Fairy Tail RP

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    Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex]


    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Chains
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex]

    Post by likeaboss756 18th July 2015, 5:31 am

    Blake walked into the guildhall breathing in the fresh air feeling relieved to be back in the place he loved most. Everything about it was just awesome from it's people to just the size of the place made for a very well place to do, well pretty much anything you want to do. Although there was one thing missing, his partner Alex. Blake had been away from the guild doing a ton of training that he'd forgotten that Alex had also been training. Blake thought of all the training Alex must have been doing and it made him excited just thinking about it. Blake thought to himself, "I wonder who's stronger now, me or him." The thought of it made Blake laugh to himself a little bit. Blake decided to sit down considering he had been training for about a month straight trying to get stronger and he was a bit more exhausted than he originally thought. "Phew, that training really put some strain on my body." Blake said while taking a seat and turning it around to where the back of the chair was in front of him so he could rest his head on it. "I wonder when Alex is gonna get back." Blake complained to himself. "On the bright side, once he gets back we're gonna go on another job." Blake told himself. He remembered all the times that Alex helped him like when he took out Scourge by using the Kings Sword, or when..... Well actually that was it. Blake clenched his fists together, "But I'm new and improved and better yet, Alex doesn't know I'm a dragon slayer. I think he'll be surprised to see that much." Blake said while staring at the door waiting for Alex to walk in.


    Main Theme:

    Battle Theme:

    Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex] Xv498UB

    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/7= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade! (C Rank)

    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 168.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fossil-Make
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex]

    Post by xXSpiritXx 19th July 2015, 1:42 pm

    Alex walked to the doors of the Sabertooth guild hall new and improved. He touched his hands on the two gigantic doors and pushed them open. A breeze of air flew by Alex's face as he smelt the fresh air. He took a couple steps into the guild hall to see his partner Blake sleeping on a bench near the job request board. Alex walked over there and laughed a bit saying," Theres the Blake I always knew.." Alex walked over to the job board and as he started looking at the D rank jobs he remembered how hard and long he trained. He believed he was finally ready for a C ranked job. He walked over to the board and ripped off a job and showed it to the bar tender. After that Alex walked over to Blake and pushed him off the bench to wake him up. Blake woke up in a hurry. Alex then said," Heh, Nice to see you again buddy." Blake stood up and he and Alex hi-fived and sat down to talk about the month they were away. After they're long conversation, the bar tender signaled Alex and Blake over to the counter. They walked over there and Alex explained to Blake about the job he signed them up for while he was asleep on a bench. The bar tender then handed Blake a dark purple tux, and Alex a gray tux. The two boys then changed and left the guildhall to get their job started.

    Blake's Tux:

    Alex's Tux:


    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/8= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade!(C-rank)
                         Wedding Crashers!(C-rank)
                                   Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex] Alexsig_zpsc5925e59
                      Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex] Alexsignature_zps08857557

                                                    COMPLETED JOBS
                           D: 6  l  C: 0  l  B: 0  l  A: 0  l  S: 0  |  SS: 0  |  10: 0  |  100: 0

    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Chains
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex]

    Post by likeaboss756 19th July 2015, 2:19 pm

    Blake and Alex got on a train headed towards Rose Garden. As soon as the train started moving Blake knew what was coming next, he closed his eyes and prepared to be taken over by a monstrosity greater than anything anyone has ever known before. Motion sickness, any dragon slayer's worst nightmare. "Hmmm? I don't feel anything yet......Nevermind, there it is." Blake said as he leaned out the window and threw up. Blake continued to hang his head out of the window trying not to get anything on his tux. "Maybe I should have changed after I got off the train." Blake said in a weary tone. Blake was able to catch glimpses of Alex laughing at him throughout the whole ride. Blake couldn't wait to get off the train so he could feel normal again. "Boy I hate this, at least we get to go to a really cool city." Blake said trying to cheer himself up. "Hey Blake we're almost there." Alex said patting Blake's back to try and help his situation. "Are you okay Blake? You've never had that problem on trains before." Alex said while laughing. "Oh, no I'm completely fine." Blake tried to reassure him. Blake realized how much of a disadvantage he would be at if they ever had to fight while riding a train before, but considering it never happened to them before he wasn't too worried about it. On top of that, Alex was there to protect him if it did happen anyways, it was a great way of seeing his new powers. "How bad could this be anyways?" Blake asked himself.


    Main Theme:

    Battle Theme:

    Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex] Xv498UB

    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/7= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade! (C Rank)

    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 168.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fossil-Make
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex]

    Post by xXSpiritXx 21st July 2015, 10:10 pm

    After about 1 hour of riding on the train, Alex started to get annoyed of the sound of Blake groaning and moaning in sickness. "Ughhhhh, Ehhhhh, Errrrrr!" "Can you please be quiet??? I'm trying to sleep!" Alex would say every time Blake would make noises. It was a long train ride, but after a total of 3 hours they made it to Rose Garden.

    Alex stepped out of the train and took a deep breath smelling the fresh air, while Blake stepped out and fell face first on the floor. Alex then realized that they had to find the wedding area before it started. Alex helped Blake up and he dusted off his suit mumbling,"I'll never ride a train again.." "Aw man.. You know that's a lie!" Alex said while laughing. Blake and Alex then made their way towards the wedding chapel for the wedding. While walking down the streets Blake and Alex both had the attention span of a goldfish and they decided to look at everything they saw being sold at stores or by merchants. 30 minutes of looking around actually led them to the wedding chapel as the 2 boys walked in with a little time to spare. As soon as they walked in they were greeted and were gave seats and drinks. "I feel at home already!" "I understand how you feel man!" The 2 boys went rambling on about staying alert and always on their feet. But they both thought that it would be nice to relax for a bit.. Besides, what could go wrong?

    Last edited by xXSpiritXx on 22nd July 2015, 12:52 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/8= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade!(C-rank)
                         Wedding Crashers!(C-rank)
                                   Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex] Alexsig_zpsc5925e59
                      Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex] Alexsignature_zps08857557

                                                    COMPLETED JOBS
                           D: 6  l  C: 0  l  B: 0  l  A: 0  l  S: 0  |  SS: 0  |  10: 0  |  100: 0

    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Chains
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex]

    Post by likeaboss756 21st July 2015, 11:26 pm

    Monster Dice Roll #1


    Main Theme:

    Battle Theme:

    Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex] Xv498UB

    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/7= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade! (C Rank)

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex]

    Post by NPC 21st July 2015, 11:26 pm

    The member 'likeaboss756' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex] NormalMonster

    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Chains
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex]

    Post by likeaboss756 22nd July 2015, 12:56 pm

    Blake and Alex were becoming so relaxed at the wedding that it almost made them forget about their jobs multiple times. Blake started to fall asleep to he decided to head to the bathroom to wash his face with some water. "Hey Alex, I'm gonna head to the restroom to wash my face real quick." Blake told his partner. "Sure thing, keep an eye out for anything suspicious." Alex teased. "You too." The dragon slayer responded while laughing and headed toward the restroom. Blake pushed open the door to the men's restroom and proceeded towards the sink. Once he got there he noticed there was another man in one of the stalls but Blake decided to ignore it and turned on the sink. Blake soaked his hands in water and splashed them on his face a couple times. Blake was silently listening to the man in the stall mumbling something about his boss getting mad at him. Blake's eyes widened and instead of calling him out, he played it cool. "That must be one of the guys." Blake said to himself in his mind. "I've gotta go get Alex." Blake tried to walk casually to the door when he heard the stall open. "Where do you think you're going?" The man asked while leaning on the sink counter. Blake stopped and turned to face the man in the black tuxedo. "Listen, I know you wanna fight so let's take this outside." Blake said getting serious. "Good, cya outside then buddy." The man replied and disappeared into thin air.

    Blake sprinted outside and saw the man standing in the street. "I hope you're ready kid, this is gonna get ugly for you." The man said. Blake just stood there getting ready to fight the man. The man rushed at Blake and launched a punch at him. Blake held his hands up to guard the punch but when the impact came, it just felt like a breeze of wind. When Blake looked to see the man, he disappeared into the air again and Blake looked around for the man briefly and noticed he was in the air coming down on him with his foot. Blake quickly reacted and jumped back into the air. The man shot lots of mini wind blasts at him. Blake noticed each wave reflected against the sunlight, "They're gonna cut me!" Blake flipped back in mid air and the wind cut up his jacket instead. Blake landed with little effort and was breathing heavily. "Pretty good moves you got kid." The man said. "Yeah yeah whatever, you ruined my jacket." Blake responded angrily while taking off the cut up jacket and throwing it on the ground. "Time to get serious." Blake said.


    Main Theme:

    Battle Theme:

    Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex] Xv498UB

    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/7= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade! (C Rank)

    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 168.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fossil-Make
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex]

    Post by xXSpiritXx 23rd July 2015, 11:56 pm

    After 5 minutes of sitting alone, Alex realized that Blake hasn't came out of the bathroom yet. "Ugh.. Whats taking him so long.." Alex casually walked over to the bathroom and checked for Blake, no sign. He started to walk around the chapel and saw door in the back that was creaked open. Alex ran and slowly opened up the rest of the door and saw Blake and a wind mage going at it. "Time for me to step in!" Alex ran out the door and shot a bone bullet towards the wind mage. Right before contact, it stopped in mid air and was directed back at Alex by his wind magic. "What is this guy capable of!" Alex dodged the bullet as the fire burned across his tux sleeve. "Alex! Glad your here." "Yeah i'm here, and this fool ruined my tuxedo.. Care to end him with me?" "Any time bro."

    Alex grew a bone sword in his hand at the same time Blake used Poison Dragon's Iron Fist. Both the boys bombarded the mage as he disappeared behind a building. "Well.. Looks like its time for me to get serious.." The mage then summoned a copy of him self as they both walked out from behind the building. One hopped on a building, while the other walked towards the boys. "I'll take the one on the building!" "Alright.. Good luck man." Blake ascended onto the building as Alex ran full force at the mage in front of him. Blake tried to punch the mage with his fist but was flung back because of the force field. He was flying away from the man when suddenly Blake realized that he was running out of space to fly back, if he went any more back he'd fly off the roof. Blake immediately took action, he back flipped in mid air and grabbed the edge of the building causing his body to swing against the building smashing into the attic window of the wedding chapel. Blake rolled on the floor and stood up, he realized he was in the attic and knew the guy was above him. Suddenly, Blake saw a wind blade stick through the roof and start to make a circle. Blake activated his iron fists again and when the circle of the roof fell into the attic Blake jumped towards it, kicking the circle through the roof back at the wind mage who quickly dodged by simply leaning back and letting the disk fly straight into the sky. The wind mage, having lost sight of Blake tried to look into the hole and realized Blake wasn't there. He turned around and heard Blake's voice, "Poison Dragon's Fang Thrust!" Poison in the form of a snake dashed towards the man and right when the snake bit down on the mage he turned into pure wind and merged with the air. While Blake was still aimlessly firing off shots into the air to attempt to hit the wind wizard, Alex was going fist to fist against the other wind mage. They were going blow for blow dodging weaving and staying on their feet. But one time when Alex caught him off guard and went for the finishing blow the mage quickly used wind magic and sent Alex flying into a building. Right before the collision Alex grew a bone cage around him as it broken against the building barley bracing his fall. As he looked up he saw the wizard standing in front of him and Blake standing on a building behind him. The mage went for the kill as Alex yelled,"NOW!" Blake jumped from the building and used Iron Fist on the wind mage ending him quickly even before the poison kicked in. Alex and Blake then continued scouting for anyone attempting to ruin the wedding.


    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/8= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade!(C-rank)
                         Wedding Crashers!(C-rank)
                                   Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex] Alexsig_zpsc5925e59
                      Wedding Crashers [Blake & Alex] Alexsignature_zps08857557

                                                    COMPLETED JOBS
                           D: 6  l  C: 0  l  B: 0  l  A: 0  l  S: 0  |  SS: 0  |  10: 0  |  100: 0

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:12 pm