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    Escort Services [Job | Solo]

    Zoe Schiffer
    Zoe Schiffer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 693
    Guild : ♕ n/a.
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 1150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ➹ wind magic.
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    Escort Services [Job | Solo] Empty Escort Services [Job | Solo]

    Post by Zoe Schiffer 22nd December 2014, 1:30 pm

    Job Description:
    Zoe Schiffer
    Zoe Schiffer

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 693
    Guild : ♕ n/a.
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 1150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ➹ wind magic.
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escort Services [Job | Solo] Empty Re: Escort Services [Job | Solo]

    Post by Zoe Schiffer 22nd December 2014, 1:51 pm

    Zoe's Dress:

    Running her hand over the crease of her blue dress, Zoe checked herself in the mirror once more. Reaching her hands up to the light pink bun that held her hair in place, she fixed it slightly before breathing in a sigh of relief. The brunette smiled at the image that was shown on the mirror; of herself. She didn’t look that bad with a dress on. She had forgotten the last time when she had ever worn one; it was most likely a little over four years ago however, now was not the time to be thinking about that.

    Zoe had taken up a job in which she had to escort a noble to a ball; didn’t seem that difficult. Moreover, she was looking forward to it but only because of the huge amount of food that would be available there. “Food….” The girl sighed as a little bit of drool lined her mouth. Her imagination about the various assortments of food was thwarted by a thundering knock at the door which made Zoe jump slightly. “Sheesh, whoever that is needs to calm the hell down.”

    Making her way to the door, swaying slightly due to the heels that she wore, Zoe cursed inwardly and opened the door about to tell the person to calm down when she was suddenly met with a face that was seething in anger. It was a male figure, one whose features appeared to be quite handsome but at the same time, his features were completely ruined due to the furious look in his eyes.


    “Um, hi.” Zoe said, raising her hand to wave at him slightly while cracking a sheepish smile. Grunting, the man took Zoe’s hand or rather grabbed it and took her out of the room heading to the hall where the ball was taking place. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!”

    “I’m taking you to the ball. You’re supposed to be my escort, remember?” He snarled at her face, stopping momentarily to glance at her. “Oh, so you’re the guy I’m escorting!” Zoe said, her mouth forming in an ‘O’. “My name is Zoe.”

    Dragging Zoe towards the ball room, the man spoke, “Yes, I am. My name is Kyoya. And just so you know, we’re already late because of you. Ugh, why do you have to escort me off all the girls in the world? You’re not even hot.” An anger mark appeared on the brunette’s head. Did he just say she was ugly? Now she understood why he didn’t have an escort. Who would want to go with someone who had that much of a despicable attitude?

    “No wonder you don’t have an escort even though you’re pretty good looking.” Unknowingly, Zoe had said that out loud which made the male before her who had clasped her hand smirk a bit and peer at her. “Of course I’m good looking. Unlike you. And just saying, I’m being forced to have an escort but I have no interest in having one.”

    Rolling her eyes, Zoe figured out that there was no point in arguing with him. Well, she just had to bear this for an evening and after that, this would be over and the girl would not have to deal with his snarky attitude any longer.

    Stepping inside the ball room that glowed with bright lights along every corner along with the excitable but tamed chatter of the people present with dresses that looked quite exquisite; all in all, a quite serene though excitable ambience was created. Zoe’s eyes scanned the surroundings with a glow in them. She hadn’t been to a ball before but this certainly seemed like quite an amazing place. But of course, it would be far more cherished if her partner was a cheery and gentle fellow himself.

    Glancing at Kyoya, Zoe was not surprised when she witnessed a sour look painted on his features. “You know, you could try to at least show that you’re a little happy about being here.” Zoe suggested, glancing at him, hoping he would do as she said.
    Looking towards her, Kyoya put a smile on his face and Zoe thought that he had listened however, she was wrong. For as soon as he did that, his face changed back into its sour look and snapped at her. “Not happening in a million years. I hate this place, I don’t even want to be here. Especially with a stupid girl like you.” Now this was getting too much. What was the deal with him? At least, Zoe was trying to be nice. Kyoya was outright rude and she was getting furious with him right now.

    The music started playing in the background and all the couples present proceeded to the dance floor. All of a sudden, Zoe felt a tug on her hand and noticed that Kyoya had been holding it all along. But what confounded her even more was the fact that he was taking her to the dance floor. Reaching there, he put a hand on her waist and directed her hand on his shoulder. “Wow, I didn’t you were the dancing type.” Zoe remarked, honestly surprised that he would actually willingly take her to the dance floor.

    “I’m not.” Kyoya said, glaring at the girl as he purposely stepped on her foot making her wince. “Like I said, the only reason I’m attending this stupid thing is because I have to so that means that I have to dance with you otherwise, I’m not crazy as to go anywhere outside with someone as stupid as you.”

    “Why don’t you tone down the comments a bit, buddy?” The brunette said, finally having enough of his snarky attitude. Whilst dancing, she continued, her voice a little quiet so that no one overhears their conversation but stern as well, “Ever since I came here, you’ve been nothing but mean to me. I haven’t even done anything to deserve your horrible attitude okay. You should be happy that someone is at least escorting you but if I had known that you were such a douchebag then even I would’ve refused to ever come with you. You’re not the best, ya hear me. So stop acting all high and mighty like you don’t give a damn.”

    Just as she finished her sentence, Kyoya anything but dragged her out of the ballroom towards the balcony, his grip tight on her wrist. “Hey! Let go!” Reaching there, he let go of her hand and turned towards her, sadness and anger evident in his eyes.

    “You want to know why I’m like this. It’s because my mother passed away and after that, you have no idea what all I had to go through so I don’t need your stupid comments okay. You don’t know anything! I couldn’t give a damn about anyone else!” As he kept on speaking, his voice became louder every second till he practically screamed the last sentence. Zoe had to admit that this had somewhat shocked her as her eyes were wide for a few seconds before she closed them and breathed a sigh.

    Walking to the edge of the balcony, Zoe started speaking, “I’m sorry for your loss. Trust me when I say that I know how it feels. I lost both of my parents too about 4 years ago and losing your loved ones is not something that’s easy to cope up with.” Turning towards Kyoya who was staring at her with widened eyes, she continued in a stern voice, “However, this still doesn’t give you a reason to behave this way. If you keep holding on to the past, you’ll never move forward. Just because you lost someone close to you doesn’t justify your reason for being rude to others. Your attitude just makes them hate you and not want to be near you. To move on from the past, you’ll have to allow more people to enter your life and that’s not going to happen this way, now is it? You can’t keep crying like a baby, you know! Be a man and grow a pair and move on! I did it and so should you!”

    At the end of her little speech, Kyoya’s eyes were wider than before tinted with regret. Sighing, he rubbed the nape of his neck. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t think of it like that. I just at the moment, hated everyone because of what happened but what you said is right. I should try to move on just like how you did. Thanks, I needed that little scolding to bring me to my senses.” At the end of sentence, a genuine smile graced Kyoya’s features.

    Looking at that, a grin lit up on Zoe’s face as well. “Yay! Now we can actually have fun!” She looked at Kyoya and noticed him looking or rather examining her. “What?”

    “Well, now that I look at you, you’re actually not that bad. And you even said that I’m good looking.” A cocky smirk was placed on his face as he kept a hand on chin seemingly in thought but suggesting something to her. Shaking her head, Zoe grabbed his arm to drag him back to the ballroom whilst saying, “Yeah, not happening, buddy. All I care about right now is food because I’m starving.” Kyoya only laughed at that as he got dragged by her.

    After the ball got over, Zoe rubbed her stomach. “That was some good food!” Kyoya was walking with her accompanying her to the exit so that she can leave. “You were hogging the food.” He commented with a slight smile. “Shut up.” Zoe playfully punched his arm before turning around directly towards him as they reached the exit.

    “Well, it was nice meeting you. I hope the next time we meet, you’ll be like this all smiling and not grumpy, mmkay?” Kyoya nodded at her and waved goodbye to the girl that thought him how to smile again as she walked away from him.

    “Until next time!”

    Words: 1670

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 2:06 pm