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    Shunsuke's Weapon.


    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 201
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Sōzōsuke Kato
    Experience : 525

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Devil Slayer
    Second Skill: Takeover - Anaconda Soul(Unfinished)
    Third Skill:

    Shunsuke's Weapon. Empty Shunsuke's Weapon.

    Post by Shunsuke 9th June 2015, 12:24 pm

    Orchestra of Ice
    A long long time ago when the world was under the rule of kings and queens, this story takes birth on an imperial house of the kind King, Raisuke. He was a gentle human being who didn’t believe in the ideologies of war. His court was full of joy, his family was proud of him and more importantly, he had a few but great friends. However, due to his views on war and his neutral stand in them, he was also quick to make enemies. Other kings had expressed their displeasure on his way of thinking, compelling and sometimes, even trying to tempt him into joining them. This was the time each state tried to take over the other in hopes of expanding their kingdom and having one state stay out of it without taking any sides were quite an annoyance for others.  

    It was in this situation that Raisuke’s wife gives birth to a white haired baby girl called Shiori. Shiori was far more intelligent for her age. She showed extreme skills in physical as well as mental skills. More importantly, she was also a mage with ice magic. News about her skills and power spread far out towards other kingdoms to the point that all of them started pressuring Raisuke further into forming alliances with them. The great king never stepped off his firm decisions, however, and thus some jealous nations formed together, drafting secret alliances. Their objective was to take Shiori and her powers for themselves. The corrupted souls extended their black hands further and pierced through the trust Raisuke had placed in his kingdom and his friends. By the time he realized the danger her daughter’s life is facing, his most trusted allies and friends had already abandoned him.

    Forced back into an inescapable wall, Raisuke vowed to protect his daughter’s life even if it meant his death. He scavenged through centuries old scrolls on ancient powers and magic till he finally came across the news on a mysterious katana. Pushing his old and tired heart for the sake of his daughter, after so many troubles, Raisuke managed to forge the ancient katana his ancestors had written about. At first, it didn’t work; even refused to yield to Raisuke’s command. Finally, the betrayed and miserable king decided that he wouldn’t let anyone make use of his daughter. In a fit of mad haze, Raisuke murdered his own daughter in her sleep with the katana before taking his own life.

    This katana, truly forged in hopeless love, blood and tears absorbed Shiori’s powers, turned ice cold. Tragically, this sword was later found and used by the same group of people he wanted to protect his daughter against. It must have been too much for the restless soul for the king because the katana slowly turned against its wielders, slowly yet surely taking away their life. Then, after taking countless lives of kings and warriors who wished to exploit its powers, the katana was sealed away. It is believed that the katana, however, is waiting for its rightful owner. This katana is the orchestra of tragic souls…it’s the orchestra of ice.

    * Empowering the very essence of winter, The Orchestra of Ice has an increased damage output of 50% when wielding in natural ice environments.
    * Whips up a snow storm that damages everyone inside. When swinging your blade.
    * Because of it's ice affiliation, the blade is less effective in environments were heat and fire reign supreme. Imagine like a volcanic areas, or even scorching deserts.
    * The snowstorm ability affects anyone inside except the user itself. Meaning that even though it is effective against multiple enemies. Allies get damaged as well.
    * This weapon scales with rank until it hits A, meaning that damage conducted by the weapon is equal to your rank. That stops at A, so S and higher still deal A rank damage.
    * Can't be alter or changed since this weapon is a lore weapon to the site.


    Hailing Blizzard
    Rank Limited
    The Orchestra's of Ice, main ability. Namely the power of creating a snowstorm that allows you to damage every single person inside it. By just swinging your sword. This however also means anyone you consider your friend gets hit by the same attack.
    * Whip up a snowstorm for 2 posts that damages everyone inside except yourself.
    * Hits those you consider allies as well. And has a cool down of 6 posts

    Ice Affiliation
    Empowering the very essence of winter itself. The Orchestra of Ice grants a damage buff of 50% when wielding it in natural ice regions. This however has one set back in the opposite direction. Meaning that it deal 50% less damage in regions were heat prevails above all. Imagine volcanic regions or hot sandy deserts.
    * 50% damage in Ice regions
    * 50% less damage in Heat regions


    Shunsuke's Weapon. Shunsuke_by_gramcrackers-d95mjy6


    Shunsuke's Weapon. Empty Re: Shunsuke's Weapon.

    Post by Guest 9th June 2015, 12:27 pm

    Shunsuke's Weapon. CBsTu5w

    Future reference for staff: Proof of purchase is post n°11

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:12 pm