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    The Hunt!

    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    The Hunt! Empty The Hunt!

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 26th June 2015, 5:58 pm

    Job Title:
    The Hunt!
    A Rank
    One Time Only
    Player Requirements:
    1 or 2 A ranks
    2 - 4 B ranks
    Must be either Dark/Neutral Guild, or Guildless
    Job Requirements:
    Complete Hide n' Explode
    40 Posts, 450 Words Each
    Must Roll 30 Times
    Job Location:
    Rose Garden
    Job Description:
    You fully gain responsiveness in the ER of Neutral Ground's castle and are immediately given your next task. A man, the head of Neutral Ground's Guard, tells you that he'll wave the fact that you blew up a few shops in that explosion that knocked you out (even though it wasn't your fault he blames you) and will ask for you to bring the man who started this all to justice. He tells you the Magic Council came clean after word of the explosion, and that Neutral Ground's government will aid you with what little they can. They've located a strange set of caverns under Rose Garden and wants you to investigate.
    As a friendly gesture, the Guard says
    "If you don't make it back, I'll be sure to write your name INSIDE your casket(s) AND on your tombstone(s)!"

    Upon arriving at the opening to the hole, you must search the massive cavern to find the bandits leader.

    Weak: 4x Novice
    These fellows are able to use magic to an extent, and are pretty arrogant about their new power. They're not as powerful as their superiors, but they will give you a hard time. These will take 5 hits of A ranked attacks to bring to their knees. The choice to kill them or let them live is yours. The type of magic these monsters use is determined by the 'Fire-Water-Earth' Dice.

    Normal: 6x Wizard Bandits
    These wizards use magic equal in power to your own, and they have been training their bodies to withstand the force of their own magic. They're physically, and mentally tough and able to withstand all forms of mind control of equal or lesser rank. They use offensive, defensive, or support magic and travel in balance teams of 3 with each member using one of the types. However, they are limited in power as their training is incomplete, and only know 2 spells each. Each of these guys takes 7 A ranked attacks to defeat, and will use each of their spells 1 time each.
    Offensive: Use the Block Dice to determine if these hit you
    Fire Ball - The wizard fire a ball of fire at you, if successful you take A rank damage and suffer a burn losing 2% HP for 3 posts. This can stack if multiple Wizard Bandits are drawn.
    Air Sword - The wizard uses a wave of air to slash you for A rank damage.

    Earth Barrier - The wizard erects a large sphere around one of the three wizards protecting them, this sphere is only large enough to protect one of the three, and will only go down once the other two are defeated. While in the sphere, that wizard cannot use his/her magic. This sphere will shatter immediately if put around you or your allies.
    Wind Barrier - The wizard uses a gust of wind to deflect one of your own spells back to the wizard who casted it, dealing the rank of that spell and a half to the wizard. (Block Dice will determine if you're hit or not)

    Liquid Assist - The wizard uses water magic to allow his/her allies to take 1 extra hit of damage.

    Wind Assist - The wizard uses wind magic to speed up the other two by 50%

    Strong: 2x Wizard Trainer
    These are the ones training the wizard bandits to use magic, be careful as just one of him is the equivalent of the three of his trainee's. He uses the same spells as all three of them. His Earth Barrier is destroyed by 2 A ranks of damage, or 1 S rank of damage. He personally takes 10 hits to down.

    Boss OH GOD!
    You come across a dead body that's been atatched to a tree with rail spikes, it's stomach area has a hole cut in and an arrow drawn on it's torso with the words "You've Got Mail!" written on it.
    Deciding to be the brave soul you are, you reach inside the corpse and feel around past the organs, and feel plastic. Pulling it out there's another letter.
    "Congratulations you sick person, you've reached into a dead man's stomach!
    In good faith, here's the exact spot I'm waiting for you!"
    You turn the letter around to view the map, however, not expecting a straight answer you've placed your hands directly over the map itself. Covered in blood and gut bits, you can't read the map.
    You send the map to the Magic Council to see what they can make of it, and also try to get the rotten guts off your hands and do something about the smell.

    Report back to the Rose Garden's Guard, who will resist all urges to kill you if you or someone in your party is a Dark Wizard, and they'll send word to Neutral Grounds of what happens.

    45,000 Jewel
    2x A Rank EXP
    Unlock "Finish Him!"

    The Hunt! Empty Re: The Hunt!

    Post by Guest 26th June 2015, 6:49 pm


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