Fairy Tail RP

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    Grim Lightnings past


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper Of Peace
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning
    Second Skill: Sound
    Third Skill:

    Grim Lightnings past Empty Grim Lightnings past

    Post by ChaosGrave69 11th November 2012, 12:59 am

    History: Grim was born in cold mountains on a rainy day where his father Yuko Lightning and mother Riza Redkin maiden name in a shack of a house 1-2 years old he learned how to walk and talk at the age of 3 he hit his head against a rock getting a gash on his eye, at the age of 4 he walked off into the forest one day and got lost for 2 days frostbite on his hand and foot found by his father and treated by the local hospital, age 5 his father left to become a great wizard and never came back his mother got a job at the log mill leaveing him alone more most the days, at 6 years old he learned how to hunt for himself with a bow and arrow he killed a rabbit and it tasted awful and made him sick for 2 weeks, at 7 he started as an apprentice in a hunter guild and quickly rose in the ranks, at 8 he began his first hunt in the guild killed a boar after the boar gored his leg, 9 years old he met a pretty girl at the genral store it was the general store owner's daughter a brown haired girl with rosey red cheecks blue eyes with a white dress flowing down to her red bow he quickly feel in love with Lilly Rosenwood giving her everything she wanted ages 10-15 he never told her how he felt for years just giving her stuff anything he could buy or make or hunt but never his words by this time he was a raven in the guild 3rd highest rank there in the tiny village but her heart belonged to another, a nobleman named Keith Moneygrubber and he never told her that he loved her until age 16 when he snuck into Keiths house and found his secret torture dungeon with lilly strung up dead in a fit of rage he killed the Moneygrubber and left town 2days later his mother died, age 17-20 started to travel the world finding all the wonder in the world like magic he was already a skilled fighter now it was time to learn magic lightning in the rain always cheered him up so thats what it became and got a cross shaped scar on his shoulder from an cross arrow, ages 21-23 met garou and joined the savage skulls where they started as d ranks and life began for them to live in their world that they can create and through their time at the guild they learned about teamwork and that magic can hurt allot grim had so much fun in savages skulls that he never wanted to leave his friends and got a tattoo to memorialize his power.
    RP Sample: Attempt to break the lock by making a magnetic pull on opposite sides of the lock.
    Face Claim: none

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:16 am