my friend Lisa, I raised her from an egg. We look forward to fighting along side you." Seikatsu said while still rubbing the small wyvern's head. Lisa let of a few high-pitched clicking sounds before crawling into Seikatsu's cloak to take her normal hiding spot, laying in wait for her master to have use for her. Seikatsu could only imagine the other two had came to aid the little blonde girl, if so, Seikatsu wanted to help.
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] Empty Re: Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos]

    Post by Shipping Goddess 26th September 2015, 3:46 pm

    Ivy was assaulted by a hug soon after arriving, and was actually quite happy about it. Now dubbed a little sister Ivy smiled at Lexa. As ivy was embraced the fairy flew off of her head, and began glowing a bright blue light that enveloped her whole body, so that all that could be seen was her wings. She flew down to Ivy's ear, and paused. As she stopped her glow dissipated so she leaned up to Ivy, and whispered something to Ivy that would prove to be inaudable, and pointed to the Wyvern. The fairy earned a silent nod from Ivy, and then Nana returned to the top of Ivy's head and nestled in the pink locks.

    Soon the older man introduced himself, and Ivy wanted to make herself known. You can't just sit there and try to me mysterious all the time, so instead Ivy happily spoke up. "I'm Ivy Kissos, infamous wind mage of Fiore and one of the Fangs of Basilisk Fang!" Soon she got another tug on the hair from the little brown-haired being, and it was much harder than before. "Ow ow! Stop i- okay okay! Geez... And this one up there is Nana!" Ivy giggled and skipped along, finding this protection job easy so far, and the young girl didn't like that. Too boring. If Ivy was gonna be a mercenary to fight for someone, she was damn well going to be in a fight. If this job turns out to be action less and boring Ivy hould have never participated... But at least shell get free stuff without much work attached.


    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] M7mHyEw
    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] CKWpl03
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] Empty Re: Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 27th September 2015, 7:02 pm

    Seikatsu could feel the power emanating from the small girl, Ivy, and made note that it wasn't stronger than his own. At the same time, it was that far below his own magic levels either. "Ms. Kissos, if I shall walk up front. Should any harm befall anyone, it would be I who was harmed first. With that, I'll be entrusting my personal safety to you and Ms. Grimoire. As for your levels of fame, or rather, infamy; not to be rude, but this is the first I've heard of you." Seikatsu said in a plain voice, devoid of any emotions at all as he walked past. Entering the dark, dimly lit ruins, Seikatsu walked ahead of the two younger, smaller girls mostly to make sure his allies were safe from harm.

    Part ways into the tunnel, though not all that far, the group came to a fork in the path. Down one hall, Seikatsu could see the tunnel went on for quite some time. Down the next hall, one that was directly left of the large man, was a tunnel that made a sharp turn. There was another tunnel that angled downwards, most likely ending in a sharp drop off. A next tunnel was above that one, but one would have to jump over the ten... maybe twelve meter gap to get to it. Seikatsu turned to the other two, waiting for them to catch up and see for themselves the... slight... dilemma. "Which way?" Seikatsu asked Lexa, gesturing to the multitude of options that lay before them.

    ~~~Lexa Grimoire~~~
    Lexa pointed to the tunnel directly ahead of them, the one across the large cavern. "It's that way." she said, her voice high pitched and child like. Lexa pressed her hand against Ivy's back and said to Seikatsu "I'll see you in the other side." with a rather generous smile on her face. She then turned into a cloud of shadows, and reappeared on the other side of the gap and waved to Seikatsu. She heard the sound of feet moving, surly signaling that enemies were coming to greet the two girls.

    Last edited by Seikatsu on 27th September 2015, 7:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] Empty Re: Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos]

    Post by NPC 27th September 2015, 7:02 pm

    The member 'Seikatsu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] NormalMonster Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] StrongMonster Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] NormalMonster Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] NormalMonster Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] NormalMonster
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] Empty Re: Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos]

    Post by Shipping Goddess 29th September 2015, 1:53 pm

    Ivy growled when the man talked of not hearing about her, it put a damper on her ego a bit, but not by much. "Does knowledge of the Coming Storms ring any bells? Looking at number 6!" she said while continuing on, closing her eyes as she walked, taking in the image through the air, as it was a bit dark for her to see. Coming along, she soon found a gap in her sight, a trench going downward, and then she saw Lexa, whom put her hand upon Ivy's back, and then within seconds Ivy vanished, and reappeared. But after that her vision of the cavern reappeared - with a few more guests than needed. There were 4 dogs, each of them just about a bit larger than Ivy, on all fours, and they looked like some weird mutant cross between a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler, along with some weird man. He does look normal, however he had wires all over his body, like he's been experimenting with such things, or something else. This man was taking his time reaching Ivy and Lexa, but the dogs however weren't. At least this would give Ivy the thrill that she was hoping for.

    Taking advantage of the dogs for a bit,t Ivy wanted to go straight for the man, the scientist. He was still taking his time, looking at the dogs, who were about to tear Lexa's throat out, that is ABOUT. The dogs apparently weren't really smart, as Ivy put a barrier around Lexa, not even attacking it but instead barking extremely loudly, and standing against it with their hind legs on the ground and their front legs on the barrier, and whilst Lexa herself wouldn't be able to move, the dogs would.


    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] M7mHyEw
    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] CKWpl03
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Ice
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    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] Empty Re: Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 30th September 2015, 12:41 am

    Seikatsu spread a pair of wings, pure black with a dark blue glow about them. Feathery in appearance as they flew the cloaked man across the divide. He began walking forward, saying "Never heard of you." as he passed Ivy and drew his blades. One of the dogs turned their attention to Seikatsu and began charging at him at full force. The man didn't miss a beat when it came to beating the stupid thing, he simply turned and smacked it with the broad side of his blade, the Thorn of Betrayal, and the stupid creature turned tail and went back to attacking the small girls.

    Seikatsu stopped in front of the other man. He was the same height at Seikatsu, wearing a white lab coat with torn black dress pants and a white shirt under it. His head and neck were covered in glowing markings that resembled a circuit board. He looked back at the girls, seeing as Ivy had the four dogs to deal with since they didn't wanna test Seikatsu's patience. The glowing man looked at Seikatsu, his markings began to glow brighter as he began to charge in with a scalpel, and some weird saw in his hands. Seikatsu let him get close, so close the glowing man struck at him with the scalpel. Seikatsu held up a single sword in front the scalpel, turning the spine of the blade to the sharp edge of the surgical tool. The scientist's weapon slammed into Seikatsu's and instantly shattered, causing the scientist to back up slightly. "You're in my way." Seikatsu said in a low, unhappy tone. The glowing man looked at the broken handle of his weapon, and back at Seikatsu, then back at the weapon. He dropped the handle and came for Seikatsu at full force. Seikatsu watched as the bone saw came for him, using a quick pivot on his heel he spun around the utensil and removed the scientist's hand at the same time. The glowing man held his arm for a second, and then his glowing stopped. Soon after, a thud was heard as the top half of his body flipped over the bottom half, only held together by a few bits of skin and sinew. It made a second sound as it hit the floor, followed by the sound of organs spilling from the open cavity. Seikatsu turned around to see what Ivy was up to.

    ~~Lexa Grimoire~~
    Lexa was surprised seeing the dogs, more so that they glowed just like she did. However, she was even more surprised when the dogs attacked her on sight, likely under the command of the large glowing male slowing making his way towards her. Before the dog got any closer, Lexa saw it leaning up against a strange wall... a barrier of sorts. She looked at Ivy and smiled, saying "Thanks for the save sis." with a high-pitched, child-like voice. From here, Lexa would likely wait out the battle...
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Age : 23
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    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] Empty Re: Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos]

    Post by Shipping Goddess 6th October 2015, 3:10 pm

    Considering the man completely ignored that Ivy was going to defeat the man herself, Ivy sighed and turned around to see the wind barrier breaking, as one of the dogs destroyed the shield. Ivy dashed, and jumped in the way of the dog and Lexa, the dog jumping and biting Ivy in the arm. Ivy stood back up, looking at the dog that was on her arm. It didn't hurt as much as it looked, it was just moreso a small sting, and Ivy looked at it with a blank expression. Taking the sword and stabbing the dog in the face, the dog sparked and jumped back, causing the other dogs to be distraugt. The fact that the dog survived the one hit made Ivy feel a bit odd, like she was inadequate.

    "Well you guys seem strong! Lets see.... eeeniee... meeniee.... mineee.... moe!" She pointed to the dog that had a wound in its face, and the three wind blades that were now summoned went and sliced the dog into three different pieces, causing a questionable face from Ivy. "Hey big sis, are you okay?" She turned back to Lexa, her arm wound bleeding heavily from the dog bite, but the other dogs were meeting the end of Ivy's blade, without her even looking. She relied on hearing and the site of the wind, catching each attack, slicing the dogs and catching them off guard. One by one the dogs fell, as the two young girls spoke to one another, the red liquid making its way down Ivy's arm, and dripping onto the floor, but not really attracting the attention of Ivy.
    HP: 248
    MP: 90%


    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] M7mHyEw
    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] CKWpl03
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Second Skill: Ice
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    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] Empty Re: Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 6th October 2015, 5:39 pm

    Seikatsu looked back, watching as the youngest of the girls had a bleeding arm but was still tearing up her opponents. 'She'll be fine, the kid's got some ass behind her.' Altsoba, the Demon of War said to Seikatsu using their telepathic bond to transcend the bonds of space. Seikatsu let out a grunt, acknowledging he was in agreement with the demon. He kneeled over, checking the man in the lab coat for any kind of pass card as he knew that where there are scientists, there are Laboratories. Where there are laboratories, there are locked doors, and if he can get a pass card he can open those doors. He looked back again, making sure his ally wasn't overwhelmed. Despite her bleeding arm, Seikatsu could tell she wouldn't need any help. He turned back around and continued walking down the large cavern, not bothering to check back again.

    After a good thirty or so minutes of walking down the dimly lit tunnel, following the remnants of souls that flowed through the cavern, Seikatsu came to a door with a small light over it. He turned back, questioning if his partners had caught up but the spirits revealed no living nearby. "I'll scout ahead." Seikatsu said softly as he swiped the key card on a panel. A red dot turned green as a beeping sound was emitted from the panel, and the door clicked open. To ensure the door didn't lock behind him, Seikatsu looked around and found a fairly large rock and placed it in front the door to make sure it didn't close entirely. The room was pure white, with a clear window that looked out into a hallway that seemed to go on for hours. Seikatsu walked over to a button panel, looking at the still working items. His gaze passed around the labels, one saying 'open' but didn't specify what it did open. Another was bright red, tempting to touch, but Seikatsu knew not to touch the red button. He decided to wing it, and press the ambiguous 'open' button and the sliding door opened, however, beyond the open door he could hear the screams, howls, and chatter of more enemies.

    HP: 300
    MP: 113%

    +2% MP Regen
    Can Store +50% MP

    ~~Lexa Grimoire~~

    Lexa watched as a dog blasted through her big sister's barrier and flinched, shutting her eyes tightly for fear of being bitten. When she opened her eyes, she saw Ivy with one of the dogs attached to her arm. Lexa's eyes glowed bright, shimmering blue as she became angry that her little sister was hurt. Lexa heard her sister asking if she was alright, her voice didn't show too much signs pain. "Yeah I'm fine. When we finish these off, I'll take care of that bite." Lexa replied with a calm voice. She would assist Ivy in finishing the dogs, while also holding a conversation. She wasn't used to having battle partners who enjoyed talking, but she preferred it over being abandoned by the man who was with them. After the dogs were finished, Lexa placed her hand over the bite, placing some light energy to it and causing the bleeding to stop. The wounds would heal slightly, but not entirely.

    Heal Used: Ivy +28HP
    Heal: 5 Posts
    Shadow Burst: 2 Posts

    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] OdAaNwh , Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] PzArA86
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] OdAaNwh , Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] R2fEWNz
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 1 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Act I: Genesis [Seikatsu+Kissos] PzArA86

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:36 pm