Fairy Tail RP

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[link-back]HARPER REGION


[link-back]HARPER REGION  Empty [link-back]HARPER REGION

Post by Leesi 1st February 2015, 11:18 pm

[u]Harper Region
Medieval. Realistic. Intermediate. PG-13. Welcoming.

Welcome to the Harper Region, where we take pokémon back to a simpler time, before cars and trains and computers. In fact, we take it all the way back into the middle ages, in a region founded by an exiled bard whose name has become legend.

That's right, Harper is a medieval era pokémon site, where the Guardians of the region are in constant conflict with the rogues and the Order of the Masque, who would see the region's governing systems and classes overthrown. Both civilians and the rest of the region's pokémon handlers lay in between the two opposite sides of the law, making their own way by breeding, acting as vigilantes or generally people for hire, or trying out something entirely new.

Harper is not stat/numbers based, making for realistic battles and allowing members to choose their own characters' paths. Both pokémon battles and physical, hand-to-hand combat battles may occur in character, and players begin with a weapon and some armour.

The style of play is different than your typical play-by-post forum, more similar to tabletop RPGs, in that you play your character with/against a staff member, who acts as the "dungeonmaster" or "gamemaster," controlling the world and the non player characters in order to keep the system fair.

Join us, and plunge into the rich and diverse world of pokémon, taken back in time.
No gyms, no Elite 4, no Team ______, no legendaries, no set journey.
Just pokemon, Handlers, and plenty of adventure.
Harper Region.
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